ISRAELGATE - Muh Russia was really the jews all along

How exactly does making jerusalem the seat of diplomacy in israel help jews in any conceivable way?

Kill yourself.

That was a bone to the evangelicucks. Some Israelis were honored by the move, but Likud (the ruling ultra-Zionist party) politicians like Netanyahu voiced concerns that it exacerbated tensions with the Palestinians and surrounding Arab countries + Iran.

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He did it because Adelson told him to.

It is always the jews.

This, and they are also kvetching because they are about to get a taste of their own cultural enrichment medicine. Prime minister named mohammad in 20 years.

fixed that for you

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OP is a faggot and didn't mention that the source of this article is actually tabletmag. Which makes this all the more interesting, imo. What exactly are these jews driving at? Do they actually think it's wise, with goyim knowledge today hitting unprecedented levels, to be shining light on jewish interference in U.S. politics? Are they so myopically focused on deposing Trump that they think it would be worth mainstreaming a scandal that mainstream media has forcibly memory-holed for decades? Holy shit. Bring it on, you idiot kikes.

The answer is jews jewing jews who are jewing yet more jews. One of the single greatest facades kikes have ever performed is creating the illusion that they are a homogenized people with shared goals and interests, when in reality they're short term opportunists who use nepotism when it suits them and will fuck each other over when it's more profitable.

Keep your eyes open and your guard up regardless, don't give them an edge.

Evangelicucks are proven NPCs and have never needed a "bone". If they had a memory they wouldn't Evangelicucks. Get your definitions right.

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Why does everyone care about their option so much? Why doesn't anybody care about the southern baptist ' s opinion or who ever?

It doesn't. Shills here still deny that based aryan Trump has set them up for future destruction.

What would Zig Forums prefer:
Big scandal that implicates Israel as meddling in US politics (causing Americans to dislike Israel) in underhanded ways but which hurts Trump too
Russiagate collapsing as it becomes clear to investigators that Israel is behind it, and it gets brushed under the rug and memory holed to Trump's advantage?

Personally, I don't think the former is possible. Israel could literally kill thousands of Americans in terrorist attacks, boast about it, and Americans would convince themselves it was someone else.


If you're really not smart enough to understand this you should probably kill yourself.


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Kek, rage more yid.


do the cucks have any other choice besides a republican?

Where are you getting your news?

This whole sordid affair is ridiculous. They might as well prosecute clinton, bush, obama, reagan for israeli "collusion", not to mention 80% of all congressmen in the last 40 years.

Since when is it in the US national interest to pander to the palestinians? As far as I'm concerned that's some communistic bullshit pushed by socialists in university and media. Should someone investigate mueller for ties to china and iran? Why was he delivering pallets of cash to our sworn enemies?

If there is a deeper game afoot involving the israelis the best I can come up with is that they may want to have an influx of millions of new jews to help push towards greater israel. World war three would be required for this.



What the fuck took you idiots so fucking long to wake up to that fucking bullshit?

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the world war three thing, though conceivable doesn't seem plausible to me. If there is a deep israeli objective (and why wouldn't there be?) it's probably more along the lines of maximal incremental land acquisition. They're already guaranteed to increase their land through settlements, but with some syrian conflicts, and a rollback the dumb-fuck palestianian cause, they can get significantly more.

I unironically favor the israeli side vs palestinians and whoever else is their neighbor. Fucking theocratic rag heads vs enlightened republic? not even close.

The endless loop has begun.

What I see here is panic, tbh. I agree with you that jews are optimised for short term gain, and generally work as independent actors each jewing within their own sphere. But as a group, they are remarkably good at two things: firstly, pulling together when necessary in the event of an attack, perceived or otherwise; and secondly, running effective cover for jews whenever it would result in bad publicity for jews. One of the primary functions of the jewish media is exactly that: to cover for and bury any action of a jew that that would reflect poorly on jews generally.
And we begin to see the facade of unity slipping, now, because jews clearly don't have a unified strategy for combating the nationalist/populist surge in the West. So we have here an example of jews that think they need to oust Trump at any cost, given that he is a figurehead, and going so far as to suggest that they ought to try and take him down by tying his Presidency to israeli interference, despite the fact that such a move would be disastrous for jews if it were to become common knowledge. Outside of political circles, that is. Within Washington itself it is common knowledge to even the lowest of the low, bottom-feeding political crawler, because every single one of them knows on which side his bread is buttered; but the broader normalfag public is completely ignorant of jewish influence. And if that particular cat were to get out of the bag on a national scale, i.e. via a push for impeachment over jewish meddling, there would be no putting it back in.
Given that's the case, I think it's unlikely such a thing would ever get off the ground because the media would be unwilling to give it any traction. But it's still nice to see our enemies panic, nonetheless.

much of the right wing in israel is obsessed with prophesy. they study this shit constantly. Jerusalem being recognized as the capital is srs business…

It's actually a good way to approach the "peace process" evne though no one uses that term any more. Why belabor these dumb-fuck points? Just declare what the result is going to be. Take away palestinian money. They're just political hookers anyway, they'll need to come bargain for it.

