Nike buyback $15B in Nike shares

JUNE 29th, 2018 - “The company on Thursday announced plans for $15 billion in share repurchases. Chief Financial Officer Andy Campion updated the company's guidance for the year ahead, predicting revenue growth in the high-single-digit range, compared with previous guidance of mid-to-high single-digit range”

Something about this is off. Check the daily activity chart;

Nike price goes up, sure. But the amount of “sudden interest” in Nike seems to weirdly correlate with like, a $15B buyback of shares.

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Maybe they are planning nigger targeted advertising campaigns in the near future and are expecting cucks soy boys and niggers to support it and purchase nike stuff ? In what cases usually does companies perform this very move ? I don't know anything about finance unfortunately

Just a cohencidence.

This has been happening since ZIRP started. Firms get free money and have nowhere to invest it since the economy is cratering so they simply give it to the shareholders. Of course, management is some of the largest shareholders so they are mainly enriching themselves at the expense of the future of the firm. Jews looting a going concern. Same as it ever was.

Look the Kneeling Autist is fucking stupid and all that, but you’re absolutely out of your mind if you think Nike is suffering from this at all… all it did was give a discount for buyers for about a week.


Greetings fellow teen…

Soy boys are not their target. They are attempting to put on an athletic image like they have forever and a half (having a load of twigs walking around in their shoes is not good for their image, they'll leave that to their off brands (can't remember the one with the commie star out of california)).
But, nigger targeting has occurred for a long time in companies that see their sales go down when innovation has stopped and they have run out of the white demographic. Apple has recently done this by featuring niggers in their new phone advertisements.

Is this a post from the timeline where Bernie won?

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I wonder what the left would do if they learned that the diverse company that was seemingly on their side suddenly turned out to be just the usual capitalist evil…

Is it possible/probable that this is the case? Aside from the cultural degradation and race-mongrelization agenda.

I don't get it. If some shareholder owns 1billions shares he can just sell them on the market and get in his bank account 1 billion dollars? Then he can use those 1 billion for whatever he wants, like.. buying an apartment, a mansion, 100 cars, a helicopter.. ?


Deny it because they don't give a fuck beyond the bare minimum required to virtue signal.

well the idea is to sell them back for more than you paid for it
you sell for a loss when the stock is tanking and you want to avoid losing even more money
you hold when you are enjoying the dividends or the stock over time is going up (even if it has bad days)
that's generally the concept

Dude, you have no clue.

Jobs are real scarce, at least in my area.

Who do you think buys nike anyway? Nigs. I haven't bought a nike sneaker in 20 years, last one I bought fell apart in two months. No thanks.

Reminder of what will really drive sales when the virtue signaling stops

Dammit 8ch, stop hating on private browsing

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does that hair plug using nigger think his pubic hair neckbeard looks good?

Nigger targeting. Brainwashed niggers! Big corps like Nike and others including apple have to target stupid niggers cuz intellectuals are tired of their mediocre over priced products and stupid niggers will buy them.


Does nike own any other shoe brands? Just want to make sure i don't add a positive statistic for them.

I wonder how many containers of shoes soros is buying to give to the invaders along with the containers to ship said invaders and ships which ship said containers full of invaders clad in shoes.

Funny how the favorability dropped along the age lines.

This, and the resulting share price spike was simply Nike itself buying up everything they could.


Also, wtf did republicans sell them old shoes or something?

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Trump really needs to use parallel construction to listen to the archives of recorded audio from all of Nike's executives phones, then find a way to "discover" their plot using other data or testimony or (((tips))) like Bush and Obama have done to their enemies.

I love you

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I though company buying their own stock was a common practice when shit is going bad to make it look like their stock is worth more than what it is? I recall MySpace doing the same thing when they first went public and their stocks were't hitting the value they though or wanted it to be.

Nope, the market loves debt slaves who buy their overpriced plastic shoes. You aren't needed anymore, white man.

OP, how do you think the hebrews make their money? Not the, muh iq fallacy but Shlomo the Nike lawyer calling his brother in-law Hershel telling him about the buyback beforehand who then calls his broker Ian that he attends temple with.

Nike is doing everything right. Meanwhile, capitalist Zig Forums is in disarray.


Oh yeah, we're completely BTFO, Ari. Tell all your friends at temple on Saturday.

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Vanderbilt did this back in his heyday, but on another company. He shut down the one bridge (which he owned) going into New York City, watched his competitors stock prices crash harder than United Airlines Flight 93, and bought up ==ALL== of their shares. By the end of it he owned them all lock, stock, and barrel. If this was in fact NIKE's plan, I have to admit it was a damn good one, as much as I fucking hate them.

Oy Vey Goyim. We were simply enjoying the bump our fantastic new marketing campaign has achieved.

wtf are you talking about?

Stock buybacks with borrowed money are getting more and more common. It is basically a way for the board of directors to give their stock price and, consequently, their personal wealth a huge boost. I personally believe it should not be allowed without a simultaneous bonus paid to all employees.

He does anybody have links that say NIKE paid secret shoppers to buy up large sums of shoes?

Lol. Fags.

They're targeted towards niggers, from a corporation's perspective niggers are much better consumers than whites. Factor in the reality of nigger vanity, especially about their footwear and you can clearly see why they are doing this.

Nike owns Hurley and Converse.

you got tricked

You're fucking retarded.

t. Someone who never worked corporate or retail

Women detected

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Cole Haan.

Only niggers are dumb enough to buy 20 dollar shoes for 500 dollars.