Need some Vietnam redpills. Were the anti-Vietnam protests (((orchestrated)))? If so, wouldn't that cut into the (((war profits))) of producing expensive aircraft, new missile tech, etc? I have no doubt that the kikes were behind the civil rights movement, but were they behind the Vietnam protests too? If so, what would they have to gain?
Vietnam protests
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There was some documentary on Netflix about Nixon that was pretty red pilled.
Showed it from Nixon's perspective and made you realize Richard Nixon did nothing wrong and was actually a gud boy.
Nixon was elected on the promise of ending vietnam, i think it wa slyndon johnson who made a killing on selling helicopters or some shit
Correction. He was re-elected because of that. He was already the president when he did that.
President Lyndon Johnson's agenda was something called the "Great Society" program. Basically plans to end poverty and racial injustice via food stamps, Medicaid, gibs, etc. Trying to figure out who was jewing who.
The CIA and military created the entire 60s "counter culture" and the protest movement, yes.
Kill yourself faggot
I remember Dr. Pierce talking about some Abby (((Hoffman))) or something being a main instigator for some of the protests. I think there's abundant redpills in exposing how the 60's counterculture was kike led and manufactured
What was the Vietnam War in essence about? Am I right with some of these hunches
- Destabilization and weakening of USA: thousands of dead, poisoned, drug addicted and traumatized men and the effects on their families
- Drug smuggling and route control? Golden Triangle
- Weapons testing (Agent Orange etc.)
- Culture war
- Control of Vietnam by the zio empire
Fighting a colonial war for France then forgetting what you were even fighting about, and making up increasingly tall tales to sell it to the public.
Why not both?
SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) was basically a synagogue.
The Jew Mark Rudd, who was a leader among these shitdicks, even wrote an article entitled "Why Were There So Many Jews in SDS (or, the ordeal of civility)?"
Very revealing read. He remarks about his parents referring to "goyische kopfs" and his understanding of his place as a Jew, i.e. that he was not one of us, that he would walk amongst us as if he was but that he belonged to a "special" group that had to "fix" us gentiles and our societies, i.e. tikkun olam, which of course means destroying us and our societies.
Ted Gold was one of his (obviously Jewish) co-conspirators, and hilariously died in the Greenwich Village townhouse explosion, where the Weatherman blew themselves up with nail bombs they were constructing.
Bernadine Dohrn, another obnoxious kike who's married to Bill Ayers, was also an endlessly agitating and irritating presence during all this shit, like the "Days of Rage."
The "New School" of SDS was founded by the yids Saul Landau, Bob Scheer, and Carl Werthman.
An allied, organization, the "War Resisters League," included such annoying hymies as Sidney Aberman, Julius Eichel, Sidney Goldstein, Edward Gottlieb, Isidor Hoffman, Abe Kaufman, Frieda Lazarus, and Irma Zigas.
Jerry Rubin was another obnoxious anti-war kike who actually worked on a kibbutz in Israel.
All these faggots, naturally, teamed up with niggers like Stokely Carmichael and Bobby Seale when possible, and also included some shabbos goy idjits like Tom Hayden. To a T, they kept up the agitation after the war on "civil rights" for the treeswingers in our cities, who were increasingly out of control as the "Great Society" showed how worthless it is investing in those monsters. Same things with "women's rights," as the fair maidens of yesteryear increasingly became the coalburning, drug-addicted, bra-burning, abortion-having, miserable psychopath whores that we know so well today.
So much "healing the world" you did there, Jews. I wonder if those fucking assholes believe their own shit about tikkun olam, do they really thing they're doing a service to anybody, beyond just wrecking nations so that they can get away with all their swindling? I suspect they do, just because it's the asshole thing to do, to wreck a country and pat yourself on the back and sincerely believe you "helped" it. If there's a chance to be obnoxious, you can be sure a Jew will take it.
And of course all this came on the back of doing everything possible to start World War II. It's just that Vietnam was against Communism, so we can't impede the advance of that, goyim. They might've done the same shit over the Korean War but they hadn't prepped the zeitgeist enough after WWII. The 50's are only "white and clean" on the surface, behind the scenes all the "Authoritarian Personality" shit was taking over, Eisenhower the "conservative" was forcing little white girls to mix with niggers, etc.
By the way, guess who the leading voice in LBJ's administration was over ramping up the war? Walt Rostow, another fucking Jew. It never ends.
They demanded more noodles and dog meat.
The anti-Vietnam war movement before the hippies came along was gaining major ground then they put the most disgusting face on it they could possibly use to derail it with the filthy communist hippies. Look up the Laurel Canyon Conspiracy. All the major music artists from the 60s are tied to military intel.
great post, ty for this
Nixon spoke out against (((them))). I'm guessing that (((they))) set him up with Watergate since (((they))) already had killed JFK and his brother RFK for making moves against Israel, and offing Nixon might have finally woken up the normie public.
Good goy.
We have a thread for this.
that useless war should have been protested. lets recap:
vietnam like ww2 and the ongoing gulf wars are only a meatgrinder for the best of our genetic pool, where only jews benefit long-term, and anglo sellouts benefit short-term.
This. Recommendation: Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippy Dream by David McGowan
Pre-publication version on his website under "Features":
(While you're there, check out his 9/11 and Boston Marathon work)
Vietnam was not in Israel's interests. Result? Negative media coverage, protests.
Every war since Vietnam? Very much in Israel's interests.
Result? Positive media coverage, no protests.
