The latest assault on private arm ownership is here!
I1639 has been introduced by 10 wealthy shabbos goyim and will be present on Washington's October ballot.
Full bill is attached.
This progressive masterpiece will feature:
The latest assault on private arm ownership is here!
I1639 has been introduced by 10 wealthy shabbos goyim and will be present on Washington's October ballot.
Full bill is attached.
This progressive masterpiece will feature:
Other urls found in this thread:
So dox the 10 shabbos goyim and maybe they'll get wacked
Board of Directors:
Not surprisingly, they don't post their pictures.
The single largest cause of gun violence, and, indeed, all violence, is "diversity." That is to say, anything that reduces the percentage of White people in a community.
More blacks and browns = more violence, killings, and rapes. Some asians don't increase violence, admittedly. Some do, though.
How about we do something about that?
Of course, that would be the truth…..
This will pass.
This will end up @ SCOTUS.
This will win with a 6-3 vote.
This will be made into national law.
Trump will sign it into law while saying something pity about children and antisemitism.
you will hang
What are their names?
For what? For predicting a future in which Trump continues to be the best goy?
Cheryl Berenson is a Public Health Warrior
The public health and gun-violence prevention advocate laughs in the face of burnout.
Sandy Brown. Haven't found Meredith Goldstein yet because she's a nobody and there's a journalist with her name.
Should have started with that.
Fun Fact: Washington State's name was actually chosen to prevent it being confused with the capital. It was previously going to be called Columbia. Funny how things have turned out.
Meredith Goldstein Is Oblivious Of Current Laws - YouTube Kirkland, Washington
Holy shit the public school system is turning out a new retard caste who pretty much just exist to serve coffee and vote dildo.
Zach Silk, venture capitalist. One of the big fish in this group who isn't some faggy Methodist. Can't find a picture of this pinko but here's his twitter.
Ah, here we go. Picture of Zach Silk.
This does refer to Washington state, not DC you faggot
Don't needlessly obfuscate the context.
How the fuck is this even okay?
Jewish dialectic famously uses retronyms to obfuscate context.
Matt Bellew, former Microsoft employee and weird looking fucker.
Stop trying to comprehend how clinically insane minds work. Start killing them. You cannot win if you vote. You cannot win if you debate. You cannot win if you follow their fake laws.
How the FUCK would this do anything to prevent school shootings???
I agree with you but I wanna know what mental gymnastics they're using for that point in particular
Since most of the school shooters are actually kikes on psychotropics we should probably just ban kikes. Problem solved.
Hopefully I can convince my lefty parents to also vote no on this.
Adrian Diaz.
Really, the better question is why there aren't any counteroffensives. Is there no initiative to add constitutional carry to their constitution, or prohibit municipalities like Seattle from abridging RKBA?
We need to hammer home the fracture lines between (((urban))) areas and rural so that when voting results are in, people can see who and what is to blame for their trajectory, fueling support for the eventual DoTR. Or, conversely, if they win the initiative then they get more freedom and rights. Win/win.
So what? It's not like any of you have the balls to use the 2A as it was intended.
Linda Parrish…having trouble finding a photo
(((Press))) outlets at the national level refer to Washington D.C. as "Washington", and Washington as "Washington State".
It is not acceptable to write a headline as, "Texas State Faces Off Against Hurricane Faggot".
The proper name for the nation's capital is "Washington D.C.", "The District of Columbia", or "D.C."
Going back to the final line:
Which is implying the importance that "The United States" is a Union of independent states operating under a common set of rules, not a singular entity "Washington" controlling provinces.
Rory Graves.
Can't have more stories of young White boys shooting nigger home invaders getting out. All of Washington needs to be as progressive as Seattle and share with diversity.
MIC wants to ban guns for citizens so they can do whatever they want with our governments. What I said makes sense in the last 10-ish minutes.
this isn't, as you well know, a move to decrease gun violence. it is an attack on Whitey; a demoralization-effort, to give ultimate powers to a jew run united states, so that the us will go the way of every other western nation under the jew boot.
- you're right; we need only look to gun-free zone chicago, detroit, boston, compton, tulsa … and acid attacks/knife attacks, etc… in the uk
One of these decrepit mummies might be Debbie McDonald.
You needlessly added ambiguity. Reading the OP I presumed you were referring to Washington (the state) until I got to the end and then, based on your statement, it seemed like somehow this was supposed to refer to DC (even though that didn't make any sense). This seems to be an ironic outcome, given your implicit goal.
If you wanted to make a political point about nomenclature referring to Washington (state) you should have framed it differently.
Regardless, I prefer that both locations be qualified due to potential ambiguity, either stating DC or "state".
Grandmothers against gun violence website - can't pick McDonald out of this mess yet…there are fucking JEWS everywhere in this shit though.
