/SSG/: SUNSPOT GENERAL, “Pure Coincidence” Edition

ITT: we further investigate the mysterious Sunspot, NM NSO Evacuation

Sept. 6th, 2018: The FBI evacuated and closed the facilities of the NSO (National Solar Observatory), as well as the adjacent post office in a remote compound located in Sunspot, New Mexico.

The FBI subsequently put a security management team (AURA) in charge after publicity reached international scale, yet still shared no information with AURA, the employees of the NSO facility or any of the town’s residents, including the Sheriff’s Office:

Attached: NSO closed for reasons.png (1581x1400 48.6 KB, 310.46K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Anons noticed that a NASA-funded rocket was launched from nearby White Sands a few days prior (Sept. 4th) to the closing/evacuation of the NSO facilities:

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Holy shit, stop falling for dumb rumors all the time. I'm sure there's a good reason for this temporary closure, and soon everything will go back to normal again.

What? Some irrelevant observatory got evacuated for some reason?
How is this politics?

Never heard of it, don't care.

wow some video game was in a trash can, its a kuunspeeraaseee



OP is a fucking retard.

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(((Pure coincidence goyim)))

oy vey the shills ITT
i must have hit a nerve

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jews itt

(((You))) all deserve bans.
Go back to 4chan.

Wow shills have hit this thread hard. If there wasnt smoke seen before, its clear as day now.

I still don't understand the transit of this object

yeah I wanted to see if it really was nothing, so I made the thread - these fuckers went full-retard instantly. this is getting interesting

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I heard that the telescope itself has a significant amount of liquid mercury in it as part of the construction/lense.

I don't understand the transit either. I have followed every thread and every explanation has fallen flat for me. When I check SDO position and look at the graphics people have produced (and some of them were quite nice) nothing that they say lines up with the right directions and angles of the sun, object or camera. There is a lot of full retard happening here lately a tremendous refusal to consider anything and sort of knee jerk childishness that reminds me of 13 yo mentality (such as it is…13 yo are barely alive/conscious anyway).

BLACKED and BBC threads have less shitposting than any thread mentioning this

what has those innocent merchants so upset?

Attached: Zimmerman_a335c1_6740733.jpg (1200x658, 117.82K)

Nice cgi you fucking faggot

hm, could explain concern for a possible dangerous incident? mercury exposure can be pretty serious

yeah I thought it was the moon, but that makes literally no sense at all to me. I've seen a lot of explanations too, and none of them were a suitable match. going to keep poking around but I can't find any other IRL examples like this on the SDO, that was the only one I found

I feel special

First seven posts immediately after OP are all saged and obvious shills. I didn't think much of this story, but now I do.

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I had someone who is very non- conspiracy theory -ish, as in believes Russia Russia, to some extent, and worked for a major player in the defense industry, tell me this has his attention, and he's wondering what it is.

Can't blame him.

There's no reason for an observatory to be handling anything that would require evacuation.

So the obvious conclusion is that there's some kind of secret facility there, or they are installing secret equipment and want people out of the way.

A crash of a secret craft (or enemy craft) wouldn't make sense either, because there's nothing in the area warranting flying there in the first place.

You have discovered the secrit alien space force that acts on Astronauts in space! But psssht, that's a secrit!! :D

Take this FakeX shit to reddit you retarded monkey

Check these EXTREMELY ORGANIC replies, definitely not the same dipshit kike desperately hopping IP trying to shut it down

Have you ever considered that Zig Forumsacks are tired of Elon Mutt & NASAnigger threads and all the LARPing retards they attract? Take your CGI shit to reddit you fucking imbecile. You can LARP as a scientist there.


Weird video.

So now the story is this:

AURA has been cooperating with an on-going law enforcement investigation of criminal activity that occurred at Sacramento Peak. During this time, we became concerned that a suspect in the investigation potentially posed a threat to the safety of local staff and residents. For this reason, AURA temporarily vacated the facility and ceased science activities at this location."
"We recognize that the lack of communications while the facility was vacated was concerning and frustrating for some. However, our desire to provide additional information had to be balanced against the risk that, if spread at the time, the news would alert the suspect and impede the law enforcement investigation. That was a risk we could not take.

But the local sheriff said this the first day:

House said he pulled his deputies from the facility after there was no identifiable threat.

“They wanted us up there to help evacuate but nobody would tell us anything,” he said. “We went up there and everything was good. There was no threat. Nobody would identify any specific threat. We hung out for a little while then we left. No reason for us to be there. Nobody would tell us what we’re supposed to be watching out for.”

House said he doesn’t understand why Sunspot didn’t call or notify them of the situation.

