Proud city council socialist Kashama Sawant would reject a $2 billion dollar donation by Jeff Bezos to help the homeless people she supposedly cares about.
Why does tech-rich Seattle keep reelecting anti-capitalists like her? This once beautiful city is now covered in subhuman excrement, dirty syringes and filth but voters continue to support socialist policies and radical left politicians.
Any anons here from Seattle and remember what it was like 20 years ago? I left in the early-mid 00s and I don't remember it suffering all the crap it does today. Yeah, there were the occasional druggies and generic left-shit of the times, but it was nothing like now. How the hell did it change so fast?
Daniel Long
2 billion dollars? What would we need 1.5 billion dollars for? What are you trying to give us 1 billion dollars for - we're not sure what strings come attached so we're not going to accept it. You could offer us 750 million dollars but even then - what would we do with 500 million dollars? We'll accept 350 million dollars donated to our personal charities that will then donate 100 million dollars over 10 years to this noble humanitarian cause.
It was a completely different city just 10 years ago! It's unbelievable how fast it has been destroyed. It's the radical leftist policies that have encouraged and allowed an entitled, enabled subclass to grow to an uncontrollable size.>>12157013
John Edwards
Exactly. The welfare industrial complex has been skimming and lining their pockets for so long, the politicians can't remain in power if individuals circumvent the process
Nolan Flores
I am certainly not defending Bezos. He is a greedy, immoral, self-interested globalist. However, he made a smart power play here and forced the corrupt system to expose itself
Seattle, Portland, San Jose, Sacramento, Denver, and Austin have all undergone similar (((transformations))).
Owen Wood
She should go back to her designated shitting streets and build some loos.
Owen Adams
Awesome post faggit, take it back to leddit and get you some goldsteins.
William Taylor
Left a few years back but yeah it wasn't anywhere near as crazy until the last 15 or so. There has been a massive influx of califags into the area.
Caleb Ward
After Seattle elected the gay pedophile mayor in 2014 the place became a lost cause
Brandon Wright
Proud street shitter designates seattle a new delhi transplant that includes many new innovative forms of human waste.
Sebastian Jones
where's the lie though? if that cocksucker was so altrustic then he wouldn't have fought so hard to kill the tax on his degenerate kike company
Cameron Jackson
I wonder if they find the turd boiler in Renton offensive yet.
Nolan Lee
Damnit my sage fell off my plate.
Adam Scott
She might be a socialist, but she's right about this one. There's no such thing as a free lunch, especially when you're dealing with the richest man in the world. Bezos gives homeless people and low-income children "charity", he presents a favorable image to the easily-manipulated lower-class, they support Amazon and all its fuckery, and the "organizations and civic groups" who recieve the funds end up being outed ten years from now as nothing but a way to launder money.
I'm not a fan of the death grip socialists have on Seattle, or of the influence they are trying desperately to push eastward, into my home, but you're a damn fool if you trust Jeff motherfucking Bezos.
Christian James
I personally think Bezos is a merciless, greedy monopolist and his empire is a cancer on society. That being said, I'd rather his money be given directly to the civic groups to launder rather than to this socialist government who will use it to grow their dependent welfare class and harden their power over the city.
Robert Collins
It's not a lie. That's exactly what he's doing. He's also taking the power away from a radical socialist that would use it to pass wealth redistribution laws to stay in power until the entire city is consumed by her filthy, vagrant supporters.
Connor Gonzalez
A socialist is stupid? Wow, just shocking
David Brown
checked Like many itt I grew up in Seattle. I remember before (((Amazon))) became huge, every few months the port Authority would find a shipping container full of dead chinks and it would be all over Kiro/King(local affiliates). Not so much anymore.
Checking your stupidity. If you imagine you know anything about Bezos personally or how his company works, you've had way too much jew in your pointless life. Just an angry, POOR FAG.
Landon Flores
Why, indeed?
I will say, however, that Bezos is a greedy faggot who deserves to lose his entire net worth and life's savings, given out to all the people and companies he's ruined.
