Imageboards BTFO by NBC Jewish Intern

This is Shoshana Wodinsky. Say something nice about her. She is from NBC and is reading 8ch (i'm assuming qresearch) posts. She believes imageboard memes have been debunked and are fake news.

Why such stupid self doxxery? Seems weird. Remember Zig Forums is a board of peace.

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Other urls found in this thread:


What’s “meme AI” supposed to be?

no one cares about your article, lampshade cunt

Good you have internet criticism down, now you need to learn how to sage.

at least have the decency to call yourself a kike when you make your shitty threads

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It's facebook's AI to take down memes that are deemed debunked. basically anything right of center.

most of the trump dick sucking memes on /qresearch are totally debunkable, just not in the way she thinks

of course, it's a lame way to frame it persay since a meme is just a form of communication, only an idiot would assume that because something is in "meme format" that it's a fact or a truth

just stop, user. everyone needs to pay attention to this person that no one has ever heard of because a) she was a male only two-years ago, and b) xer landed a job with NBC, a highly respect … nay … a highly dependable source for hard-hitting, in-yer-face "Truth©®™"

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Fuck off with this Q-Larp shit.


she looks like she worked in the (((gay porn))) industry…
> vid related

That's the most neurotic thing I've seen in a while
Yeah, keep digging. Watch a Steven Spielberg movie while you're at it.

Her even hotter sister

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Their AI is hackable:

Attached: If you can see all your AIs are broken.JPG (212x211, 19.83K)


Her nose takes up a lot of her face. They truly are a cursed race.

They aren't really a race so much as they are a disease.

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Where we go one, we go balls deep in the media.

Fake news so fake the fake news tells us it's fake.

It's a kike, it's obviously lying.

wow what a surprise

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Hmm… her small head will crush nicely and her death will be swift? If I wanted. A whack of two with a ball peen hammer just to disable her so I can pour gasoline on the jew cunt before setting her ablaze for lulz.

Ironic kike nerd calling others "nerds."


It's probably that whiny bitch that is always sperging out and carrying on about spam and reports.

Powerful Jew Rogan.

Attached: Jews - Oy Vey Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theory.jpg (4800x8424, 6.09M)

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in both senses.
This OC highlights how is relevant to us all.

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Why are they so scared of a larper?

I have a feeling their scared, not about "Q", but something else ;)

Qresearch. Lel.

Reminder that the

Fuck off joan

I look forward to your gassing, kikess.

The demand for mass graves is at an all time high.

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imagine, if you post this image instead of your meme then the AI won't be able to tell it's your meme.

>Another challenge for platforms is deciding how transparent to be about how their algorithms work. Often when users, journalists, or government officials have asked social media companies to reveal their moderation practices, platforms have argued that disclosing their tactics will embolden bad actors who want to game the system. The situation with Rosetta appears like good evidence for their argument: Before details of the tool were made public, conspiracy theorists ostensibly weren’t trying to get around it.
>reveal their moderation practices

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Dear Shoshana,

Yes, we have made many errors and our mindset is toxic. This is our reality. I am not an emotionally empathetic kind of person and that probably doesn't come as a big surprise to anybody. Least of all me. The fact that I then misread people and don't realize (for years) how badly I've judged a situation and contributed to an unprofessional environment is not good.

This week people outside our community – such as you, Shoshana – confronted us about our lifetime of not understanding emotions. Our flippant attacks in imageboard posts have been both unprofessional and uncalled for. Especially at times when we made it personal. In our quest for better memes, this made sense to us. I know now this was not OK and I am truly sorry.

The above is basically a long-winded way to get to the somewhat painful personal admission that hey, I am flawed. Hey, I am not perfect. But with you as my bride, Shoshanna, I shall be made whole. I can show you the memes–the higher modes of meming–the very meming of life. This is a serious offer, Shoshanna. I have been on NoFap for fourteen days. Write back soon

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—–wow - the sincerity of this guy

nobody cares jew piece of shit. the holocaust did not happen, and that's a shame. this time it will happen for real and there will be no escape. all of you will be dumped in an industrial shredder, you will have the special spot of watching your kike friends first and then you'll go in.

what is varg doing in pic related ?

Did you know jews and parasites have bad eye sight as a protective mechanism from their hosts to protect themselves from being scraped off?
True story!
Learn more about The Biological Jew in attachment related.

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Hey Shoshana im not like all these other aryan goys, I'd give you the time of day, and the tip of my dick :^)

kushner's civcucks

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That's a bit sad, actually.
3/4 of Jews are mentally ill. I don't like picking on retards.
I'd prefer a lethal injection method for this one.


I prefer "literal Nazi's" to that BS. At least it's true in the sense you mean it. Alt-Right is for pussies who can't commit.

Sounds like Qshit has taken credit for the butterfly user shit.
What a shit-fest tbh.

holy shit
it's real

qanan faggots inviting the ban

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Read this, I want to BLEACH you andget you WHITED

She is clearly here to find a Nazi bf. Hi Shoshana :')

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id prefer they call us National Socialists. there are clear differences between (((neo-nazis))), (((nazis))), and National Socialists. when the people start calling us what we are, like how we do with trannies?

