they finally discovered the missing link
Zoomer (((Doomer))) Boomer
That's Joel from Vinesauce but it's really not politics.
I wonder who could be behind this post?
Missing Joe Rogan.
This makes me feel young. Thanks again Zoomers and Millennials for having absolutely no culture and behaviors of your own so I always feel young inside.
I'm 22. What am I?
a faggot.
a grunt
Fuck off with this gay shit, what is this supposed to be, fuscia pill. Kill yourself faggot. Stop shitting up pol.
How is he Joel from Vinesauce?
Pls no. The truth hurts.
This reeks of leftypol levels of retard.
That the reports are being dismissed makes it reek of a kike op.
This hurts too much.
Your faggotry knows no bounds. Begone reddit and halfchan scum.
This thread is nesscesary
I go through phases where this descrubes me but I'm not ashamed because I am improving. slowly
a total fucking faggot
this one is actually more accurate