Lefting shilling to stop calling people racist

This seems important.

Some white man comedian is trying to help the left pull itself out of the quagmire of failure it's created with virtue signalling and other SJW shit. His video is pretty bumbling and confused but his central point is key. Most leftoids will probably ignore this but it seems that it is resonating with many.


ironically this is published by the guardian, same cucks that published this:


so basically here's some bavarian white phenotype man telling a black woman to stop being violent. kek.

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Doesn't matter is the left or the right wins. Jews always get what they want

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Apparently global board is the new catchphrase of the jew.
Go ahead and ban me again faggotmodnigger.
Why do you want this to be a global board so bad?


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OP here. I haven't posted on 8/pol/ since the staff here forcibly took over the board. I see how things are now
can somebody direct me to the correct pol board?


video was bad and not worth watching
delet this

you do not understand what the video means

global board? Sure…a white nationalist board is a global board because what white nationalist need now is more globalism.

Well, why the fuck not user…reasoning with nigger animals has always worked thus far. I don't actually speak nigger so I have no idea how to actually communicate with them (even IF I WANTED TO which I don't) with anything other than grunts and ooooks. Any actual suggestion on how to speak nigger?

It's too late. They delved too deeply and too greedily. Those who advocate for easing up on the outrage will be seen as privileged white men who are uneasy about the implications of intersectional transdiversity.

Attached: retarded nigger faggot.JPG (708x435, 46.21K)

We're only voting now to heat up the pot and shift Overton window towards the acceptance of nationalism, democracy now, violence later. Sieg fucking heil.

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You don’t know what anyone is talking about.

Just get out, kike.

Reported for being too stupid to read the site rules.


Time to LARP as a nigger online and call many whites racist and sexist.

Lets recruit him

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You get cucked by not voting too, you dumb nigger. You get ZOG policies enacted on your dumb literal idiota ass for not voting. This meme is shit and needs to die. The only thing you would be accidentally right about is that the left/right dichotomy is retarded.

I will never cease to be amazed at how retarded you can be and use TOR. I guess the kikes over there need to make it harder to use or something.

Fug yeah, mane. DAS RITE!

None of this matters. Identity politics is unstoppable in a multi-ethnic society. They can try to appeal to "rational" white liberals all they want, but left-wing parties have to appeal to violent moronic subhumans who want gibs now, because they make up the most cohesive and rising demographic voter blocs. So they will continue to drive out white liberals and retain only the most cucked self-flagellating cultists, and the right will continue to grow everywhere they've been exposed to the joys of multiculturalism, which thanks to Obama's HUD, is basically everywhere. The clock is ticking (((ZOG))), and when the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.

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Fuck off pussy TORpedo glownigger, Zig Forums is doing better than ever shill

Who? Fuck your clickshekels.

Board log disagrees, moshe.

I didn't, haven't, nor will ever agree, to be Asiatic. I didn't, haven't, nor will ever agree, to be African. I don't agree, that those who do not pay, and pay directly, get to have any say, at all. Payment by proxy, by inflation, by central finance, by collusion, or by any other any, is degenerative. And I didn't, haven't, nor will ever, ever, agree, to regress.

These lying liars are upset that their pawns/golems/account-proxy-shills no longer serve their needs to mass-collude intelligently enough to permit the sort of large-scale hyper-fragile/long transaction loops, of which they profit moral, currency, and political usury/rates/shekels off of. The very reason why there is no longer enough slack in the system for these arch-kike-a-likes to extract their rates off of their theatre shells, is precisely because their isn't enough slack left in the system, period. A fact which their shell agents of all Asiatic/Jewry/Muslim/Chink/Designated flavors and African derivatives all –sense– acutely. And thus these two fools, like most 'high minded simulating' leftists today, deliberately insult and degrade their own peasants – claiming that they don't know what they do. When they absolutely do. There is an animal intelligence that all are born with: they can still sense, even if they never could think, or even if they've lost the power of thought. The Asiatics, high and low, and the Africains, have made too many of themselves, and placed themselves first, above the Caucus Men that make providence. In doing so, they all can sense what is coming.

Both of these spinsters are faggottrons, insult their pawns for not being pawns enough, in a 2-bit shill game as old as time – wholly deliberately ignorant that both they, and their pawns, are screaming for more gibs and extraction on both sides. That there is increasingly little left, ensures they will do exactly the same as they have been, but louder still, to no results still, and yet never build companies, services, and production still, and fall further still.

They, and their abominations, are not Mankind, and swear allegiance to everything and anything but Man with every breath, every visage, and every ad.

this vid is a great place to push the "White savior complex" meme

ps - someone post that daenrys targeryan meme with her lifted up by the muds. cant find it

Final solution or death. You choose.


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isn't it more like a non sequitur at this point?

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Jesus you faggots are really shitting this place up lately.
Fucking leftypol faggots larping as stormfags get the rope too dumbfuck.


This is badly done jesus fuck

tbh it really should have been an ebaumsworld jar that he was opening up. the fact that it wasnt only serves as a testament to our failure. at the beginning you could see they had milo and lauren southern as alt right figureheads, and in the modern day at that; maybe if they had those guys two years ago then it would at least be topical albeit still wrong [you could say that about this whole video actually. the whole thing is well over a year late], but are those people like richard spencer even active anymore? anyways, there's no reason why the left couldnt be convinced that ebaumsworld is the real super secret final boss of the internet that's just been hiding in the shadows this whole time.
also i dont know what non sequitur means. i googled it but i'm still not getting it

So pepe, pedobear, Highschool DxD dancing gif, swastika, (((misogynisitc))) video game sprite, tentacles and I cant make out the bottom left thing. Is that supposed to be a russian nuclear sub or something?

Please return to the 504um where you belong, TRSodomite fuck. >>>/trs/
Your "just vote your way out of white genocide, goy" meme is complete cancer and you deserve AIDs

ideally, we don't want people to stop calling people racist, it does wonders for us.
if you want to accelerate things, go out and LARP as a lefty and call normalfags racist nazis.

image of objective truth.

Then jews shouldn't have a problem with anybody.

what are you talking about m8
non sequitur is a break in the continuity of logic in a line of processing leading to an erroneous output

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also checked

I think its a big swinging dildo or something like that

Just trying to release pressure for the mid-term elections. Where was he when everyone disagreeing was a nazi?
There's a good chance he still want to do it.

except for you OP , its leftoids like you that will always listen to the jews

Also forgot to add that he showed the only tamest images that was already shown in MSM to some extent.
That said, it's 4cuck though.

Voting with bullets is the only REAL way to affect elections, “vote” until all the corrupt candidates are pushing up daisies

Time to false flag and call him a racist right winger.

The whole ebaumsworld being the actual ones perpetrating various online trolling events had been a running joke for years among /b/tards on 4chan.

They'll continue to call it "Democracy" even if we're at the point where the equivalent of the NKVD is disappearing entire families in the middle of the night and machine-gunning both their opposition and true believers into mass graves. They're mostly communists, but the smarter among them call it "Democratic Socialism" to evoke images of Denmark and Sweden (without shitskins), and because they know enough normalfags still react badly to the word "communism" that they have to be deceptive.

This isn't kikechan joan, we have truth and memes. We don't need to use kike tricks.

'4chan' is a normie buzzword now, they don't specify, its just 'Zig Forums'

leftists are so hip!

But they've successfully destroyed the west.

Get ahold of this shill. Do you really think a Zig Forumsack is retarded enough to fall for this bullshit?

You forgot to take into account the rebel factor. Kids today think our side is the underdog rebel faction. We are cool now… This will not bring good anons though.