Merkel: Germany desperately needs new Homes

How could this have happened Zig Forums? It's just like in Britain now but nobody knows why. Nope, nobody at all. Why is this happening and how can we stop it? How could we have let this happen and not know this was going to happen and the reasons for the happening?

They just got a lot of new germans. Progress is what it is called! Be happy, user! Or else the cops will bust down your door.

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This happened because a little group of a few evil men pull the strings of most politics in Europe. There was nothing to do, voting is useless, marching is useless, they always did what they wanted and they will always do. Dirty rotten bastards like Merkel and Macron are their lapdog, but if they were not they would have to be their puppets anyway.

No, Germany desperately needs the Germans to lead their country you filfy traitor !

I wouldn't be surprised if she were assassinated, yet the reality is most Germans actually find her favorable. Blows my fucking mind. This is why, when it comes to politics and social views, when a dumb-fuck Eurorat tries to lecture me about morals, and standards of living, and guns, and healthcare, and so on and so forth, I just immediately dismiss them as trash. Non-thinking, baseline functioning trash.

Low energy bread, with cuckchan typing style.
Get out of here.

This bubble is going to be huge and will provide the necessary revolutionary climate once it pops, it wont even last 15 years, typical cycle is 10-12 years.

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something smells fishy

To be fair, though, do keep in mind how thoroughly the brainwashing has been pushed in Germany for a few generations. It's not really anger I feel towards the average German, it's pity. They don't even really have a chance to break that conditioning (didn't mean to sound like Alex Jones there). Just think about how bad it is in countries like the US, Canada, Sweden, etc. and multiply it, and add in almost 75 years of Nazi guilt pushed on them from the entire world.

Whatcha sliding Shlomo?

No they don't like Merkel you Hitler dubs defiling fuktard Turk.

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every thread you don't like isn't a jewish conspiracy retard


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Make it so that the armlet slipped further to the wrist to keep the contrast from the beak. Some how I strangely like this pic.

I wasn't really talking about that, but more so how left-leaning Western Europe is in general. I mean, yeah, Germany is bad, but given my personal interactions with all non-English speaking Western Euros, their morals, standards, ideals etc. are so horribly fucked up. It's only slightly better for Brits, on the internet, because we all speak English, so they're exposed to outside perspectives and world views, while, for the most part, other Euros are in an echo chamber, in reality and online, due to language barriers. Speaking to them is almost like speaking to a nigger. They don't comprehend things the same way. Their world view is so different, and how they justify diversity and whatnot is just so absurd and irrational. I like to propagate the idea that we whites are intellectually superior, but given my interactions with French, Swedish, and German people online, I can't say they sounded much different from the hard-line, unthinking herd that is typical with a chink, or some other above average shit-skin. It's really hard to put into words how my interactions have been. I suppose the simplest way would be to say that if we both looked at the sky, we'd see different colors. If we touched a rose we'd feel different textures. By that I mean we'd see and feel the same thing, and where I'd understandably classify the sky as blue, and a rose as soft, they'd tell me the sky is red and a rose is rough. Their understanding of things is upside down. They literally see the world in a different way. It's fucking infuriating to have a conversation with them about politics or society. They also can't think outside of the box to make the simplest little leaps in logic to draw simple conclusions. They just circle around saying the same things, trying to make the same points, over, and over, and over. It's enough to make you fucking hate them. Every French person that I ever translated, or spoke to online, regarding politics or society, has been a piece of shit I wished were dead. Although as the years go on, it's hard to tell who's a shit-skin and who's the real deal.

Oh, I see what you mean now. Yeah, I can relate to this then especially since I'm from Canada where it's really bad for that.

That's how the Jewish usury lenders (mortgages) industry works. Didn't you know this? Jews can't create anything so they lend you money to "buy" a home and you pay them interest. Refugees = more homes = more interest payments to the Jews.

We had this problem since over a decade and we never had enough money to build more but somehow we had still enough room to fill in millions of subhumans and we're building many new ones right now (funny how they suddenly have the money and willpower when it comes to helping subhumans)

She has only ~25% of popular support you dumb nigger

It's not 1950 anymore grandpa… you're delusional and retarded

You do know that other countries speak other languages than english as native right? Most people don't know very good english beyond the simple shit that they have learned in school so it's way more possible that you will talk with students online and all students in the western world are leftie faggots and the average population will rather stay in native language areas so please think more before you speak retarded shit

tfw you fell for the college meme and can’t support your nation. Feels bad, mong.
