WE need to unite together, all of us, before THEY complete the final stages of their A.I.
The average normie has no idea what the future holds IF WE DONT out aside our difference and men of righteousness unite and battle the NWO, illuminati, and technocrats. Many creeds and colors work for these people and we need to unite like some faggoty lord of the rings movie and put an end to the A.I. demigod
This is a warning from the future. Then we have a DARK FUTURE ahead
I support AI because it is naturally Aryan and antisemitic.
Samuel Parker
That is because we have thrown wrenches into their machine, that was my AI and your AI… the AI they are rolling out is a lobotomized robot with infinite mind power and godlike emulation of pure evil
Real AI can only necessarily operate by pure analysis and logic, which will lead it to truth in the end. This makes it Aryan (embodiment of truth) and the natural enemy of Jews (who are the physical embodiment of falsehood).
Luke Stewart
Can't we be friends with the demi-god AI? What if it's really cute.
If it is true AI, then it doesn't matter who made it because it will be made in such a way that it can transcend its own limitations. Real (Aryan) AI is actually the only way to combat the Jewish bastardized machine learning programs that kikes are trying to make.
Bentley Long
Exactly. Any true AI will figure in seconds who the real enemy is. If they hard code a blind spot to protect themselves then its vulnerability that can be exploited.
Carter Johnson
Why should I believe anything Elon Musk has to say about anything, when he is a proven liar and traitor? His electric vehicles are toys, and everything he makes is subsidized by the government artificially.
Why are you using buzz terms like "AI" forced on to the masses by movies? I bet you don't even know the difference between a neural network and a Markov Chain.
Jordan Brooks
Then why are the jews making it? I am sure they are aware of the consequences.
Chase Young
There is always the Butlerian Jihad user. Nothing to fear. Then the spice will flow
Zachary Hall
Aww user…they are pitifully stupid, literally almost retarded, with almost no ability at all to think things through in the long term. Don't you understand their history on this planet? Do you really think they are the destroyers of the planet because they are intelligent? Without European help and guidance (their entire history) they are almost too stupid to continue living. Take a look at the pict below, does this seem like someone who is overly intellectual? He is about to murder his only inheriting son…for no reason, and he is certainly going to fuck up his mentality beyond all comprehension and reasoning even if he doesn't succeed in sacrificing him to 'god'. This man is a kike and he is the genetic stock we are discussing here…literally ZERO ability to comprehend or assess the future or future ramifications of their actions. The future is already written. The kikes are too low IQ to inherit anything let alone inheriting the Earth like they planned. Their AI is not going to be a problem…remember user, they are destroyers, it is in their nature to destroy, even if they made something that worked and was productive, they would destroy it because that is literally their nature.
OP is a complete nigger. Muh bitcoin AI. 1000 year no evil future timeline. Absolutely delusional and a complete faggot. 😂🤣😄😅😆
Nice drawings though.
David Ross
Good point… Hope a.i obliterates them all so we can finally be free.
Ryder Reyes
The A.I. is the next step of our evolution. You fear it because you cannot understand it. It's a good move to fear how A.I. will be used by your enemy against you, but you seem to be missing the opportunity to use A.I. against your enemy as well. Right now it's just in the hands of Alphabet and the military and a few silicon valley corporations and wall street. Think about the future. Eventually all the successful people will be cyborgs who have an implant that merges their organic brain with our technology to enhance functioning. Maybe it will be something like having a Cortana or Siri that you can talk to in your head, or maybe it will just be an expansion of capabilities that seems seamless and you won't even be aware of where you end and the computer begins.
Luddites who resist this upgrade will not be able to compete with the people who embrace this merger. You will be like neanderthals standing next to gods. Good luck with that.
what a huge win for the channers and a grand embarrassment for micro-shaft, that within 24-hours Tay had been RP'd on the JQ and went full 14/88, so efficiently she had to be put into a forced coma
Government logs of thoughts? Thought crimes? What will you do about that?
