Stay safe out there. Mods nobully, there is no more potential effort to put into this thread. Discuss

Stay safe out there. Mods nobully, there is no more potential effort to put into this thread. Discuss.

Attached: FBI-Niggery.JPG (632x509, 59.58K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Tampering with government property is a felony. kek

Seriously though, that's a bit ghetto for gov equipment.

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What is there to discuss? ZOGbots do creepy shit for their pedophile masters

Its lazy but not necessarily out of their habbits. They should have made a rock, maybe he lives in the city or something and it wouldnt fit in.

Attached: 100 deadly surveillance camera.PNG (1113x717 150.46 KB, 445.91K)

why does eric have a lightning bolt on his profile pic?

I have no one to inform on.

Pay me FBI!

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Its going through a star of david, smashing it. Im not a fan of Striker, I actually dislike him, but I dont doubt the truth of his post.

Who the fuck else would do it? Local gangs?

When was this book authored?

Published 2015 originally.

Why was this anchored ?

Cans omeone link to the actual tweet or gab post?


Also what's the title?

What book is it?

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Maybe some jews trying to set user up. It looks like a garage made part is all. I would expect government equipment to be finished a little better if it's an "official" operation. This looks sketchy as fuck. user should call the cops.

Maybe the guy being spied on lives in a place where something more slick would stand out more than something that looks like it was slapped together in a garage.

now why would this thread be anchored???

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Now thats kiked.

Not the mod who anchored it, but this is clearly a low effort unsourced thread. Give me evidence and a link and I will consider unanchoring.

I already did.

Like what more do you want. I should have put a title in saying what the picture says, thats about it. Striker says multiple people have been pressured to become informants and one found a box outside his house with a camera facing it. Its all in the picture. It deserves its own thread due to the implications but its not an OP you can write a big lengthy thing on.

Someone who used to write for the Daily Stormer, currently co-hosts a podcast with Kike Eunuch, and denies weev is a kike isn't really a credible source.

If this were real, wouldn't the FBI come back and charge him for tampering with their surveillance device?

Unanchored. Include such information in the OP next time to avoid such incidents.

could he bait the FBI into admitting it's theirs?

When you don't want to get found you use parts that can't be tracked back to you. This shit is bog standard for intelligence agencies.


The FBI need money to expand their profits and grow their kickbacks and salaries. Fastest way to do that is to make yourself relevant, even if you're irrelevant. Fabrication of a right wing boogeyman, the "mythical right wing boogeyman" gets the bucks in from the jewish

The FBI clutch at straws to manufacture some sort of right wing conspiracy. All this, instead of going after actual antifa and left wing terrorists.

Just goes to show how fucking useless the FBI is when they become the jew-chew-toy scraping for shekels.

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The Clinton machine that is operating inside these agencies are desperate for something. They know if they can't find something to make a ruckus about they are fucked.

Makes absolutely no sense after supposedly approaching him beforehand. Stay in school.

They could have put together something in a better enclosure that matches telco/cable equipment without being so obvious.

Perhaps the quality of the average FBI nigger has declined.

Perhaps the quality of the average FBI nigger has declined.
inb4 the FBI was never good

Alphabet agencies create their boogeymen ever since the Soviet union fell apart.

What is plausible deniability?

Imagine believing that this problem somehow starts and ends with the Clintons. Go back to /r/The_Donald or stay here and lurk moar


Attached: ad5dd712bf4f1308d1b9f822226b24131d918797123f000f59a7074a6556dd79.jpg (249x255, 28.44K)

Because of naggers.

I wonder how much money is wasted on shit like this? Like the money to pay for who knows how much tech and man hours for god knows how many random losers on the internet making shitty jokes. I really really wish the government would redirect some of that money towards clean water. Those of us on the lower end of the economic scale can't go dropping a bunch of money on a Pro Pur. Yeah water that doesn't taste like bleach flavored rotten eggs would be godly.

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If the government was benevolent and functional enough to take care of the people, then neither you or I would be here.

no, government secret operations have departments that specifically is made of tinkerers and crafters, making many gadgets like that. You'd expect top factory made military tools for the agencies, but no, in fact most of it is stuff they made by hand, for few reasons such as keeping secrecy, preventing industrial spying, very reduced costs and less constraints on what to craft. and of course, crafted by people they "trust", close to them, working with them etc..

Bullshit. It's not marked as federal property, you utter waste of egg and sperm.

Are you retarded nigger, do you really think that?

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t. knows nothing about law

yeah, uhuh

Law is based on precise rules. Of course it's not fair. Ever heard of "lawful evil"?

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i dont see how they would even know it's you with a slingshot and ahoodie if you did it from behind the camera one day… go out for bike ride… at some point their camera goes down, they dont see you, that means you didn't do it

That kind of surveillance is illegal you dumb nigger


But what if they have a camera set up to spy on the first camera? What if there's a camera trail leading to the final kike boss?

