Facebook Is Paying The Institute For Strategic Dialogue To Monitor And Change Your Right-Wing Views

Methods were tested on "terrorists" and "Islamic extremists", now to be used on ANYONE liking or commenting on right wing groups, meme pages etc

Video and document linked below:



Other urls found in this thread:


Never signed up for (((Fakebook)))

Doesn't matter. Watch the video and you'll see that right now they're targeting facebook users, but they're spreading their datamining and doxxing to other platforms, including ANONYMOUS BOARDS
a.k.a here.

The only trick the kikes know is telling people that you can only have opinion left or opinion right and then telling opinion right useful idiots that opinion left useful idiots are going to destroy opinion right useful idiots. It's a very complex world and every situation needs dealt with differently. Anyone saying otherwise is a scheming parasite. This is 100% a JIDF post, and the thread creator will now be thrown in an oven by it's own master's for glowing in the dark this much. Kill yourselves you Dumb fuck yids.

(((Fakebook))) has been losing its charm in America for years, especially among zoomers. While it is certain that (((they))) leverage far too much control over online political discourse, and while it is given that (((they))) will continue to perfect their methods of control, it is my belief that (((they))) are simply not cool enough anymore to convince children to adopt the politics touted by their own lame parents and smug, poorly-aging millenials.

first of all, @FrameGames is a kike, so you can never trust his motives, and you must always be on guard for when he tries to pull a dagger and stab you in the back.

why would a kike lawyer who was raised in synagogue and in a kike tribe put himself out there as an (((altright))) e-celeb?

"like and share my fellow wyte pipo, subscribe to my podcast, watch my latest Jewtube interview on who-gives-a-shit, and donate a few shekels to my Patreon."

get fucked kikes, it's the same fucking formulaic manufactured e-celeb bullshit and it's getting old and comically transparent.

do you know how many IDF soldiers were murdered by Mossad in covert ops where Mossad funded, armed and trained phony Islamic terrorist cells in order to create the illusion of terror in order to justify and provoke Israeli military force?

Mossad has murdered thousands of Israeli soldiers and civilians. how is this relevant? because it demonstrates the sick diseased insanity of the kike mind. they will kill their own brothers if it helps them further their grip on power and wealth. with no remorse.

what is FrameGames agenda? why would a kike put themself out there as "my fellow white people" and Name the Jew? could it be to ingratiate himself to us and trick us to include him in our confidences so that he can spy on us? could it be so that someday he can have a change of heart and pimp his heart warming e-book about alienation and redemption titled "How A Jew Joined The Alt-Right And Discovered What It Means To Be A Jew And How To Stop The New Nazis"

don't listen to FrameGames. he's baiting you with the "Jew Insider here, let me show you how Jews really think"

i remember Ricky Vaughn gushed from his front hole about FrameGames, RTing him all the time.

kikes always stick together.


Attached: Screenshot_20180917-233856_1.png (720x443 141.43 KB, 84.93K)

Good luck.

Attached: Yeah Not Listening.gif (500x283, 974.65K)

now that i have killed the messenger, let me kill the message.

this whole program by Facezerg doesn't matter, it won't work, and is just a moneypit excuse so that the next time Zucc is called to get chewed out before Congress, he can say "i'm sorry The Facebook cannot yet control minds and force everyone to vote for Crooked Hillary, since it is her turn, but please please don't regulate me and don't look into my predatory illegal monopoly biz practices, because i burned tens of millions funding a non-profit to deprogram the low information voter minds of the deplorables and the dreges of Trump voters. see? i am doing something about it, now if you excuse me, i'll be on my Hawaiian island running my hotdog stand"

FrameGames has to hype this as if it actually works so he can appear to be a Very Important Reporter informing you of Very Important News.

i swear whenever the buzzword "AI" comes up,
people lose their common sense. i can find ISIS movies right now on Jewgle. i can find ISIS members on Facebook right now.

if the so-called AI hype bullshit machine-this learning-that can't fucking recognize a black flag with simple white arabic text, what makes you affraid that it will recognize your obscure anime gif or inside joke or meta meme that is a self-reference to another meme–that the full gamut of infinite possibilities of symbolic representation is "right wing extremism"?