“They’re not federal employees,” he said. “It maybe somebody who threatened one of their workers. If that’s the case, why didn’t call us and let us deal with it. These guys are regular workers that work for this company. I don’t know why the FBI would get involved so quick and not tell us anything.”

forgot the source for the sheriffs story: eu.alamogordonews.com/story/news/local/2018/09/07/sunspot-observatory-south-cloudcroft-closed-due-security-issue/1227788002/

which means they didnt trust the sheriff.

Sorry Chiam.

got me thinking…Dulce's kinda far away - finally connecting a new DUMB site?

this, authoritative response was completely muddled and left in the dark
>archived: archive.fo/nWZMc

Attached: DUMBs Map2.gif (648x520, 12.83K)

Also this:

"The decision to vacate was based on the logistical challenges associated with protecting personnel at such a remote location, and the need for expeditious response to the potential threat. AURA determined that moving the small number of on-site staff and residents off the mountain was the most prudent and effective action to ensure their safety."

That means the suspect was at the actual site. But wouldnt he notice the place got evacuated? wouldnt he notice fbi with helicopters? they actually say that telling even the local police might alert the suspect, but to have fbi coming in with helicopters and antenna crews and evacuate the whole village around would not.

this stinks to high heaven.

I'm thinking the Blackhawk was for the suspect. they probably extracted him quickly to catch him off guard with a show of force, then left the underlings to process the rest of the employees and come up with good damage control stories while putting AURA in charge to keep up appearances…I don't think second part of the plan worked very well

They thought that the sheriff was going to kill everyone in a whole town? wat?


it's the 17th and nothing happened

shemitah 2.0: waste of time bugaloo

This is a glomar grade response.

Nonsense. SOMETHING happened. But what?

something boring that doesn't interrupt the zog

aka nothing

They likely caught images of something secret.

One thing
Russians had a leak that was a suspected sabotage on their space station at the same time span as this happened.
I don't know if it's connected but it's good to take into consideration.

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no it means there's something more going on than just an investigation of a dangerous individual. it's almost cliche at this point for federal agents to override local precincts because of "sensitive information".
If they had trusted the sheriff they would have let the local law enforcement take care of the arrest. Instead the police helped evacuate and then were called off - the sheriff himself said "everything was good"

I thought about this too…didnt want to jump the gun, but definitely v. spooky

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dubs of truth

Oh thats just precious schlomo's

< it doesn't matter
OK, I'll bite. What is it that it doesn't matter? What? What doesn't matter… what?

Why evacuate the town?

This is of interest indeed. Nevertheless, why the evacuation?!


Who could be so dangerous that they'd evacuate a whole town? When Dorner was on the loose they didn't even evacuate a town.

So they can destroy everything?
That's all I've got.

This is what a CIA post looks like:

Go fuck youself kike. You all burn.

Of course it's another kike5 thread. More archived evidence for chodemonkey.

Boy, you sure do sound like a well-reasoned totally-white-lad.

These shills are super interesting. The CIA doesn't want this to get traction!!!

This is obviously something important. Otherwise Moshe wouldn't be this eager to shit it down. This requires a deep investigation. Then we can find out the truth at what is really going on. The future belongs to us.

indeed, I'm about to make some popcorn
we need infographics, stat

In the book of revelation it talked about the sun turning black as a sign of the end. This could be that which is beginning to take place.

Sunspot General: Negative Promotion Psyop Edition

this obviously nothing, stop paying attention to it. ignore the lack of sage, goy

And the lord sayeth: "fuck those goys" then threw them into a fiery pit for 1000 years to shut them down forever, so they would never know. Then all g*ds chosen were given fuck tons of gold and slaves forever.

Book of Mosh- David 666:77

Nice Id there antichrist

Well organizing an obvious sabotage/attack on a vessel of another nation could technically be a declaration of war.
So shutting down the point of origin off the said attack would be a logical procedure to find out who did it and if he left any traces. Something very illegal must have happened. A breach of some sort.

And TBH I wouldn't believe for a second that this facility was used solely for sun spot research. My guess would be that this is a front for something else.

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stick this chip in your head, mortal

spend time on this shit while jamal impregnates a white woman that should have been your wife

I love these Tavistock inspired panics. Anyway the observatory is open again as of today.

Why would they allow the public to take tours of a place where they were hiding top secret technology?

I saw a Sunspot area local in YouTube the other day talking about the Gulf Stream and how if you released something nasty from the correct place under the correct weather conditions from the observatory site, it would spread for miles and miles around. Maybe there was an employee with a big bag of anthrax or something worse up there. The Blackhawks picked him up, and they closed and fumigated the observatory and the post office. Just a theory.

