, which proclaims to be a non-profit "archive of the internet" is also starting to erase history.
On the off-chance that someone here is still under the impression that nationalist content is safe on there, goyim please., which proclaims to be a non-profit "archive of the internet" is also starting to erase history.
On the off-chance that someone here is still under the impression that nationalist content is safe on there, goyim please.
Other urls found in this thread:
Some torrent clients enable non-centralized torrent site capability.
I've been an advocate for moving content to such a platform because i think it's retarded that we haven't done such a thing with how popular torrent sites that have rare content are constantly shut down.
I hate to defend, but it's possible that the account was deleted over copyright claims. Somebody else had a bunch of mainstream audiobooks up, and they killed the account over it.
Their getting more and more jumpy about those too.
Frankly, it's amazing the website can continue being to independent, it helps the library is chaotic as fuck, you can hide almost anything on their if you give it an odd file name.
YES ! P2P is the answer. Nothing, absolutely nothing can be done against it, if handled properly. Cheers user.
Remember to save redpills. Some user should scrape 8pol for links and mirror them so nothing slips between the cracks.
Lets go back to the good ol days of newsgroups. is kike cancer, and won't even crawl a site if the site requests noarchive.
I assume you mean that the list of available torrents and their relevant info is available P2P, instead of being hosted on a server?
If so, that would be great.
Care to provide some names?
Thanks in advance.
Also, just so you know they don't ever delete stuff from their archive. They will just not offer public access to it.
I don't know what you're on about, but we a bitchute for all types of content, and it needs to be searchable by retards like me.
See what mean.
Don't type "archive org porn" into Google image search. Friendly warning.
This right here. It's private, so no ADL pressure.
i Jewgled for what you said.
dammit, wish i hadn't dun that.
i went went from calm and upbeat to raging and kill-them-all in 0-to-60-nanoseconds.
what galls me the most about goddamn Jewgle–those treacherous kikes—Page, Brin and Schmidt–they think they are the kings who rule the world, untouchable, and all-knowing because they Trust The Data, they control the minds of men, they decide who will be deplatformed, erased from the corpus of human knowledge and cast into the Void, or who will be Promoted and given the opportunity to sell their soul for the money and the fame and the power.
these pedokike billionaire kings employ tens of thousands of the best-of-the-best egghead superbrains like their personal pets to waste their talents coading bullshit vaporware to spy on everybody and spam the world, the Jewgleplex funds hundreds of phony
kike foundations and charities and hands your private data over to the ADL and Mossad and Unit 8200 to persecute you for WrongThink and ThoughtCrime–after going to all of these extraordinary efforts to CONTROL you sheeple, somehow Jewgle cannot police itself and fucking notice that its own image search engine is probably the biggest, most comprehensive, most efficient CP storage in the history of the Internet.
yet if just one loli gets spammed onto Zig Forums, 9 Glownigger Agencies mobilize and prepare their SWAT to kick in Jim's door, 5 Rapefugee Soros "charities" tattle about it and amplify it to (((FAKE NEWS))) "surrogates" and the whole thing becomes a scandal twisted to justify
censoring Free Speech.
sometimes i fucking hate this world. i hate the shameless double standards, i hate the hypocrisy, i hate the ineffective duplicity of so-called Authorities, i hate the lies, and most of all i hate they (((they))) persecute and burn at the stake anyone who speaks up and calls out (((their))) bullshit.
the only effectively computable final solution to the Jewgle problem is to snatch Larry Page, Sergei Brin and Eric Schmidt off the street, shove them into a black van, take them out to a fucking corn field, and bash them with aluminum baseball bats until they are
its fucking cp
So that gets to stay?
On an unrelated note, some ISP’s have begun to include in their default block lists. Such filters can be opted out of but it is a strange (not really) thing to include.
So call the cops on them in Europe.