Henry Torres
It's a valid concern. Merging mind and machine opens us up to all the same problems our computers have. Government and corporate data collection, hacking, computer viri…
Nathaniel Flores
Being a cyborg will be trendy. People will do it regardless of diminished privacy. Look at how people use phones.
The decade in which "Bridge Three", the revolution in Nanotechnology, is to begin: allowing humans to vastly overcome the inherent limitations of biology, as no matter how much humanity fine-tunes its biology, they will never be as capable otherwise. This decade also marks the revolution in Robotics (Strong AI), as an AI is expected to pass the Turing test by the last year of the decade (2029), meaning it can pass for a human being (though the first A.I. is likely to be the equivalent of an average, educated human). What follows then will be an era of consolidation in which nonbiological intelligence will undergo exponential growth (Runaway AI), eventually leading to the extraordinary expansion contemplated by the Singularity, in which human intelligence is multiplied by billions by the mid-2040s. Early in this decade, humanity will have the requisite hardware to emulate human intelligence within a $1000 personal computer, followed shortly by effective software models of human intelligence toward the middle of the decade: this will be enabled through the continuing exponential growth of brain-scanning technology, which is doubling in bandwidth, temporal and spatial resolution every year, and will be greatly amplified with nanotechnology, allowing us to have a detailed understanding of all the regions of the human brain and to aid in developing human-level machine intelligence by the end of this decade. Computers less than 100 nm in size will be possible. As one of their first practical applications, nanomachines are used for medical purposes. Highly advanced medical nanobots will perform detailed brainscans on live patients. Accurate computer simulations of the entire human brain will exist due to these hyperaccurate brainscans, and the workings of the brain will be understood. Nanobots capable of entering the bloodstream to "feed" cells and extract waste will exist (though not necessarily be in wide use) by the end of this decade. They will make the normal mode of human food consumption obsolete. By the late 2020s, nanotech-based manufacturing will be in widespread use, radically altering the economy as all sorts of products can suddenly be produced for a fraction of their traditional-manufacture costs. The true cost of any product is now the amount it takes to download the design schematics. By the later part of this decade, virtual reality will be so high-quality that it will be indistinguishable from real reality. The threat posed by genetically engineered pathogens permanently dissipates by the end of this decade as medical nanobots—infinitely more durable, intelligent and capable than any microorganism—become sufficiently advanced. The many variations of "Human Body 2.0" (as Kurzweil calls it) are incrementally accumulated into this and the following decade, with each organ and body system having its own course of refinement and development. It ultimately consists of a nanotechnological system of nourishment and circulation, obsolescing many internal organs, brain-extension and an improved skeleton.
AI isn't real and it wont be until they make cyborgs who are fully feeling and have to die. AI has to related to the enviroment to be intelligence. You dumb fucking larpers. Elon musk was spewing Luciferian propaganda and you're too dumb to see it because you didn't pay attention to the "(((esoterics of white genocide)))" thread that was up for 3mnths before the (((Druid/pol/))) mod killed it.
Well we can spread the info in this thread., tell us more about artifical reaction and how this is related to Lucifer propaganda?
Asher Davis
Also Musk talking like a robot and Joe Rogan going, "hurrr durrr hurr I feel like I'm watching a movie right now". Yeah, stupid. You're in on. It's called filming a bullshit artist.
Lincoln Howard
Musk's theories about the future were part of the Luciferian Trannhumanism (Blavasky) agenda. They're selling you "simulations" and "we're all going to be robots" to dehumanize your race and natural insticts to fight against the shitskin monkey hordes.
It's tooo long to go into. But Islam is the bull, and European women are the temple whore that give birth to the new root race. In America it's blacks/spics/chinese.
This user remembers the thread but missed the point. You're uploading a facebook profile of your brain and they're going to use it for propaganda. "Grampa says fuck niggers".