Nolan Foster
Seattleanon here. Been here since the mid-2000s. As mentioned, it's mostly Califags coming up the coast and fucking everything up as they are wont to do.
The only good things about living out here are the high-paying jobs in tech, fast internet, and getting regular opportunities to laugh at commie SJW cumstains.
The Seattle City Council are some of the most out of touch nutjobs in the pacific northwest and they have absolutely no idea how to handle all of the money they're getting from the expanded tech industry. They've wasted millions on bike paths while authorizing tons of new residential towers with no plans for expanded parking. Fucking idiots.
Wyatt King
those people consented to be ruined though
Adam Ortiz
ah, yes, waste valuable minutes of their lives with an (a) or (b) post. hmm. oh my. whichever one is better? sawant or bezos. better put on my beanie, this is gonna' be a long night of thinkin' ahead! oh boy!
Thomas Cooper
because theyre shaping you to use a bike, carpool, or public transit
Camden Harris
Roland Tembo?
Leo Perry
Except the city's full of fucking steep grades that ice over for a few months each year. And no, that's what the city council hopes you do, but it's mainly because rresidential property generates way more tax revenue than a fucking parking garage.
Xavier Wood
"Sanction of the Victim"
Parker Perez
Amazon is as large as it is because of a corrupt system.
Evan Harris
Aaron Richardson
No lol The homeless wouldnt vote for her if they had property and a job
Charles Brooks
I'm so fucking glad I left the area after I got out of the military. Lived in Kent for a while doing odd jobs before leaving the state entirely, and it was worth every penny. As soon as I saw that Seattle was going to effectively decriminalize drug use by offering places with clean needles paid for with city funds, I noped right the fuck on out of that shithole.
Cooper Williams
I want to Aurora Execution that bitch!
Andrew Wright
What if they know him personally? It might be possible some shitposters could be embedded in the circles of power.
Thomas Wilson
Carter Morris
Bezos is a social darwinist. Of the 2 billion dollars - ABSOLUTELY NONE OF IT is going to homeless single males. It is ALL going to YOUNG homeless families, children, and women. 2 billion dollars - and NOTHING to the group with the biggest need- homeless single men (65% minimum of the homeless population. Sawant is right on this one.
Cameron Lee
Let Seattle Fail
Robert Lewis
If you find blond people, kikes go crazy for diversity. Look at scandinavia, 1/4 brown in 30 years, and muslims get 3,8 babys on average, we get 1,4. So if you are blond, find blond woman and have babys. They hate blond people, so why don't we make billions of them?
Jose Barnes
Socialism/hyper-capitalism. The two sides of the shekel.
It's anarcho-tyranny at its finest. You can actually see the degradation happening week by week.
Cameron Martinez
Ayden Hill
Fuck I'm so stupid.
Evan Brown
Are you spreading (((capitalist))) bullshit? You really think a two billion dollar (your dollar sign is redundant) doesn't come with fucking strings attached? Do you really think, Mr. Red Pilled?
I was thinking about this last week; it's amazing how he's gone from being such a soft doofus nerd to being this steroid shaved head badass with a lat spread, like an IDF officer.
Colton Rodriguez
Why not take the money and scam him?
Carter Anderson
You can live with junkies; all they do is lie around sleeping
But crystal meth addicts?
Jackson Allen
testosterone therapy
Jace Lopez
He has shit. All the money is stolen. Even if Google and Facebook are complete trash and it's CEOs should be murdered in their sleep along with their staff.. Amazon created nothing. Sold books written by others first, then shitty Chinese slave products while using minimum wage American slaves to package and deliver.
Grayson Butler
Honestly no amount of money will fix the bum problem. We should try giving them less handouts and less concessions to their addictions and see if that motivates them to change their lives.
Juan Wilson
1 billion dollars for jews to do some studies over the next 10 years, 500 million for jews to open up some centers and the rest for the sjw goyim to shut the fuck up about it.