Amazing! Heroes really do exist

Guarentee none of what is says she did really happened.

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Seems fucking legit Schlomo, hahahahahha.

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The bike part made me laugh so hard when I read this

Her own mother was a pedophile pimp for her daughter? That is pretty gross…

I believe the part where she tried to get German cock.

Wait a sec…
So she was also friends with another lil commie slut.
And these slags get promotedin our media as 'heores'.
How absolutley fucking Weimar.


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Who is in control of the Hannie Schaft Memorial Foundation?

Oh Jew :^)

It's empowering, shitlord.

Why is it always a TORpedo the one with the most embarrasingly stupid posts in every thread?

God youare such cancer.
Go back to your Trump thread.


Attached: scoot my shekels.webm (480x360, 3.77M)

Why do reliable sources like Corbett Report say that Hitler was a Rothschild?

Why did the British Crown, Prescott Bush, and a slew of American bankers and industrialists support Hitler? Why didn't Hitler invade Britain? Why are the British Royal Family crypto Jews?

Not an argument.

Never heard of them before but at a glance they look like cucks who don't name the jew.

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If Hitler were a Rothschild he wouldn't have lost.

Reminder that you’re a ban evading paid shill spamming the same jewish lies we’ve heard for 70 years.

First of all you're a TORpedo faggot
Having said that
Let me answer your question with a question to activate your noggin and get your almonds joggin'.
Why do "reliable sources" say hitler was a jew, gay, had 1 testicle, or had an ugly penis? Why do they say hitler was CUHRAZY?
Because it's to beat a dead horse over 80 years.

None of these groups "supported hitler", american and british nationals and corporations did business with germany, an industrial powerhouse in central europe.

What the fuck was the battle of britain and operation sea-lion?

Ever since cromwell the "british royals" have intermarried with jews.

In conclusion urafaggot

That pict.

Goodnight kike.

What? He did exactly what he needed to do for the communists to win. He killed all of Germany's young men, the bravest, the most courageous, the most moral. None of their DNA was passed on to Germany or to the German people. The kikes knew exactly what he would do so they lured him up there and Germany was never a world power or the heart and soul of Europe again. Had the blood and spirit been passed on to Germany's people of their brave warriors the entire planet would look different right now. But they were slaughtered and instead of German's, the communists in their triumph, imported turkroaches, and mongrels to replace the beating heart of Europe. Both Russia and Germany were utterly defeated in one fell swoop and Europeans lost everything of value. The very fabric of our most important and valuable resource, OUR PEOPLE.

So Pedowood Kikes are gonna make a biographical movie about her?

Someone should deepfake it and claim prior art. kek

But for god's sake use an 18 year old version k?

Considering the fact that it's a 14 year old seducing men, it seems right up their alley

Because it's not common Jews, but Turbojews like the Rothschilds and their allies in the Vatican, British Crown, and the Masonic Lodge that are doing this shit.

The Rothschilds didn't expect Stalin to win.

Not an argument, and I'm not evading a ban, I'm evading your employer spying on me. If you want to refute the argument instead of spouting Jewish pilpul, feel free.

They don't. They only say he was a Jew. The other claims aren't supported by reliable sources.

And you've demonstrated the problem with those who want to blame this exclusively on Jews. It's not Jews, it's the synagogue of satan. And the synagogue of satan has intermarried with European aristocracy generations ago.

You dont get it she was so bad ass and totally rad and a cool assassin she just used her assassin persuasion skills and they were like well we cant stand up to this level of high iq bantz we have to let her go its too much

If I had never seen evidence of fakery I would think "wow, such an assassin". I saw user post here a video flip through of jew-york magazine, showing a black space where schlomo was later holoshopped in. Now I see cracks in their lies everywhere.

based as fuck

it happened and still happens now. it is a pretty routine and standard thing for intelligence agencies. it is called honeypotting are you familiar with it?

why is it so hard for you nazi shitbirds to accept stuff like this

Pretty sure it's the 14yr old girl pulling drive-bys on her bike. It might happen once, but unlikely.
If she said "once they heard me say "you have a nice penis" the men would burst in and take the Nazi by surprise, with his pants literally down, bludgeon him to death and take his stuff and hide the body; then mum would look for the next victim" it would be a little more believable.

nice sources, jew

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It disgusts me how openly these (((journalists))) celebrate the murder of a people who fought to protect their culture, their loved ones, and their country.

You know her Mom is a Communist because they can't help but always exploit their children

Its yours if you can keep it.

Oh goodie. Another brush with the Dutch resistance for me.
I got stuck making the copies when the gal out front went home "sick" because of some fumes from the workers two doors down. She was honored time and again for "fighting Nazis" without really saying how. Now I'm starting to wonder if she wasn't a Dutch Mata Hari like this one.

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Isn't that the entire dutch resistance?
As in there was never actual "dutch" resistance, just kikes commies and other internationalists, and for each "resistant" there was 10 dutch volunteers in the Reich forces…

Until 1944 of course when suddenly everyone was totally ok fighting the evil nazis.

there was no dutch resistance of any worth untill the hunger winter of 44-45 when the nazis were at the verge of defeat
the dutch were some of the biggest collaboraters during the war
the hide this whole fact by inventing fake stories and giving attention whores like this a platform

a drive by shooting on a bike is pretty nonsensical
the most she probably did was smuggling supplies for shekels on her bike hoping the germans would not check young girls intimately like the tsa today

all lies. yet another "kike hero" (heroic act ? get fucked by thousands of occupying soldiers, how glorious), killing soldiers on sight from the bicycle gta style. who the fuck even believes this shit anymore ?

I thought we opposed child soldiers?

I wonder whether this bitch is satisfied and okay with the state of Europe now.
She is guilty of all destruction that has happened to Europe so far, and god will make her pay.

She wishes she could be that cool.