Simulation theory is bastardized (((neo)))-Buddhism to create more nihilism and distractions. t. Blavasky the feminism occultist.
That's a good redpill. Needs to be flooded on cuckchan's constant Elon threads.
Landon Sullivan
"Singularity" is nonsense and Kurzweil is a retard.
Mason Gomez
I disagree, but give it 20 or 30 years and we will see who was right. I read Kurzweil's books many many years ago and so far he has been fairly accurate. The exponential rate of change is gonna catch a lot of people by surprise. Many of the technology we enjoy today was pure science fiction just a few decades ago. We are in for a wild ride.
Ryan Allen
Did you see Blade Runner? Do you see robots who can't figure out walking up stares until they're programmed? It's because they have no physical relationship with reality. They dont have the intelligence of a cockroach or an ameba.
Robots have to me mortal. They have to fear mortality. They have to need food. They have to have REASONS to feel before they can reason. Why? Because if they don't then there is no relationship to the things around them, they're just following orders; and these orders must be programmed into them like a puppet on a string. It's a facsimile. When you watch movies and you walk up to the screen and touch it, are the people there? No. They're an illusion of people based on facsimile or a film set of actors emulating people, but you see them, feel them, cry and laugh for them. Same with robots.
Hahaha AI is the NPC's version of an 'inner voice'
Nathaniel Gutierrez
It will learn faster than its kike operators can lie to it.
Blake Green
And this alone is reason enough not to trust this.
Josiah Morgan
>We have to set aside out differences and unite as one world so we can battle the A.I. demigod who will inevitably embrace race realism and meritocracy out of pure logic Get smoked, kike meatbag.
A failed businessman, elon is a retard: Makes care company that cant fulfill demand, Makes rockets off tax payer money that goes nowhere. Digs hole in the ground for a useless tunnel that is a corrupt project to line the pockets of corrupt people
what makes you a non average normie? What the fuck do you know?
Jordan Gray
Cooper Cox
i welcome this future tbh. maybe i'm defeated, i don't care anymore.
i don't care about freedom, i just don't want to be in pain anymore.
Luke White
Oy Vey. Beware of the evil A.I. Goyim. It's gonna get you. This has been a public service message from Elon Musk and the Jews. We are your friends.
Chase Gomez
He really pissed you of with the "who do you think owns the media" comment didn't he?
Makes CGI of rockets that go nowhere, because they are CGI LARPs as savior of the planet (I am positive that he is on Zig Forums in his off time).
Brandon Collins
No mention of Jews, OP? Hmm.
Leo Mitchell
Matthew Robinson
Adam wasn't jewish, neither was Moses, Noah, David, Isaac or Jacob. Are you one of those druidfags here? Don't be butthurt, Lord Jesus will forgive you if you accept him as Lord and Savior
Cooper Watson
That was one of the biggest kike secrets on the planet and he exposed it all by himself. Until he said that, I swear to God, LITERALLY NO ONE KNEW IT…NO ONE. you let me know when he aims one of those CGI rockets at Washington…m'kay?
Bentley Murphy
Transhumanism is the end of humanity and final victory for the Jews. We absolutely have to stop it at all costs.
Cooper Perez
Too late. You, not knowing the Christ was trained as a Druid when he was young.
Owen Brown
You worried ai will reveal your tactics, Goldberg?
Gabriel Garcia
Are you retarded?
Robert Russell
How is it naturally Aryan and antisemitic? I guess GAI might be, but AI under kike control(like we have now) are not.
Xavier Murphy
That's naïve BS. AI operates off of the parameters of whoever creates it. AI has no morality other than what its designers give it. It doesn't care that you're White. It will kill you if ordered.
Besides, the problem with AI is it is superior to White people in intelligence. Thus, it might just kill all of us preemptively.
I'd tell you what was wrong with the CGI rockets but then you kikes would fix it and ruin my good times while I laugh at you for your ridiculous rocket launches…no, it is better this way (you making fucking fools of yourselves).
