This comes shortly after Jewish-Mexican Gina Bash, whose parents were holocaust survivors, was accused of using the white power OK sign on TV.
Coast guard removed for making white power OK hand sign on TV
Other urls found in this thread:
didn't this start as a Zig Forums meme? the ok sign isnt actually white power related
We should do this more.
Pretty top notch meme.
The middle finger is now a sign of racial differences. It is stronger and longer than all the other fingers.
Classic performance of white privilege and racism. No excuses.
(((they))) have to hammer down any nail that sticks up.
From a similar article in the Washington Post
Listen to Brevik's closing statement where he talks about the illegal injustices committed against national socialists. From beatings to killing them off in metal institutions. The right is not a side you want to show off publicly without backup…massive backup.
Jews are so fucking stupid.
If you need any more proof than this to know the (((alt right))) is controlled opposition at this point you are beyond saving. Here they admit to being bamboozled by hlsf Zig Forums, but then save face by claiming the gesture was adopted by the alt right anyways. That means they were correct all along and can fire innocent white men who were doing their job.
Damn. Nicely spotted.
The lugenpress started associating it with white-power when tranny southern and her lisping, flamboyant alt-cuck entourage started using it and people found hundreds of pictures of Zognald flashing it during speeches.
The Coast Guard is not military.
Navy Divers still use the O.K. sign
stop shitting up the board faggot
The left are a caricature of themselves. Reminds me of Marx's quote that history repeats itself, once as tragedy, second as farce.
This just in, all Buddhists are closet white supremacists.
Stay eternally butthurt TSRfag
Censored again. Great job, mods.
Did they just fire someone in the middle of a FUCKING HURRICANE because he made a hand gesture?
the absolute state
Communism in action.
The Coast Guard isn't even a branch of the military, it falls under DHS nowadays. Used to fall under DoT before then.
The OK sign actually would be a really covert way to communicate the fact that you're redpilled. You'll always have the ignorance defence you can rely on
Actually they are considered military.
Mfw cuckchan Zig Forums makes a shitty meme of deaf language alphabet as being actually neonazi signals and unexplainably corporate media and even gov starts cracking down on them as neonazi signs.
Imagine telling anyone in the 18th century what would be going down in 2018.
Quads don't lie
At least this way with even more media coverage eventually the average shitskin will chimp out every time anyone uses any innocent hand signal in public, especially on diverse university/college campuses. I've already seen it happen a few times where a negress got uppity over it.
He's not entirely wrong. It's just another in your face kike way to turn them being fooled into the dumb goyim being fooled.
Surely to God the man has the grounds to fight this bullshit in court, no one has ever associated the okay handsign with White supremacy until now. All this kvetching will accomplish is pissing off military members, friends & family of military, and the boomers who idolize the military.
There is no benefit to the kikes demonizing this man.
They be wanting to coming in the future and kick all these degenerates out.
Kek we started this shit to make the media look retarded. The fact they fell for the bait doesn't lead to me to wonder why Trump fooled them so many times. Fucking retards lmao
This actually is prove that corporate media and leftist NPCs are so dumb that anything that is remotely connected to Chan culture, and moreso to neorreactionary movements is bound to be universally prohibited no matter how stupid and irrational is such connection.
Saul Alinsky must be rolling on his grave at how stupid are current commie niggers.
to be fair they're starting to make us look closeted..
There is no such thing as alt right in political relevance.
I mean, alt-lite is very relevant, but is very much connected to the Republican, Zionist, and somewhat Military stablishments. There is a component of reject for multi-culturalism, but it is packaged alongside those stablishment interests.
The only ones that genuinely despise and abhor POTUS is the Democrat stablishment, which by now are in chaos, numbed, and losing. Except of course amongst their pets, the niggers and most minority groups.
Thanks user. I'm probably late to the party on this, but it gave me a hearty laugh.
Sums it up well, honestly.
they truly have no agency
but in reality it amounts to a naval garrison division.
It's 666 you fucking retards
what else can we make white power symbols? breathing. let's make breathing a white power symbol.
He was only gonna help drowning niggers anyway
Pardon my solipsism but is our existence an illusion and we are living in a comedy?
This would be the Kalergi plan coming full circle fam
Are you honestly surprised? Meme it and it shall come true. The next step will probably be thumbs-up/down unless that’s already happened.
