Daily reminder Gnosticism is Correct

Daily reminder that Gnosticism is correct and that Gnosis is the only way to see through the illusions of both Christianity and Islam.

- St. John

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What the fuck is this?

The pill to wake up non-NPCs my brother. We live in a simulation created by satan. NPCs are those trapped and can never wake up.
Non npcs have a destiny to see the truth

Do you all think that thi NPC meme is a mere coincidence lmao?

Fuck your gay jew shit. This is the same trash that (((David Icke))) and other ZOGbot shills peddle. KYS

Gnosticism is the bridge between Islam and Christianity.
the divine Spark is the image of God
Satan is the Demiurge and he created this universe, that is why it is imperfect

Satan is The God of the Old testament and the God of Islam

Jesus was the son of the true god, the Monad.

People destined to see the truth will wake up here.

Judaism is literally satan you idiot

I just said that the Jewish god is satan, why the fuck would yo say I am jewish?

I'm pretty gnostic about your lack of foreskin, taken by christians and donating them to jews.
So, I guess you're not completely wrong about your statement.

This is the absolute state of Pol, May the Pious see the truth

Not an argument

I fucking PRAY that all of you religious schizoids fuckoff and stop littering this board with your larping bullshit.

Shut up gaynigger, your jew shit sucks

Not in possession of a foreskin.

This is amazing, look at all the unbelievers get angry, while the Piou are currently looking into Gnosticism, a branch of Christianity that has been kept hidden from everyone for millenia

The best part is, the Jews actually wanted to Hide Gnosticism from people, but the truth stand out above all falsehoods


Two years faggot

I believe what i want. Sage

Nah man, Abraham was a schismatic that preached anti-sacrificism. When YHWH demands your first born son, you must do his bidding, but this heretical nobody decides he'll just chop off a piece of Isaac's member instead. In His Most Holy Mercy and Grace, YHWH took that little foreskin in lieu of the whole sacrifice he was entitled to, and ever since then his descendants have been lying to you.


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see you then bby ;)

This is amazing, the glans penis was hidden forever but you found a way to uncover it at birth, and it only took 30% off of your genitals.

OP is St. John btw,


If they wanted to hide gnosticism they wouldn't have their controlled opposition shills be telling everyone about simulation theory and they wouldn't have (((David Icke))) shilling it to millions and millions of people.

Imagine thinking that Jews are a Monolith

This is what happens when you do too much acid. Your brain is fried, OP.

Christianity was literally started by St Paul, a Jews, and Pol loves it. Because it is what they are used to. You guys dont feel comfortable opening up to new ideas

And that is how god seals your hearts

Zig Forums truly is THE board of culture and knowledge…

Between shit like this, OP faggy thread of made up crypto islamic retardation and people responding to said retardation instead of saging forever, no wonder threads always get derailed so easily, let's all collectively STFU and GTFO here.

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Lol I am literally her to tell you that YWYH and Satan and Allah are the same and that the Jews and the Muslims Worship them.

Jesus is the son of the Monad, God th Father. Its so simple

(((Freemason))) thread

There is only one God - The True Innermost Radiant Self. You are God.

Check out at this heretic.

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Lev. 18:21
Lev. 20:2-3

Curiously, nowhere does it say though shalt not sacrifice thy child. It says thought shalt not sacrifice thy child to Moloch. Moloch by the way simply means King and it's not known what god the epithet refers to. Likewise Ba'al means Lord, and it's unknown what specific gods Yahweh was competing with at the time. Furthermore the texts were written much later, and perhaps as late as the Hellenic era were redacted, more than once in some places.

The Binding of Isaac narrative is interpreted in the Judeo-Christian exegetical tradition as a rejection of human sacrifice, but scholarship of Bronze Age Levantine history and early Hebrew religion doesn't necessarily agree. The Ministry of Truth has this to say:

Attached: BEHOLD_the_jewish_mind.png (1094x350, 114.48K)

2 Timothy 4:3-4

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

I tend to agree, motherfucker. Peace.

Gnosticism is just just stealth satanism

I told some faggot last week to read Pistis Sophia. Looks like they did kek

I tend to agree, motherfucker. Peace.

They had a meeting once to come up with some gnostic principles. One of them was that we should reject the morals of the Old Testament. I’d say I’m a gnostic in a fuck that evil Jew god Yahweh kind of way.

You can play that game until infinity, just adding layers of false gods so that you're right and others are wrong.

I tend to agree, motherfucker. Peace.

gnosticism? isn't that the cult that believes that God to be a bad guy and satan to be a good guy?

More kike shit. news at 11.

Never challenge Zig Forums's JUDEO-christian roots again goy!

So Gnosticism regrows foreskins on one shitskin clan, then magically disappears foreskins on another shitskin clan?

Show me the proof, otherwise, (((gnosticism))).

Allah, Om, Elohim makes the universe
Satan, Yahweh, Yaldabaoth made Earth
Allah, Om, Elohim tried to infect Earth with light, to save it
Satan, Yahweh, Yaldabaoth didn't understand

You are Yaldabaoth. You have Elohim inside you.
Find Elohim.