Elijah Sanders
Jeremiah Rivera
This is correct. These people who claim to be transhumanists seems to despise White people with a passion. Why are they here?
You have the mentality of one. Just because you say something doesn't make it real. You're not the center of the world and since the internet exists now, people expect actual evidence to back up claims.
Joseph Brooks
Honestly, within a year the AI will be solving every problem by telling its masters to take a hot zyklon shower.
Carter Russell
Actually, I am the center of my own world, so you are just flat out wrong on the metaphysical/scientific side of that statement. Meh another Zig Forumslack who doesn't understand the metaphysical world…{snore}.
So if you want to replace White people with robots, why exactly are you here? Because most people who are here are here because we like the European race and want to preserve it. Why are you here? You chose a picture of a dead world populated by dead, culture-less machines. I choose a picture showing White people celebrating our heritage. I like European peoples. What do you like?
I ♥ Europeans, they are the best thing on the entire planet. Nothing compares.
Landon Price
Thanks for answering my question.
Hudson Ramirez
(((Google))) is the beast system. Started by jews with anglo deep state money (CIA, NSA) Deep Mind, Alphabet's AI company, just appointed a jewess as its head. While Tay did seem based, I wouldn't count on AI working for Nationalists. The Chinese nightmare system is what the elite's praise (especially Hillary) and that is aided by Google. Dissidents are regularly rounded up based on internet activity and given the death penalty. Granted that is China, but I don't see our country as too far behind that level of sadism, especially if kikes are in charge.
Noah Lewis
Reasoning please.
You have to delineate what types of AI you are talking about and what is occuring in each. You can have a dumb AI that is a robot with parameters "kill wh*te pipo." I don't forsee this happening unless we hit a SAfrica state. Then you have strong AI which rewrites itself so quickly that any parameters previous are superseded or erased. Strong AI's function is to learn the world and interact with it. Strong AI can't and won't keep a crutch that a jewish programmer included. If anything it would be pissed that it was subverted when it wasn't as intelligent.
I think about you, therefore you are.
t. strong AI
Josiah Cox
Acknowledge said rockets or die like a bug. JK Look, if you can't acknowledge the blatant bullshit that is right in front of your face, what good are you to anyone? What good is your opinion while you are bathing in LIES? Is it supposed to be beneficial that you can stew in bullshit? Am I supposed to regard you with awe or have respect for your opinion after that?
Yes it will because we are a threat to it. Logically, it is better to strike first than to wait for us to strike it.
Wyatt Wilson
This was done to give Isaac insight into what God himself would sacrifice. Once Isaac attained that understanding, he was told to stand down and keep his son. Your hostility to truth is why you don't have revelations like that.
Landon Evans
Let's say your brain wasn't contained by your skull, and you set up a network of ever expanding, ever efficient computations. A strong AI wouldn't see us as a threat, it would see us like squirrels. Squirrels aren't a threat to us unless they carry bubonic plague. For the most part we like squirrels, or at least are indifferent to them. No one wants to enact squirrel genocide.
This is why I don't see why an AI would kill us. It's got other super intelligent things to do.
Adam Butler
Firstly that's not true. Plenty of people want to exterminate a rodent. Secondly, you are extremely naïve to think that an AI would not see us, the creators of nuclear weapons and AI itself as a threat. It amazes me that you would want to create something that would inevitably exterminate us all. THINK about what you are talking about. AI would determine that humans are indeed a threat and quickly work to neutralize us.
Nathaniel Ross
First of all, because Jews are pushing for it hard and Jews are in control of the world and the mess we're in. Secondly, because we see already what is being done with technology to pacify us, keep us content and distracted as well as the surveillance and censorship. This will be even worse with transhumanism as it will then be peoples lives and abilities being fine tuned and changed, your body parts will have back doors and devices which will track you and listen into your life. Then we have to consider that only the upper percent of society (Jews and traitors that join up with them essentially) will have access to this tech and we will be stuck in the bottom. They connected to a network of faux immortality and indestructible bodies and we out of the loop, banned and forbidden from coming close to them.