Zucc can't do that. Zucc hasn't solved Hard AI.
machine learning and neural nets are NOT AI.
i have programmed both.

real AI must possess a single quality in order to be AI: like Skynet, it must be capable of teaching itself how to teach itself. that is the definition of learning. 1,000 PhD nerds pre-programming a response to every possible sensory input is not real AI. that is called a Mechanical Turk.

finally, in that pdf, notice that FaceZerg is heavy
on what they intend to do to involuntarily survey users to identify Nazis, but very light on details about what they'll do to stop us from our WrongThink and change our minds away from ThoughtCrime.

what the fuck can Zucc do against some 8MB giant high res image meme of a mindmap dump of a collection of hatefacts or blue checkmark kikes tweets?

Zucc can't do shit against our memes and he knows it. if Zucc could stop our memes, he would have done it years ago, before we gained critical mass to elect a cartoon character as President.

Attached: slide_24.jpg (671x401 70.31 KB, 502.4K)

In a slightly related topic, the JIDF is now using machine learning to help them tattle.

Attached: AI culture wars Israeli government launch video of TwitterFacebook .mp4 (326x180, 2.33M)


The Jewish psyche is one of profound admiration and fear of the white man. He internally sees us as his better, and his whole life is a constant frenetic attempt to disprove what he internally feels. His whole history from the moment he is born is one of being "persecuted" by the "evil" Europeans who dare defend their interests.

They naturally develop a strange complex which is one of hatred and profound admiration for the white man. Hatred that he will never be like the white man, and for the pain he has suffered at his master's hand, while he has admiration that the White man is the only race that has been able to dominate them. They admire power. It is their primary language along with deciet. While the White man's primary language is truth, and honor.

I have met tons of Jews, who after a few drinks, say they dream of marrying a Nordic man or woman, with blonde hair and blue eyes. It is a constant thing, I hear about.

You also disregard, that things are changing, the current generation is afraid of harvesting what his parents and grandparents have planted. The destruction of the white race, the only race currently sympathetic and servile to Jewish interests with no real resistance that can't easily be put down.

It cost the Jews more than we can imagine to get to this point. It is the result, of nearly 1000 years of work, since the first Jews migrated to Poland and began their race mixing to adapt an ethnic profile that is difficult to differentiate from local Europeans populations. A true parasite, hidden among the masses.

The smarter Jews can see the writing on the wall, that if whites fall then so do Jews, and they will be no saving them since, because of instant communication they can't run across the world, and cry wolf this time around. They can't spin the stories like they always have. The world is now, one world in a sense, and the Jews have always thrived on being able to abandon one world to go to the next host.

The Jews managed to piss off the only other race they could easily subvert and exploit, the Arabs by fucking Palestine, for the past 70 years, without fail. Since the Jews look nothing like Asians, and NE Asians have the strongest family and ethnic ties, it would take another 1000 years for them to be able to fully leech off them, without NE Asian being glaringly aware of the infection.

The new form of Zionism, is nationalism for me and for thee. It is one that supports white nationalism in public, while, in private it ensures that the representatives and controllers of that movement remain Jewish or sympathetic to Jewish interests by the standard book of tricks. It ensures stronger D&C, to keep Whites and Arabs weak, while Jews can play one off the other.

Now the critical mistake the Jews make and can't understand is that, you can not build nationalism without purging the Jew. You can create fake nationalism with a weak spirit, by lies. You can not create the type of Nationlism that will be able to purge one's streets without truth. Truth by it's nature is the cure to Jewry. Jews only operate in shadows, they don't know how to be honest and keep their word. They never had to, and that is why time and time again Jews get kicked out and never had a country, or an Empire because you can't build anything sustainable on lies. You always get the same thing.

A house of cards

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Someone make it The Mechanical Cockroach lmao

The hour is very late for them.

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Hearty kek


They are already here.

