Game on.
Big if true-
you know what to do.
Other urls found in this thread:
Genuinely wondering, what does this have to do with anything?
See, this whole electing Donald Trump thing has turned out delicious.
The only way they can impeach Trump is by revealing Israeli meddling.
See, you know all that bullshit about Russians? What you're dealing with is a huge % of Israelis who speak Russian as their 1st lang. Get it, dawg?
does anybody have a link to the thread where some user linked genomes responsible for intelligence development to the names of people from certain countries or whatever?
It was some major big happening and i want to try to test this myself
Prediction: Mueller gets fired by (((Congress))) because they don't like (((where it's heading))).
Excuse me?
It's proof muh (((Russians))) did it, which is what everyone here expected: it's always a bunch of Jews, with some trail leading back to Israel.
Zig Forums is always right, because Jews.
Mueller will do it out of desperation. He's unaware of the power of the kikes.
Bumplocked for low effort until you come up with a source.
When you find the link, send it to me in a report. I'll edit your OP to include that link and unbumplock the thread.
Avoid making low effort, zero substance threads in the future.
Where the fuck do you think you are? A fucking library?
kys faggot
Here's the pdf. Also, here's a screenshot from this article:
The discussion in question is found on page 22 of the pdf. It's section number 37. The full text of that section is:
< 37. In addition to the law firm report, MANAFORT took other steps on behalf of the Government of Ukraine to tarnish Tymoshenko in the United States. In addition to disseminating stories about her soliciting murder, noted above, in October 2012, MANAFORT orchestrated a scheme to have, as he wrote in a contemporaneous communication, “[O]bama (((jews)))” put pressure on the Administration to disavow Tymoshenko and support Yanukovych. MANAFORT sought to undermine United States support for Tymoshenko by spreading stories in the United States that a senior Cabinet official (who had been a prominent critic of Yanukovych’s treatment of Tymoshenko) was supporting anti-Semitism because the official supported Tymoshenko, who in turn had formed a political alliance with a Ukraine party that espoused anti-Semitic views. MANAFORT coordinated privately with a (((senior Israeli government official))) to issue a written statement publicizing this story. MANAFORT then, with secret advance knowledge of that (((Israeli statement))), worked to disseminate this story in the United States, writing to Person D1 “I have someone pushing it on the NY Post. Bada bing bada boom.” MANAFORT sought to have the Administration understand that “the (((Jewish community))) will take this out on Obama on election day if he does nothing.” MANAFORT then told his United States lobbyist to inform the Administration that Ukraine had worked to prevent the Administration’s presidential opponent from including damaging language in the (((Israeli statement))), so as not to harm the Administration, and thus further ingratiate Yanukovych with the Administration.
& direct link to the pdf:
Bump for interest.
Use the catalog, nigger.
I don't disagree, but Trump is also a kike ass licker, so nothing here will happen.
That's definitely a good thing.
Heil Hitler
I remember a tv show where this comedian tried to do a skit where Hitler was a game show host and the correct answer was always "the Jews". What show was that? Anyway, it turns out that real life is exactly the same as that show, much more useful to know than the stuff they have on Jeopardy.
Mueller is Jewish you imbecile. Just like Rosenstein
It exposed the Jew
Checked. I really don't think Mueller is some genius, or that he's a kike. Including the word "Israel" in these documents is proof, I believe, that he's naive to the kike.
1. (((name calling)))
3. (((name calling)))
OK this is epic.
Which is why he went to the wall. Le chess.
Watch how quick the "Russian Hacker" narrative gets memoryholed once people realize (((Russian))) hackers are involved.
Trump didn't even do anything, he has nothing to lose when he reveals Israeli meddling. He even warned the kikes that his favors to Israel will have "a higher price…"
Good luck, every normalfag is conditioned to it now. Same with Mueller, he has started fucking over Democrats but the left can't do anything because they've conditioned the idiots into believing that Mueller is a god who will get that mean old Drumpf.
213098465098274365^98132465971236498763214D Interdimensional Dwarf Fortress.
tl;dr Trump tricked the kikes into shilling him into office and now has a nice gift for them.
In all honesty, I haven't seen many people even talk about DRUMPF IS RUSSIA since the election except for (((the usual suspects))).
