Vice didn't get the memo: Chinese are a minority and can never be racist

How anti-immigrant rhetoric crept into Chinese Canadian politics &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

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Oh the cuckholded state of the leaf. The immigrant chinks are the main group crying out about immigration and saying it needs fixed. That says a lot for a group who's sole objective is to replace all the whites in canada, evidence being hongcouver.

Some chink gots raped and killed by rapefugee and they go it's another nankingshoah like the fucking kikes in france when some kike got killed by rapefugees all the tvs stations and french celebrities lit up crying about it even though kike attacks are crazy rare compared to the common french population. All these insects and parasitic insects, they are all the same hiveminded filth. We need better insecticide than zyklon B.

This is a good thing.

From the mismatched Chink-African conversations in the documentary Empire of Dust, to the Asian girls striking poses as Ebola Chan , to the Concentration Camp they have opened and are unabashedly operating as a "re-education camp" for Uyghurs in western China, the Chinks are naturally based shitlords when it comes to dealing with subhumans.

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Absolute truth. Unfortunately, mongoloids also consider whites to be subhumans and they have an overabundance of scientific and historical evidence to back up their claims. Therein lies the problem.

Yes. We do consider whites subhuman.

Oy vey, gweilo, never forget the 81 thousand.

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As a half-chink leaf, I'll tell you that there's a big difference between previous chinese immigrants and the swarm that is colonizing Vancouver. My dad refused to teach me or my siblings chinese and would even refrain from speaking it around us, cause that was the old language and of no use going forward. He forced my Buddhist grandmother to eat beef, cause Canadian's love eating beef. He bought me and my brother guns at a ridiculously young age and got us into camping, fishing, shooting, offroading, etc.
He came here to get away from China, not recreate it. What's happening on the west coast sickens me.

There's so much wrong with this sentence I don't even know where to start.

Obligatory pic related.

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Stopped reading there. First, Zig Forums is supposed to be whites only. Second, is it beyond your current resources to suicide bomb your local takeout joint? Because I don't think they'd suspect you.

t. bugman

Spoken like a lying kike… and one who doesn't get much action from Chink women.

Frankly, with what most huwhites, even on Zig Forums, consider to be "creativity" and "culture", it is no wonder. There are more bugmen who listen to classical music than huwhites right now, that just one to start with. And more yellow people have better ratio of virgins vs whores/chad too.

Well, duh.

Stay away from our woman.

Yeah, I don't see that anywhere.

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I know right? It's just surreal at this point.

Read between the lines, English speaking pal.

The brits fucked their way around the world so hard there are more english speaking non-whites than vice versa. Don't be a tard

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Yeah but how many chinks speak American?


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Next you will post “Slavs aren’t white”

Its a bizarre world when immigrants are the ones calling for better immigration control though truly it has gotten far far worse. In the 60’s if you applied and had a previous medical condition ie: high cholestorol or heart/liver problems they did not even consider you.

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Zig Forums is made of mutts anyway. i met one guy off here and he was "white" but literally 5'1, looked like a child (at age 19) and had a Philippine grandfather. he also had black eye color. meanwhile there's me, with a levantine grandpa with green eyes and a blue eye'd mother and me, with pale white skin, 183.5 cms tall and green/grey/blue mixed eyes. Zig Forums mutts are pathetic hypocrites.

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You mean except for the part where Buddhism is by far the most popular religion in Eastern Asia?

Can't really blame you when the closest thing you have to Whites there are Uighuroach rapebabies.

Stay away from our genes. We did not get naturally selected through individualist adversity to waste it on hiveminded bugpeople.

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That's like saying all empiricists are White, you raycis! it kinda is true tho

The chinese can take over if they guarantee the death of every kike.


Sultan of manlets!


Individually yes, but there are less than 20 million kikes and significantly more than one BILLION chinks.

that's because you aren't white.

You mean like that time President Lincoln told everyone in America to kill all the birds and rats they see, and thus caused an ecological catastrophe that led to a famine where 40 million Americans died?

Oh, wait, that was Mao and China? Whoops, sometimes its easy to forget who the subhumans are

Both chinks and kikes need whites to prosper. But at least the chink can't infiltrate that easily as a kike.

the Japanese needed to finish the job



Pretty sums up the reason why chinks despite of their slightly higher average IQ and older history cannot even start to compare with Whites' achievement. To them a Sparrow is nothing more than a pest stealing their seeds, whereas to White people it is not only a living being deserving sympathy and respect solely for being one but also a symbol of freedom and tenacity that defies its weakness and fragility, the White man aspires to be as the sparrow. The Sparrow makes the bug man vigilant over his food but to the White man it makes him want to fly and flew he did.

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To play doubles' advocate, the 4 pests campaign had as much to do with muh central planning and the extreme incompetence of the entire Maoist government as much as it did with chinks being chinks. It's as much a stupid commie trick as it is a stupid chink trick.

Over 4000 years of China history didn't have this shit, it takes a fucking retarded mountain peasant such as Mao to think of it.

He was retarded than Qin Shi Huang, who was a before Christ figure.

