SC Nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s Mother Presided Over Foreclosure Of (((Accuser’s))) Family Home
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Have a bump purely for my amusement.
Explain this to me like I'm retarded how this is significant news.
Here's the archive in case the tweet gets shoah'd. He's getting buttraped in the comments and it definitively won't age well.
Seconded. I know who Kavan dude is, don't know any of the others.
Except for life time virtue signaling points, winning legal fees, and (((donations))).
small world
thwarting her political opponents from seating a SC nominee is a breddy big gain. Decades of SC decisions are at stake.
they're going to indict Don Jr as punishment for the declassification
then fuck off youngster
Who cares what Q-LARP says?
Isn't any of what may have happened is irrelevant because statue of limitations?
Really nothing to gain? Because last I checked getting five minutes of fame is something people kill for not to mention all the money some publishing kike will pay for her "story". Also what does she lose? Last I checked women can lie about being raped have it proven in court and not have any punishment given despite the man having faced years in prison on her word alone.
This thing is Ford's lawyer.
Every time failed and removed moderator (((polvol2))) spams a thread with '"fuck drumpf he is a jew puppet, remind yourself how hard the jews are working to fight everything trump does. If he was a jew puppet, he would nominate another jew puppet to the SCOTUS. Instead the jews manufactured another sexual assault fairy tale to try and circumvent the nomination process. The nomination process was for all intents and purposes over and they are now inventing a fake high school date rape story and forcing it to be included in the vetting process. This is next level jewry, against a trump nominee. Shills like ex-mod (((polvol2))) are basically relying on chesscuck logic to keep their trump is a jew puppet'' narrative alive when they say acts like this is just ZOGchess to fool you into thinking the jews hate trump.
Furthermore, not that Zig Forums needs more trump threads to offset (((polvol2)))'s spam, but the lack of coverage shows how the shills' shutitdown efforts are working in the sense that if they can't sway Zig Forums to their side, they can at least prevent proper coverage. For instance, a common (((polvol2))) spam line you see repeated is, "where's the wall?" Just very recently it was announced that the wall prototypes failed an exhaustive testing process that put the integrity of the walls under extreme simulations. There's no coverage on Zig Forums about this, because the shills are winning.
If he was not a Jew puppet, he would have been JFK'd already.
I was reading the JYT article on this earlier and they claim that she was the judge but swayed the bank and they got to keep the house. Any anons that have more autism than me to dig deeper to discredit this new Jewish lie?
Then the guy who fills every Trump-related thread with near identical posts filled with angry red text and always claims to file fraudulent reports. I don't know how that guy isn't permabanned.
To be honest if trump was really /ourguy/ why hasn't he been assassinated?
I wouldn't stop voting for trump when he was elected he legitimized the entire right, we just need to push the overton window further to give us another shot at natsoc or a better ideology.
First some asshole rapes you, then the asshole's mom forecloses on your mom's house. Some days you just can't win.
Proof or it didn’t happen yid. Guilty till proven innocent but then again kikes don’t care about the law, only how to subvert it.
cause you kikes cant do shit now. We fucking weathered the storm and all you can do is cry about it
Get me a Coke, please.
I bet you pol kikes love shit like that
Very Ron Pearlmanesque, I’d say. A close (imbred kike) relative perhaps?
>(((muh necrobumping)))
reported for underage newfag kike
In a normal court setting, you could challenge the witness's credibility because she has an ax to grind. Obviously, her motive for making accusations is suspect.
i dont think this is really going to do anything except stoke the flames of the left.
I think they will put him through and the left will be like
They are engineering conflict and division.. always.. guys, remember that
It's weekend shilling on overdrive, user. It was like this during the general 2016 election where at certain times (especially weekends) that kikes will flood with everything they can to try and forcibly remove trump support, all the while attempting to blackpill, bluepill, and all manner of D&C shilling to try and fracture and break up the board.
This weekend is no different.