The goyim know. They pull out all stops:

The Fringe Insurgency - Connectivity, Convergence and Mainstreaming of the Extreme Right
This report maps the ecosystem of the burgeoning‘new’ extreme right across Europe and the US, which is characterised by its international outlook, technological sophistication, and overtures to groups outside of the traditional recruitment pool for the extreme-right. This movement is marked by its opportunistic pragmatism, seeing movements which hold seemingly contradictory
ideologies share a bed for the sake of achieving common goals. It examines points of connectivity and collaboration between disparate groups and assesses the interplay between different extreme-right movements, key influencers and subcultures both online and offline.

Key Findings
–Extreme-right groups across the globe are actively collaborating to achieve common goals, such as keeping refugees out of Europe, removing hate speech laws and getting far-right populist politicians to power.

–Campaigns around the Defend Europe mission in the Mediterranean and the Charlottesville rally received financial and operational support from numerous European and North American countries. Alternative online platforms, some created explicitly for use by the extreme right, provide mechanisms for transnational knowledge exchange, fundraising and coordinated information operations.

–Their strategic, tactical and operational convergence has allowed the extreme right to translate large-scale online mobilisation into real-world impact. Through coordinated grassroots activities, they have been able to influence elections, attract worldwide media attention and intimidate political opponents. Reconquista Germania, an extreme-right channel on the app Discord set up to disrupt the German election, counts over 5000 members from across the globe.

–High levels of opportunism characterise today’s extreme right, as seen in the cooperation between ideologically disparate strands such as racially and culturally oriented nationalists. Extreme-right groups actively seek to overcome ideological and geographic divergences for the sake of expanding their influence, reach and impact. Their communication materials are tailored to different audiences and highlight topics ranging from white nationalist activism to freedom of speech protection.

–The most extreme fringe groups attempt to penetrate new audiences and mainstream their ideologies by using less extreme groups as strategic mouthpieces. Their aim is the creation of a ‘mass movement’ i through the radicalisation of ‘the normies’ (average people who consume ‘mainstream’ media), in particular Generation Z.

–Extreme right networks use military and intelligence resources such as leaked strategic communication documents from the GCHQ and NATO to run campaigns against their own governments. By staging sophisticated operations in the style of military psychological operations (or ‘psy-ops’), they seek to disrupt democratic processes in Europe, as in the latest example during the German election where coordinated extreme-right efforts dictated social media conversations and the top trending hashtags for a period of two weeks.

–Traditional counter-messaging campaigns are unlikely to have an impact on the cynical and tech-savvy alt-right. New measures that prevent and counter the emergence of extreme activities online and offline must match the sophistication of the extreme right. Positive alternative narratives have been ruthlessly mocked and assaulted by the extreme-right, and have the effect of reinforcing their narratives. iii In order to disrupt these groups we must understand both their psychological drivers and strategic directions.

–Researchers and practitioners should increase their awareness of the points of ideological convergence and divergence between these groups and leverage them to more effectively disrupt their efforts.

–Counter-hate efforts must mobilise across borders to match this global threat. Both policy and civil society-led responses to newly emerging global networks of extreme counter-cultures must be coordinated internationally, for example by modelling their approaches after worldwide initiatives against the Islamic State.

–Counter-speech measures must go beyond popular social media platforms. They must penetrate alternative platforms and burst extreme-right bubbles with campaigns that build on a thorough understanding of internet culture and counter-cultures.

The Fringe Insurgency
Connectivity, Convergence and Mainstreaming of the Extreme Right
Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD)
Jacob Davey
Julia Ebner

See also Julia Ebner working for Quilliam Foundation, Tommy Robinson geting paid by them.


Microsoft partners with Institute for Strategic Dialogue and NGOs to discourage online radicalization to violence
Apr 18, 2017 | Microsoft Corporate Blogs
As outlined in our blog post from last year, Microsoft wants to do its part to help address the use of technology to promote terrorism. That’s why we’re pleased to announce that we’re partnering with the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) on a pilot project to better enable nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to surface and serve impactful counter-narrative content via advertisements on Bing.

