Human Phenotypes in Europe

(Adapted from an archived Halfchan post.)

Anyways, I'm here to talk about the phenotypes of humans; specifically that of the European kind. Now in the case that we win against (((them))), which phenotype would be theoretically the one we should be focusing on expanding in population? Now before some of you lazy bastards yell out "NORDID!" from the back of the room, let's take into account that to preserve some physical traits of the Nordic people - especially the fair eyes and hair - inbreeding would become inevitable if we were to focus on preserving those traits. Why? Because they're recessive.

In NaziLarpWorld; where all the "Impure People" (A.K.A. 90% of Europeans that live North of Germans, and all South) were killed off due to their Brown Hair and eyes, we'd be left with a very small pool to breed from. This would then lead to inbreeding. The moment anyone without the Blue eyes and Blonde hair gene walks into the room; the whole fucking conversation goes with it. So therefore, to continue the straw-man ideology of "Pure Aryan… ism" we'd need to inbreed.

However, unarguably, the German and South-Scandinavian facial structures are *very* well built. And as such, the Dalofaelid phenotype is something to note when it comes to the best facial structure. So then… is there a mix between the Nordic Dalofaelid and Mediterranean eyes and hair? Yes.

Let me introduce you to the Paleo-Atlantid. A fucking unit itself; probably a surviving Neanderthal. Seen in central Scandinavia (So more Northern then the Germans.) and West Scotland and Ireland; these bastards look like Dalofaelids but have the added benefits of dominant genes. Theoretically, these guys would be easier to expand in population. But hey, that's my (Biased.) opinion. So uh… what are your thoughts?

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That's not how genetics works, shlomo

Seems like "someone" has a nigger IQ.

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Recessive genes survive just as well as dominant ones. It just happens that the recessive genes are less likely to be visible.

I’m not saying it should or shouldn’t be Nordid but yeah, what this user said. Inbreeding isn’t harmful if you arrange it carefully and spread it out to happen only periodically between distant relations. Also, the recessive nature of the genes is pretty irrelevant. This thread had so much potential but then OP had to be a LARPy autist.

To clarify, that is, I'd like to have had some info dumps and stuff about European phenotypes. To that end, I’m negating my own sage and hoping we can just make this a general genetics thread to redeem it.

Who knows if that's really you. Assuming you don't have the IQ of a nigger, you didn't post your own face. So claiming that it's obvious that you're not a jew just by looking at you is a silly claim.
Also, you demonstrate that you're not from around here and didn't lurk. I'll point out how I know this later.

Um… all of them?
I love all Europeans. Each nation is beautiful in culture and facial features. Though I do have my favourites and I hope to weed out the Arabic features in Italians and Greeks.

That's not how genetics work. is correct.

Yeah, this is how I know you didn't lurk. No one actually believes this. This is a libshit meme.

Finally, I don't quite see where you're going with this. Are you implying that the Paleo-Atlantid is the desirable end goal for Europeans and that we should all mix together to form it?
If so, then you are a faggot. Europeans are diverse and beautiful. We don't need to mix with anyone, not even each other. The kind of inbreeding you're talking about doesn't happen in large populations. If it did, then how do you explain away the tens of thousands of years of "inbreeding" within nations? It was not until recently that Germans could regularly mate with French.

Sage for you not lurking and for not understanding history and genetics.

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When you obsess over minor traits you lose sight of what this movement should be about. This is the civilized vs the savage. I don't care what hair or eye color a person has, I don't care if his skin is pale white or golden bronze, if he is indo-european he is of the civilized. If we focus only on proliferating physical traits what good does that do us? We would be destroying the natural diversity of the civilized Aryan peoples native to Europe, parts of the mideast, and parts of Russia.

We need to spread the civilized, inventive genes, without regard to hair or eye color, or even stature. We're trying to achieve greatness here, not be shallow and end up with a race that's solely good looking. I want strength, knowledge, and colonization of space, this is what we should work towards. You want creepy pale blonde clones.

This thread is the perfect opportunity for D&C shilling.

The characters of Knights of the Zodiac not only have Aryan features, but also Aryan ideals.


