Nogs pretend to be Uber car, rob approaching whites, guy asking for his license back gets shot
Broder, who managed Millie's a California Baja-style restaurant in Washington DC, was waiting outside Atlanta's Capital City Club with a group of friends after the wedding.
They were waiting for their Uber when two men pulled up in a white Dodge Charger.
Confusing the Charger for their ride, they approached the car, which is when one of the men got out from the passenger side, pulled out a handgun and ordered them to hand over their belongings, police say.
Broder and his friends gave up their cell phones, wallets and other valuables, and the suspect returned to his car, according to police.
That was when the 34-year-old father followed the suspect and tried to reason with him to give him his license.
Police say that was when the suspect opened fire, shooting Broder in the stomach.
The gunman then got into the car and fled the scene.
Broder was rushed to a Washington-area hospital and died almost two weeks later 'surrounded by loved ones.'
Suspected gunman Jayden Myrick, 18, alleged getaway driver Torrus Fleetwood, 19, and Montavious Lovejoy, 15, are being held over the death of Broder
He was chasing after them to beg them to fuck his wife, not give his wallet back. DC fucking sucks. The absolute scum of the earth live there and I'm not just talking about the (((government))), everyone. It's either niggers of a caliber not seen anywhere else or the single biggest population of self hating cuckolds on this side of the entirety of europe.
t. someone who has family there and left as soon as I was legally allowed to do so
Seriously fuck the DC Metro area. It's fucking somalia and a Louis CK Cuckypasta mixed together in a physical place.
Andrew Sanchez
another dead white man. another family of niggers made richer for it.
Nathaniel Peterson
Levi Bell
Gotta say arguing or even talking to niggers that have just robbed you at gunpoint is mega stupid.
I feel bad for the guy and his family but really you might just as well be quoting the ten commandments to a pit bull that's chewing on your leg.
Justin Murphy
That's a reportable offense? And I thought librats were snowflakes.
Thomas Jones
Your brain has rotted with all the cuck porn seek help.
Connor Sanders
no, faggot. dont bother making a thread if you cant get it right. National Socialism (the ideology that this board partakes in) is all about quality over quantity. lurk more faggot
Justin Perry
Says the dipshit that won't even capitalize or punctuate his drivel decently. Kill yourself, retard.
Jack Evans
How fucking cucked could you be to get robbed by some feral niggers and then want to "reason" with them? Cucks like this need to die so they stop embarrassing the white race, we want warriors who stand up to niggers not pussies who want to placate them
Ayden Ramirez
nice argument retard. i bet you unironically call yourself a Grammar (((Nazi)))
Ok, seriously. Anyone who decides to randomly get in a car with 2 niggers deserves to be shot. When you use Uber you know exactly what kind of car is coming and you get a pic of the driver.
Andrew Wright
I'm actually surprised whites still use these services.
I went to NYC a year ago and all my Uber and Lyft drivers were either creepy poo in the loo Indians or shifty muslims presumably trash talking me in arab to their buddies.
Kevin Garcia
Anyway, 3 of these worthless hoodrat niggers isn't worth half of 1 white guy. What a shame.
Kayden Gonzalez
It's the same with city cabs. Around here every fucking cabbie is either a rasta-haitian nigger or a pakistani muzzie. I said "fuck it" last year and just bought myself a car. I have to pay $100 a month for parking, but at least I don't have to sit in some kebab muncher's car.
Christian Ramirez
Good. He probably voted for Hillary.
Ethan Lopez
Reasoning with nigger got him killed.
Easton Young
how much is soros paying you to subvert fullchan? honest question
Andrew Sullivan
Around blacks, never relax!
Bentley James
Former liberal here and that would be me when I had to move to more culturally enriched area for work only to come to understand that they are subhuman savages incapable of reason and anyone who defends them lives in a crazy white area that doesn't have to deal with them personally on a higher scale and daily basis. People should look up how racially segregated the so called "progressive" cities are then look at the number of nogs in the South. I was angry that I was lied to about nogs but I also came to understand why they were hated and the people that live around them hate them the most.
Benjamin Kelly
Niggers being niggers. Thanks leddit!
Xavier Hill
All douchebaggery is reportable fucktard. don't be a cunt. Either your OP has merit or it doesn't.
Trying to reason with niggers of all people, this is your brain on liberalism folks, this is the kind of people who believe the "we're all the same and human beings are good at heart". It was like that couple wo went on a world tour to prove that human beings were nice just to be knifed to death by a bunch of Tamerlane and Genghis Khan mudslime rapebabies in Tadjikistan or something.
Meh, its just another part'n'partial statistic that wont get accurately recorded.
Jeremiah Jenkins
What the fuck does this have to do with Uber? It doesn't sound like they impersonated an Uber, which you can't do, because you're notified where the car you're looking for is (plus they'd have no way of knowing these people were waiting for an Uber, let alone what car the driver has). It sounds more like these niggers were out to rob someone, wound up driving a similar car to an Uber, by chance, and were approached by easy prey. A big coincidence. Anyway, just another testament to the intellectual and behavioral inferiority of the monkey people.
Austin Fisher
Hey fagalagadingdongs, ETHNO-GLOBE when? ;) How long are all of you going to SIDE WITH CRIME, VIOLENCE AND MURDER of our people over justice and peace?
Jason Taylor
Don't be so narrow-minded, user. Oftentimes, it's better to negotiate with an armed robber, likely to be a decent person … nay …, an upstanding global citizen of high moral character, that just needs an opportunity to turn life around; e.g. Savage High-Impulse Quasi-Human:
Bumplocked for misleading, badly formatted post. 1. The niggers didn't pretend to be Uber drivers. The whites mistook their car for their Uber car, and the nogs for some reason (niggers being niggers) robbed them and shot the white guy. 2. Sources should be included in the post, not just randomly posted as a link. Report your own post and ask for the link to be included if you have forgotten, although you shouldn't forget.
Landon Davis
>gut shot by nigger to save his (((gov't issued))) ID Instead… >go wild maxing out all available (((credit))) lines >nigger gets more jail time, (((credit))) companies eat the loss, you get free stuff.
Henry Jackson
That would be a funny way to work the system. But you know you'd get caught. ;)
Ian Edwards
What if you just maxed out the credit lines donating goods and so forth to random people via internet orders?
Like a huge order of personal lube and dildos sent to some random male muslim?
Robert Sullivan
why everything ⚓ ,? NIGGERS
Noah Myers
Niggers and their fucking nigger names. Best nig-felon name I ever saw was I swear to god: Loquazio Shybooth.
Jayden Barnes
There is NO, I repeat NO excuse for these subhuman atrocities to live among us.