(((NYT))) mormon cunt calls for mass male castrations

Take a look at what this grotesque jewess looking mormon cunt posted on (((Twitter))). You think it's a fringe idea? Well, thousands of other femishits and cucks, including celebrities have liked and retweeted the message.

This is the kikes' next step. After empowering all of our Aryan princesses with garbage like suffrage, loose sex, no-fault divorce, and unlimited cock and niggers/muds, castration of all White males is what the jews will demand and enforce. They need to outlaw goyish sex and reclassify all of it as rape first though. And that's quickly happening as we speak. The kikes will pounce on this idea and rapidly encourage NPCs to believe that the solution to (((rape))) is Male castration. But not for Dashawn, Mehmed, Paco, or Schlomo, but for little Billy and Timmy for kissing a girl.

What are you doing to reverse and prevent this Whitey? Continue shitposting on a Mongolian basket weaving tablet? Worship muh god-emperor triggering dem libs? lol


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Other urls found in this thread:


kike-free first post

I'm sure if we all email and write letters of protest she will be fired.

I’m all for public castration for rapists and hangings.

This bitch is just unhappy cause no one has raped her and she is barren.

Looks like a jew.


Forced feminisation isn’t just a tranny meme, it’s an agenda

Mormon, you say? Find her ward and bishop and show this shit to him.

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Complain to the Mormons. They might excommunicate her. Not much, but it's a no-brainer.

Excommunication is unlikely since this doesn't really go against doctrine as far as I know. It would color her bishops opinion of here though, I'd imagine.

Do you really think anyone is going to take her seriously?


Is this a joke? How could anyone take this serious?

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She considers sex as her toy and anything bad that happens because of it is not her fault.

This is actually a pretty good argument for turning normalfags toward compulsory sterilization and eugenics of the defective. It could easily be corrupted into something jewy like this but I’m sure her kind would shut up since almost every one of these cunts have some hysterical mental diseases and would be subject to programs.

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This, what she is saying is 100% against Mormon theology. Mormons believe that women should crank out as many new Mormons as possible. She'll either be excommunicated or have to do a shitload of oenance.

It's married with 3 kids. Pic is the children and its cuck that married it. The cunt identifies as a religious conservative, which is why the (((NYT))) has it on its staff. Like McCain, it's useful to have a misandronist like her on its writing staff.

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Excommunicate her for teaching occult practice.

Pretty funny.

Fine let's give it a try by castrating all non-whites living in white countries

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Is this Glenn Beck's audience now?
He is a Never-Trumper, gay enabler and constantly says shit like , "My liberal friends."

Is it time to reinstate Missouri's Mormon Extermination Order #44?

That would be an interesting social experiment.

Too easy user

God thats hot

We could also completely stop rape of females by killing every female in existence. This kind of "logic" is always a double-edged sword. But one should not take women seriously.

Or we could stop the rape of women by redefining rape. Simple.

>not stopping it by removing rapists and their (((enablers))) from the gene pool

Getting warmer

Local Congregations:
Visitors are welcome to attend worship services and other events.

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Lafayette Ward - Overlook Bldg
Moraga Ward - Moraga Bldg
Oakland 1st Ward - Stake Center
Oakland 6th Ward - Spanish - Oakland Stake Center
Oakland 7th Ward - Chinese - Oakland Stake Center
Oakland 9th Ward - Oakland Stake Center
University Ward - Student Single - UC Berkeley Institute of Religion
Pleasant Hill 1st Ward - Boyd Bldg
Walnut Creek 1st Ward - Overlook Bldg -
Meeting House Facilities

Oakland Stake Center - 4780 Lincoln Ave, Oakland CA (Adjacent to Oakland Temple)
Walnut Bldg - 1501 Walnut St, Berkeley CA
Palisade Bldg - 940 Palisade Dr, Martinez CA
Overlook Bldg - 2369 Overlook Dr, Walnut Creek CA
Moraga Bldg - 3776 Via Granada, Moraga CA
Berkeley Institute - 2368 Le Conte Ave, Berkeley CA
Boyd Bldg - 555 Boyd Rd, Pleasant Hill CA