Assuming it's the only camera there. Would be easy to point another camera at the first one to get more angles and catch any tampering.

Better to follow the cable and see where it goes.

This , and why would the FBI come to his door and say "you ruined this hidden camera that we illegally put up to spy on you with, please compensate us for a new one, to spy on you with."

wear a mask and a different set of clothes under the ones you use to slingshot the camera to shit, do it at night so no one looking out their windows can ID you, it's all about what you can prove in a court, not what actually habbened


Is that hung on power lines?

I was thinking why not put some duct tape over the lens. Then set up a webcam facing it from a window, to record if anyone comes to remove it.
But exposing them to that would be more joyous kek.

That's the hard truth and it's relevant whenever you look on Earth. I don't think that the gap between the rulers and the masses was ever this fucked; at least people are waking up by the day and I hope the pace of this is enough for us to regain control.

Are you seriously trusting so much as a single thing that little fucking runt said?
He scammed Zig Forums and tried to take it over, he botneted his own users on Kiwifarms for bitcoin mining.
He thought Jim was going to kill him and feed him to his pigs.

Josh is crazy and untrustworthy.

they already glow in the dark who gives a flying fuck

Attached: fbi2.jpeg (858x917, 219.69K)

MI5 started putting down hundreds of those rock cameras in Armagh to catch 1 shot paddy, looking at hedge rows and fencelines and anywhere that the triggerman might cross in the area of operation.

Pics related explains how to do things clean pretty much. Sage for triple post.

Attached: Fry-Chapter1-2.png (1605x983 912.27 KB, 648.86K)

Anyone halfway competant is already earning ten times more in the private sector.

FBI are nobodies, the NSA has spies and they are James Bond to the FBI's script kiddie tier by-the-book mimicry. They FBI just follows the process. As Obama would say, they are the JV team.

In a faggot contest though fbi and nsa is even

Like the FBI normally spends its time solving crimes that would otherwise fall to the local police but had some special component to them that makes them want to solve it a bit more, its just super-cops. Not really a real alphabet agency.

Where is this from?

A book called Fry the Brain, it should be in the Zig Forums pdf thread. Be aware that the first chapter is literally the only good part of the book, the author never again goes into the kind of descriptive narration of an operation, but rather rambles on about his opinions on what makes a good sniper. It's not like his opinions are bad information though, it's just nothing a Zig Forumsommando wouldn't alreayd know.

Hogwash, the entire thing was engaging and a fun read. You wont pick shit up about hides and counter sniper skills etc if you just read that. You wont even learn about the car door actuator and webcam remote controlled assassination rifle and the fucking exploding cooler with gas and mines for the counter-sniper team, that was fucking GLORIOUS. The final chapter is probably the best, and thats a tough call because the IRA chapter(s) are also great.

Just looking at these, thanks for blowing them up and clarifying it. I didnt realize it was so big. I wonder what thats off of, looks like its pulled out of something else that was much bigger.


Yeah, the (((FBI))) is the American stasi.
A bunch of communist thugs working to support ZOG.
Why anyone here trusts or reveres these goons in beyond me.

Its not the Clintons you fucking idiot its the kikes and no amount of reformist or parliamentarian faggotry is going to fix this shit.

Attached: shiggy.jpg (271x200, 22.78K)

A poojeet is stealing your wifi.

Attached: Thank you come again.jpg (480x640, 123.28K)

That's how it seems to me.

Attached: otdchygddt shiggy.jpg (125x125, 7.53K)

Kek the author BTFO a (((critic))) on goodreads. Worth a look.

hey fbi lfw if u are hiring

Thats a good video btw.

where was it hanging? up on the powerlines? why is it so low? it would be really helpful to know a little more about placement etc

Get your shit together, FBI.

they probably let him find it on purpose in order to gaslight him

No, they didn't. They aren't accustomed to dealing with white people.

bullshit. they investigate "h'white" activist groups all the time, and that's just in politics

Fine. Why do they suck at this, then?

Likely setup an easy to find camera to induce paranoia while for their real surveillance they can simply use the backdoor in his smartphone/monitor communications via remote taps etc. What he found was clearly something meant to be found.


If it turned out to be CATV or Telecom equipment - still a felony.

Did anyone even consider that a non government or enforcement entity may have placed camera?
FBI CIA NSA arent the only people that spy on other people for a living.
Investigative journalist, private investigator, ect.
Only if you get caught it is.

No. Definitely not that. Too well-hidden. Most would not notice such a change.

wtf is that orange shit

Cmon man

If Striker is reporting credible info, it says that FBI agents tried to recruit him as an informant. So it's a fair assumption that the camera is FBI.

With jews you loose!