LBJ's wife was a large stock holder in Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. Among who's production line included the UH-1H 'Huey' and AH-1 Cobra, among many other aircraft. The Vietnam War saw the largest production and adoption of military helicopters in history, even going so far as to equip the entire 7th Cavalry Regiment with Bell designed and produced helicopters to make the regiment 'air mobile'. In their defence, that air mobility was a good tactical and strategic choice, the Bell helicopters were strong, dependable designs and Huey based CASEVAC missions saved tens of thousands of lives. The average wait time from wounded in the field to army hospital was 30 minutes. So while yes there was war profiteering, it was not at the cost of combat effectiveness.
(((Herbert Marcuse))) was a German-American philosopher, sociologist, and political theorist, associated with the (((Frankfurt School of Critical Theory))). Marcuse was an adamant Marxist who worked at many US universities including Columbia University, then at Harvard University. Marcuse worked at Brandeis University from 1958 to 1965, then at the University of California San Diego.
It was at these universities that Marcuse spoke, taught and wrote essays, imploring the American youth to reject the conservative party line, rebel against the 'oppressor' from traditional Marxist dialectics and undermine the national war effort. He could, I have been told, be seen on university campuses organizing student protests and pushing for radical Marxist reinterpretation of society. In doing so he brainwashed a generation into hating their brothers who would face fire to protect against communist aggression in South East Asia, a very real threat as it was then understood within the Domino Theory political framework.
This user gets it. Dave McGowan dives deep into Vietnam. All the counter culture was made and established by the deep state. What used to be students and professor protestors was orchastrated into the hippie flower child counter culture that still prevails today.
Vietnam was still kind of success since Nixon played 4D chess and basically D&C China & the USSR over who to support.
The Vietnam war was pointless. We as ethno-nationalists don't support the invasion/destruction of peoples racial homelands. The last honorable war to ever be fought was WW2, and unfortunately the good guys lost.
And all of the new left ("Frankfurt school") stuff was astroturf from the CIA too.
Nixon was still a Jew-loving faggot who worked with Kissinger to sell America out to China and put the final nail in the coffin of bretton woods, which allowed the Jewish currency shenanigans and resulting economic destruction we have seen since. He was one of the best goyim
Nixon was no lover of jews, his deal of China was primarily to destabilize the Soviet, then he got (((watergate)))'d.
In fact, he should have been awarded as the one who ended the Cold War and getting US out of Vietnam.
Then why was his administration run by Jews?
Because he's just a goddamn president, he cannot clean house.
He even points this out to everyone.
But his admin did a lot of goods under his leadership.
i wacthed a documentary about Ralph Steadman recently and Terry Gilliam made a brief appearance where he mentioned that he didnt think the current generation was “greatful” for the (((effects))) of the counter-culture movement in the 60s. i was already pretty disgusted with the whole documentary so i turned it off at that point. so yeah, they think they accomplished something great. bunch of fucking idiots, which brings me to my question: does you or anyone else here have any redpills on hunter s. thompson? ive heard hes a mason which i wouldn’t doubt. hes always seemed very subversive to me
Kissinger was a fucking crackpot. he seriously thought niggers in africa would develop nuclear weapons with ballistic missile capabilities so that they could retaliate for slavery. that guy was a moron
The Vietnam War was basically something I think literally almost everyone hated. Even the (((MSM))) acknowledged the massive bloodshed it had caused. Hence why Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket became a thing.
Underrated post.
Kikessinger did not actually believe that shit, he was trying to create context, potentiallyto allow the JewSSR to discreetly establish nuclear bases in niggercontinent. Monkeys with nukes would be a perfect expansion of the Samson Option.
It basically boils down to:
>gooks are slaughtered like sheep, their genetic heritage is ruined by mutation-inducing weaponry, yet (((communism))) wins and is established on their land, proceed to mass purge domestic wrongthinker gooks
>rinse and repeat in Vietnam
i was reading books that he wrote before i even graduated high school. yes, he did believe “that shit”
(((Hoffman))) was basically the (((Milo)) of his time. He was there to subvert an actual movement and lead it into harmless self destructive paths. I mean for fuck sakes he used the exact phrase "A shande fur de goyim" in his Chicago 8 trial:
Also look at this flag of his Yippies, notice anything?
i think he might have been a front for another writer, just spitballing here, but his daily routine (see embed) was too fuckered to actually write.
Or he actually was at Bohemian grove….
Bullshit I support the annihilation of all shitskins as soon as the kikes are exterminated. All their land will be my clay.
People blame nixon for what Johnson and Kissenger did, nixon called out the kikes and weeks later was forced to resign.
To be perfectly honest, you had absolutely no business in Vietnam and should have focused on communists in your schools and unis and not some slant eyes that did nothing to you.
>(((Pro-Vietnam War))) thread
Story time
Fuck marxists.
One of the final redpills is that kikes don't even really care about money, it's a means to an end.
They were, by the (((usual suspects))). And just a mere 11 years after the last American troops pulled out of Vietnam, they underwent market reforms in 1986, and are now just yet another pseudo-communist capitalist country.
The whole Vietnam War was nothing more than a jewish ritual slaughter of American, French, and Vietnamese goyim with the kikes playing both sides as usual.
HUh that explains trumps jewish cable, I think I Zig Forums underistimates the position of presidency and I by no way am saying trump is /ourguy/ I understand Zig Forums's frustration and stress about trump, but to think the position is to be the end all and be all is sadly exaggerating it.
CIA, not the KGB.
Funny enough, had Washington won in Vietnam, south Vietnam would be as pozzed as Canada or Germany today.
Still, (((they))) had to take him down. Power struggle?
How we know that quote is legit?
The Vietnam War was a distraction. Notice it started almost exactly a year after McCarthy was censured and commie investigations stopped.
Nixon knew
Nixon knew more
These are fascinating.
Alleged snuff film enthusiast. 1:15