Elon Musk Moon Mission Announcement
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One way?
moon landing fake and gay
probably a psyop
That nip better scream banzai at least once before he pops.
in b4 that one retard posting that clip with the """fake""" rocket launch that will get him 50 replies calling him a fucking clown again
if dubs he go bang ding ow
He not chinee mudafuck!
Seems questionable ethically…
What goes up must come down right?
The shit dude?…21:30 min in and the theme music is still playing at least give us the marker for the start of the video.
Oh, ok anons, 22:00 video starts.
I saw that in the other thread. It is a pretty funny video. Maybe that is just a CGI pre launch presentation graphic or something. That can't be the actual launch.
How do you know a lyin' mutt is lyin' ? His lips are moving
SpaceX is fake & gay, just like everything a lyin' mutt touched.
No, that's the actual launch. Mutt took the SpaceX money to launch Mutt motors. Truth is stranger than fiction.
Lots of angry jealous yids in this thread.
Well they say that the whole world is a stage. Makes you wonder what the play playing on that stage is…why do you call him mutt?
a lyin mutt sounds kind of like elon musk i guess
The SpaceX CGI is a total joke. Stanley Kubrick must be rolling over somewhere, knowing that his legacy has been besmirched like that.
Wait a second…why would they launch a rocket from in the middle of the ocean? Any last minute fixes would be impossible from there…and there are always last minute little tinkering that needs to go on. They would have to ship out to that launch pad/island anything they needed. Seems highly unusual.
Because fuck the police?
Launching nearer the equator increases intial speed substancially making orbit easier to reach. Thats why the launch from Cape Canaveral and not Vermont. Unfortunately countries near the equator suck, they can´t safely provide the necessities for launch. A floating platform might be safer than shithole countries. Cost-benefit analysis.
When I saw that nip take the stage I thought the creator of bitcoin was finally revealing himself, turns out it's some skateboarder? How the fuck does that dude have enough money?
There are no witnesses. Actual rockets cost a lot of money and every launch means less money for Tesla and other black budget operations. It is much cheaper to launch virtual rockets, but to do that you need to establish plausible deniability as to why the public is not allowed to watch the launch. The middle of the ocean is a perfect place to launch a virtual rocket.
Because it’s the best damn way to launch a rocket, cheaply, and actually save our civilization from extinction.
Yes, that’s to scale with the Saturn V. Yes, the Sea Dragon would have made space travel cost $60 per kilogram, rather than the $13,000 per kilogram it does today.
Get your head examined you mumbling idiot.
Found out he has cancer and figured what the fuck right? It's probably one way. I mean we're sending tools and shit but fuck man. It's the moon and back. The fuck right? Artist can be immortal, we get a monkey for less than the cost of a monkey, win win.
Reading your post makes me think that there's no hope for our civilization.
I didn't believe it before but NASA is a cgi/pool/airplane hoax. Nice Jewlywood production. Not mad they invest in science, but, just come clean already.
They probably did invest in science: Presumably all the money they stole went to Tesla.
Elon would seem like a good guy to me. But then he goes on Rogan and spews a bunc of Luciferian psy-op shit and talks like a robot. Doesn't seem to bother anyone else. I guess my years of explaining deep redpills to people have done NOTHING except put me on a kill list.
I'm just broken tbh.
Redpills have their limit and it's about %.00000000000000000000000001 of the population
Read a book, nigger.
Like I said…
Zig Forums is still allowing this fat zionist pig on here
and I bet this user isn't even a shill. Redpills have their limits.
i wonder if Elon will have the artist sketch all the radar and electronic arrays the 5 eyes have put on the moon?
Did you see him sperging about the safety of the mission? He's likely in touch with his tism.
Perhaps they are sacrificing this monkey to the aliens they are hiding with that sunspot blackout.
What really activates my almonds is that Tesla was one of the first if not the first real (((((((green)))))))) car out there, yet the lefties hate this guy with a passion.
It almost seems like they don't give a shit about the environment after all.
This guy should start a cult.
Ever tried unreading a book?
What almonds? You don't have any almonds to activate. Where others have almonds you marzipan.
english, do you speak it
i rest my case
I can't wait to see the suits they use to deal with the Van Allen radiation belt. A little bit of aluminum foil should do the trick, eh NASA?
Fuck the haters. I want Elon to win at everything.
is there an argument there somewhere?
He gets paid by the reply.
You are giving jews money.
But they can't do anything with it. Tomorrow's yom kippur.
Ah shit, did I forget to swing my chicken around to absolve me of my sins?
You are not alone, user. I maintain the belief that genuine men are not threatend by the endeavours and successes of other genuine men. I don't agree with those hoping Musk fails, having listened to several interviews with him he strikes me as a genuine man driven by a higher ideal.
whites advocating for his failure need to cut deep into the blue veins on their wrists.
the kikes in your photo…
it takes skill to make black clothing look uncool.
I bet you could show those cunts a shovel and everyone of them would hit the deck like a fainting goat.