Oakland California Stake
4780 Lincoln Avenue
OAKLAND, California 94602-2535
United States
Sun 9:00 am Sacrament meets first
Bishop King
1 510-821-2042
Ward Office
1 510-531-3988

Probabaly the 1st ward. Oakland 9th ward seems like a nigger ward tbh

4780 Lincoln Avenue
OAKLAND, California 94602-2535
United States
Sun 10:20 am First meeting
Sun 12:10 pm Sacrament meeting
Bishop Call
1 510-206-7108

These feminist Mormon wannabe kikes need to be purged. I don't believe that Mormon mumbo jumbo anymore, but neither do these cunts. They remain Mormon in hopes to liberalize the doctrine and further transform white Mormon men into nigger loving cucks that go to fag parades to support their dyke daughters and tranny sons. I really hate these bitches. They stick around to cause controversy and get into news headlines when their local leaders call them out for being infiltrating fagtivists in sheeps clothing. Get her in trouble if you can, but it's what she wants for martyrdom. These harpies must be destroyed by more creative means. It's not my battle now, I don't care about Mormonism anymore. Best of luck to any Mormon anons though to purge your church of kikery.

Could this creature possibly look more jewish?

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Leftists are so retarded. What do they think the death penalty essentially is, anyways? It's permanently preventing the offending male from breeding. Prison sentences are preventing the offender from breeding until they get out. This is them proposing a solution to a problem they've made worse.

oh yes, and I forgot to add:

(((Oy vey, what a beautiful schnoze this mormon shiksa fellow hu'white has!)))


Is that even possible? I know that the Mormon Church remained based until fairly recently, but have they reached the level of cuckery that the (((catholic))) church is in?

The United States needs a few pogroms to cleanse itself of the jewish menace


No, but the oven anyone that thinks this should be burning in sure is.

color me not surprised.

She is clearly insane. Insane people should not reproduce. She and her offspring should be sterilized.

Mormons are being infiltrated by feminists like this whore for Jewry. Kikes indoctrinate former female members of churches then send them back in to agitate. They've completely kiked almost every sect with this method and have been working on Mormonism since at least the 70's. So I don't know if any sect can be salvaged at this point. It will first require removing the Jew from education, media, and the Jewdiciary. It's for Mormon anons to decide though. It's their church. If they can force a schism I'd go for that, but their best bet is to probably network in sleeper cells and see how high they can all get in the leadership first.

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Jews are literally caricatures of evil cartoon villains.

Just contact the stake building, ask for the stake president. He probably knows her and he can get in contact with her bishop. Reading the tweets gives me a very good impression she could be ex-communicated if she's pressed into spouting more kikery.

This is just a facebook mormon mom that lives in Oakland, Commiefornia. Only thing that fixes that is a Chinese nuke.

Mormons are still filled with people who hold to a traditional family value, grow up around white communities, and advocate against any degeneracy besides race mixing, but that fixes itself naturally (except in those rare cases). I've been thinking of making a bread about how to teach them about the JQ, since it's very simple. But I know it'll just get derailed by ex-mormons, "muh masons," and anything about Mitt Romney.

Not surprising, evil villains or myth and literature are literally all based off jewish characteristics.

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Former Mormon here
Their story is jews sailed to the americas in wooden casks and settled the land. It is Judaism lite including literal moloch worship (baptisms for the dead on the back of golden oxen and baptismal font)

A JQ redpill guide for Mormons is an excellent idea. Even raging ex-Mormon anons would appreciate it and might give them new ideas to reach their Mormon friends and family. I'm far past my angry ex Mormon stage. I just want whites everywhere to get J-woke and couldn't care less what belief system they hold as long as it's not mind controlled by Jewry. I don't find it that hard to get conservative Mormons to realize that Jews and Israel are not their friends. They already hate liberals, so when they find out Jews are behind the promotion of degeneracy it all clicks for them.

Fake and gay.

These bitches need to die.

>castration of all White males is what the jews will demand and enforce.
You are fucking retarded

Angry kikes couldn't get the first post.

