Following the discovery of Jordan Peterson's support for the promotion of economic migrants

into Western nations, Molyneux hosts a
foreign security expert who explains how
communist and Islamic nations will use demographic migration to ruin the West.

The subtext is that we must neutralize incoming migrants, with welfare and housing, in order to prevent them from disrupting our societies.

That is, we will achieve peace through appeasement, and liberty through extortion.


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Other urls found in this thread: the discovery of Jordan Peterson's support for the promotion of economic migrants/

this is what a low effort bait thread looks like
OP will never come back and complain that his thread has been bumplocked.
(((They))) drop one bait thread and are gone.

JP perverts individualism.

Collectivism is using power to disenfranchise.

I'm here. JP perverts the word 'individualism.'

1. controlling oneself, but not others 
2. being self reliant. 
Jordan Peterson uses definitions 1 & 2. 

JP uses definition 1 when he claims that individualism made prosperous nations. I agree. The opposite is collectivism. 
JP uses definition 2 when he councels people to focus on what's within their power to change. I agree. And this is the definition to which I'll refer. 

What is dangerous is JP advocating individualism (definition 2) when cooperation is beneficial. Given his support for the supposed inevitable influx of collectivists into developed countries, it seems JP's pushing of individualism (definition 2) is meant to quell native citizen's resistence to the influx. 

My take on JP's uprise is 2 phenomena: 
-most civilized people, not realizing how 'they got their' (from working, and defending what you worked for), are succeptible to guilt. That they didn't earn it, and owe 100% of their wealth to being born in a civilized society. But what people don't realize is that their wealth was only made possible by being born in a civilized society- they still had to earn it. 
-cucking. A cuck is someone who complies with extortion, instead of fighting it. Civilized people have social standing and wealth. And to preserve their social standing, they part with wealth.

The first phenomena permits people to part with their property (including their country), because they believe their property of unearned.
The second phenomena gives people an excuse for giving in to extortion- "I had to do it, I'm an individual, and as such I should not act collectively to defeat those who extort me." 

I attribute both phenomena to the lack of males willing to endure derision- which they typically do for their family. But given that men are actually punished for enduring derision, our society is succeptible to guilt and cucking. Which is why I believe JP has risen in popularity.

JP is doing what the libertarian movement has been doing: permitting people to degenerate themselves in order to do the "right thing." By placing pleasure before the action that causes it.

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Jordan Peterson also pushes SSRI pills for you to "be a better individual."

What is wrong with OP's criticisms?
Jordan Peterson is an enemy who positions himself as a friend- he's a traitor.

The traitor uses your energy against you- and thus is worse than an enemy.

fuck individualism. it is the proto-divide&conquer shill tactic. fuck (((peterstein))). anyone who can't see from his face that he's a kike has no place here. in fact anyone who ever followed this kike has nothing to do here

While I agree it's effect is d&c, I don't believe it's intentional d&c- but rather how Peterson copes with being a White male- and he teaches his followers- mostly White males- to do the same.

Libertarians chase the emotion that is resultant from pro-life action, without doing the pro-life action.

No, kike.

He (>>12170744) refers to individualism as the absence of collective defense.

Which is a typical commie kike strawman

what do you do here?

Wow what a great argument, whites shouldn't work together amirite? Based peterstien FTW!

Found the soy boy who cleans his room religiously but not his penis because he's a perma virgin. Juden Peterstein is your daddy.

The West is broke and shitskins bellies are never full. It's ALWAYS be more gibs. Once they get numbers they will hunt, rob, rape and kill us.

When cleaning your room isn't an argument for immigration.

Moly is a Jew apologist.
Moly sanction Peterson.

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Literally every time lmao

You can't be anti-kike and not be judging them on a collective basis. Or you end up with "good jews." Also, has a kike personally fucked you over ever? Or are you mad at how they destroy societies, attack purity of blood, use usury to enslave people, unless they are doing that to yo in person, you hate them because you consider yourself part of collectives, society and race, and don't like them being attacked.



Almost every thread at the top is a normie info drop. Stop coming here. Go to cuckchan and inform them on these info scraps. We know this. It's redundant. We dont need a bitch fest about every redundant cunt

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Half pol will only respond to bait threads, and established memes.

Individualism taken to its extreme is as destructive to a race as collectivism taken to its extreme.
Without the support of a community, an individual will be destroyed. And without the innovation of individuals, a community will stagnate.


And you posted a stupid redudant thread. They need the education. Not us.
Why don't you post another thread about feminism not like masculinity?
Or maybe a mean twitter that makes you mad?

That’s a pretty well-reasoned criticism, and one I hadn’t yet considered in as many words.
I’d also propose he criticism that he is related to a long line american revivalist catechism - the Swedenborgians in particular and their post-Quaker ideas of Heaven and Hell. There’s a lot of ground to be explored there, and many of the people I know who have seen him live (including myself) have had the same kind of ‘religious’ feeling about him.

Obviously we're being attacked collectively but to then embrace collectivism like a chink as a solution? This is what the kike wants. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Check mate.

when was this? funny isn't it,

= crypto-Communism
= no social responsibility
= talking down to boy men in audience
= nonsense post
Nation = Nati (Latin) for natal = Race…. You agree because you're a shill or weak minded – so here:

REDPILL ON INDIVIDUALISM (from a non-Jew owned older user who isn't paid to teach you little faggots how to (((think))) or effect by some old boomer talking down to me).

