It has Hillary Clinton, John McCain, John Pedosta and many other deep state actors. It is the most thorough case I have seen against Trump and that he is a Russian agent so it is a potent piece of propaganda.
However, the documentary employs disinfo and omits crucial information that would shine light on US's involvement with the old Soviet satellites.
For example, the leaked phone call from Victoria Nuland from the State Department calling Geoffrey Pyatt, US Ambassador to Ukraine plotting forment a coup to overthrow Viktor Yanukovich where she famously says "fuck the EU" in regards to putting in Poroshenko against the EU's (and Russia's) interests.
There are many other points like this, and I think we get a head of this because I think this will be a reference point.
I am not here to support Trump, I am here to preempt the deep states attempt to control the narrative to continue the US's Israeli manned imperial march and further destabilize the world and the US domestically.
Then why are you here trying to assemble a personal army for him, Trumpcuck? You should hope this propaganda is effective enough to get him impeached.
Jace Phillips
We deal in FACTS little girl, no matter how inconvenient to your narrative.
Bentley Diaz
All your facts will do is push ZOGnalds boot harder onto your neck.
Ryder Allen
Good, bad, I don't give a fuck as long as he's still dealing with the spics, building that wall, and irritating the hebes with his lack of military action every time they attempt to push him into something. He used the jews to protect himself so he can make moves that steer us onto the right tracks. When the train derails THEN I'll hop off and start gassing bikes to finish the trip.
Gavin Gray
Anthony Baker
I was trying to point that out……
They are saying that Trump was responsible for the Orange revolution when it was directly accountable to Hillary.
This is going to be used as proof by libfags to justify war with Russia.
Except he isn’t dealing with spics or building the wall. Trupm has legalized 800,000 nonwhites and had ZERO net deportations.
Camden Roberts
Oooh, the leftytard got eaten by the filter.
No worries user, I'm not against knowledge. I don't care which way it goes as long as it's true. I like my decisions to be informed rather than based on HRT.
If that's the case then you too realize Trump is forever #1 israel at the expense of white America. Then you also realize that Trump is AT BEST a lolberg.
Eli Turner
What the fuck do we care about a documentary about something that will never happen or change? Trump lied. Period. He’s not going to arrest anyone.
Lucas Cruz
Really gets the noggin joggin
Jace Jones
It's less about the video and more about the way it's used. I'm not a fan so I'm not watching it. There is far too much to critique regarding his actions over his lip-service pieces.
John Parker
putin is a hero of russia
Lincoln Rivera
Care to source that?
Isaiah Nguyen
He has never done this, so he cannot "still" be doing it. Stop getting your information from fake news.
Aiden Collins
Of course they are. And it's sad because there are A LOT of anons who can't see Trump for who (((he))) is. As I said; at best a lolberg.
Nicholas Rogers
When did Trump not use the US military to do israel's bidding? As if the effectiveness is even relevant? How many decades has it been since the US military was effective at anything, and didn't just win by throwing more money at the "problem" into israel's coffers? 6, 7, more?
So those employers of spics getting busted and the spic roundup was what? A "nothingburger"? kek go fuck yourself.
Colton Davis
Shills are terrified of truth. This is why Zig Forums always wins. Is he perfect? Fuck no. Has he make mistakes? Fuck yes. But he's still doing better than any of the puppets they wanted and kikes are fleeing the world over because they see the matzo on the wall.
Dylan Edwards
Yup and I've read those and posted support in them. I hope to god I'm wrong. I hope to god Trump is actually 9dchessing everyone. As is his perfect record as a lapdog for israel is quite dissuading though.
Leo Hughes
This is what a legit shill post looks like, lurkers.
Hunter Hughes
Not everyone that questions Trump is a shill. You're only making yourself appear as a paranoid schizophrenic. And you know who the genes for schizophrenia are from? That would be jews.
A photoshop of a landscape with Trump added and a pickaxe.
Jace Reyes
It was fake news. Or, more accurately, it was MSM selectively focusing attention on standard ICE procedure that they have been doing long before Trump, while pretending it was something new. In reality, Trump has been deporting fewer spics than obongo, but because of fake news focusing on anecdotal cases to further their narrative of "evil racist Trump," dumbshit normalfags like you believe he is deporting at unprecedented rates. This is simply not the case.
Most of these border fence images that pro-Republican shills like to use come from obongo's term. It's more fake news.
Owen Hill
This. Plus the whole "travel ban" shit. Trump was going to win that regardless of how the supreme court's justices aligned. King Nigger enacted a Travel ban, Bush did, etc. It's not a rare thing to do by any means and a great many presidents most? all? in recent past have used the travel ban.
Jordan Martinez
Jaxon Miller
Asher Morales
Camden Rivera
This is some slickly-produced propaganda. Would love to see a point-by-point refutation.
Video is no longer available due to copyright issues.
Gabriel Clark it was literally a homeland episode. oh my god look at the review from a hardcore fan wondering what the fuck is going on lol
the act of deportation takes three years though you clearly never heard trump talk once
Josiah Nguyen
Good point. My guess about that "A+" image was that it was one of the prototype segments. Or some completely unrelated construction, perhaps not even in the USA.
I want a border wall. I want mass deportations. I want sleepyjeff to wake up and enforce everify (leading to self-deportations). I want separated "families" to be reunited south of the border. I want jus soli birthright citizenship overturned.
What have I gotten for domestic policy instead? Epic trolling of the left by POTUS and delicious liberal salt, which is great for the lulz, but nothing of substance. Oh, and I guess Chuck Schumer got his Jew York infrastructure project funded…
The president isn't a monarch, but he really isn't giving us any indication there is any forward progress on any of this. Even if he were to broadcast what he is doing, how he is currently blocked, and who is responsible. Instead we get tweets like "Let's get citizenship for DACA done. Who would want to deport these people?"