The rate of censorship/memory holing going on is really making a strong case for a private offline server, that is hidden from the public. Who has around 50k lying around?
good advice. so i just reported Jewgle to the FSB.
ideally, on Monday morning at 9am Spetsnaz commandoes will fucking rappel out of black helicopters and blow the doors open with C4 at one of Jewgle's offices in over 50 countries and tear gas all of the faggot soy chugging beany hat spinning Noogler pedos and zip tie the pedomgmt and kick the shit out of their hog tied immobilized asses before tossing them into tha chopper like a side of beef and whisking them away to Mother Russia to face prosecution for CP and for pizzagate.
at the very least, i hope FSB is creative enough to somehow turn Google's turning a blind eye towards its willful hosting of CP on a Googley scale into an Intl diplomatic incident that embarasses Jewgle and gives Jewgle a black eye, while boosting the brand of the Russian Federation and its ongoing propaganda war versus the Silicon Valligarchs and their CIA pay masters, and the AppaGoogeFaceSoftZon illegal monopolists and the FAKE NEWS and blood drinking ISIS-pledging Soros-Browder Neocon war mongers.
that is why I always told faggots posting links to that cancer to re-do it on, no way I'm clicking that shit
Russia isn't Europe
Not sure if you're a blackpill shill or just a fucking moron.
But I'll bite:
A server of the type we would need would not cost more than $5000 (and that is a fucking high estimate) and could be hosted on TOR and I2P to prevent normies, kikes and CIAniggers from fucking with it or physically locating it.
The server could host content directly, or could provide indexing and seeding for torrent based distribution over I2P. The I2P torrent system is integrated into I2P itself so there is no setup beyond installing I2P.
Just fucking calm down. Everything is fake. Everything is kike. Nothing has changed.
Red pills for everyone. One for you, one for you, and one for you!
They already have been.
Listen, the real problem is ease-of-use.
Like I have a small VPS instance and would gladly donate traffic to whatever good project, even if I don't even use it. What any user with the time on their hands should do is just make something good where contributing is easy. Then it's just a matter of telling people to use that.
Pic highly related.
There's a thread up right now for brainstorming this exact thing, mostly IPFS focused
It offers some good advantages over torrenting that they discuss in there
90% of those dark markets and others have been hacked at some point. You can't just throw up a server unless you harden it compromised (it is anyway, but still). You're going to need a oldhat netsec and a competent sysadmin to secure it or you're digging your own grave. Good luck, sincerely.
Why am I not surprised?
Why not just use ?
[implications intensifies]:
Only problem with this is that google will somehow defend this "accident" by claiming they can't control the Internet and the search history, just the algorithm finding it.
It's not even fun when you know who's behind all the shit, and you know what they will do to defend their shit when it gets blown right open.
Are they wayback archives of child porn websites or are they actually uploaded to I'm not going to check myself.
What these fine gentlemen said.
Many years ago there were. I'm sure there still are, but most are gone.
Great thread.
Some of you anons are doing God's work.
Most of the links appear to be dead, or they redirect to galleries of random photos, e.g. stock images, amazon product thumbnails etc. All the sites seem to rely on self-report for cp, but maybe govt watchdogs are involved in pulling them off as well. The rest that show up on google images are just run of the mill postpubescent porn
I was just about to say this. someone should create a bitchute-style archive solution
Anyone have archived videos of Zynkyoku Haku? Best one got shoahed.
Theoretically lets say a user is rich and wants to start a independent archive site but has no technical knowledge, how much would it cost to get it started and keeping it up?
They are already exempt from copyright claims, otherwise everything would be purged.
Yeah, I knew that site was crap when they deleted the Dr. Pierce archive.
thank you for warning
t. closet pedo
Porn has a pretty vague "prurient interest" def in some circles. My interpretation is very restrictive. Porn is depiction of sex, so unless 2 people are involves and one is putting a piece of themself into the other, I'm not considering it sex or porn. That includes masturbation and dildos.
I would either e-mail Patrick Little at [email protected], or call into Chris Cantwell's radio show, Radical Agenda (5-7 p.m. EST MWF), for details.
Both of them are /ourguys/ who have experience setting up and maintaining serverrs and websites. Years ago I downloaded a Ted Gunderson torrent, that had a notepad document in it with links to some archived information on his website about the Founders and whatnot, but between the time the torrent was uploaded and I got around to downloading it, the pages were removed from The Wayback Machine. The extended Conspiracy of Silence was also pulled. Keep in mind, this is credible information about top level jewish pedophilia, not Trumpnigger autism that can be brushed off as harassment.
Anons, look into decentralized networks that allow to store content like Zeronet, IPFS, Freenet.
topkek, what happened to Zig Forums?
It wouldn't cost much to get it up and to keep it secure. You just need to find a system admin that isn't pozzed and pay him well. There are several anons around here that would do it for free even. Don't call these e-celeb faggots for advice, they'll just attempt to co-opt whatever you do for their own fame.
My advice: ask on >>>Zig Forums
Learn 2 IPFS and Retroshare