The individual is constructed from:
1. genes
2. Family *caretakers
3. language
4. time and place (aka, "we live in a society").
5. archetypes in play that appeal to intellect and natural instinct (DNA), but triggered through one's modern society (art, reading, education, experiences…).
6. body form (ugly, cute, big, small, etc.)
7. Life experience (both subconscious and conscious)
8. Education (more than schooling it can include so many aspects, religion, martial arts, how to bake a cake, anything affect your concepts of self).
9. Wealth/what you inherit (this includes where you live, daddy giving advice or job hook-ups from friends, or current-past employment).
10. health (more than body form, you can have a broken tooth and it will affect your mind, anything — especially PTSD and addictions).
11. Meditative depths (how in control of your own memories, opinions, narratives you are… NPCs lack this.
12. Sex

I could go on but fuck…

So a true "process of individualization" isn't separation.
It's not emulating your father or "rescuing him from the abyss" or "getting in touch with your feminine side".
Truly becoming an "individual" is an academical synthesis of all of the above. It's not rejecting or separating from Nation, Collectives, or body. It's not "ego death" but realization of the narratives that build who you are. Thereby giving you a choice in how to direct your life (the game of life).

For example:
The father (rescuing) that Peterson sells is double-speak. He's talking down to you, to demoralize you, to influence you. His dramatic behavior (besides the medication and sociopathic emulation of human empathy) is trying to invoke your emotional appeal (a fallacy).
The father isn't meant to be rescued. Zues slays the father for a reason. The father isn't meant to be hated (unless he's a cunt). The father is meant to be understood as a man, to demystify the idealism you have toward Father figures. See your father as a child, as you once were. See God as a child, as a primitive force, then you will understand more about the image you attach to God the Father.
Point being, humans don't live that long to be worthy of understanding the depths of creator or to become wisemen that should be put on a pedestal. Only children do this. Children are still learning from the collective, emulating…

Same with the "feminine side" or animus archetype. If you're a male, females are apart of you. But you don't make them divine (divinely evil {thots!!!} or good).

You try to break down and integrate the archetypes.

Because it's a process of self-mastery. SELF being all of the things that connect to you (including your race, nation, food, sex, blah blah…).

SO LET ME MAKE THIS VERY CLEAR (because I'll never post anything like this again, so redpill yourself):

The individual is not autonomous. Your language, Nation, culture, race, sex, body, money… all are who you are. You are a collection - period. Your skin and hair is where your body stops, but both of those are totally influenced by environment — "the air you breathe" and so on…

To become and individual has nothing to do with what Peterson says – he is creating zombies like himself. It has everything to do with organizing the mass you are into a self driven unit. There was nobody more individualistic in modern times than Hitler. To organize your chaos is to become an individual, not to deny parts of it. Nation, challenges, race, sex… all these collectives are you. The Will To Power is individualism.
And we have different willpowers fighting in our brains right now ("I want ice cream reeeee!".. "no fatty –no!").

Read my post, you poor bastard.

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Also read this

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Dang it, I guess I can't offer any arguments now, you won. In all seriousness collectiveness being a good thing and not for losers is one of those redpills one swallows along the way; at least I eventually changed my mind on it.

I've always been individualistic and a contrarian, but way I see it we are the Romans, there's barbarians at the gates that would collapse our civilization and way of life, and there's Romans running around saying: "let's not be Romans, let's be individuals", you dig? Once the barbarians are repelled (jews are dead), and reason is restated in society and politics we can go back to being atomized individuals. Right now it's do or die mode, not lounge around and have fun times.

You still don't get it. You don't read threads. You just look for the (you).
I explained this to you in suck great detail and you're still using the Jewish lense on what individualim means. The Peterson version or Boomer psychology version. HERE >>12173523

I just waste my fucking time here.

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That's 100% true. But just in this instance because I checked the thread hours earlier and I came back to see if someone replied to me before bed; sometimes I do that. Sorry for not reading every single comment of every thread I ever reply too I guess. And I'm the one playing "jew lenses" on language? I'm saying defend your race and country. How much more basic does it get? Also, EWWWW, you don't capitalize jew, I'm guessing maybe you are a kike yourself with such verbose diarrhea you got, please type "kike." And you are going to LOVE this, I didn't read the thing, I skimmed over it and it said "read this I will never type this again" but I don't like being told what to do and you sounded way pompous so I stopped there and skipped the rest.

Protip: next time you "explain something to me in great detail", maybe make it a reply to something I said, that way maybe I read it. Might not work now, I'm getting predisposed to either ignore or filter you.

Jesus, you're the definition of a cuckchanner.

Why not collectivize to ensure individual liberty for the capable participants
taco shell commercial dot png

What do you mean by collectivise? No

Why not? Is it bad for white people to act together in the pursuit of self interest?

You're already collectivised. Read the fucking post you cuckchan newfags.

we all knew this in 2015 8/pol/.




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Sounds like WG to me..

White Guilt?

If so, sort of. It has the same reaction (giving of yourself to protect yourself).
Check your premises by recognizing your emotions.

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White Genocide

Trying to yell using redtext and posting thumbnails is unbecoming of the modern oldfag

come on

responding to Jew posting
come on

read it>>12173519

knit picking over post instead of reading content is fucking cuckchan faggotry

This same exact thread has been spammed by bots on cuckchan since May of this year: the discovery of Jordan Peterson's support for the promotion of economic migrants/