CIA meddling in iran

PersiFag here:

noticed a lot of social pushes and motivations, with huge social media support.
true, we've been wanting mullahs and their false religion gone for a long time, but everytime before a major set of protests starts this shit happens.

CIA niggers staging another series of nationwide protests to send a warning to mullahs [question mark] [question mark] [exclamation mark]

Attached: Iran-syria-678x381.jpg (678x381, 33.16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Kill yourself you lazy shitskin.

White people are dying out

Attached: iranandiwon.png (1498x1147, 1021.28K)

You are caught between two factions of the US intelligence community. The first one has the older presence there, and delivered palletfulls of cash in order to secure access to your children for satanic rituals and a black site where nukes could be developed for use by the CIA.

North Korea got the exact same deal.

I give the above a 50% chance of being true.

Not many Aryans left in Irania, less in India. At least the government there allows the statues of the old powers to exist.

Attached: Anahita Persian Goddess of Water Statue Fouman Gilan Iran.jpg (800x600, 251.9K)

i have green eyes a white skin and i am 94% arian the 6 percent is turkaman (Dezful city, the least raped city in the iranian history with the least amount of race mixing)
what do you have mutt?

Are there any in India?

Just admitted you’re a mutt from mutt town, so pretty ironic. And Iran has had CIA meddling with them for decades, that’s how they got their current government to begin with.

you can't be aryan because iranians stole the word from white aryan indians
that's why you're a mutt

Yes, still some even in China. Primarily all poor and destitute though, that's how they've been able to keep to their own.

Stop derailing the thread.

Cunt3 is dismissing reports against his slide now. Pottery.

Top candidate for repeopling Iran. Prepare for 20 children.

Kill yourself jew.

100% WHITE EUROPEAN, nigger.


Attached: Obama - The First Jewish President.jpg (434x600, 78.59K)

Is that Greek, Spanish, or Italian?

Ignore the shills persibro, not all of us are that disrespectful to non-Europeans. Tell us about what the average Iranian on the street thinks of Israel. Surely they're more informed than us in the west on things like the Oded Yinon plan.

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I love it how people have zero self awareness regarding Iran and what it made it be the way it is today.

Attached: MIDF Elite.png (858x1090, 1.22M)

They really weren't kidding when the kikes published ME shitskin IQ numbers. Good god.


Attached: BASED EU.png (618x462 38.34 KB, 60.71K)

Fuck off trumpcuck

Jews aren’t welcome here.

Not sure what OP is asking

Rather a trumpcuck than a EU backslide supporter and worshiping muslims tbh.

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I'm talking about the Israel thumpers.

This, I expect that Iranians are quite knowledgeable about Jewish tricks

OP isn't asking anything. He wants you to weep for Iran. Fuck Iran. I hope the people rise up and drag the ayatollahs from their beds and beat them to death with their shoes. Death to Iran.

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We keep telling you this but you refuse to listen. Same with the other stinkbeard shitskins.


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Godspeed Persiabro, ignore all the shills here talking shit about your people and country, I want to visit your country one day and wish the CIAniggers complete failure in their endeavour.

Iran is the only counter weight in the world to Isreal and they are the only ones not supporting the flooding of the west with shitskins. Quite the opposite actually. If it wasn’t for Iran Syria would be a Jihad Haven used by Isreal to flood us even more. They may suck but they’re the only ones willing to stand up against Isreal.

Are you trolling, a transnational capitalist, an idiot, a sociopath, or rather some deformed combination of these things?

You realize adding a clown makeup foundation doesn't make her white right?

Attached: The_Goddess_Anahita_(_)_LACMA_M.85.116[1].jpg (313x315 79.54 KB, 16.37K)

Everything about Iran that sucks is a direct consequence of retarded Anglo-American efforts

Indeed, it's the (((based stinkbeards))) keeping things in check and not the Russians sitting there.

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Alll these fucking kikes posting. You could clear them out for a day if you just banned them and banned the Seige thread but no….. mods need their terror and shills I guess.

If you guys just started your own myspace and shut down social media coming from the Jews you wouldn't have protestors. The mullahs are filthy Mudslime cult members and the Israelies are going to blow up the "dome of the rock" and blame it on you guys. Then WW3 will come to us all.

The best thing you could do is nuke Israel and blame it on ISIS which is Israel. But you have to nuke it into total dust.

SAVE THE WORLD IRAN… Because they plan to use Israel to rule the post-WW3 slave world from. It's not even just about Jews. Templar Freemasons are in on it too. So the the Vatican. So is the Communist parties of the West. So are Muslim Esoteric groups…

Attached: israel muslims solved.jpg (719x524, 128.44K)

OP, we just can't be certain who is jewing who

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That's because youre a newfag. We all know who what is going on

Iran is a better country than the US. Death to Americans

Been testing the waters for a coup the past 2 years now

Based John Kerry. Always knew that guy wanted to gas kikes. I bet he's SIEGEhead too.

Based arab.

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They would pretty much have to end their entire culture to end European influence in it.

Attached: End clean water appropriation.jpg (759x729, 232.82K)

Kill yourself kike6. Your games don't work.


You have to be a boomer

pretty easy choice
go with the people who arnt down with sacrificing your kids
fuck the cia

One is shit, the other is shit with corn in it.

Put us out of the world's misery.

Attached: 3364.jpg (600x659, 103.73K)

Persians hang pedofaggots by the dozen
Large well -educated population
LOVED the west & Wanted to be 1st world
US-UK Kikeistan MIC had no use for that

But one is far more likely to cut your kid's head off with a dull knife than the other.