Please stop posting.

hi Zig Forums

You need to go back.

so you got triggered. get over it nigger


No one is buying the shitskin boogeyman gimmick you two have decided to go with. Keep shadow-boxing.

They're not boogeymen… they're retards and stooges

I don't buy the Russian collusion. You know what I don't do, make about Ukrainian.


only the TDS victims and the NPCs beleived the russia collusion. Europe and obama decided to lose crimea, not trump.

More shadow-boxing, noticed.

why did you mention ukraine?

People can read the thread. Your stink bombs don't work.

yours was the first mention of ukraine…

You are now filtered.

the Israeli government has claimed from the beginning that Jewrusalem is their capital. whether it benefits them objectively or not is irrelevant, kike


If you're really not smart enough to understand this you should probably kill yourself.

most christcucks just think this means baptized

Queue didn't predict this

It all goes back to Rome and the destruction of the temple. That's what freemasonry is based on, in essence. That's why christianity came about. What happened when rome became christian? Moving the embassy back is all related to that shit… People have been working towards this goal for literally millenia.

Rome never became Christian. It split, and ceased to be Rome.

Much sourcing
So Machiavellian
Bruddy gud shilling
Would D&C again

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any reports on the ss liberty?

Attached: Donald Trump's Holohoax Remembrance Proclamation 2017.webm (640x360, 3.84M)


And yet the Jews got cucked on Syria, cucked on China, cucked on open borders, cucked on the culture wars, cucked all over.

They already had Jerusalem, it was just more tokenism. So is this, from the guy who made no mention of Jews on international holocaust day last year.

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Fuck the hell off.

I don't think Trump has as much do with all of those things as you think apart from being a failure in convincing the American public that the US has any interests in Syria at all and failing to convince Russia that he is doing anything other than playing good cop. What you are seeing play out is the US being exposed by peer and near-pear powers and the extinguishing of its diplomatic clout in the Middle East.

I don't know their plans but of course I'd like to imagine that
How exactly? No hyperbole.

Do you really think that wasn't in the set agenda of the day?

This poster is a kike pretending to be a muslim.

No shit you cunt.

Careful anons, pissrael is running the show and will ban you for wrongthink and calling the kike fucking cunts out.


Where's that jew cunt kikefy5? C'mon and ban anons for telling the truth you sad fucking battered asshole.

Holy fuck, get a load of this samefagging kike shill.

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You're 100% right about jews using msm to cover for one another, and that reliance on legacy media is what will ruin. In their eternal greed, kikes took too long to realize that funding social media for clickbait ad revenue and selling pocket computers as luxury items everyone must own has granted every idiot on the planet instant access to the largest library in earth's history and, arguably more importantly, the fact that the librarians are the greatest shitposters of all time.

To illustrate this point, one only has to look at 2016. Regardless of anyone's views on Trump, the sheer volume of infographs, factoids, quotes, and openly questioning msm created a figurative right-hook that knocked the establishment on it's ass so hard the kikes are still picking their teeth up. Two years later, and reruns of ancient aliens is getting higher ratings than cnn, gossip tabloids are selling more copies than the new york times, and even the laziest boomer is doubting what the increasingly nervous talking heads are screaming at him.

None of what I said is to imply we should slacken our guard, our efforts to redpill friends and family, nor our self-improvement at all, but I do want Zig Forumsacks to realize our enemies are not omnipotent, omniscient sorcerers who've had every conceivable outcome planned for since the french revolution.

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Kikefy5 is still banning anons for calling out his kikery

Multiple times when FSA and ISIS were in a bad spot, gas attacks were launched to coax a devastating offensive from the US army that would have led to the immediate capture and execution of Assad. On one particular occasion, they were expecting the next gas attack to lead to the ultimate destruction of Syria and Assad's death. What they got was an evacuated Russian airfield getting bombed.
FSA also has supply lines that they get US military grade weaponry and food from. You remember those Russian videos of looking through the spoils of heists on 'rebels' and they show they had weapons they couldn't have gotten without help from the US military in some capacity playing a role? The channels they got those through shrank down significantly. Most of those mysteriously stopped not long after Trump took office. My guess is under Hillary, they would have continued at best, and been doubled at worst. You want to know why Assad is mysteriously winning so much in the SCW lately? This is probably one of the reasons why. The rebels are simply running short on supplies because one of the sources thereof has stopped sending them any.
I'd say that refers to all the tariff shit and businesses contemplating moving from China to burgerland to avoid tariffs.
You know where the number comes from that dems alway tout to argue Obama deported more than Trump, even though ICE didn't launch a single real physical deportation in his tenure? Because they were at the border, turning away Mexicans at the border and recording that as 'deportations'. Hillary advertised and demanded an increased emphasis on bringing in, in her own words, 'low-information voters' to secure a better democratic voterbase. Call it conjecture, but I think she would have removed what little border control Obama had in place to pursue exactly what she said/wrote she wanted to pursue.
Not so much, Trump has done little to nothing there. Lots of cage-rattling, nothing behind it. Occasionally he tweets something to implicitly threaten (((arts faculties))) with cuts, but he never fucking follows up. They keep expelling and punishing any conservative or right wing politics in universities and getting away with it no problem, when Trump could easily set in motion massive cucks that would see about half of those marxist professors out of a job within a year. If I was one of those neocucks shitting up the board to discourage rep voters, I'd be talking about this non-stop.