She's not advocating castration for rape. She's advocating castration for getting a woman pregnant. She's psycho and she knows her ovaries are drying up and nobody wants to put a baby in her, so she's lashing out at others who have what she wants instead of the system that brainwashed her into knitting sweaters for her cats.

Why so many shitskin Mormons? The anti-degenerate culture is good, but the shitskin filth is a big turnoff.

Mormons are becoming as massive miscegenators as Seventh-day Adventists. Its despicable but follows from when you allow the Black Man to sit in the same Church as your daughter.

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i often wonder what event or trigger would have to take place for men to start just killing these fucks

Mormons are degenerates. There is only one ideology that does not promote miscegenation and degeneracy.

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Can we frame this as she is calling for the castration of niggers?

That would be fun.

There is no trigger when you have been bred from childhood to sit there, take it, keep quite and just die and go extinct.

Nigger, this will never come to pass. It's unconstitutional because of the 8th Amendment.

Obviously the lighter forms of male genital mutilation didn't go far enough in stopping beautiful white babies from being born, it's time for the kikes to escalate themselves into final expulsion from the universe by making it as obvious as possible in their muh IQ sublety.

Thousands of people already agree with this, kike. It starts somewhere.

She even brings up circumcision to defend her point.

Since when have kikes ever cared about the law? Besides, the real probably is that lots of people agree with her.

Indeed woman, I get my testicles hard and they give me pleasure. I surely like my testicles more than my glans.

Oh poor woman pain, still 1/10 the amount of pain men go through because they actually do stuff in the world. Childbirth isnt painful, there will always be ZERO ways to compare it to anything else, and its flesh stretching, its not bone against bone. Womens bodies don't get ripped apart, yeah they get worse lookin, but hey, thats your fault for having an accident child and pretending to be smart and wise and being a Parent-Therefore-Goldstar after.

Smart people deliberate major life decisions.

ding ding ding

I had a massive infection after my vasectomy, my sac was the size of a grapefruit, it was extremely painful. This cunt needs a violent death.

She wants sterilization for rapists? I don't necessarily disagree. Most are niggers.

What a dumb slit.

Statistically she would be calling for that above any other race, so it is completely logical to frame it that way and let her enjoy the fruits of her labor.

Kill yourself jew.

It's not going to be a law with popular support. Look, I'll level with you. Leftwingers (including Jews, most of which tend to usually lean leftwing) simply aren't as supportive of free speech rights and gun rights as rightwingers are. That much is true. The left has been trying to erode our 1st and 2nd Amendments for decades now. The 1st because they want to curtail our free speech in order to implement their European-style hate speech laws. The 2nd because they want to disarm law-abiding citizens. Particularly those who live in states that border Mexico, where armed cartel gangs shoot US civilians and won't care for any "gun control" laws we make.
The 8th Amendment however, is generally agreed upon by both the left and right as being good. There will never be popular support for abolishing the one amendment that prevents the government from doing cruel and punishments towards its citizens. Imagine if you broke a law and then the government could legally castrate or crucify you (or worse). We'd be as barbaric as Saudi Arabia, who still "crucifies" their criminals and puts the bodies on public display. Even as recently as August 2018.
All because their holy book tells them it's ok to crucify people.

There are some morally deficient people (like that The New York Times writer, and the few that agree with her) who wish that we could return to such barbaric punishments, sure. But the vast majority of Americans have evolved past that primitive mindset and generally agree that repealing the 8th would be bad news for everyone.

In short, it's an unconstitutional proposal that will never gain popular support.

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She looks like she's wearing a skin mask over he real face. The smile looks so weird.

you are the blackest retard gorilla nigger I have ever seen

We all know forced castration will never be used as punishment. At least, it will never be used in the close future, it certainly could in the far future. I could, however, see people voluntarily castrating themselves (or getting vasectomies) out of "solidarity". Hell, it becoming a law would probably be worse for the Jews because people would actually fight back against it. As we have seen, the best way to make people do something is to convince them to do it of their own volition. Sure, you could say that anyone who does deserves to be cut out of the gene pool and rightfully so, but it's a slippery slope. Normalization and acceptance of this kind of opinion is what is most damaging.