Have you still got the hand sign pic from that thread?
When the population begins to become wise to what has been going on the kike always doubles, triples and quadruples down. This is how things have gone down hundreds of times throughout written history. But, this time is different. This time they were allowed to believe that they had secured victory for themselves. In full, predictable, hubris they emerged from the shadows to rub our faces in their victory. They had no idea, and are just now beginning to realize, just how badly they had fucked up. There will be no rathole for them to scurry to once the extent of their crimes becomes more widely known, and that cat is already out of the bag it just needs time to travel.
Don't want to DL OP's pic cause of filename format.
This. Buddhism was always an Aryan philosophy, probably more pure than Zoroastrianism.
I still say scratching behind your ear. Think of how absolutely unavoidably common that gesture is. I propose that scratching behind ones heres shall henceforth mean "I am aware of the jewish problem"
This. The whole article 13 reeks with desperation of trying to disarm us because the left can't meme.
I wonder what would happen if burger anons started mailing hatefacts to random yurocuck addresses
We could say getting /fit/ is white power.
Shall we Operation Penpal? Lets see what the digits say.
This just shows you how ZOGGED the government is.
You fell for it you dumb bitch. Of course they want you to embrace 666 as your symbol.
I can get behind that, even if the lowest tier media outlets report it it’ll trick niggers into making a big enough deal out of it to spread it into larger audiences.
It’s the same line of thought when they limit free speech, guns, even fucking weebshit parcheesi forums.
Didn't we meme milk and other random white things as "white power" trademarks? It's been a while since that thread.
To be fair lactose tolerance was always a sign of White supremacy.
Yes, PETA and a few other places had articles up but I never noticed it gain much traction. I may have just missed it though.
It's primed and ready
I have a feeling that lactose intolerance is a misnomer and that it is actually vitamin d intolerance. niggers bodies do not make it, only ours do. There have been many studies that skirt around the obvious conclusion which show that something like 90% of niggers have vitamin d levels that correlate only to vitamin d ingested with food and shows that they have zero capacity to manufacture it internally. Further, some of the studies that I read seem to indicate that they do not even metabolize vitamin d, meaning their bodies have no use for it. This was digging that I did a long time ago so I dont have citations handy but iirc the studies were all on national medical websites. If I feel like being fucked with it later I will look for them.
Yeah, that was during HWNDU 1.0.
The trolling involved with that was too obvious.
Then: "Milk and baneposting. Seems legit."
Now: "Milk and baneposting. Evil nahtzee."
God speed, faggot.
It started as an ironic shitpost.
How it's real we'll never know.
Kike schizophrenic paranoia can never be understood.
If you do anything jews don't like you will hear an "oy" sound out as if the blast of a thousand gongs struck and a "vey" with the whining of 6 million bees beating their wings.
Whitu power!
He's come back to us Zig Forums!
Doesn't matter if you're white or white. Shamone!
The niggers have used it along with other ASL in their gang signs as well. The left fucks everything up.
Wow 666 and the all seeing eye lel it's white power now right fellow magapedes. You're worthy of being called cattle.
So that's why the Dalai Lama said that Europe belongs to the Europeans
Try not to hurt yourself.
You have to go back, beaner.
What's that? You want me to post more?
I can't believe this meme fucking worked. Imagine the butthurt we could cause by reclaiming the hexagram from the kikesinb4 occultfag gets buttmad
Daily reminder that Michael was /ourguy/
He's a nigger.
Niggers call out jews all the time. Doesn't make them /ouranything/.
/ourfaggotry/ needs to stop
any nigger that calls out the kikes as much as he did gets a pass.
Kill yourself, you burn with them.
not all the time but it does happen. Enemy #1 is the kike. Remove them and all other problems will be easily remedied. I never said that makes them 'ournigger' but there is no reason to kill an animal that is helpful. Send em back to africa. Looking a gift nigger in the mouth like you try to argue for is tantamount to race treason when it gets in the way of getting rid of the kike.
not if I die on your edges first.
This was started by Alt Light jews. Straight up.
But it’s fun.
This is why it must be recorded and catalogued just to tell future generations that yes, this retarded shit did happen and it started out from being too nice.