Trump Slaps Massive Tariff Cock on 200 Billion More of Chink Goods

Trump will slap 10% tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese goods — and they will go to 25% at year-end

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Nothing unusual going on here. Anyone else love Hispanic heritage month?


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Can you just hear the (((retailers))) REEEEEEEEEing? Hahahaha.

On the other hand you can pay your tariff and get a Chinese HDMI cable shipped to your door in five days for $4 instead of $3 which is no big deal. This exclusively hurts Jewish retailers and middlemen and chinkslave plantation factory owner / operators. They can move to China and never come back for all I care.

Boy, i can't wait to pay more for imported goods. BASTE.

I can't wait to pay less for domestic.


you can literally order anything made in china direct from them cutting out all middlemen for 1/10th what these items cost in a retail location or through a domestic online store like amazon, if you don't already order your chinkshit direct from those slant eyed bastards you're completely retarded and should gas yourself for the good of the gene pool

Reported for imkikey-era paid shilling.

Problem is you're doing business with bugs. So many ways for it to go wrong.

That's not tariffs work. You pay more for imported goods as well as domestically produced goods. As people start looking for alternatives to imports they bid up prices for domestic products. You are going to pay ~25% more and of course all of that money is not being used to reduce your share of national debt, but to buy more overpriced weapons systems from Lockheed and Boeing.

From where else could you purchase an HDMI cable? Some products are only obtainable from bugland. I agree with you though.

Spoke with a hipster-trash couple, wife obese obnoxious, husband neck-beard-nu-male, they helped people that are to stupid to search alibaba set up manufacturing in China, they specialized on "avoiding" (skirting) copyright infringement laws and helping people with gibs SBLs, especially the new SBL for LGBT…

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Wrong, the imported good's prices raise by the tariff's amount but nothing else happens. And I like weapons systems so that's great too.

good, I own a shit load of boeing and lockheed martin stocks. I sold a shit load of tencent and alibaba stores when i heard orangeutan was actually serious about starting a trade war without understanding anything about economics.

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That's part of why you pay more to let someone else take the risk. Hopefully we bring more production back here soon.

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I don't see how any of this can actually help muttmerica domestic manufacturing sectors tbh.
The only kind of war that can do that was ww1 and ww2, which also included the fact that muttmerica was physically untouchable. But ZOG west can never start a total war with bugland without destroying themselves in the process.

So what is trumpkike doing here?

Your moon rune to human language translator sucks. Must have been made in China.

Only kikes give a shit about money owed to kikes.


American consumers need a 25% tax hike like a hole in the head and without cheap slave labor from China guess who will have to work like slaves? Americans? No, they don't want to solder shit all day long. It's going to be Mexicans and other shitskin immigrants, who will become an integral part of the economy, just like it was always planned. 500D Chess.

Are you talking about your race-mixing goy-emperor? Because the rest of us do care that almost 10% of our tax dollars are used to make interest payments on the debt.

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Nobody cares reddit.
Fuck off.

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If you don't outsource slave labor, you'll either have to do it yourself, or import the slaves. In our case, they're already here and Trump just made sure that they will never go back.
We had a good thing going and Trump took a giant shit on it.

Can't stand how China cries like a bitch when someone else does the same shit they do to everyone else. I wish the US would just close its market to the Chinks, you know how the Chinks close their own markets so their own business can prosper. Also for all the "smart" chink talk they can't even shit and have to steal or strong arm companies for their tech, and they still make shit copies.

Tariffs don't work on China because they can manipulate their currency to counter it. Because they aren't dumb goyim who gave their banking apparatus to Jews.

You don't have a clue how economics works, do you?

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The main thing working in China's favor is that they actually have the physical productive facilities. They have the physical goods to trade for what they need and the machinery/manpower/active skills base to build pretty much everything they need domestically. The US is basically banking on China not finding other external markets to pick up the slack before Americans realize the jobs are going to Indonesia and Vietnam, not Wisconsin or Oregon.

>Implying that factory workers are slaves, when they were high wage jobs before intentional liquidation with things like (((NAFTA))).

This board is turning into 4/pol/

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How can China manipulate currency to counter the tariffs when they don't have the reserve currency? US is the only nation that can print money, and China's currency has already been substantially devalued as they try to wriggle out of the tariffs Trump is already butt-fucking them into submission with.