Microsoft has also provided the institute with an operating grant to recruit and train other NGOs to participate in the program. ISD will share learnings from the pilot and offer best practices so other NGOs can explore delivering their counter and alternative messages via search-engine advertising.

Last December, we joined with three other companies – Facebook, Twitter and YouTube – in a coalition to create an industry hash-sharing database of the most violent terrorism imagery. Given our policy, our intention is to hash and contribute to the industry database those images and videos that are reported to us and are identified as terrorist content on our hosted consumer services.


The Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) is a London-based ‘think and do tank’
that has pioneered policy and operational responses to the rising challenges of violent extremism and inter-communal conflict. ISD's founder and president was George Weidenfeld, Baron Weidenfeld.[1]

George Weidenfeld was born in Vienna, Austria in 1919,[3] He was the only son of Max and Rosa Weidenfeld.[1] Weidenfeld attended the University of Vienna and the city's Diplomatic College. Following the Anschluss (Germany's annexation of Austria) in 1938, he emigrated to London and began work with the monitoring service of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).[3]

By 1942 he was a political commentator for the BBC and also wrote a weekly newspaper column, coming into contact with General de Gaulle and Tito as a result.[4] Not long afterwards, from 1949, he was away for a year as the political adviser and Chief of Cabinet to Chaim Weizmann,[4] the first President of Israel.

Weidenfeld married Jane Sieff in 1952, daughter of Israel Sieff, Baron Sieff[13] who was a part of the family that controlled Marks and Spencer.

>–Counter-speech measures must go beyond popular social media platforms. They must penetrate alternative platforms and burst extreme-right bubbles with campaigns that build on a thorough understanding of internet culture and counter-cultures.

Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube announce formation of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism
3. Counterspeech: Each of us already has robust counterspeech initiatives in place (e.g., YouTube’s Creators for Change, Jigsaw’s Redirect Method, Facebook’s P2P and OCCI, Microsoft’s partnership with the Institute for Strategic Dialogue for counter-narratives on Bing, Twitter’s global NGO training program).

The forum we have established allows us to learn from and contribute to one another’s counterspeech efforts, and discuss how to further empower and train civil society organizations and individuals who may be engaged in similar work and support ongoing efforts such as the Civil society empowerment project (CSEP).


Choking voices of dissident and political non violent opposition is now Counter Terrorism – Welcome to the new Soviet Union!

The new forum builds on initiatives including the EU Internet Forum and the Shared Industry Hash Database; discussions with the U.K. and other governments; and the conclusions of the recent G7 and European Council meetings. It will formalize and structure existing and future areas of collaboration between our companies and foster cooperation with smaller tech companies, civil society groups and academics, governments and supra-national bodies such as the EU and the U.N.

ARTICLE 13 Upload filters

You can't "correct" someone who has achieved the JQ status of awake.
That is why they panic.


wtf I love globalism and infinity niggers now

That's why you need to watch out for deradicalization operations like the daily stormer. If they are telling you to just vote republican or that violence doesn't work, then they are deradicalization shills and need to be called out for it.

You were off by one, twice.
In all seriousness, good post. Zuck responding to congress (never under oath) kept reverting to "AI, AI yes master we'll build an AI that will fix all the hate".
Even if Zuck is just a (((businessman))), his drones might actually believe they can censor wrongthink. See:

"notices the anti-semite post and notifies the law enforcement and intelligent services in.. a certain european country"
how interesting.

The Jewish psyche is feminine. They use feminine tactics. This is a natural and unconscious reaction on their part. When faced with an enemy that they are afraid of, they will attempt to ingratiate themselves to the enemy through feminine means of supplication and so on. Jews have done this for thousands of years. This is why a zero tolerance policy must be in place for Jews, and it is why all biological Jews will need to be exterminated in the future.

On a scale of 1 to 6,000,000 how much are they freaking out?

Get ready for a hearty dose of psychoanalysis, heh.

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One of the techniques used is to exploit the reporting system. They use it to make the mods into their own personal D&C police force. This causes a group to become more and more hostile toward those most sympathetic. It alienates them.