Guys, we should be redpilling and radicalizing people like her, not flaming with death threats etc. We all know imageboards were a honeypot for alphabets for years, and the result was a significant contingent of alphabet agents became Zig Forumstards. If jews are getting paid to read Zig Forums as their day job, the same thing can be accomplished on them. It would be a great asset to Zig Forums to have insiders in organizations like chabad, which shape policy from the shadows.

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She doesn't even know what the deep net is. In a couple of her twatter posts, she seems to be opposed to censorship then you go a bit further back and you see she is fully on board with FB censorship. Typical bi-polar jewess or trying to worm her way into our circles, either way, she's toxic.
How fucking stupid are these imbeciles to think they're going to be able to censor us? While we've been studying their every move, their history, their habits, their language, their existence, they seem to have not spent a moment studying us or who we are as a collective.
In censoring us, they've censored themselves from knowing us. Kek

hi, kike. let me direct you to a proper board for your type

That's why I inserted that little bit of text, user. They don't have any idea of the difference

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Maybe it was Q a naan all along…who would have thought the Q was a poo in the loo?

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Would definitely bang her. At first, we'd go for coffee somewhere during our lunch breaks. I politely inform where she works and what she does exactly. She will enthousiastically tell me about her "passion" and "mission" and say the future lies with "critical journalism".

Then I silence her by putting my index finger on her pelican beak of a nose and invite her back to my place. Ofcourse she mutters initially, saying she has to return to the "piece" she is writing on such-and-so, but without having to add a word the excitement overcomes her and we stroll to my place.

What happens next is private and very rude.

t. any mod

As well as very disgusting…WTF with Zig Forums's obsession with beastiality?

i think it has to do with imperialism. we must dominate those who are lesser than us. its what slave owners did to female slave in the americas

I’d cream her bagel

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Control your autism

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Her bag hole? How can you tell its a female? For all you know you'd be creaming her fag hole?

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sounds like she's /OurSelfLoathingJewishMillennialIntern/

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Hi Joan

But there are no alt-righters here? That's a dubious media label applied to us. Zig Forums is natsoc.

Oh well, she'll (he'll?) have a mental breakdown or join us eventually. Normalfags can't unpost on imageboards

You go tthe original image? id like to try it.

Saved it forever ago, haven't seen the original sorry m8

Except she is a fucking kike, man…so I don't know who this join us is actually referring too (lessen you are a kike as well, distinct possibility) in which case why don't you FUCK OFF and go back to your spin the dreidel kike board.

Oh cernunnos…didn't recognize you there…I know you will literally fuck anything. Carry on.

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Miss Wodinsky, if you want to investigate fake news, take a look at the original fake news meme known as the holocaust. But have no worries, we are going to make it a reality for you and your kind.


imagine wearing one of those shirts

Don't fall for the cute, nerdy, self-deprecating jewess, boys! It's a well-known tactic- for god's sake don't give them your seed! Head over to /jewess/ if you need a release..

no wonder the boards have been glowing lately.

Since this cunt like the attention so much, why not give her? I'm sure she would like every single detail about her to be made public.

Kill yourself.

Then chain her to a post somewhere on the compound. Kitchen, laundry, garden. Might need a good two, three years to get her productive. Of course most of the time she would have to wear a Scold's Bridle so she wouldn't disturb the White folks or valuable livestock.


She lives in Manhattan, how much more harm could we possibly do to her?

Here's your (you), Shoshana

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They used to be called a "anti-race" as well

That is our former mod.

q user was originally some boomer scheme by the folks at to scam their members into buying these old panasonic toughbooks that our military deployed with during the iraq war, the catch being that this Q fellow would be censored by the MSM and his communications would eventually only be accessible through these "special" computers. there is nothing special about them, other than being rare, collectible and a bit pricey for the performance they offer (utterly obsolete by today's computing standards). it spiraled out of control and here we are. kushner and friends will likely co-opt the movement for trump's re-election, if they're smart. now suck all of our dicks.

You mean that fag in the photo? Why would anyone desecrate their lineage by putting it into something that has definitely fucked multiple niggers and isn't even our species? Grow up and learn standards, user.

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I always know when Weev the kike is in town.

Did you see him defending himself in the Sperglin thread yesterday?


Dang it, I missed it!! I am going to have to go check that out.

I bet the kikes are getting worried because all of their base of operations in Florida will probably be exposed

Washwoman Shultz…the fucking murderer of highschool teens and Americans? And her sidekick sheriff israel (oh the irony of that name) as the ravenous kikes continue their killing sprees in high schools all over the USA and whitey never understands that they are given a mandate to MURDER US and that they are just doing their kike thing? That base of operations or a different one where they murder us and our children?

i wonder how many problems the image boards would have if jewish interns suddenly died from lead exposure?

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What a lovely young lady… Like Moishe here she has the jewish genes for beauty.

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What's the problem? She's going to make a cool wine aunt. I bet she can knit a mean cat sweater.

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