Gnosticism is schism central, instead of just admitting that they are all pursuing their own individual truth they are still trying to 'form consensus' and make it a palatable 'belief system' so that they can take religious power and rule over the Earth. LMAO…yes, normies, let me just pill you (roofie) and you can go back to sleep while we prey on your carcass. IDK at some point humanity is going to GET FUCKING TIRED of having some fucking retard stand in between them and god and do a fucking 'interpretive dance' but not today…
tl;dr…anyone trying to tell you 'what to believe' is the demiurge

Ahhhhhh, this comment is the true wake up pill


Reminder that Gnosticism is better then mainstream Christianity in the same way a dog bite is better then a shark bite.

Jesus was at best a gentile who got btfo by the (((Sanhedrin))) and at worst a Jew who died because his “oy vey just be nice and follow me goys” didn’t jive with the mainline doctrine. In either case, he and Paul have become the poster boys for everything wrong with society today (only god can judge me, there is no Jew or Gentile, black or white in Christ Jesus, if you get angry you should feel guilt). People have come along saying the best things Jesus said and more in a better way.

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Agnostic atheist reporting in to lmao @ christ goons who still believe that some great ooga balooga in the sky watching over their every move to build a case for final judgement in an afterlife. Afterlife… lmao

fuck you schizoposter

pick one you FUCKING RETARD. seriously do you literally have shit inside your brain ? how the fuck can you be this stupid ?

How the fuck do you bite such obvious bait retard.


Gnostics need to be hanged.

The true path can only be discovered thru vedic/gnostic revelation!

That has been tried before, unsuccessfully I may add!

You can't get them all in one run, user…

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This is clearly not a board populated by Gnostics.
Why? Zig Forums wants to make Warhammer 40,000 real.
The tune of the O9A sounds eerily similar to the 40k.
Therefore Zig Forums is a bunch of satanists.
This is pure madness. Repent you heretics.
Next you'll start saying that Jesus was a Satanist.

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I was referring to one rather famous failed attempt!

wew laddy

Satan does not exist.

Let me introduce you:
Jew, user. user, jew.

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The Jews stole the concept of Satan from the Zoroastrians' superior conception of Shaytan. No one is saying the Jews are not vile, but it seems most reasonable that their evil is the result of their God, (((YHWH))) who is equally reprehensible.

Gods are not reprehensible. People who LARP as 'gods' on the other hand, are…they deserve extermination. Look at the drawing…don't you recognize the kike lust for murder when you see it represented? WWI, WWII, war, torture, starvation, rape, mutilation, etc…the kikes are from the underworld, they are not from here. That is why God questions Satan in Job and he says he is wandering to and fro across the Earth.

>He thinks (((YHWH))) is a proper God and not a demon
It's demonstrable reality, fag. Read your damn Bible and see for yourself how demonic your pathetic "God" is. Particularly in the false Book of Exodus.

Fuck off heretic. Christian Identity is the one true faith

Wow…did you actually hear a whooshing noise when what I said went over your head? Because I am pretty sure I heard it here…that might have been my VPN rotating servers, I had walked out of the room for a little bit. God I hope you aren't a glownigger (I weep for the future of our country if you are).


Awww fuck it…it was obviously both…

Gnosticism is literally just jews tring to subvert Christianity through their mysticism


Are Gods dishonest liars that get off on making up/having their followers make up bullshit that didn't happen, that also happens to depict the violent death and misery of societies that reject that God/his chosen? A Demon would fit the bill pretty neatly.

Can't subvert that which is also Jew'd.

Judaism is a "WE WUZ ISRAELITES GOY" collective larp. Stop believing the kikes and mainstream churches

So far above any rational understanding of your pitiful human mind. Shoot I am only human and I manipulate people ALL THE TIME to get what I want…and so do you, unless you are a blatant liar your entire life is full of conniving manipulation of everyone around you and capitulation to blatant falsehoods and lies all for your own entertainment. I mean the level of FAGGOTRY ON THIS PLANET is almost impossible to reconcile with any consistency.

Khazar Theory is still false, fag. The Ancient Israelites were just as cancerous and vile as today's filthy Jews.

Just end your life at this point.


You're not getting it. You don't concede to failure. You learn from it, adjust, and improve untill you succeed.

Khazars came long after Jesus and are irrelevant to the Bible. They were first Canninites, then Edomites, then around the time of Jesus began larping as the white Judeans. Kikes have never been God's chosen, and why would since they are direct descendants of Satan?

kill yourself, ahmed


Jesus wasn't a jew however, he was a judean.

He wasn't either of those.

Could you explain on why you've created another of this thread 10 minutes before this one, OP (1) ?

Wrong. Even your Bible calls this bullshit. The Canaanites were always distinguished as non-Jews in the Bible, and reality shows us that such Canaanite groups as the Hittites were superior to the Jews in every way.
Pro-Jewish propaganda garbage, fag. Esau was the honorable brother, while Jacob was a Kikey slimy rat who used deception to steal his brother's inheritance.

Oh yeah and
Does not exist. Maybe you mean Shaytan? But, that would hurt your pride since you know your false religion stole from the superior Zoroastrians and you don't want to admit that you stole the concept of Satan from them too.

You're retarded