The Age of Legal Marriage is Still Below 18 in Some States

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So? are we supposed to start moralfag spazzing about it?

The subject was copied from the article title, meant to be sarcasm.

Still can't fuck em, pedo.

and aoc is 16 in the majority of states, who cares

Who knew the cock carousel was such a high virtue?

They're working on that, too.

Several states have already raised the marriage age this year, it's the domino effect.

AOC should be 18, age of marriage should be 15.

You realize in traditional European culture men often times married women who were teenagers, right? I personally see nothing wrong with marrying a younger women.

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Which is fine, but most people who whine about AOC laws are just perverts who want easy access to sex with teenagers. I'm of French Quebec ancestry myself, and it was very normal in Quebec for our ancestors to marry off teenagers to established men in an attempt to outbreed the (((Anglos)))

Or they just want, you know, sooner marriage.

AoC in Germany was/is 14.

Honestly, if we wait until 18 or 21, their vaginas have already been used more than a cheap pay toilet at a truck stop. If you manage to marry a girl at 16, there's at least a slight chance that you can keep her from being indoctrinated into become a lesbian at college by the time she is 18, and coming out of college a clit licking hambeast at 21. If you want to marry a girl, you'd have to do it before society brainwashes her into thinking that fulfillment in life, comes not from a happy home, a happy husband, and children, but via LGBT marches, drugs, and debauchery, and if, they ever wish to have a child, they should just adopt a third world negroid with their lesbian lover.

JF go an hero in the public space pls.

Actually in many states the age of consent is 14/16.
In many European countries the age of consent is 14-16.

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le current year

But they chose to ride the cock carousel, right? Cunt.

If you're married to the girl, yes you can. You don't know the law, tard.

You can make an argument that going around fucking teens without marrying them is degenerate. But calling it a perversion isn't accurate because fucking teens is what men's genetic structure bred them to do. Labeling something a perversion implies that it isn't normal.

Somebody is going to have to do something about these people. This feminist cuckoldry can't be allowed to continue to fester. We've already had at least 2 other threads like this where people have for the most part told the crowd that wants to raise the marriage age to fuck off, but the time has come to actually figure out what the fuck to do about it before every good wife is made illegal.

It should be raised to 80 Only the elders know what is right.

Every young girl should be able to experience the cock carousel for at least a few years before they're allowed to be married.
Of course it would be racist to stop mohammed from Marrying his 6 year old child brideā€¦ maybe on whites should be banned from marrying until they're 35

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It's only a trailer trash problem.

Maybe you need to kill yourself.
Maybe you need to ironically kill yourself, then.

Oh, what do you know, irony doesn't exist, only the end result does, which, in your case, is having produced a degenerate, treasonous post for which you should be publically caned without any mercy or remorse.

Trust me, if you are being "ironic" right now, that kind of punishment would be much more preferable to you than one day possibly getting sick of that kind of shit and only meeting people that behave like you at this point in time, and not people like me.

Imagine how you will feel then.

might as well get yourself a roast beef sandwich from the taco truck


t. cuck

Who'd have thought?

18 or 21 for men, 15 for women.

Tell me more chaim, I had no idea.

Hello roastie.
How many cats do you have?
Hanging is the most reliable way of committing suicide, provided you get 20 minutes alone without anyone interrupting; which with your obliterated cunt and anus won't be a problem once you hit a wall at the age of 35

Good. Women should be getting married and having children while young.

Whats with these schizo psychopath babble lately. Hang (((yourself))) for the good of the community.

This is bullshit. The primary aim is to stop young white couples from procreating. Non-whites will just procreate outside of marriage. Marriage does not prevent women from experiencing life opportunities, it enables it by giving women financial security, particularly those who want to experience the life opportunity of childrearing. Women who engage in that without the support of marriage will do a half-assed job in both endeavours compared to those with a supportive spouse.

Yeah, I won't even use gendered language like 'husband', I'm willing to tolerate the superminority of lesbian weddings, we know this is an attack on heterosexual marriages.

All this will accomplish is women will still blow opportunities by having kids, but they will blow it worse because they will become single parents with absent unwilling fathers, instead of the present and willing fathers more often present from marriages.