They all do the wall thing. It's a requirement of all high government posts.
kikes again? so weird
pure coincidence goyim
faggot stop encouraging the 'hitler gassed jews' myth.
Nobody got gassed by hitler and you're reinforcing anti white propaganda by pretending they ever actually did.
Where can I find the full interview?
is news. (even more important than kikes causing the Syrians to go red alert while a russian plane was above them, knowing what the result would be… false flags, we've known about that since kikes did 911. but this is new, this thing. This shows DETAILS about how kikes operate - precisely)
Reminder that the war on Ukraine was because of Biden stakes in the energy company that works there
means that alt media is as fake as mainstream media
No, it means that all the media throughout is kiked.
If you're so against it why do you want to repeat it?
I like it when you explain the bumplocking, mods, and offer suggestions to reverse it.
That had been a bit too much of it recently, on threads that were heavily engaged.
Indeed, i think a low quality OC with a healthy response should avoid bumplocking for the sake of the conversations inside
The (((elites))) have sunk literally billions of dollars into the worst psychological warfare campaign ever executed, commonly referred to 'round here as ((Holocaust Guilt))). The campaign had two primary aims:
A) Cement the belief that (((God's Chosen))) are the world's eternal victims that dindu nuffin and deserve reparations from all goyim for all time
B) Convince Whites that their people are not worth fighting for and should feel ashamed for their race's success
And I've only scratched just beneath the surface on the subject, other anons have gone down that rabbit hole a looooong time ago and have archived the (((Chosen's))) bullshit with autistic detail, just read the catalog. For the sake of convenience I will assume you're a shill, and henceforth, you should kys. On the off chance you are asking out of good faith / ignorance because you're a newfag who should have waited 2 years before posting, welcome aboard. Please feel free and explore, just remember, you're here forever.
KIkes aren't above jewing each other if they think they can get away with it or if they feel threatened. Mueller will be thrown under the bus if it becomes more politically expedient to do so than leaving him to his own devices.
Mueller helped encourage the siege of Iraq by lying about WMDs. He's a turbokike.
I disagree. I believe he's a boomer that is much stupider than people realize (his IQ is lower than the average IQ of Zig Forums visitors, which also includes shariablew). As is typical of such persons they are in denial about the kike. Very amusing, actually, because, once you see it, you can laugh and laugh at the fools.
A few are savvy-evil. Bolton is savvy-evil. He knows he's a deceiver and a liar for the kike. He's a bit naive, though. He doesn't know that the kikes just use him, and would throw him away like a banana peel if they found him useless. Mueller isn't even at Bolton's level of awareness.
And I offer proof:
< Mueller trying to be a sleuth, literally using a newspaper to hide his face from Junior
Example kikebart headline, today.
The "blames Israel" line is burying the lede - kikebart is #fakenews. What the Russians accuse Israel of doing is using their plane as cover. This meant that the Syrians had a tricky shot, the Israeli plane hiding behind the Russian one. They, shot, hit the plane.
In other words, the Israeli plane hid in the skirts of Russia, effectively holding that vastly slower prop plane as a hostage.
At least, nothing to do with Trump.
Actually, it's a weird circle. Lewandowski yanked the arm of Michelle Fields (now working at Huffpoop), who was a partner in "crime" of ex- Bloomber Editor (((Ben Shapiro))), the pair simultaneously exiting Breitbart after the incident. This same (((Shapiro))) is connected to Lewandowski's replacement, Manafort, who shopped the (((Mossad))) article which bashed certain elements of the Ukraine as neo-Nazi (a dubious claim, for anyone familiar with far eastern politics).
Analysis: It seems clear Shapiro and Fields were a Mossad operating pair.
This is actually huge news.
Ha. Ah ha ha ha. Ah hahahahahahahaha.
It wasn't Password, but it was an old 60s game show, I forget though.
It was "what country has the highest population of doctors per capita"
Dumb wop said Isreal, his partner agreed, and the host laughingly said "hes right"
I just cringed at that 2nd pic.
Zig Forums mods are thin skinned nigger clean it up polvol and put in the work you fucking faggot
Zig Forums mods are thin skinned nigger clean it up polvol and put in the work you fucking faggot