For the rest of these scumbags, we'll need someone with a LinkedIn account to grab pictures I think. Can't find Linda Parrish, Raymond Miller, Ben Carr, or Stephanie Andersen.
Good job sucking kike dick for so long that you don't understand the importance of not referring to Washington D.C. as Washington.
sage for off topic
To be fair, you kikes had to die before you even opened your mouths.
Lmao fucking kikes.
Linda Parrish is particularly hard to find because as an attorney she probably has her picts scrubbed pretty regularly to prevent the people she fucked over from getting even with her. She is the President of the Alliance so it shouldn't be this hard to find her pict as well. Bellevue Washington is her home city.
*jewish looking fucker
Jeez what a bunch of frigging mongrels.
Already law, no preemption
Constitutional carry would never pass
Good job shitting up your own thread with poorly framed arguments. As I pointed out, it seemed obvious you were referring to the state until your ambiguous sentence at the end.
I did find this. I wonder if it's her.
Dubs of truth.
And why not? Insufficiently motivated rural population doesn't approve of the idea, or (presumably more likely) the (((urban))) population outvotes them.
Fighting a constantly defensive war is not a winning strategy, as we have seen on the federal level over the past 50-100 years. Advancing propositions to expand and secure RKBA should be on the agenda as opposed to simply trying to stop encroachment. Even if the propositions fail, at least the results will help reinforce who & what the enemy is.
"Democracy is death" is a hard sell in the US. Watching bitter election defeats is about the only way to break the conditioning. Or, like I said, maybe the measures pass. It's win/win.
That is what I thought; he is part of the Troll Model of kikes
I would guess that is her business office. I am betting her residence is in one of the neighboring communities. But that woman is paranoid about her personal info. I used to have linkedin but I haven't used it in a while.
yes it is and always has been
i thought you sovereign citizen retards always made sure the "u" in "united" wasn't capital? c'mon, you're slipping
Faggots in Seattle would vote against it
Most of the population is urban here
speak for yourself :)
Interesting to note that they gathered signatures in an illegal way, positing the measure as an increase to the grocery tax. Look it up, there was a court case around this recently.
I wonder if British Columbia would trade us their portion of the rockies and Columbia Plateau for the Seattle metro area.
Everyone should be armed at all times, for when the time comes.
How will the next generation attain glory and a prized woman in their community if they are not cannot attain justice through the right of a weapon?
Many have tried disarming the Germanic and all have failed miserably.
I only have a hatchet, but I also have autistic ferocity. Am I okay? Should I also get a trench knife or something?
How does this work exactly? Like they can't own guns? Or they will get in trouble if they use a gun to defend themselves? Or they will get in trouble if they do ANYTHING to defend themselves?
That's always the goal. No freedom.
While this law, and all laws that chip away at our 2nd Amendment rights are complete bullshit kike creations to make us easier to be (((culturally enriched))) by home invasions and rape, we need to be wary of OPs such as this.
Why? Because (((they))) misrepresent facts of the laws to make those against it sound like idiots that did not read the law, or make those that are against it sound as if they are making shit up.
The law specifically states that it DOES NOT apply to minors that use the weapon in an act of self defense.
The attached copy of the PDF warrants reading to get the true facts of this, but OP deliberately
'ed and inserted false information to cloud the facts.
the problem is Trump and his white house administration
none of this would be vague or in the relam of 4d chess if he would just stop being shit on this issue, which of course he won't do and of course you're probably jewish
Don’t shoot em guys. It will only make them stronger
Ask me how I know you're not from around here.
I love how nothing makes kikes more angry than a well armed white society. Just the simple act of owning a pistol strikes fear into these fuckers heart.
The only section you might be referencing is:
Tell me how an 18 year old would defend themselves from a pack of niggers or spics without being a criminal under this law.
Get fucked, kike.
Whats the difference?
That thing is not human
Lanklets, when will they learn.
Molon Labe, niggerfaggots.
Daily reminder that if you live in a kiked state, you can still buy blackpowder firearms online, and they'll ship it straight to your door, no ffl required. Nobody has an excuse to not be armed.
So they planned the white genicide all along so they can kill them when the white people are too few to fight back.
Pretty much this. They have been wanting to kill our children for so long. As someone pointed out in this podesta art piece that the white rabbits are little white girls. So it is basically an expression of ART that is portraying them beating little white girls who are tied up and blind folded to death with a batton.
If you're a member of the NRA, vote for Adam Kraut. He's a lawyer who works on 2nd amendment advocacy and wants to overturn the NFA
I guess they won't be able to fight back if they are tied up, blindfolded and under 21 though…
The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) president Abraham Foxman had a speech on August 25, 1998 in New York where he said:
“We control governments. We have created dissension among our enemies and made them kill each other. We have effectively silenced criticism of our affairs and we are the richest race of men on this earth…
I speak of the death of the White race.
