Pakistan's Imran Khan pledges citizenship for 1.5m Afghan refugees
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Good. Now when Turkey, Israel, Jordan and Lebanon shelter the Syrian refugees, there will be no more refugees for Europe to worry about. And then all the 30yo Nigerian rapist invaders pretend refugees can get fucked.
Except Turkey already hosts the world's largest refugee population, at 3.5 million (
Israel is its own thing of course. No refugees for them, because they're GAWDS CHOE-ZEN.
So what? Why shouldn't mudshit nations be the only dipshits to take in other mudshits? Why should any human nation take in subhuman goat molesting half-kike niggers? It makes more sense to keep all the inbred, hooknose semetics in one place for the purge anyway.
Woah there lad, run out of medication already?
Do you where (you) are?
Sage negato
It's just logical not to want a foreign element in your country; why should we be expected to take in all these people when their neighbors are so much more similar to them?
The vast majority of peoples in this world have shown that at best, they are completely indifferent to our survival. It's irrational to willingly sacrifice our safety for their benefit and you should feel bad for implying it's a good idea.
Where do we draw the line, though? People outside our cities, states, regions are different from us – should we keep them out as well because they have their own interests? Or even people outside our families?
Whether people care for each other or not is a matter of the group ethos and the conditions of that – the economy, race relations, education opportunities, etc. The Romans thought the same thing about the Germanic tribes, that they were these barbarian outsiders who lived in huts, didn't want to integrate into their culture, and were raping and pillaging the Empire, but look how they turned out in time – through developments pertaining to resource distribution, technology, civilization, ideas, etc.
Jesus F. Christ, are we going to host kikes and fags around here or what? Where is my Zig Forums of old ready to glass anyone an inch less than aryan? What is this faggotry I am reading here? Sage
Lo siento mi amigo, but this is not the case
I can speak spanish too if you want, but this thread sucks and you are all faggots or worse. Sage and reported.
There needs to be elements of important similarity. Same/similar religion, same/similar ethnicity, same/similar culture, language, et cetera. For some countries these can be fairly loose, like 1900 America that was fairly accepting of anyone white and Christian. I feel this was a decent fit for this nation - to me, that is the point of the United States. It should have been an experiment in creating a nation for any and all whites. Most other nations should be much, much more exact in their requirements. Somewhere like Ireland should be exclusively Irish, at most accepting other Celts like the Scottish so as not to compromise their national identity. If they took unlimited immigration from the UK and for whatever reason there was a huge push of emigration from England, then within a decade 'the Irish' would be no more.
To put it simply, it depends on the country, but generally it ought to be limited to the point where it doesn't compromise the national character.
The goal is to preserve a future for our people, so the only acceptable line is White.
There's no reason empathetic people can't help foreigners out by sending them some form of AID, or they could always just travel there and help out in person. Sacrificing the safety of our own people to increase the comfort of others is unacceptable.
((( )))
get the fuck out of here kike, WE ARE NOT (((NEOCONS)))
> vid related, what the kikes here DON'T want you to know
You're starting to sound like a (((civcuck))) now
I think you were referring to
Do you even know the meaning of anything you say
The jew propaganda and subversive military campaigns against Assad and Syria are also common knowledge, though I think I now see where you're coming from. You can support the Arabs in their fight against the jew without wanting them in your country. In fact it was Hitler who said "I am not in the least willing to allow foreign statesmen to create a second Palestine right here in the heart of Germany."
Do you have a credible source for that? I've never heard that quote from him before.
_Fucking wasn't.__
If I had to speculate, I would say Kahn was given an offer he couldn't refuse by the Trump administration to take in these 1.5 million "refugees" as a pretext to allow open criticism of the waves of shitskins entering Europe. By having a country in the same region accept refugees it deflates the argument that the niggers have no where else to go, which is what merkel and the rest of the eu have been leaning on strongly.
u wot?
Wrong place to browse. I wager the /r/politics subreddit on reddit will be more to your liking.
Where the hell was he saying that Zig Forums was edgy?
honestly, i don't know what to make of it.
on one hand, i don't like civilizations being blown away by massive foreign influxes. on the other hand there is very few people as shitty as pakis so this might be an improvement…
>Supporting (((Kikeastinians)))
Sage, hide, and report
Holy fucking shit, WE ARE NOT (((NEOCONS)))
Stop trying to push Fox News tier propaganda here, we will not side with Israel because Israel is behind 9/11 and our media and our politicians and our demoralization!
when he was backing up ((( )))
When did Zig Forums get infiltrated with so many newfags?
((( )))
t. Schlomo Shecklenberg
You know we're going to kill you all, right?
I'd rather support ten literal black niggers over one kike.
What's up with all this pro-nigger shilling? Did Shareblue get another (((donation))) or something? At least tell me you guys get paid more now.
Everyone from Hitler to Rockwell worked with niggers and other potential allies against Jewry; short term mutually beneficial arrangements do not equate to pro-nigger shilling.
kill yourself you psychopath, do the world a favor your asshole parents wouldn't.
One of the defining traits of humanity is the ability to make use of tools; whether those tools stand on two legs or not is a minor detail, and the niggers can always be made goo when their assistance is no longer needed.
They can go back to Apefrica for all I care.
Excellent sequential dubs, but no–Africa is a beautiful land full of incredible plants, animals, and topography. It doesn't deserve the nigger scourge, no place on earth does. One way or another, they all become fertilizer before this century is out.
Well I guess we just have to disagree. I believe in nationalism of the different races (except jews for obvious reasons).
mutt detected
seriously. Put down your keyboard, go outside, and throw yourself in front of a bus
Based cricket god.
Typical jewish comment.
Afghans are better than Pakis by miles. This is a good move by Pakistan
How so?
Well since you're American, consider starting here:
Leftists don't understand what nations are. Nations are groups of people with a shared heritage, culture, language, ethnicity, history, and often times religion.
To each people, their own nation.
And beyond this, since White people everywhere are the target of a genocidal campaign of forced integration and assimilation, and since ONLY White nations are targetted for this genocidal campaign Whites must band together in common cause against this.
Africa for the Africans
Asia for the Asians
White nations for EVERYONE
Neo-cons and liberals say that there is a race problem. They say that this "race problem" will be solved when the third world pours into White nations and ONLY into White nations.They say that this "race problem" will be solved when White people are turned into a reviled and hated minority in our own countries within only 50 years. They say that Whites must be replaced in our own homes and they call this "diversity"
What if I told you that there was a race problem in Asia and that we could solve this race problem by systematically flooding Asian countries and ONLY Asian countries with non-Asians? What if I said we need to systematically replace the populations in all Asian nations with foreigners and called it "diversity?"
How long would it take any sane Asian to realize that I'm not talking about solving a "race" problem, I'm talking about the final solution to the Asian problem? And what kind of psycho Asian man would not oppose such a genocidal policy?
Yet when I oppose the genocidal policies being imposed on my own race, neo-conservatives and liberals agree that I'm a racistnatsiwhowantstokillsixmillionjews who needs to be silenced at all costs.
I will celebrate the day when the Palestinians take back their land and slaughter you kikes.
They're Pashtuns. Literally the same blood as a large proportion of the Pakistani population. It's equivalent to the US or Europe taking in white South African refugees, which the vast majority of people here would support (excluding the hordes of D&C kike shills of course).
Let's not ruin good countries.
Nice dubs, but you seem to be misunderstanding something. Pakistan is mainly muslim. Muslims are not nationalist. Islam is their blood and creed. So they are quite homogeneous despite the racial disparity.