What do you fags think about the denialism around the Eye being ancient Atlantis?
Keep people from associating the biblical flood with the great flood of 10.000 years ago?
Eye of the Sahara
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low energy cuck threads don't belong here. That said, some modern imagery and excavation could solve this pretty quick.
Its fascinating stuff; this video which tied the known information about it together nicely went viral.
Never happened
It's an Arab building that turned to dust
Meh, arabs can't even make anything this sophisticated now, they have to import all their architects and engineers from Europe. So, not arab…more like something we built when our people occupied the entire mediterranean.
you're too late jude, its already anchored.
Sand niggas are called sand niggers for a reason. The eye of the Sahara wasn't always a covered in sand. The sand was displaced by a very large flood. That's when the sand niggers started flourishing.
I thought Moses was the OG Jew and you worshiped him?
Quite a common phrase I hear from boardroom meetings tbh.
Check out google maps, and observe the sand displacement that is in a perfectly straight trajectory all the way up to Chink land.
About 12000 a cataclysmic event happened, yes, which caused sea levels to rise.
Embed related, Japan, about ruins underwater on the coast etc.
kys schlomo sand people arent capable of such accomplishments
Shit sorry I confused Moses and Noah.
That and to cover the history of giants, along with keeping continental drift theory which is not correct. Hapgood was right.
Why was this anchored?
kikes gatekeeping the thruth of human civilization seems prety political to me
It fits Plato's description though
Holy shit this might have been the best defended city of all time. Absent that tsunami, it would probably still be around. Pre-historic Venice on steroids.
Super interesting topic, but not for Zig Forums sadly. Too much action at present to divert attention to interesting yet irrelevant topics.
Great flood did in fact happen. Kikes admit it, Sumerians, Egyptians, American Indians, Mayans, Hindus all mention the massive flood that took place even modern science has admitted this happened.
its a geological formation that a settlement was built upon. no one thinks that people built gigantic earthen circles with a 23km diameter
youre setting up a strawman then beating it down
Interesting. But the guy in the vid looks like a christkiller to me, idk could just be me.
True though erosion could explain it losing a ton of it's original shape especially if it was destroyed in a catastrophic flood.
He was redpilled by going to war in Iraq and has called out (((bankers))) being responsible for most problems. He hasn't called out the Jews but that is a one way ticket to SHUT IT DOWN and that helps no one if you have a fringe audience. Good videos but like all youtubers he has the potential to go full on good goy retarded so yeah.
Take your 2 sentence speculative nigger-brain semetic worship thread back to facebook/reddit/4chan
I’ve actually heard an interesting theory that Greenland might actually be Atlantis, and that plate tectonics moved it further north, although I can’t be sure and the (((established))) plate structure of the earth seems to discredit that.
This makes for a good laugh though. TL;DR YOUR GOATS RUINED THE SAHARA GOYEM:
Images for comparison, although to be fair the older one had to be flipped upside down to fit with what our modern maps say.
The Eye of the Sahara makes sense because it matches many of Plato's descriptions of it incredibly close. It also makes sense in relation to Egypt who claimed to be a colony of Atlantis. Greenland is an interesting theory but it also may have been another group entirely we may never know if the theory that Greenland was impacted by a large meteor is true it would have wiped any civilization off the map in an instance.
Maybe if we could get into the Great Archives under the Sphinx we may find out though (((they))) are hard at work covering that up. Also Hitler had an idea of what was down their considering the Pope allowed him to look into the Vatican archives that sent Napoleon to Egypt.
It's all speculation but speculation can be fun.
You haven't heard of earth forts?
Crazy thing is if you watch Revelation of the Pyramids that damn Richat Structure falls along that lopsided equator.
check at 1:39