Maoism really is something else; You have the Chinese culture of legalism cross-pollinating with Bolshevism and its inanities and you end up with some of the most hilarious shenanigans of the 20th century - hilarious, of course, only for uninvolved third parties and even then only in a morbid way.

Apart from 95% of all technology and scientific discoveries in human history have come from the UK, Germany and France.
Chinks are calculator insects, not capable of true invention.

In all intensive purposes, you might be right, and their might be a coincidence between them. But whose going to stop it from happening? They're schemes are too big.

Yet another 4chan tier thread and the mods are picking their asssholes somewhere.

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I guess that hivemind leads to a very strong assimilationist tendency. Which, er, in our case is the precise opposite strategy we'd prefer them to adopt.

They have a beautiful history that I can appreciate, but I'd respect them even more if they went home to plentiful Asia, stopped their billionaires that got rich off market socialism and party cronyism from dumping their excess wealth into West Coast real estate, gave the jew the boot, restored their pre-communist way of life and politics and stopped selling us cheap shit. The Chinese are destroying their own country's water, air and land for a quick buck—I can't think of jewier behavior than that.

Makes me hungry for Chinese food.

it's ironic as a kiwi we mirror canada's chink invasion how hard the chinks will push right.. they're some of the most racist cunts i've ever met, they don't even want other chinks coming over & spoiling their island getaway.. something of a self-correcting problem imo, unfortunately it'll likely take a couple of generations and in the meantime your average local will never own a home in their own fucking country..
i just try to remind myself the chinks are the lesser of the many evils in the world, god knows i'd rather have them than stinky ass pajeets
there's no winning in the commonwealth

Best Chinese music is stereotyped pseudo-chinese music made by westerners.

honestly, i can't keep up

The fact that a nip woman composed what you embedded in your post is just pure irony. If you can't see how you should be ashamed for your people because of this, you are the reason why most whites are objectively subhumans.

Stop larping, mutt. This is pathetic.

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The chinese hates muslims and jews, they are our friends. Until there is no muslims and jews that is.

That's wishful thinking, out of reality. They are just materialistic and soulless.

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idk about that, the person who taught me about Zig Forums back in (((college))) was an Asian immigrant from Mexico


Commie chinks are good for murdering muslims in their home country, somewhat nationalist even if they are only civic nationalist chinks are bad for hurting muslim feefees. Whats hard about the kike logic?

at least they can build a wall

No, that's the point. As is your post since you bugpeople with your calculator mentality can't understand reasoning that isn't presented in a strict logical train.

Let me clarify it to you:
>nip woman understands Whitetrue people like this music

Autistic enough for you?

That does not rule out temporary alliance of convenience though at this point we don't have much to offer to gooks other than our cummies. The only thing that keeps the White man from whipping out kikes, muslims and niggers is empathy and the only thing that keeps chinks from whipping out kikes and muslims is White people and to an extent their incompetence.

Chinks treat everyone and everything as garbage, sometimes the target is deserving - usually not. Bugmen.

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My sides at the telling to this fucking gook is getting here.

That's because you have widescreen gook vision.

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When has 8/pol/ ever done a meetup?

Implying anyone sane and self-respecting would ever participate in such meeting and dox himself.


Last night a Karnaf. You should have gotten a notice in your footlocker.
Everyone laughed when Eran ordered a cheeseburger.

you make it sound like there is something irrational or hypocritical to complain about niggers creeping into the place you live at

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What? It's the Slavs now? Wasn't it supposed to be the Finngolians?

After doing some calculations, I've concluded that bringing in 8 Million hispanics will mitigate the Asian takeover of Canada.

Nigger, how new are you? Actual Asians don't count towards the minority scale. And in the UK, they list sand niggers and poo in loos as "Asians".

"Overabundance of scientific and historical evidence"

I could go all day. It's like a race of niggerjews but without the few useful traits those races have, which then devolved into a pre-viral hive lifeform.

So the Chinks who can't win a war despite always having numbers and need to steal our tech because they can't invent anything beyond rice farms think we're the subhumans?

pol is self hating non-whites

bug women are the very worst.

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Why do people even post these cherry picked pictures?

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That's 4chan /b/

Because my hatred for chinks never ends. The soon we go to war with them the better.

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I am a Vancouverite and have lived around Asians my whole life. What people don't understand is that they are in a totally different mental universe. Their whole mental universe is devoted to understanding heirarchies. This obsession with heirarchy and status is the same from the poorest and dumbest peasant, to the smartest and richest. It is simply in their DNA. They devote a huge amount of their brain power to things like money, status, and navigating status heirarchies. They don't lack creativity because they are stupid - but because they lose so much of their mental energy focusing on bullshit.

Compare that to whites that are prone to autism and at high IQ levels are basically blind to status heirarchies, and can easily devote all of their mental energy to their obsessions.

Aspergers is an aryan superpower.

What the fuck is wrong with you, Mr. Hu

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The notorious dumpers are Pajeets. They are slowly creeping over from cuckchan where +50 Pajeets are shitposting on the board 24/7

if my last name was hu i'd have to go to medical school

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