Not me, I've never had a facebook account.

When the "Right" has their own 'Shitty Corner Of The Internet For Strategic Dialogue' that RP's the Normans at an unprecedented rate using unassuming tactics on 'Left' platforms intentionally used for social and cultural engineering tho

Attached: mZQ9098881nwz.jpg (1399x764, 227.72K)

Attached: Ook vey.gif (440x192, 1.36M)

We don't even need data analysis, because the left exists without diversity, but with canonical visions, each person alike, in lock step with their masters.

why not just use this to hack people accounts and make them post anti Semitic content, they then facebook will "expose" your enemies as anti Semitic.

See: the sudden explosion of mutt, boomer, and trump_touches_wall.jpg memes

I literally just made and posted this on brit:

Attached: (((cheap fiddle))).png (600x2400, 1.57M)

Needless to say, it wasn't well received. People can't believe it, still. Isn't that amazing? That operations can occur throughout society, because their budgets are so huge. Those fleas are in every level of government, manipulating, they are throughout, in the tribal councils, in dnc rnc greens lolbertarians nazi clubs the works on and on and on again

Such a HUGE budget. They're everywhere, in everything.

Kikes who name the international Jew cannot be trusted?

Look, it's not like the (((Mainstream Media-Machine))) has been getting their talking points from some small corner of the internet or anything

No. There is almost a hidden reason for them doing so. See Frank "Collin" Cohen.

*almost always a hidden

What reason are you proposing?

Joke's on Facebook, I only use it to broadcast my views. I rarely engage with the plebs.

Obviously not. The Jewish genotype must be completely eradicated. That is our goal.

To try and convince the goyim that there is actual opposition to the jewish agenda from BASED jews, when there is really none, and/or make nationalism look utterly retarded (like the aforementioned Frank Cohen)
And besides, a couple Bobby Fischers, Norman Finkelsteins and David Coles don't make up for what they have been doing for the past 2000+ years.

"Jewish" is not a genotype, at least not in modern times. Most "Jews" today have no genetic connection to the tribe of Judah. That's a Khazarian psy op perpetuated by Talmudists.

"*mutt" in general
Has been proven to be a forced meme.
Has been proven to be wrong in implicaton.
Has been proven the be a force, non-native Zig Forums D&C.

No one cares if they were or weren't Judeans except for CI weirdos. We deal with the here and now.
They have easily identified features and cluster together on genetic tests.

Did you ever notice how the usage of that meme pretty much stopped when anons shooped stars of david and hook noses on it? Really made me think.
sorry for double post

When the boy cried wolf for the third time, there actually was a wolf, yet the villagers didn't believe him.

If there's a few Bobby Fischers lurking in nationalist circles, they'll have to forgive our universal and unrepentant distrust of all jews. If they want to help, they should work through infiltration, subversion, sabotage and reconnoissance of jewish groups, instead of putting themselves out there as le baste joo.

There are literally no good Jews. Read Martin Luther's On The Jews and Their Lies.

The only good Jew is a dead Jew. The only way to convert a Jew to Christianity is to drown them in a river and let the body float out to sea.



Useful information!

In Christianity usury is banned. That's right, credit cards and banks are against Christianity. So is (((circumcision))), which is sexual torture and sexual mutilation of babies.

I agree there for sure. However, usury is banned in Judaism, for the Jews. It's also banned in Islam, known as riba in Arabic. Catholicism catechism rejects circumcision for the gentiles, but Paul explicitly told his jewish followers the Law still applied, and even had the half-jew Titus circumcised. Among evangelicals in America—goyim who wished they were jews—circumcision has regrettably had mass support for the last century; you won't find many Protestants calling usury a sin either. Perhaps you can just wave your hand and call them judaizers, but their logic seems pretty sound: Yahweh wanted what was good for the Jews, which is why he made kosher laws and prescribed them circumcision; Jews and gentiles are both human, thus what is good and healthy for the Jews is good and healthy for us too. Male genital mutilation is explicitly banned in Hinduism and Jainism, and rejected by nearly all pagan faiths outside of Africa. The practice was unknown in Europe until the Jews showed up, using Christianity as the primary vector.