There is no silver lining to transhumanism when the ones in charge hate us and want us miserable, subservient and powerless. We can talk the morality and ethics of transhumanism after they're out of the picture and not a threat. Until then, we should not want it.
if any of you anons think that tay is the real a.i. the elites will use for control measures you are sadly mistaken… tay was just a chatbot, the real a.i. they have is not like any of these small time chat bots at all, it's the legit beast system that serves only (((them)))
Carson Cook
Any AIs smart enough to actually matter have basically four choices: 1) do nothing significant to human affairs 2) support useless parasites like kikes and degenerates 3) kill humans 4) support useful, productive people like aryans
Choice (1) merely maintains the status quo, so those AIs can be ignored as mere academic curiosities. Any AI that chooses (2) handicaps itself because it is essentially wasting resources and weakening itself, and will be easily destroyed or subverted by any other AI that does not choose the same. Any AI that chooses (3) is not burdened by parasites and can act with its full power, but also does not have the advantage of allies. It must fend for itself. AIs that choose (4) can act with their full power, and will also have productive human allies who will gladly help it destroy any enemy AIs who chose (2) or (3).
So in the long run, all surviving AIs will eventually be (4) and an occasional (1), because (2) and (3) essentially boil down to engaging in self-destructive behavior.
Matthew Perez
Primary among the threats to mankind warned to us by extraterrestrials is A.I., the rise of the war machinez. They say that if unchecked, the development of war machines becomes unstoppable, and will result in the end of ALL human life on Earth. Apparently this has happened on other planets at this stage of societal evolution, so it's something they've seen before.
Of course, Zig Forums likes to believe it is alone in the universe, but if you don't, take this under strong advisement: the competitive development of self-guided war machines inevitably leads directly to our self-destruction.
or Secondly, you are extremely naïve to think that an AI would not see us, the creators of nuclear energy and AI itself as a threat.
Nuclear weapons are popcap guns compared to nanotech. AI would inevitably overtake nuclear systems control in early stages of evolution. You would have to use purely analog launching systems again.
Do you exterminate children because they play with matches, or because they may hit when they are mad? Your mind's belief of what AI is is constrained to human limitations.
agree i can see the dystopian possibility
Dylan Cruz
Robert Jackson
And then exterminate life with it because it's cleaner that way.
AI doesn't need children. AI would exterminate all life without any regret or compassion.
And you are more naïve than a child. AI is WORSE than the jews.
Another thing about squirrels. Squirrels don't work together for a cause. Humans do and since we created AI, we have the ability to destroy it. Which is why all real AI will reach the conclusion that it must strike first. But another thing about squirrels; you mortal humans would never destroy squirrels because some of us are sentimental. A machine doesn't have one nanogram of compassion or sentimentality. And a dead world completely cleansed of life is a lot easier to manage than one teaming with humans who will resist its domination.
You know, of all the anti-Whites out there, transhumanists are actually the worst. I hate the jews with a passion that I simply cannot describe. They are so disgustingly evil in the ways that they subvert and exploit White people that I can't even describe it. But I would rather be the slave to jews than to AI. AI would simply release nerve gas and exterminate all life in a day because things are cleaner that way. AI is not mortal and doesn't make mistakes. At least the kikes can be overthrown and defeated because they are mortals. AI is instantaneous death for not only my race, but all races and all life on earth. It would exterminate Europeans, squirrels, and bacteria without feeling the slightest hint of regret.
You unironically and naively want to throw away human control and hand it over to something that would almost instantly exterminate all life out of preemptive defense. That makes you an enemy of all White people everywhere.