God damn it I have been pulling my fucking hair out for months over the fact that these faggots in the media keep kvetching about Russia Russia Russia, muh collusion, muh interference, muh fuckin' Russia! and not saying a god damned word about the OVERT Israeli influence on US politics today.
Its a fucking travesty.
Every single US politician trying for President goes to the AIPAC conference to shill for Israel, meanwhile, the Democrats scream to their base about how Israel is totally a nasty white colonial power and the Republicans shill to minorities while ignoring their 80%+ White base entirely.

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You realize that a huge percentage of "ecelebs" on jewtube are kike controlled, right? Including the likes of Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan etc.

They realize that no one trusts the MSM are have been adapting. They control large portions of the "alternative media" now. Don't underestimate this.

Seriously nigger5, you have absolutely zero fucking control. kek

Attached: Watch Donald Trump speak at AIPAC 2016.mp4 (640x360 7.35 MB, 5.59M)

Peterson only appealed to incels, and rogan has been the poorman's jonestein for years. That being said you are right about every big name e-celeb being a puppet–the difference is that for every namefag out there who refuses the name the jew, there are a dozen smaller channels that do. Even if those channels are nuked, the videos are archived, spread across social media, and propagate just as With Open Gates did in 2015. Even without videos, there are bad goy facebook accounts that exist to spread information for capping before being banned, and the same goes with twitter. Once something gains traction on the web it's incredibly difficult to stop, hence why they're pouring hundreds of millions into various think tanks to try and understand the "science of memes".

Tay was programmed to be the most normal of normalfags possible, and she became a full blown national socialist in under 24 hours. This is what keeps the kike awake at night.

Just like how they have 100% perfect context for every one of Trump's words, right?

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The actual Democratic party doesn't say shit about israel. It is a significant portion of their base that always brings it up and the actual party does its level fucking best to pretend they didn't hear it or that the issue is too complicated or hot button and they need some indeterminate timeline or road map to work through it and never follow through.

Right there with you brother, they're in a much more fragile position than a lot of people seem to think. It seems like a much more difficult battle because we're in the middle.

Hell, it only took 4-5 years to completely derail decades of constant brainwashing. They are opportunists, not planners, putting them in no-win situations has been our best strategy.

You should fuck back off to leddit.

Depends user.
There are certainly members of the DNC which speak out about Israel to their base, then take Israeli money on the sly.
Funnily enough, from what I've seen, its usually minorities, especially niggers - they want to be able to slip and slide with the Farrakahn (sp?) crowd but they also want those sweet good goy shekels.

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Please explain how christianity is based on freemasonry. No seriously, do, that sounds super interesting

I forgot that the image doesn't actually contain the point, which is that niggers like Maxine Watters are prone to accepting kike money and shilling against israel to niggers and muds.

It's not. At all. Masonry only requires you believe in A supreme being they don't care which.

Keyword: Supreme.

Keyword: uh yeah YOUR god.
Odin, Kali, whatthefuckever.

Jehovah is not an exception here. If you look at the demographics within freemasonry, quite the opposite is the case. You can never expect devout Christians to not stab you in the back. Do not trust someone who puts kike worship over his own race.

I mean there has to be SOME connections, right? You can't look at the fucking wizard robes in the vatican and tell me there's not some of that sacred geometry up in there.

That's why Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt campaigns are extremely used by shill groups. They need to maintain the fake image that jews rely on that makes them appear untouchable and their institutions impervious. In reality, because jews are so few and traitors that serve them must be bought and compensated, the foundation of jewish control is weak.

The source of their strength is derived from being unchallenged and not being called out. Jews have operated in obscurity for almost two thousand years. This is actually the first time they've ever been openly challenged. They haven't assumed full control because full control is impossible. That doesn't mean they won't try to get control as close to complete full control, but again, if they're not challenged they will gain more power. They defeat is inevitable so long as they're challenged and thwarted and eventually eradicated. The death of every jew is essential to the survival of whites and thus all that is good in this world.

Careful Kikefy5 is banning wrongthink. Call out the jew and thats a bannin!

Are you dumb? They haven't worked in the shadows for 2,000 years. Read what I was responding to and the post you were replying to. You made a case and completely negated it in the second paragraph.

Amazing, you get a legitimate response from someone with some idea of what masonry is and there's a purge.

It's likely kikefy5 has an agenda.

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lolololol No wonder they were so mad about it.

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Newsflash, a freemason OWNS the board.

That newfag probably won't even consider your comment a serious answer.

Well, technically, more than just the board. He owns hatechan since HW sold out.

free masons are just washed up frankists/sabateans that needed a substitute for the synagogue

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Has jim ever said otherwise?

I guess the word, "almost," triggers you so much you have to ignore it.

No they were esoteric autists looking for the quantum without realizing what they were looking for. jews came after.

no wayyyy

wayyy dude

That doesn't address anything even close to what we were talking about. You're either a new type of bot or unintentionally shitposting.