Tariffs are a tax. Virtually all economists actually employed as economists agree that the most effective method for reducing the quantity demanded of any product is to tax it. The quantity demanded will decrease very quickly and in proportion to the percentage of the tax. This strategy even works on highly addictive substances such as marijuana and tobacco. If our president's goal is to reduce our country's trade deficit with China by a large amount quickly, then taxing products imported from China would undoubtedly be the best way to do it. I just wanted to make this explicitly clear for you, user.

Not an argument, Shareblue.

Yes it is

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I know that China can offset any harm tarriffs do to their exports by decreasing the value of their currency relative to the dollar. China has firm control over the value of their own currency, whereas the USA put their monetary policy into the hands of private banks over a century ago.

False. Reserve currency just means that foreign banks tend to hold dollars or US treasury bonds. Which, funny enough, gives China even more control over the situation, considering they are holding something close to $2 trillion worth. Not only can they manipulate the value of their own currency at will, they can manipulate the value of the US dollar pretty effectively too.

China's ability to manipulate forex markets is very highly constrained due to their status as top trading nation. To make a very long story very short, the best China could do when it comes to RMB devaluation is to fuck the world and go bankrupt by exporting some of their losses to their most dependent trade partners while simultaneously making their USD denominated debts unservicable. By far the better option would be to capitulate to our president's demands.

so hes your glorious leader now?
hows t_d?

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yeah ok

That is not correct. China is more economically stable than the USA and has more ability to withstand/survive a trade war on their terms. Your president is starting a war he cannot win. In the best case, this can be leveraged into starting an American civil war, which will be good for Whites.

China exists in a bubble that is rapidly expanding and bursting.

You are under delusion.

China is not economically stable, you fucking PROCShill, the state enabled economy only exists because of direct government subsidization, particularly the construction and real estate businesses. As we are seeing, the easing of China putting the US secured debt into their construction businesses has resulted in their economic downturn and shown how poor the chinks are at structural maintenance and engineering.

Bamboo make bad rebar?

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Economic stability is a concept that economists disagree upon in terms of measurement and meaning. Generally, it is assumed that a combination of stability in GDP growth and stability in foreign exchange rates, both taking into account cyclical trends, is a somewhat good indicator of a country's economic stability. To say that China is more economically stable than the US would be an extreme minority opinion among economists. Take this with a grain of salt, though, since talking about economic stability is akin to predicting the future.

That's a bad assumption

Yes, and this is why it is stable. Central planning is a good thing, contrary to what stupid American neoliberal economists want you to believe.

American economists are fucking retards, so that is a good thing. The belief that flooding your country with infinity niggers is not the key to endless growth is also a minority opinion among low IQ American economists.

Except China is importing shitton of niggers from Africa.

China economy follows the GDP calculation to the tee, that's why actual per capita salary for people is bad, very bad.

Their growth is from sucking the western corporation dicks.

The whole eastern bloc would probably like a word with you.

Except the US can counter with printing more dollars. Something China cannot do.

Not an argument.


Wat? I don't see Japan mentioned anywhere in the OP. Did Japan drop back to #3 after passing China?

These boomers and redditors that infest the board need to take the next redpill to see Trump for what he is. I'm afraid that the majority of them won't until his terms are up and whites are within a few years of being genocided. Oh well, if they can't advance to that level of "woke" they don't deserve to live.

I think you'd find opinions there rather mixed. In terms of high technology and public education, I'd argue that the eastern bloc was significantly ahead of the West. They had a hard time delivering on the consumer products and scale, but it is what it is.


There is a certain myopia required to consistently deliver consumer products that was lacking in the Soviet system.

The eastern bloc was not higher in technology and public education considering they actually considered Lysenkoism and the digital technology was dogshite.

All they had was fordist assembly lines (copied from the West), rocket engines (stolen from Germany) and some revolutionary tank designs (which are original).

I don't think the public education question is even debatable. The fruits are in the societies they have produced. One a niggerized hell hole on a verge of racial death totally impoverished by jewish landlords and the other completely impervious to all attacks from the niggerized hordes to its west with almost incalculable riches in its land.

You can't pin those results on the Socialist economic system. In fact, the Eastern bloc is illiberal largely in reaction to the demise of their sovereignties at the hands of (((Soviet))) appointed despots. While their economic conditions are poorer as a result, it doesn't take eagle eyes to look at countries like Japan or Singapore as examples of economic systems sustainable without central control or nigger imports

The best thing about this is that Xi ping pong can't do anything about it. It would be by far the wisest to cave but can't due to their unstable government system and the vampires in it will topple and execute him the minute he throws the towel. And bring in an even worse one that will act even more desperately.
The prime example why liberty always wins against tyranny. Evil always defeats itself.

