= crypto-Communism
= no social responsibility
= talking down to boy men in audience
= nonsense post
Nation = Nati (Latin) for natal = Race…. You agree because you're a shill or weak minded – so here:
REDPILL ON INDIVIDUALISM (from a non-Jew owned older user who isn't paid to teach you little faggots how to (((think))) or effect by some old boomer talking down to me).
The individual is constructed from:
1. genes
2. Family *caretakers
3. language
4. time and place (aka, "we live in a society").
5. archetypes in play that appeal to intellect and natural instinct (DNA), but triggered through one's modern society (art, reading, education, experiences…).
6. body form (ugly, cute, big, small, etc.)
7. Life experience (both subconscious and conscious)
8. Education (more than schooling it can include so many aspects, religion, martial arts, how to bake a cake, anything affect your concepts of self).
9. Wealth/what you inherit (this includes where you live, daddy giving advice or job hook-ups from friends, or current-past employment).
10. health (more than body form, you can have a broken tooth and it will affect your mind, anything — especially PTSD and addictions).
11. Meditative depths (how in control of your own memories, opinions, narratives you are… NPCs lack this.
12. Sex
I could go on but fuck…
So a true "process of individualization" isn't separation.
It's not emulating your father or "rescuing him from the abyss" or "getting in touch with your feminine side".
Truly becoming an "individual" is an academical synthesis of all of the above. It's not rejecting or separating from Nation, Collectives, or body. It's not "ego death" but realization of the narratives that build who you are. Thereby giving you a choice in how to direct your life (the game of life).
For example:
The father (rescuing) that Peterson sells is double-speak. He's talking down to you, to demoralize you, to influence you. His dramatic behavior (besides the medication and sociopathic emulation of human empathy) is trying to invoke your emotional appeal (a fallacy).
The father isn't meant to be rescued. Zues slays the father for a reason. The father isn't meant to be hated (unless he's a cunt). The father is meant to be understood as a man, to demystify the idealism you have toward Father figures. See your father as a child, as you once were. See God as a child, as a primitive force, then you will understand more about the image you attach to God the Father.
Point being, humans don't live that long to be worthy of understanding the depths of creator or to become wisemen that should be put on a pedestal. Only children do this. Children are still learning from the collective, emulating…
Same with the "feminine side" or animus archetype. If you're a male, females are apart of you. But you don't make them divine (divinely evil {thots!!!} or good).
You try to break down and integrate the archetypes.
Because it's a process of self-mastery. SELF being all of the things that connect to you (including your race, nation, food, sex, blah blah…).
SO LET ME MAKE THIS VERY CLEAR (because I'll never post anything like this again, so redpill yourself):
The individual is not autonomous. Your language, Nation, culture, race, sex, body, money… all are who you are. You are a collection - period. Your skin and hair is where your body stops, but both of those are totally influenced by environment — "the air you breathe" and so on…
To become and individual has nothing to do with what Peterson says – he is creating zombies like himself. It has everything to do with organizing the mass you are into a self driven unit. There was nobody more individualistic in modern times than Hitler. To organize your chaos is to become an individual, not to deny parts of it. Nation, challenges, race, sex… all these collectives are you. The Will To Power is individualism.
And we have different willpowers fighting in our brains right now ("I want ice cream reeeee!".. "no fatty –no!").
Read my post, you poor bastard.
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