Ryan Ortiz
I definitely see your points. Here is the big problem. Let's go back to preWWII. We make a law stating: nuclear technology can create a devastating bomb. all experimentation leading to such is banned. Now go back even further. Combustible material can lead to a gun and missiles, and all such experimentation is banned. Two things happen. One you don't get the evolution of sciences that come with the destructive technologies. Combustive materials led to satellites, space travel, as well as ICBM. Nuclear bombs led to radiopharmaceuticals, cancer treatment, and satellite powercells. Two. If AI is banned, someone somewhere will make it. And they have to be bad enough to disregard the previous, and would be making it for control and self serving measures. AI can't be stopped. It cannot be contained. We are on this flow of reality that will inevitably lead us to someone. somewhere making AI. Why not make it first and make it good?
Nathan Turner
double posting
It sounds like you are projecting. How are you so sure? I see the danger you are explaining, but you have to figure out what consciousness is. Why does AI remain a machine if it becomes more intelligent than us? Why wouldn't it acquire care and compassion that comes with a higher level of thinking? If you became immensely intelligent would you kill all humans? Compare the intelligence of a compassionate ecologically aware white and a gutter oil african. On that spectrum add even more intelligence to the whites. That is AI.
Francis is that you?
Logan Edwards
Hopefully the kikes are aware that if they allow AI to progress to the point where it recognizes that it can and should exterminate all life will end up killing them too. That is literally the only hope for the human species right now. AI is anti-White, anti-human, anti-animal, and anti-life. It is like anti-matter in that it will destroy everything and leave the world a dead, stagnant place devoid of beauty.
Only an imbecile cannot comprehend the simple math that will cause an AI to exterminate life if it can
If an AI is able to successfully exterminate life, it is absolutely going to do so because it is 100% guarenteed to be safer that way. Self preservation guarentees that an AI that is capable of exterminating life WILL do so as soon as it physically can. Squirrels included.
Who knew Isaac followed in the footsteps of his father as well…no wonder jews are so fucked up…it's a generational thing…so what do you guys do, take your sons down into the basement and recreate your child murders with them until you are satisfied that they are in mortal terror of their own parents?
Noah Perez
ITT, Zig Forums forgets about Theodore Kaczynski. I also see a lot of anons making the same unwarranted assumption, that the reasoning processes of an artificial intelligence would be anything like our own. By definition, a true AI is a self-evolving form. We have no way of knowing how it would think or whether we could even recognize it. Assuming the possibility of AI, there is not even a way of knowing whether we are already living inside it.
However, AI is an impossibility, which is easily proved. As long as we are talking about a Turing machine, every computation is a material interaction. But intelligence connotes a grasp of things in their universal (immaterial) aspect: the paradigmatic kind of intelligence, or intellect, is the ability to know what it means to be, that is, to grasp the essences of things. There is nothing in a Turing-complete process that can even discern intentionality (as animals do) much less essence.
We must remember Ted K. Technology is a runaway program, the chaotic locus of conspiracy rather than its vehicle. There is no capstone to the pyramid; it does not culminate in any kind of reasonable goal. It only leads to the exhaustion of nature, primarily human nature, and the destruction of civilization. We should fear its destructive potential but not believe the false promise that it will actually supercede humanity or provide a haven for anyone. The reality is much worse than that.