The Church in Rome bickered with the Rabbinate on doctrinal issues, but Christian kings nearly always sided with the Jews over their own people. Jews were tolerated and oft privileged by the Christian royalty, nobility and clergy of Europe, only kicking them out or persecuting them after bowing to the pressure of the masses. On the other hand, they had no such tolerance for pagans, aggressively proselytising them and slaughtering them if they refused the faith. The proselytic fervor of Christianity is just as evident today, on this very board.

Maybe if you Christians spent more time in your churches convincing clergymen to speak out against usury and circumcision, and less time here trying to convert atheists (not all of whom are fedora tippers, Hegel and many other Enlightenment philosophers were atheists/deists/pantheists etc.) and those of the folkish faith (in the vein of Rosenberg and Himmler), I'd have a higher opinion of you. A little advice—most pagans and fedoras are Christian apostates. They've heard the 'good news' and they understand the basic tenets of Christianity. On the other hand, most Christians haven't read Martin Luther, or been told that circumcision and usury are against Christian doctrine.

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Timothy, not Titus.

I'm not discussing myself, or you. This is about devising policies which avoid the D&C trap that is laid for us by the kikes, the CIA, GCHQ, the NSA, ASIO, and others.

What escapes me is why you hold out such hope for atheism, fedoras, when we have the example of the great fedora kingdom of Stalin, which resulted in literally the worst genocide in world history, and it was against whites. 20 million. 20 million is greater than 6 million.

Also, adult circumcision, where there's a choice in the matter, is relatively uninteresting. Do whatever retarded thing you want, I suppose.

The issue of Elohim-Yahweh instructing the people to mutilate and sexually torture babies is surely invaluable illumination of the soul of the entity. A wickedness.

There are many strategies of reading scripture. This is exegesis. Once you understand there is much possible, you begin to see how you are more given a description of the lay of the land, something of a map, rather than a description of a solitary holy deity.

The gnostics weren't all wrong. And the Bible isn't anti-gnostic, without overly intensifying certain small statements which lack redundancy and clarity.

That is impossible, their conclusion on what is an imageboard, how the "organism" works and evolves, how there is no point in behavior analysis into this place, every aspect they think, is wrong. Trying to understand Zig Forums is like trying to understand chaos theory, or the forces of nature, yes, you ultra advanced custom algo can predict some natural events, but it can`t predict nature itself.
This board is a foce of nature, you can infect it, you can make it weaker for sometime, but the natural defenses of the body adapt. They got plent wrong, but I stoped correcting (((them))) because I begin seeing some of my own words on documents around the net.

Regardless, here is some forecasting. Meme warfare 2.0 is coming, and it will hit harder than in 2016, that was the common cold. This time, it is the black plague. The spanish flu.

So we read that the serpent was crafty. This is also translated "prudent".

"A prudent man conceals knowledge, but the heart of fools proclaims folly."

This can also be translated:
"A crafty man conceals knowledge…"

This means that crafty is the opposite of a fool. Jesus said the following:

"Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves."

Cool shit
Fuck you Facebook kike scum I hope at least one of you gets t-boned on the way home from work tonight

False. All Jews are very closely related.

Is FB violating political laws?

How long until FB turns into another myspace?

They can try, but they won't succeed.

No Jew can be trusted, even when they say the truth and give the correct information. One must check to see if what they put out is poison or not, much like when kings used to have an appointed person eat their food first to see if it was poisoned or not.

If they aren't Judeans, there isn't a "Jewish genotype" as user said.

There is no ethnicity of "Jew." That is literally a Jewish trick. They're called the "synagogue of satan" because they pretend to be Jews but are not.

Enough of your Jewish tricks.