My favorite theory is that there was a spy at the observatory using the optics package to spy on top secret activities at or above White Sands, which is close enough for it to watch over.

Well it would not be on display in the atrium ffs. The White House is closely guarded yet they still allow visitors.
It could also be underground where presumably don't let visitors.

OR the instruments were used in a way not intended.

Look at all these LARPing idiots in here, absorbing and regurgitating third party information and inane theories. You just want to LARP and be lied to, don't you?

Attached: UsefulIdiots.jpg (694x535, 39.97K)

the best way to get Zig Forums distracted is with promises of a false happening

The White House is guarded because the President lives there, and there's a whole bunch of cool historical artifacts to steal. As for the military's secret stuff, they have so many restricted and/or secret sites it just seems like it would be simpler to hide it there than somewhere that has guided tours 6x a day. I suppose it could be equipment misuse, but with all the special filters they use on the telescope so they can look at the sun without going blind, wouldn't the rest of the sky appear blank if you tried to look?

Apparently a hiker was found dead about an hour away at White Sands National Monument a few days ago

that's why it's weird. lots of things don't add up.
to be sure, it wasn't so much a "town" as a compound where employees could live while doing research. still weird that no one was there at all though - I think access was stripped down to the AURA security guards, the owner of the property and his super.
it's worth it to note that the guy who walked around while no one was there noticed a weird smell in the area

Attached: cause of death under investigation.png (494x394, 127.67K)

Category Security Law enforcement, military,homeland and local/private security

Event type Serious public security incident


The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) is a consortium of 46 US institutions and 4 international affiliates that operates world-class astronomical observatories. AURA’s role is to establish, nurture, and promote public observatories and facilities that advance innovative astronomical research.


im amazed by how easily the supposed fringe of anonymity and critical thought against the mainstream is touting the (((official story)))

we lost before we even began


it wasn't a hiker, it was the first scientist to see the sun data. they thought they could contain it, but they told someone before they gassed him. they closed post office to make sure he didnt send data to anyone else, rest went underground, if they surface again, expect body stooges

Because we all know that what really bags the ladies is spending the hours being beta for them.

Another solar nothing-burger brought to you courtesy of The Tavistock Institute.

another torfag who thinks hes safe on a "look at me im obviously a prioritized target now on a compromised glownetwork"

your IQ is evident, opinion discarded

I'm aware, they also have a security detail - AURA's guards are the ones watching the NSO right now

Security guards from Alamogordo private security firm Red Rock Security were posted at the observatory's gate on Thursday due to the amount of curious visitors who have come to the site since the closure, said Red Rock security guard Angel Escalante.


Still mad about TOR kikey?

if you're using it to to ban evade because your posts are so naturally shit, that makes sense. if you're using it for privacy, you're deluded.

carry on.

Really activates my almonds.

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what am i supposed to be looking at here?

Don't you wish they could be bothered to just put a fucking note with the graphic.

What about the Deputy?

Aside from the eerie non-level of sunspots on that image, shitty CGI text?

It's just one of several places where data is collected: hamqsl.com/solar.html
This one is better: solarham.net/
I don't have the background to interpret. Other anons see unusual behavior relative to past data.

Thank you user. Hey what happened to Zig Forums over the last few months. I was looking through the archives tonight, even from a few months ago and it is like a different website.

Too many newbies who don't think lurk two years applies to them, and the effects of an earlier change in moderation. So I don't have to polite sage myself for being off topic, yes there are interesting things going on with the sun if you like that science. However I don't see that it explains evacuating and closing an observatory for over a week.

Shut up you fucking tard, i was another catholic in the list untill i watched a lot prophecies being fulfiled, people like you are the best shabbos goys ever, btw, why everybody is talking about this site and not about all the sites having "problems" around the world?

Said the fedorah/menorah/communist

The irony.

It cant be something local, a lot of places are being raided, it cant be sabotage, just solar observatories watching the sun are being closed, therefore its something that is located between the sun and the earth, something really big and far away to be noticed by all places or something in the sun.


nothing happened. nothing at all.

Attached: obviouslythingshappenedtheyareheretostayunfortunately.jpg (1280x720, 104.58K)

The idea that someone at the observatory was a spy and was using the telescope to observe some secretive shit or at least was sneaking over to White Sands to watch/take readings at night seems consistent with the details. Close down the post office so there's nothing getting out of the town and then comb through the observatory, debrief the asset and so forth.

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I was thinking that the 'dead hiker' might be someone who was trying to get away fast when the blackhawks closed in…sooooper groovy spy stuff.

I guess that means I spend most of the rest of my time in the Archives…not much else to do…I didn't come here not to learn and it looks like that is the only place that real convo is/was present.