I say hang anything that is degenerate
I don't want war with your people
The ( ( (problem) ) ) remains
For the record this is planet America and we merely tolerate other cultures existing and calling themselves countries
Having sex with horses or donkies is degenerate

- - -

you want war with Iran
you support Israel
Therefore - You are a Zionist
Iran (and the rest of the Arab World) is your only hope of not being over-run by Jews.
Arabs are the only ones who know how to instinctively contain the Jew due to the tribe mentality.

Since Iran has been the private oil reserve of israel for a few decades thanks to the CIA and Mossad, they are now experts on kikery

couldn't you have spoilered that?

Iranians are not arabs, and jews allied with arab muslims in multiple instances.
Read a history book once in a while.

Great question.
Wish I was sober enough to ask that as eloquently.
user is a stereotype of a cartoon of a caracature of The Ugly American.

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What happened to the White iranians? Their leaders are always shitskins.

Only if you read, "Culture of Critique," "The Israel Lobby," "Against Our Better Judgement," and, "The International Jew."

They were much whiter before kike religion.
More proof YT never learns anything from history.

Stop believing the vedic meme
It was Scythians, if scythians were white then yes there are white indias in punjab and harayana. Scythians were ching chongs after nomands kicked whites out of the caucuses and these whites became assyrians and alans.

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Yes that is a female.

You can't be honorary white until you get your genetic test. Lots of people LOOK European and are not.

not solved.

Or the more sane option: Onog gave them back their billions so the rest of the world would believe they could have funded their own nuke program and are the main sponsors of terror throughout the ME. All they have is manpower.

False dichotomy, jew. I want you all gone.

We have no other interests in the middle east other than the state of Israel.
I swear it
oil is an excuse to be there
terrorism is an excuse to be there
wmd is an excuse to be there

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You get the giftgas along with your semite cousins.

Why don't you fuck off to Limberg.

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They only admit fucking brown filth to Europe at this point.
BTW you all, these are not Europeans no matter how hard you try and tell yourselves they are…these are not our people.

Attached: iranian boys.jpg (1920x1080, 553.03K)

Of course they're not Europeans if they live outside of Europe. They aren't our people either - and they don't want to be. They like having their own nation, and as our blood brother Aryans, this is understandable.

There is only one Aryan people left in the world and they are European ONLY. If you think that they haven't rapemixed with the MILLIONS of niggers they imported as sex slaves during the Islamic Slave Trade they shouldn't be worried about genetic testing to determine their racial mixing with niggers. You need to develop some standards user. They are not our people. We are THOUSANDS of years different than them and we did not participate in the RAPEMIXING of the Islamic nigger slave trade. Figure it out user.

Attached: skin tone rape iq homocide map world.png (669x262 173.51 KB, 62.79K)

Given that they fuck goats and boys they assuredly fucked niggers but a huge mud slave trade were blonde blue eyed Whites from Europe.

I think what he's implying is that there are non-European nationalists out there.

while Zig Forums does support nationalism of any nation, it is mainly a WN/NatSoc board, so I agree with what you mean.

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They can be useful right where they are.
I didn't say topple their gummint so they can ship half their population over here.

You will never be white, shitskin.

Combination of sanctions to cause economic problems and then (((student protests))) as a reaction to sanction-originated economic problems are standard CIAnigger MO

When you orchestrate a coup the best way to do it is not to do it yourself. A color revolution is a coup that makes it look like it was mass revolution. The first modern example of a color revolution was in Iran in 1953 so they know all about it.

There's one exception. So-called "jewish nationalism" will never work.

The only way they could ship half their population into our nation's is if OUR GOVERNMENT allowed it. But in truth OUR GOVERNMENT is no longer in control in the slightest. They were left behind and corporations now control the One World Government of the Earth and do whatever they like with absolute impunity. If the 'governments' don't like it corporations will starve them and overthrow them.

500 quatloos on deformed combination

This tbh

That is really stupid, actually.

You sound like a fucking boomer with that shit.

Attached: qike shirt 2.png (833x757, 355.95K)

holy crap is that an actual Qlarp t-shirt? Really with the Rothschild star of Remphan on it?

Of course. Buy yours today, patriot.

There's also this one.

Attached: qike israel.png (1255x667, 412.79K)

So q user is a qike?

when you all say aryan wtf do you even mean, is there an aryan gene? lmao

My observation of 'q user' is total kike. I used to keep an eye on it to see what scams it was pulling on the European people but I just got too disgusted (both with the parasitic 'q' [really the 'jq'] and with Europeans desperation for leadership, since all our 'leaders' are foreigner ZOG bots genetic TRASH).

Nah. It was confirm yesterday that Michael Flynn is Q. Anybody can have prints of tshirts made.

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India is literally the only place in the entire world where the Aryan religions is still being followed. White people long ago destroyed that heritage, and cut their links with their aryan Ancestors. Even Iran has done so.

At this point WE WUZ ARIANZ is only a meme, and not a practical reality. Not to mention that White Europeans have no sense of bloodlines anymore, where as India still has the caste system where 90% + of marriages are within one's own caste.

LARPing faggots should bow before the last bastion of the Aryas.

CIA is trying to push a Pozzed revolution in Iran again? Iranian gov should pay attention to cultural-marxism activism in the west. Also, google, twitter and youtube can be used against Iran by the CIA.

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She even admits that she asked him to write it.

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