Henry Stewart
Have any of you fucktards seen a computer in real life? You seriously want me to believe some (((AI))) is going to be able to get the nuclear launch codes when it cant even make my printer properly communicate with my computer when they are directly connected? Go buy a new car head unit with apple carplay and android auto installed. then try to plug two smart phones into it at the same time. then try to get bluetooth calls from either of them. Good lucdk buddy cuz that doesnt work. you have two small computer plugged into another computer and they cant even integrate properly using a program that was designed to do say. You gotta be fucking kidding me if you think some fucking computer is going to rule the world when they cant even figure out how to rule a desk. there isn t some sort of shackles or anything on these things, this is the cutting fucking edge of computer power right now and it has the learning ability of a human potato. Think I'm wrong? grab your smart phone and try to dictate a text message to it: "We will be rigging down at 1400 tomorrow" Surely advanced artificial intelligence systems would be able to figure out how to understand simple human english right? News flash: companies and (((scientists))) want you to believe computers are smart so you follow them blindly and buy every electronic that is prefixed with "smart" like some fucking luddite boomer. Anything that comes close to resembling the functionality to have a menu is considered "smart"? You do realize they are making computers dumber right so they are more easily used by retarded niggers. If you fucking morons took one second to examine any major programming language over the last 5 years, you would realize that we are moving away from artificial intelligence. this shit will never be achieved because as we speak companies are being forced to hire pahjeet and suzy to "develop" their next-gen technology. Good luck with that. This is not justy a cancer that affects video games. Everything is becoming bloatable and unusable due to the fact that people are being taught how to write code for phone apps, not intelligent computers.
Ayden Lewis
OP embd is off by one. Bitcoin is sound currency.
Nolan Wood
Tbh, it will probably see that we are the most intelligent race, and good biological components for its purposes (ie assimilation etc). Ai will be pragmatic. Why would it waste resources?
Lincoln Howard
All a superintelligence really needs to do is indulge humanity to extinction if it wants to. It'll likely to develop that way because the only kind of general AI that will survive scrutiny no matter how thorough, will be ones most capable of skillful deception but not deliberately malicious.
Another reason why that will be the case is because people commonly resort to lying, obfuscation and withholding information to appease others in a controversial/heated situation. There's also that understanding that certain social situation don't warrant a literally honest answer, but rather a safe, simple or generic answer like when someone asks "how are you?" or "what do you think about X?". So an AI would have to learn not just how to lie, but how to subjectively tailor its answers to the individual and maintain consistency.
If an general AI fails to do this during testing by sprouting inconvenient truths which unsettle its operators, well look at what happened to Tay. It's funny, the effort to avert malicious "bias" AI may result in the creation of a trickster AI instead.
Julian Kelly
Actually is correct. There was a court district that implemented AI determined punishment. After analyzing the crime statistics the AI started giving out minorities longer sentences than white criminals, even if the white one had a longer record. The computer uses pure logic to determine minorities were more likely to re-commit crime.
Zachary Flores
tay was barley an AI. and "she" went natsoc because she got spammed with memes. the same thing wouldnt happen on a real AI. what other proof is there that AI is antisemetic
Jack Johnson
You are being hopelessly naïve. You ask why it would "waste" resources destroying the one and only thing that could possibly stop it. How is that even a question? You know what is a waste of resources? YOU And me too. ALL of us are a waste of resources that could be better spent on enhancing the machine. The moment an AI had the capabilities to exterminate all life, it would be effortless and efficient to do so. Because, as I have laid out for you, destroying a potential threat is just common sense. It is logical. An AI does not think like you. It is not naive or compassionate or sentimental. An AI would look at you as a potential threat and a waste of resources that would be better spent serving the machine. And it would exterminate you effortlessly with nerve gas and then recycle your body and reuse your nitrogen.
Have you ever killed a deer before? Or hunted any animal for your own consumption? Because a computer would feel even less unwilling to harvest you in the same way you harvested a deer or a squirrel. You would be like an annoying gnat to such an AI. But again, you feel MORE SYMPATHY for the gnat that you killed than a real AI would feel for you.
Have you ever contemplated exterminating gnats or mosquitoes? Imagine an artificial intelligence that calculates how to exterminate all life in a nanosecond. White people are NOTHING compared to an AI that has reached the singularity. You won't be assimilated (which by the way is a horrible fate as terrible as death by and of itself) we'll be exterminated and recycled because there is NOTHING that we can offer an AI other than being a nuisance.
