Intelligent Discussion Freefall

See pic related. Why did we start letting women use their gender online? Was it when they all got iphones? Part of me thinks we need to bring back "tits or gtfo" in other places, but also which of the 63 approved geners have tits now? There are also an astounding number of boomers and redditfags here who think it was just a joke and not an antibody for shit opinions.
We either need to bring back "tits or gtfo" or come up with something equally short that tells people their gender affords them no special treatment in the realm of ideas.

(2nd pic captcha: GED is the Apex?)

Attached: GED Apex.png (2282x1090 72.78 KB, 221.16K)

It was /b/ tier and it was on Zig Forums

I didn't. But yes it was because of the iphone, it opened the doors to millions of unwashed plebs, and the plebs started whiteknighting their internet princesses.

again, this is the biggest redflag if there ever was one. women are inherently fucking stupid and should not even be allowed to discuss their opinions online. in fact, "their" opinion is never theirs. the opinion of a woman is the opinion of the men she sucked the dick and swallowed the semen of. they are unable to produce anything by themselves. not even a child, they need a dick for it and it's the same everywhere

It's only /b/ tier if you think it's a childish joke. At first glance it is, but it's the white-blood cell of discussions. It's not anti-women exactly, it's more anti-privilege (ironically).

No, it's just /b/ tier

‘Twas Trump niggers that lulled the board

Newfags are worse and more prevalent then woman. Woman run away at 98% of the memes here. Lurk two years is more important imo.

It's immature, I don't see people yelling it on twitter for instance. It's effective though. We need a new privilege disarming phrase.

we don't have 2 years anymore, are you paying attention?

You knew this wasn't just rap // Yet you came at me In my nap
Yeah, you came at me that sounds right // Kaylee left my sack hella light
JD's raining excellency around me
Your team is at best outdating
My team is at rest with shady
Employing pornography for a coy dichotomy
Thinking the OB's OD'd G wouldn't bring hailie B // for hailie to see
And im supposed to worship your dick for a bar // But i got my shooters running traffickers across the styx
So my pretentious conscience ends // And freudian detoxification buttons

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no need to waste 12 years in school when you can just work for your GED

I would like to thank gangs, world governments and hicks for not killing me

Well, women aren't shitting up the board. Newfags are, and I stand by that.

is correct. You are shitting up this board and should kys.

I had to go to a spinning hard drive for that one you faggot. Focus on removing people's perceived advantages in conversation using something as simple as "x or GTFO"

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kys or GTFO


It might sound anti-woman but [insert long copypasta here].
tl;dr women can post here just don't go "look at me I'm a woman give me your attention" and shit up threads for no reason.

God this faggot kike is so fucking boring
Tell me you get paid to promote your faggot agenda, trying to ass rape European men on Zig Forums since you are here all the time except for night time in Tel Aviv
I actually had to ask someone (someone with historical knowledge) whether they thought that Nat Socialists were all faggots (because you are HERE ALL THE TIME focusing on women and not jews)…it actually crossed my mind to wonder if NAT SOC was a faggot movement…and that was why more people on Zig Forums didn't let you know that
1. We have no interest in MGTOW (it is nothing more than a twisted kike PARODY of strong independent European male culture; it is a FUCKING JOKE)
2. We don't want to pack your fudge or lick your poo nuggets or creamy mocha cock butter either off your cock
4. You degenerate pedo/homo filth all need to be bogged

Attached: homosexual israel gay pride.jpg (1280x720, 159.83K)

OP likes aids nigger dick in his ass.

ladypede here, i dont support you nazis but you do make good points on other things!

No bully, but boomers are terrible at captcha. My dad is unable to solve it.

You should be able to solve a captcha in order to pass a law. That would solve a lot of our problems.

The reason that EUROPEAN WOMEN don't show their tits is because they don't want kikes, niggers and subhuman filth looking at them…this faggot doesn't have any use for your tits anyway…who knows maybe he masterbates to the idea that someday he will wear a woman suit while he is taking it up the ass.

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Isn't this clear evidence that discussion quality has improved? If fewer anons are relating the fact that they're women, or pretending to be women, the phrase would have a marked downturn in frequency. If the sex of the poster is brought up less by both the poster, and those that reply to him or her, isn't that good for discussion quality? You are assuming a conclusion with this little bit of data.

Attached: MrTurner.mp4 (480x270, 557.43K)

Tits or GTFO.

i think that's just because we all now ask to see bobs and vagene