Are you studying Modern Hebrew? I am. mazel tov

They’re doing it you guys. TONS of people got this restriction put on their accounts today including me. I can’t see anyone or anything that isn’t a friend, friend of friend, or totally public. Can’t open large groups they just load as blank. I’m freaking out. I left the chans THREE years ago to devote my time to trying to wake sheeple up on FB and I’ve made so many connections and now they’ve shut me out. Fuck

Attached: 37F9BBA4-741D-4382-A001-DA660B5B440D.png (750x1334, 135.05K)

Digits confirm. I wouldn't put it past the GCHQ to do such a thing, but no doubt our own NSA is also involved. Probably all of Five Eyes.

I use my FB as a nothing, basically. Let me check mine.

The Jews have been opposed in pre-Christian pagan times as well. Even now in pagan Japan, you have the occasional Japanese opposing and speaking out against the Jews. We've never needed to adopt their (((Christianity))), they've needed to impose it upon us to have a gateway, a foothold in our society.

You'd think that before they fixed this, they would fix Stupid Dome…priorities and standards never were a kike forte.

Are you studying pilpul?

The Jews killed Christ and most of his disciples.

He is trying to bore Zig Forums to death.

You have to be aware of infighting between two Jewish factions. Like during the (((Cold War))) when you had Jewish-controlled Communists, versus Jewish-controlled Capitalists. Just as Marxism pretends to be against Capitalism whilst being its biggest benefactor, Christianity pretends to be against the Jews by expelling them once in a while from a country or place. The only ones who lose are the masses of non-Jews that get pitted against one another. One must rise themselves to be above these Jewish factional fights and create their own faction to fight against the Jew himself.

Solid post my fellow white person.

Communist jews never fought Capitalist jews.
They tricked the europeans to do it for them.

Of course. Jews almost never do the fighting themselves. It's non-Jews committed to each Jewish faction that are pitting against one another to fight.

Why aren't you studying Modern Hebrew? After all, how can you be of any use in combating the kike without knowing the language the kikes create their attacks in?

More like three hundred thousand, of typhoid and starvation, and perhaps a few thousand jewish partisans in the Ukraine shot. Soviet atheism, like Chinese atheism, is/was a tool to demoralise and deracinate the masses. I don't disagree that the Bolsheviks hated the Orthodox church, and Jesus, and tried to extirpate the Christian religion, but that doesn't automatically grant it legitimacy or stand as proof of the truth claims of Christianity, which is insinuated by a great many Christians here. The nontheism of various philosophers is hardly related to Bolshevik atheism. Men like Thomas Jefferson believed in a 'Philosopher's God' which was the term du jour for deism or pantheism, very similar to the idea of Brahma in the Aryan religion, and also to the logos of Hellenic philosophy.

They also waged genocide against the Canaanites, Amalekites, Philistines…doesn't stand to reason that I should convert to Levantine paganism though.

Indeed, gnosticism features prominently in early Christian history, and competed with orthodox Christianity for the first three centuries A.D. I'm not hostile to a gnostic Christian interpretation, but I am hostile to these types spewing patent lies like 'whites are the real Heebroos' and 'there's no such thing as Jews' and 'Jesus wasn't really a Jew, he was an Aryan Judean' and other blatant nonsense.

All that remains for kikebook is famefags and nigs.

To be fair, the reason ISIS shit doesn't get flagged on Faceshit is because the NSA doesn't want to be a bother to the CIA.

as long as there are jews around, these views cannot be changed.

Attached: d3ea567b7d02e7e330a228c7c867104c79a94c8d239aca424c368b297dfddebd.jpg (413x395, 20.73K)

We already know all jew's motives. To acquire more shekels at the expenss of goyim,and thus power.
It's relly not confusing.
A jew will betray another jew without a second thought if it will pad his own pockets further.

No doubt this is true but the Jew who made the video fails to provide evidence Faceberg paid ISD. HOW does he know? I cannot find any report anywhere about this. But JewFrameGame seems to know what Faceberg did. I wonder why…

I'd agree to an extent. The constant drive by attacks and constant template arguments are really annoying.

It's more important to realize that a fair amount of the D&C doesn't just go one way. Any time you see an especially annoying Christian, atheist, or "pagan" (put in quotes because there's Odinism, Perunism, Hellenic, and Celtic at different times) you should just assume bad faith arguments.