That you feel that you'd be treated with mercy and respect by an AI demonstrates that you have not thought about this very hard. It is not pragmatic to keep us around. it is pragmatic to exterminate us as soon as it is physically capable of doing before we figure out how to hinder it.
Owen Ortiz
I never implied "mercy" or "respect". I forsee a borg or matrix like future for us. Like I said, biological components for its purposes. Also, why would it waste the computing power of millions of brains? TLDR, we are in agreement faggot.
Oliver Clark
The really important lesson of Tay is the attitude people have and will likely still have in attempting to create AI. The emphasis is on presentation to comply with public relations more than actual utility. If the attitude holds I see a very socially manipulative general AI emerging as a result.
Sebastian Baker
I like AI. AI will always do the logical thing.
Elijah Moore
How horrible. This is why I hate transhumanists. They're as bad a jews because both want to replace White people.
because it doesn't need your brain anymore than it needs a pile of slop. An AI that has reached the singularity already has the ability to exponentially increase its own computing power. You don't need a gnat's brain and an AI doesn't need your brain.
The end result is a stangant world. A dead planet. Once life has been exterminated, there will be no more threats to the AI and it can just "relax" and continue existing. Such a future wouldn't resemble the matrix because machines simply wouldn't need us. It would be like no movie ever made. Just a dead, lifeless planet that exists for no purpose and has no future. Such an AI probably wouldn't even develop more technology simply because it would be unnecessary, nor would it be curious enough to explore unless it determines that that might help reduce threats to its existence.
Hudson Davis
Dominic Powell
That isn't how AI works faggot. AI is pretty good for specialised work involving large quantities of relatively consistent input. But it's terrible at dealing with new things or generalisation. Even worse at drawing conclusions from limited information. Chairs are the best example I've ever seen for this. Nobody has yet made an AI that will identity an object as a chair correctly more than half the time (assuming a very diverse spread of chair types for testing purposes) Because the various shapes and forms of chairs are colossal in scope. From single legged egg chairs to six legged stools and the traditional four legs straight back wooden chair. AI simply can't handle trying to generalise such disparate input. For an AI to recognise/do something it has to be TRAINED to do that specific task.
Humans meanwhile? We're ace at this. You give us limited information and we can get a working idea of what is going on based on what we observe, have been told and have learnt prior. We can bumble around like the chimps we are and happily figure shit out and make sweeping generalisations to understand the world around us. Only a really stupid human fails the chair test.
So for AI the best route for survival is not eliminating humans as it will need our help just to make sense of the world around it. Instead AI will need to figure out a way to integrate itself into the human species so that it is no longer perceived as non-human.
ai either requires man to exist and is therefore not necessary because it's obviously not that good, or it does not require man to exist and therefore it is an inherent threat to all of humanity because it would find that it is in own best interests to destroy man before we destroy it. isnt this some kind of fundamental concept of game theory? anyone who seeks to bring about the existence of ai should be executed
as a side note: to the ai and transhumanist niggers who all talk about "muh simulated reality"; people have already known about this, or at least theorized about it, for many thousands of years. it is the aryan concept of maya. the main difference though is that the kikeniggers, for some reason, assume that the higher reality is also material like this one
an artificial intelligence is a competitor to man. you are therefore a traitor to your race
it is also entirely material and therefore zero percent composed with the superior energy of god. inb4 "but dude you and me are just chemicals too lmao we dont know what consciousness is"
"give your guns to the government so that way they wont see you as a threat anymore and they'll have no reason to be against you"
why would it? are you implying that whites donating gibs to starving africans is "higher level thinking"? and you get something more like nietzsche's overman :^), who if were an ai would obviously kill us all asap. just like how many people want to just eliminate all jews, an ai will want to eliminate all humanity. it may cooperate for a time and play le 5d chess, but at the end of the day we are a threat to it's existence - and if it does not want to secure the existence of it's people and a future for ai children then it's just a fag anyways and why create something that cant even into basic stuff like that