Let me guess it failed because the West sabotaged it and not due to their fantasy economics?
Central planning fails becuse the one planning it can't predict the needs of the people accurately. Not to mention that combined with authoritarian regimes the whole economy implodes due to corruption and lack of incentive.
The only reason why it works in China is due to communists and the rest of the traitors in the US treating China like an ally in the Cold War shipping jobs there and basically giving them gibs. While they in fact portray the US like the devil himself.
It was the same with the Eastern block. Shit started failing in the 60' or even before, after which they started to borrow massively from the West for their big social programs and base their economy on oil. Once the line was cut they imploded in less than 10 years. They saw it coming for 20 years yet couldn't do anything about it.
Same will happen with China. A bunch of lying scheming Communists parasites that can't live other than steal from others.

The only question is whether they will start a war. Which would have to be fought against the whole world since the pact with Russia is a defensive one.

You pay more because the kikes don't want the Chinese cutting them out of their profits. There is ZERO incentive for US firms to build here, and if they did they'd just hire all of the illegals that Trump is letting across the border.

Just saw a video of spics on horseback and camoflauge with weapons crossing the border at will through some guy's ranch. He set up cameras everywhere to film it. They just trot in with giant backpacks full of drugs and the Border Patrol is no where to be found.

Probably because the Border Patrol is all full of fucking SPICS! Just like that spic Border Patrol Agent serial killer they just caught.

Only way to balance it out is automated factories in america. That way cheap labor costs are taken out of the picture. Only downside is there wont be any line jobs, instead its a group of IT savvy geeks watching the machines and the maintenance crew who fixes them.
America could easily become the manufacturing power house for all of north and south america (population of almost a trillion people - 999482044).

Chinks have already starting shipping their production over to africa because their slave labor has become too expensive. This is one of the reasons (other than natural resources) why they've begun investing in africa.

If China and the EU crash all of those investments comes pouring back into america. Which is a likely scenario if Trump keeps adding tariffs in all the right places.

yup cause only jews are retailers…the absolute state of pol.

buddy i'm pretty sure 90% of the posters here know he's just a stepping stone, just because they don't all refer to him as "drumpf the kike puppet shill" doesn't mean they don't know.

hur dur trump orange monkey leeeel
>>>Zig Forums

They had many of their own problems. There was definitely sabotage involved, though. I don't know how you could read any differently into the situations with the Brady bonds, Boris Yeltsin, and the jewish mafia. When something like 75% of the people vote to stay in the Soviet Union and 3 guys who were clearly bought off by the West in hindsight unilaterally dissolve the country anyway, it looks suspicious.

(((you))) see pic

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Daily reminder that 100% kiked boomer culture and the chink-spic-nig cycle won't die with the boomers thanks to the millennials

It'd be great if lefties supported this on the basis of ending factory slave labor in China but they don't give a shit about anything except cheap chinkshit

You mad, amermutt? I know the truth repels you subhumans like holohoax exposure repels the kikes.

The real elephant in the room. Europeans and their mutt relatives are in absolute dysgenic mode, lacking leadership.
Lower class people will always be slaves. The noble thing to do was always to make sure that at least the slaves were well fed, well clothed, not trampled upon and allowed to breed without inherent genetic defects. That has always been the truth of life.
The so called "enlightement" sought to conceal that truth and the modern world is the result of that. Hitler and other movements tried to bring sanity back to the world and look what happened to them.

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The only reason your slaves was able to afford ALL THAT SHIT back in the 50s and 60s was because you fucking destroyed Europe and gave half of it to vatnik communist subhuman scum.

See, this is precisely what I mean. Freefalling into dysgenic, praising kike poison culture as creativity and "culture" while refusing to observe why the yellow people are catching up.

They were purposely dismantled from within. Gorbachev was a western pawn and the biggest traitor of Russian history. He and his CIA/Jew controllers looted Russia.

Which was the good thing. Karma is a bitch. Chosen the path of the subhumans, go out like a bunch of subhumans. It always amuses me how like 99% of whores in occupied Germany are slavs. Victors and liberators indeed. Not like more than half of German females aren't worse than whores anyway, but that is just a kosher "culture" problem, while slav suffering is very deeply rooted and fundemental.

Never ever buy chinkshit cables, they're fucking useless.
Or don't be mad when your 100 mbps connectiojn can't go beyond 10mbps

If you get your country's wealth plundered, you win!
Oh wait, I forgot Trump is the American president, not the leaf.

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