Tasty Blackpills

We're Going to Lose in November

Yes, we got Trump elected in 2016, but the primary contributor to that election turnout was the MSM's outlandish projections of a 98% chance for a Hillary victory. This had the left thinking they could sit on their couches instead of going to the voting booth. They were wrong. Now they are pissed. Since then, any leftist with a platform or a foothold in academia, journalism, or tech has been using every available resource to ensure that the left will NOT lose this coming November. Lets swallow a few black pills, shall we?

● Academia from K through college are indoctrinating our children to believe that whites and males are the scourge and excrement of the known universe. Even white males come out of school pining for their own extinction. With each passing year, more and more of these indoctrinated snowflakes reach voting age while the oldest of our generation die. You can finish the math on that.
● Social media and tech are monopolized by leftists like Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook, Jack Dorsey of Twitter, Sundar Pichai of Google, and Susan Wojcicki of YouTube, all of whom have cultivated leftist monocultures within their organizations. With unfathomable power to silence dissent and change our culture at their fingertips, they continue to suppress conservative speech all across the internet. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. You can be 100% certain that they are using their leverage to sway the November election.
● Illegal, third-world refuge continues to pour into our country. Where is the wall we were promised? Can we at least get a few thousands drones to patrol the border?
● The left have become nothing short of rabid over the prospect of the republican party's utter destruction. They are encouraged by leftist leaders to accost and even assault anyone who supports Trump or the republican party.
● The upset victories in the recent democratic primaries show how the left see white males even within their own party as an obstruction to their communist, socialist agenda as these long-time incumbents are swiftly replaced with brown women.
● No one on the non-left political spectrum has been able to successfully assemble in any public area in any noteworthy numbers without being surrounded 10 to 1 by antifa and other mouth-foaming leftists. Meanwhile, the left have taken to the streets in the hundreds of thousands on numerous occasions. Our side has lost its energy.


● Linux Kernel Adopts Contributor Covenant: SJWs have infiltrated Linux and will now be policing all code committs to ensure they are not made by non-progressive developers.
● Data&Society publishes a document that focuses on YouTube, labeling many creators as alt-right or white nationalists. Included in this list are Sargon, Paul Joseph Watson, Roaming Millenial, Dave Rubin, Blaire White, Chris Ray Gun, and others.



Why does this post keep getting deleted? Why are the mods trying to prevent us from acknowledging the sheer force that is the democratic party? Could it be that they want us to think we're winning so that we feel more comfortable sitting on the couch in November like the leftists did in 2016? The mods are Zig Forums plants with a plan, and it's working judging by the number of natsoc goons who continously sperg out when they see this thread. You're all being played.

We will lose this upcoming election, and we will lose big. For all days going forward, we will NEVER win another election again as the left grants all illegals full citizenship, opens our borders to the third world, and removes every single leftist and non-progressive voice from the internet all at once.

Are you prepared for the United States to become Europe 2.0?

Attached: alternative influence.PNG (713x844, 124.01K)

Other urls found in this thread:


That's a blackpill for you, but an accelerationpill for me.

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Good. The sooner we start the shooting war the better.

Sage for demoralization thread.

Who is we, Trumpcuck? We are never going to be able to win until the Day of the Rope comes. Our only responsibility is to bring it by spreading the truth about the Jews everywhere.

Nice slip, you sad terrified kike. The rope will come for you soon enough, just as you fear

Clearly. There's no way for White people to win at the polls.

Attached: ignore.png (500x358 119 B, 70.86K)

Editing error. Should be "non-leftist". Already corrected for next iteration.


Attached: killing schlomo pepe.jpg (792x576, 40.45K)

Only fucking dumb liberals, niggers, jews, and (((women))) care about who fucking gets elected over the sheeple right now like its a petty checkers game

I am not a Trumpcuck. I have lost much of my support for Trump as of late due to how he has done nothing about any of the bullet points I outlined in my OP.

And who did you vote for in 2016? Who? Don't tell me you voted green party. You voted for Trump and are just as let down like everyone else.

This is what is going to nullify all the blackpills in the OP.

Regular people do not find the ultra communist approach appealing. Theres already a party for that too, called the green party.
Having the Democrats become the green party just means they are squeezed in to a tiny niche. They may have the entire MSM in their back pocket but they just arent saying things that appeal to regular people.

Republicuck/Cuckservatives will lose bigly.** FTFY

Nothing of value was lost. With the R's in power, they've been completely ineffective and many actively work to undermine Donaldus Magnus (PBUH).

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I want a comfy collapse at this point tbh.

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why don't you mention even once that the common factor of all the forces against us is the fact that they're *ALL* kikes ? you're a fucking disinfo blackpilling faggot at best, and possibly jew at that.

well at least the OP changed the image

Maybe that why the based mods haven't wrangled his spamming fucking ass to the ground yet.

OP is pic related. its not 2016 anymore, you should move past it

Attached: kike (2)

Even if they do build the wall, spics, chinks and pajeets will still immigrate illegaly to US by entering by plane as tourists and then overstaying their tourist visas, that's how 99% of the illegals from my country entered US and are still there to this very day, the only difference is that they have to carry a bit more money so they can fool the immigration officers into thinking that they're visiting Disneyland or some shit.

Can we get a CGI rocket built by Elon to patrol the border? It would be like burning ants with a magnifying glass…only it would be burning beans (nothing of value was lost).

Literal shill thread. Fuck off back to Israel, or alternatively to your spot in hell you fucking kike.

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We all know to whom the (((mods))) pledge their allegiance for continuing to allow this subversive and demoralizing thread to remain up.

There will be plenty of rope for you when the day of our reckoning arrives.

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People have lives outside of the internet, at least some of them do

Reminder that OP is imkikey.

What do you think now?

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This board was better off with imkamfy as BO. He continuously purged the shills and (((merchants))). His breakdown at the end of his board ownership was most likely due to mental collapse from the overwhelming number of jewish posts. I would have probably done the same, but burned it even further to the ground.

The best pill of them all. I feel the need, the need for speed!

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Of course you will.
You bastards are gonna project your ass into the grave.

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