How has this Jew, in such a high position in the United States government, gone so far under the radar?
How has this Jew, in such a high position in the United States government, gone so far under the radar?
That's Q.
Because he's a rat living in a White House inhabited by rats
I see. Thank you gentlemen.
weren't similar things said about Kushner? both Kushner and Cohen could pass as twin-sisters
jewsung claims this model doesn't do 3d. I call bullshit. FFS I keep ducking every time I try to look at the links.
bump for exposure
Someone try posting his name on 4chan
he even flies below the radar on Zig Forums. what magic this?
Dig more.
He's such an obvious jew too, he can't really even blend into white society with that look.
Back to containment
Nobody wrote "cohencidence".
Young for such (((Power))).
This whole article is jews uncovering information about other jews. Are there even any white people left in Washington anymore?
he's a spook, obviously
Answer is 1. Jew with connections and 2. Will suck dick when required.
Sage for faggotry and lack of humour or intellect. Go back to reddit, they love that shit.
Fuck wrong thread. It's early and no sleep.
Q predicted you would say that.
I don’t see you inquiring about this Jew controlling a vast amount of young minds and boomers, engulfed in the QLARP. Most of which are white so you can fuck off Mossad.
Damn I see this now. Apologies.
You cant make this shit up.
Bump for interest.
I hate Trumpniggers so much.
What's the story behind that Wictor guy? I keep seeing his name often.
sage for off-topic.
Just some Israel-firster who's worshiped by Trumpniggers.
I'm pretty sure he's an official unofficial shill for the Trump administration, so what he's saying is the official Trump/Mossad position.
Mr. Cohen-Watnick is a friend of Steve Bannon so that makes sense. That's why McMaster purged him from the NSC. Ironically Bannon tried to get McMaster booted by spreading rumors that he was anti-Israel. Those rumors convinced Zig Forums that McMaster was an anti-Semite. Considering he replaced Ezra Cohen-Watnick with Linda Weissgold that premise was pretty retarded.
tl;dr Bannon 4d checkmated himself
You really think so, Eli?