The complete removal of all means of reproduction of the so-called Aryan race. Men, we now control the destiny of this race. It is now time to make sure the White race becomes extinct through miscegenation and having a virtually zero birth rate. We have all enjoyed the vision repeated all over this world every day of THE LAST WHITE CHILDREN playing with little dark children and knowing that they are being set-up for their eventual destruction. We can ruin the ancient pure blood of an Aryan child by convincing him or her of the altruism of begetting interracial children. We must expose the race mixing of the urban centers to the suburbs and rural areas of this country. More aggressive programs to integrate these areas are now underway through HUD. It is worth any price to annihilate the next generation of White children. We want every White father to feel the sting of having their children marry colored mates and produce biracial children.
We must use our power to discourage White men and women who still persist in getting together from producing more pure White children. They will be ostracized by not becoming part of the New Society of all races. This will dissuade most of them.
We will deal with the less cooperative goyim by murder and imprisonment.
Finally, we will see the end of this White race.
Impressionable White children will have their minds molded into the agents of their own destruction. Already, our efforts have succeeded in making the “men” of this race grovel at
our feet. Men, you and your ancestors have worked hard to make sure we would have the power to hold the destiny of this race in our hands. Now we have it.
Perish Aryan Goyim!”
Yea they are trying to wipe us out for eons. I hate to admit but I think this time they are actually succeeding so that means we need to fix the problem permanently. No more kindnesses for them ever.
Reminder that Americans will never rise against their kike masters. Secretely they wish to become like them.
You need professional help.
No more mercy.
So when this goes to the supreme court, and if they lose, does that mean everything enacted here will never be able to be enacted again in this country?
That's not how things work.
If it fails once, they can try again.
They aren’t going to stop until all of us are dead. It doesn’t matter what our ethnicity is eg. Slavic, Anglo, Dutch, Germans etc. It doesn’t matter how many they tried and failed until they discovered the flaws.
>(((Assault Weapon))) classification for .22 training rifles
What the fuck? I'm not a genius at guns, but aren't .22s typical home defense rifles?
These are the type of people who invented the phrase "fully semiautomatic assault weapon", user.
Well, as far as I can tell, if the supreme court makes the decision that something is unconstitutional, it can't be enacted on the state level, let alone the federal level, ever again. However I'm sure they can change wording to make it seem different enough to try to push it through, but I think it would receive the same outcome in the supreme court. Especially the age part. You can't word that differently. So if the supreme court were to say it's unconstitutional to deny a 21 year old person the ability to purchase and/or own a firearm, then that's basically off the table for good, and no lower court can do anything about it.
What does that even mean?
To be prepared for the last time to face the complete white genicide in the future where the white people are effectively minority.
Dub? No this can’t be right.
That is actually funny.
They are using the psychological tactic to make the white gun owners look crazy.
Decisions are case by case, as with all common law rulings.
In a common law society, there is no way to know innocence or guilt before a judicial ruling is made.
To break that concept down even further: All citizens are both innocent and guilty at all times, because the law is only defined once the judges or juries have determined guilt or innocence.
Look at the "muslim travel ban". On paper it's obviously legal for the president to ban anyone at anytime, but because this is a common law society, judges and juries are capable of filing a lawsuit, then choosing guilt or innocence.
Water is wet, but only on Tuesday after lunch, when bob has gas.
Sound familiar? It should, because common law is no different than talmudic law.
That’s seriously messed up.
It wasn’t about the gun. It’s about controlling the people otherwise the traitors will be hang for their actions.
It's not diversity, it's the niggers, spics and chugs. In ethnically homogeneous groups, they don't stop being violent, they're just restricted to inflicting the violence upon themselves.
Zig Forums mods are thin skinned nigger clean it up polvol and put in the work you fucking faggot
Zig Forums mods are thin skinned nigger clean it up polvol and put in the work you fucking
Zig Forums mods are thin skinned nigger clean it up polvol and put in the work you fucking
Zig Forums mods are thin skinned nigger clean it up polvol and put in the work you fucking
Zig Forums mods are thin skinned nigger clean it up polvol and put in the work you fucking
Zig Forums mods are thin skinned nigger clean it up polvol and put in the work you fucking
Zig Forums mods are thin skinned nigger clean it up polvol and put in the work you fucking
Zig Forums mods are thin skinned nigger clean it up polvol and put in the work you fucking
Zig Forums mods are thin skinned nigger clean it up polvol and put in the work you fucking
Zig Forums mods are thin skinned nigger clean it up polvol and put in the work you fucking faggot