I'd take a nigger over a kike.

I dunno why i haven't thought of this before, it's an obvious next step.

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Blair Witch

Oh my god, this made my day. With the world falling into chaos around me because of talmudic jewish shit, this will help me get people to take the first redpill.

my stepmother is a kike 'mormon'

…yet it's
who are the threat to society with their (((hate speech)))?!

Well I didn't read it because it's kike bullshit to even suggest a thing such as this but thanks, I want to throw up now.

What is degenerate? It's lack of balance, but there are times extremes like we have now are ok and these are those times listed:

It's ok to drink, but not get good and drunk without good occasion to celebrate.

It's ok to have sex outside of marriage, when you're leaving to fend off the armies threatening the Reich and you are a man whose genes will help the White race into the future.

It's ok to do drugs, only when you lay dying in an army hospital and you need just enough morphine to survive the pain so that you may meet the Führer, Adolf Hitler, your hero, as he awards you the Iron Cross for valor, before you pass.

It is ok to deal with Jews. Do you want their stinking corpses LYING on the ground, or will you assign one of the (((chosen))) who wishes for a quicker death the honor of doing a German's bidding and putting them into the rocket aimed at the sun?

Shunning normal acts as a group that the Germans were ok with is a sign they're still cancer, especially when they have the girls turn out to be huge sluts anyway.

Dude, kikes and their talmud talk about this shit all the time. If this was about a nigger, who do you think would be the first to demand this bitch's head?

The answer is that the white man needs to stand proud and handsome with a killer smile so that (((they))) can't argue we're ugly hateful incels. Be likeable and we can say Heil Hitler with a smirk and women's hearts will melt and we'll be the "hot Nazis" that white women will crave again. We'll be too nice for the normie to hate us, and when we take back power, then we can go full 88

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>The answer is that the white man needs to stand proud and handsome with a killer smile so that (((they))) can't argue we're ugly hateful incels. Be likeable and we can say Heil Hitler with a smirk and women's hearts will melt
Call me a LARPer, but more than once I've done the Roman salute with a heil Hitler and gotten positive results. Sure the girls probably think I'm being ironic, but the point is that if you take care of yourself and have balls, your margins of acceptable social behavior increase by quite a bit.

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I already do this. Style is important. Even bluepilled normalfags love Hugo Boss.

it absolutely does go against mormon doctrine. male castration = no more mormon babies = less future mormons paying 10% of their income to the church

Another female incel…

Well, at least she isn't lecturing us on how to keep a stable, lasting relationship. -D

Apart from rape (not the feminist definition) no one is forcing women to get pregnant, and certainly it's a woman's choice these day to deliver the child in all cases.

But why am I being rational in response to her? That's insane. If a bitch ever says shit like this to you just be visibly repulsed and cut all ties.

Look how she's grabbing his limp arm, like she's leading him around.

Maybe the LDS have been infiltrated by…
LDS Mormon Young Women Medallion Pendant

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Who is the creepo with the Mr. Zip moustache? Kid Creole?

YIKES! Somebody open an oven!

Into the meme folder they go~

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Looks scandi

Did it ever occur to you that taking their symbols might be an effective way to sow confusion?

That's classic Christian face. Completely fake smile plastered on because they feel pressure to be constantly happy. You can't even have a rational conversation with these people most of the time, as rational conversation often leads to negative realisations. They're one step away from North Korean Kim Jong Il mourners in terms of putting on a fake persona (vid related).

Third picture is a prime example of the way indoctrinated people 'smile'. Wide eyed fake smile instead of a genuine smile with slightly narrowed eyes.

By third picture I meant

LDS uses jewish iconography from its start tbh and sees the jews as chosen.
"When the book proceeded out of the mouth of the Jew, the things were plain and pure," 1 Nephi. 14:23.

Funny enough the Mormons also have a book called, "Doctrine and Covenants" which they cite as "D&C" kek