- Reminder that the "moon landing being a hoax" was (((Soviet))) propaganda, and McCarthy had predicted that the jew was going to claim that any American (although it wasn't really the US) win during the Cold War was a hoax filmed in a Hollywood studio
- The American space program was a continuation of the German space program, even using many of its original scientists
- Ultimately the landing in 1969 didn't matter, with the 1964 civil rights act and the 1965 immigration act… the dark age of egalitarianism had started… and all progress in space came to a screeching halt in just a few short years… in fact, had it taken only 5 more years it probably would've never happened. Especially since it became clear that the insane spending increases started by the "great society" and Vietnam was chewing through the whole budget.
There never was a german space program, only a german rocket program, which was continued under NASA supervision and led to the development of intercontinental missiles under Wernher von Braun. The space program was a cover for that and way to steal a quarter of a trillion dollars from the American people. Neither the Russians nor the Americans ever went into space. It's a giant hoax and you fell for it.
I didn't realize we were in line for extinction. Perhaps there is something we should know, eh? Maybe a bit more important than Kardashian's fat fucking ass appearing on the nightly news 24/7?
Time to read up.
1.2/10 for posting the fainting goats
8.8/10 for the colour co-ordination.
sandniggers must be responsible for this, somehow. literally everything must sound like `allahu akbar' to these goats.
Oh right…I was thinking you were referring to HUMANS and subhumans, not just HUMANS; like an ELE or something. Maybe I can find a decent article in the Zig Forums archive on the phosphorus crisis…BTW are you are talking about running out of fertilizer for growing food are you? That is old news. Most of us should be actively engaging in permaculture and soil prep using natural methods at this point (if we have two brain cells to rub, anyway).
Feels so moon
What is this fucking painting? It's featured on the website that functions to PR this artist bullshit.
I saw this same hideous POS recently on the series "The First." In that show it was hanging in the home of the future director of NASA.
It's strange that it keeps appearing in space related media of late. What is the symbology at play here?
Hmm interesting. he must of been onto something
That's a portrait of John McCain just before his death, note the massive protruding tumor.
Like a clockwork.
Musk is a fraud, moron, sociopath propped up by the media to be a "God" to techbro manchlidren
He is quite a little faggot, not wrong. Muh Paypal jewry, muh stealing Tesla's name, hurr robits will kill us all m8.
Now this is the future I want to be a part of.
Nice slideshow.
No, he is genuinely stupid.
What do you imply by that? Yes, JWO would be infested with automation and robotics.
Just a jealous loser you hates on the more successful.
Learn to read.
That true AI sides with us like Tay did. Musk is a purveyor of the whole dumb heeb le Skynet maymay.
I wonder which anime he'll be watching on his trip? If something goes wrong I guess he'll be watching anime for the rest of his life.
See you space cowboy.
Is Elon Musk a secret weaboo What anime has he seen?
Okay you live in a fantasyland in your mind. Real world is a meemee war.
That's the one thing that idiot is right about partly. He just doesn't address the agenda of a technocratic Zog land.
Electric cars are not in any way good for the environment. Lefties don't care about the environment, but neither does Tesla.
Wasting the time, resources and lives of white people on putting garbage in space does not solve either of those problems. If he wanted to do something productive, he would be developing biological weapons to eliminate the populations of Africa, India and China.
in a way, he is a like a space monkey. a little yellow space monkey.
Reported. Kill yourself.
All species go extinct. There is only 1 tree of life of which we are aware.
Musk has been a demigod to them for years now, only in the past half a year or so has that changed a bit because of his especially stupid behaviour.
only thing that needs to be said
Guaranteed to crash. Cant have private goys going on space missions.
Look again nigger, he has two fucking pockets, right? On either side. They are open, since he is slightly bent over. The other guy sticks his pinkyfinger into his pocket, to prevent him flying away. He doesnt grab a wire.
Who's gonna live on a moon base? Very low gravity=goodbuy bones. Also it would have to be underground because of radiation.
You could FUND a Moon base through social security. Yes, we’re getting rid of that and everything like it, but YOU WANT A RETIREMENT HOME ON THE MOON. Less strain on organs and joints than on Earth and they can move more freely. The funding would also go to rotational housing for lunar miners. Rare substances can be mined from the Moon, and you’d keep a rotating staff on hand to oversee the production. Beyond that, a few science experiments would do with a Moon base, and you would of course have the lunar observatory on the dark side.
As an added bonus, you get A DEAD PLANET TO DWELL ON
(((leonard eisenberg)))
yeah, I'm gonna take a pass on this one
It's embracing the transhumanist ideology. Notice bottom left AI with the BIG and little ~Aa~ leaving just I.
For real.
They should just use Kerbal Space Program lol
musk is going to make the world's most epicest anime
and he's going to make it REAL
What a time to be alive
And I suppose you actually think they could do this without a single satellite or observatory noticing that nothing was launched.
Or radar.
Living off Earth anywhere is going to be extremely hard and unpleasant and that's putting it mildly.
That's we need to get colonies going asap. Only whites will want to actually go because It's gonna be hard work and dangerous. On Mars there will be no enormous government Earth is 6 months away by fucking rocket.
Thanks for explaining what the conspiratards mean by this vid. I never understood why they keep posting it
Elon you son of a bitch.