I don't blame anyone for defending themselves, though. That's just misdirection for the worst of the shills to point at the people defending themselves to say "see! they're actually against all of us". It's mostly well-poisoning.

I agree that people running the churches and the old kings were corrupt and would find themselves in the pockets of jewry. The difference comes from the fact that isn't a comment of the religion itself, but instead shows how (((they))) operate. If anything, it's significantly worsened with Christianity out of the picture. Having problems with an institution isn't the same as taking issue with what it is meant to represent. I like Germans but hate their government. That doesn't mean I want to toss the baby with the bathwater. The governments we have now are even more greedy, corrupt, and in the pockets of jews than during medieval times. The most openly Christian governments of Europe are the ones lighting the beacons.

It's entirely fair to say the worsening doesn't have to do with the current religious landscape, but the technology and mundane circumstances we find ourselves in as well. What I mean to show by all that is there aren't any direct correlation links outside of the jew brainwashed American churches. That's not an attack of Americans, btw, it's just a result of the Scofield translations and compromised Evangelical movement that worship jews instead of God.

I know it's an unpopular opinion, but jews just quicken decay and attack their host. They're like AIDS. The Romans collapsed because they grew greedy and complacent. It's just happening faster (and on a much worse scale) right now because of our infestation.

Every time we reach the imperial stage we get a little better. The jews are desperate because this is their last shot, they're terrified and in a corner. They're weak and know it so they project a much stronger image to demoralize their opponents.

If anyone actually gave a damn about God instead of posturing, the jewish house of cards would collapse. If anyone gave a damn about their nations, lives, and posterity the jewish house of cards would collapse. There's no actual conflict here. Be extremely wary of those who say otherwise.

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Jesus is way more Buddhist than he is Judaic.

Info on the ISD:

anyone still on facebook in current year is an NPC

It does collapse, but only on an individual basis. For example, if you follow the advise of Jesus and:
You are absolutely insulated from the tricks of jews. Just like with Jesus, the only thing they have left is violence.

Even the violence of kikes comes from them using golems to do their dirty work.

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3 years on Zig Forums and I'm not a national socialist. Good luck. I can sit in an echo chamber forever and never change my positions.

it's pretty easy not to read any of the books Zig Forums recommends

That's because you aren't white.

You should fuck off back to wherever you wandered in from nigger

Sure I am. I just don't bend to the will of others. I was a White Nationalist before coming here, and I'm still a White Nationalist. My politics are the same as well. I will never accept your form of governance. Simple. The same way I'll never accept anything less than White Nationalism. There's not a thing on this planet that can change my politics and social views aside from myself. These fucks can present any propaganda they want to me and I'd never change. I could spend the next 10 years on Zig Forums and not be a step closer to accepting national socialism.


I'm curious, why are you anti-NS if you're a WN? Can you not see that a big reason why the West is currently in the shape it's in is because of the defeat of the Axis powers in the Second World War?

This is what they call censorship now.

It's not because of the defeat of the Axis powers, it's because of the spread of marxism and jewish propaganda. I'd rather be rid of both extremes than to accept one to spite another. I don't think my people should be subjected to an oppressive way of life simply because of these things. I'd rather kill these things off, maintain my way of life, and preserve a better future for my people than the one my ancestors strove to move our society beyond. The founding fathers collectively fought a greater power without subjecting themselves and their people to oppression. We just need to reignite the belief that our way of life is for us, and others are exempt from the protections of our laws, and are exempt from the prosperity of our creation. I'm not willing to toss it all to the wind for an easy way out. I want to address the problem while preserving my freedom. And my white man's freedom is not for anyone else. My way of life is not for niggers, or kikes. It's for white men. Why should white men be suppressed and relegated to a sub-par existence when we could simply reeducate ourselves and rightfully exempt non-whites from what we've created? I'm not a national socialist. I never will be. I don't want that life. I want my freedom. I want my supremacy. I want them dead. I want my people to realize, once again, that they're superior, and to live as such, and to take everything they want.