Well I mean I wasn't focusing purely on the eyes and hair colour, I was focusing on the facial structure.

yeh, good points. Except that you seriously believe that on Zig Forums I'd post my own face. Also I usually don't lurk around here long enough to see racial shit; but I do see the side of you guys that are mildly vocal. However the vocal part - as far as I've seen - legitimately believes in Elisabeth Nietzsche's racial ideologies.

good points II: I agree with you Boogaloo

Reread what I wrote.
I said,
Do you have the IQ of a nigger? If not, then I'm sure that's not you.

It's rude to not lurk. That's part of our culture and if you had lurked, you'd know that almost no one wants to do what you think we do. Anyone who seriously wants to genocide Europeans for being brown or red haired is an anti-White kike here to start brother wars.
Fuck em.

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You know I should've learned from the last time I made a retarded-race based post; I said the Aryan race was a bad idea.

I still believe that Paleo-Atlantid is the best phenotype though.

So uh… we gonna start making that Genetic's thread?

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Can iberia be saved, lads? People are very racist there and i'm an atlantomed living in South BR. I'd fit pretty well there.

Unless we take out the Sand Niggers than EUROPE is fucked.

It can't be THAT bad demographically there, can it? Mauritanians were phoenicians, who were caucasians.

Again, if you had lurked, you'd know that most Zig Forumsacks do not subscribe to the jewish idea that "Aryan" means "Blond haired, blue eyed, nazis"
We generally use the term interchangiably with "Indo-Europeans" though most Zig Forumsacks do not include Persians and North Indian groups with the term.

Maybe so. But I don't know what you mean by that because there is no such national group.

Did you even read that post?

u fukin wot m8? tronder master race. kneel peasant

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You do know there are tens of millions of people classifiable as Nordic in North America, Australia, and south Africa, right?


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oh i get it, its like OP is just here to D/C. Get reported (((armenoid)))

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Nigger plz

stop bumping nigger

This guy has got the IQ of 39532e+392458^4.

spoiler>Reports because he disagrees.spoiler

Whatever I needed to pull that fuckin image out I have no time to check the facts and see if they're 100% correct. Jesus Harold Christ.


go back to where you game from you shitposting d/c kike

Whatever this fucking half-assed markup-HTML formatting shit pisses me off.

inbreeding occurs in extremely small population sizes, as in 50 or so in number.
not 50 million, you utter fucking ignorant cretinous retarded cunt.
fucking read and lurk for 10 years before posting again.
you certainly are not worth preserving in the slightest.

maybe you should go back to cuckchan where the formatting is easier for retards like yourself

can't. my posts are too shit to not get archived

kikes are neanderthals
double reported

brainless fucking idiot

Please stop proving horseshoe theory is real. We don't want to be associated with (((them))) in any way.

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If I had not read your post, I wouldn't have responded to it, nigger.
Maybe I was wrong about you. You do seem kind of stupid.

Youre not a part of we, youre an antifascist. Youre also a coward.

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How so?

Not sure what OP means here, either way OP puts it, OP's wrong.
OP has confused phenotype with race.
That said, the most genetically stable offspring come from unions of about the 4th cousin level of relation distance. So long as both members have not suffered dysgenics and are equally the same nation race of blood. A Nordic type is best off breeding with a Nordic type regardless of country borders. Look at Trump and his wife, one is German and the other is Balkan, a beautiful union of two Nordics. As Varg Vikernes says, marry someone that looks like you. This is the simplest way of viewing relations. Outbreeding is more deleterious than inbreeding, contrary to common belief, it's statistically and racially safer to inbreed rather than outbreeding. As I said the healthiest children come from a 'goldilocks' zone between in and outbreeding, between two members of the same race(racial type, nation).

OP fails to strive for Aryan idealism in their search of creating a dominant gene race to avoid 'inbreeding'. I hope OP isn't using this unfounded 'logic' of theirs to justifying nation mixing and the further ethnic displacement of less dominant gene races.

I like how this has devolved into people going "YOU'RE WRONG!" and not actually trying to add onto the conversation.

It makes no sense why we just don't leave the correcting part as-is because everything that needs to be said has been said.

Add to the damn conversation now. Answer my bleedin' question.

Fucking jew.
Surviving Neanderthals are semites Semites are Homo Sapiens + Homo Neanderthalensis hybrids. Semites has up to 20% Neanderthal admixture.
You are nothing but a dirty jew. Fucking Neanderthal hybrid abomination.

can we just kill this fucking thread off
nice tor node

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Cromags are native, not neanderkikes.


Also the Neanderthals were found in Northern Europe; not the fucking Middle East you dumb fuck.

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