Cody Wilson Accused of Sexual Assault

Apparent honey trap / false flag takedown of Cody Wilson, and by extention Defense Distributed.

Attached: cody wilson.PNG (985x554, 697.89K)

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So… why is the bitch not in trouble?

Woman logic.


Can you say SET UP

Pics of slut?

On the set up anbgle I think it would be nice to know who messaged who first. Either way this woman is at fault. It's just too fucking convenient that a 17 year old would make an account to hook with a sugar daddy then turn around and say "nuh uh iim 17 i cant hook up with adult men", like I know women are stupid but there's not even "woman logic" to that.

Under 17, according to the article.
Age of consent in Texas is 17, so it's a much greater crime this way.

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it's a minor we're dealing with here user, gotta protect de chillunz

then it's 100% entrapment. if the bitch was being honest she would have attempted to extort cody wilson, not call the police.

Kek. Is this meme magic?

Don't gloat yet, Schlomo.

Isn't it illegal to register if you're under 18?

And implying this is not some whore informant some dirty FBI faggot is fucking..


I bet she's a hot fucking piece of pie
guaranteed setup, though.

Don't whiteknight for a pedophile, user. Anyone who knows Wilson from IRC back in the 00s has heard his opinions on pedophilia and age of consent laws.

This. Its the website's age verification that is at fault. The website must be held accountable for allowing minors to make accounts.

Where is the sexual assault tho?

Found the jew.

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You're the jew, faggot. You trivialize a man's gross and criminal violation of sexual conduct just because he happens to be the (co-)founder of (((defense distributed)))

More pilpul from a jewish tor faggot, shocking, I know.

Hopefully someone who is based ends up on that jury and realizes he had every reason to believe the roastie was 18. That's his only chance. I could only charge him guilty of buying a charge if I was in court, but people are NPCs….

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Wilson bro, pic related.

NSA gameplan.

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who cares, hes a kike.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to fuck a developed girl with plump tits, a firm ass and hair on her bush.
Stop shamefagging a natural instinct in men.
Illegal, yes. Immoral, absolutely not!

You're the only one here talking about fucking children.

I don't even think that is a defense. But I wouldn't put it past them to fake the whole thing. Somehow I don't think Wilson is stupid enough to fuck a roastie he met online. He is pretty good looking, he can probably get hotties in person.

DSA need to turn off their bot.

In Texas it is not a defense. But good thing what the law says doesn't necessarily matter if you're just going to use Jury Nullification.

He could also use the defense of since she had an account on a website where you must be 18+ to get an account there, that he naturally assumed that she was 18+.


Don't you have to be arrested to be charged? Judges issue warrants for arrest based on evidence, then once your caught you are charged with the crime.

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apparently you live in a bubble and think every girl out there under the age of 17 is a virgin angel ……got news for you 99% of them are sluts who have been fucking since age 12. I worked in education and witnessed it first hand.

Our (((system))) sexuallizes them and they only find value now as sex objects and not as mothers or even human beings.

Also the NA diet doesn't help since most of them look like fully developed women by 13 (remember Traci Lords who went into the porn industry at 13 and made tons of videos…..looks like an adult and no one was charged over that).

Just because a girl has tits doesn't mean she has reached psychological maturity to consent to sexual activities. We have age of consent laws for a reason.

You're a degenerate.

Age of consent should be marriage.

Tor jew is posting abhorent shit again.

They probably fucked with boys their age, not with 30-something men.

Again: you're a degenerate.


Learn how to read you shamefagging Herman. I said it's illegal, but there is nothing immoral about wanting to fuck a hot piece of ass.
It is not pedophilia, it is not immoral and it is not something YOU should be ashamed of. Yes (You). You are attracted to girls under the age of 18 and so am I and so are all men. Trying to shamefag for a natural attraction is nothing more than D&C bullshit.

So women can lie?
Texas doesn't care if you didn't know she wasn't 18, she lied, or someone else lied to you about her age.

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What are the chances he never met her in the first place? What are the chances the account was fake and this is only used for media shaming?

Being attracted is one thing. Being a degenerate who can't act according to a sexual codex and can't control his sexual impulses when dealing with minors is another thing.

He's very fucked right now if this video is real.

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What if they kept Cody under surveillance and they knew he would be at the coffee shop around 8:00 pm and sent this hooker to approach him so it would appear in the video?

The NSA has the ability to do this.

Nobody here is arguing the legality of it Masonigger. It's illegal and he's a fucking idiot for getting caught. It was clearly a setup and he should have considered OpSec above everything else considering who he is.
No 15-16yr old girl is going to have the wherewithal to orchestrate this and even is she did, she would just blackmail him for more cash, not press charges.

Nice try of moving the goalpost, nigger.
I wasn't talking about the legality. I was talking about the morality of fucking minors.

It's not moral to be a jew either. What are you going to do about it?

It wasn't just the coffee shop they have footage from.

This is also a real possibility. I doubt this was his first hooker encounter however. Even if fabricated the big issues is that she lied about her age… which isn't a defense in Texas.

If you're doing degenerate and illegal things, they will use it against you when you're doing legal things they don't like. He's a perfect example of this. Let Cody be a warning against being an Untermensch.

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I honestly don't think he is stupid enough to do this, either this article is a shot across the bow, or they are trying to Julian Asange him because he keeps winning in court.

Yeah well he's sucked on exactly zero bloody baby penises so he's still not as bad as a kike.

Why is he not in custody then? Would you be surprised if the case would be dropped after 1 month?

Next time he would be in court on a gun related case, could the state use the prostitute story against him?

I'm sure they would try, but usually, unless its a criminal proceeding, I don't think they can use evidence not related to the case in gun case.

In criminal proceedings they can bring up old shit to prove your character.

He is.

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Just go keto you fat fuck.

Damn, they are going to use his Obama care records against him. They are going full 1984.

Lets see if they actually release the video and if it ends up being a deep fake. I know someone on here have the tools.

Could this be a jew?

Women are NOT our equals. Look at how lost they are without strong men around to put them in place. Look at them try to figure out how to civilization and run it into the ground a mere 50 years after getting the vote.
We're going to have to repopulate the earth with whites sometime soon, user. You can sit back and take the 20-something roasties if that pleases you but I'll gladly take up my teenage sister-wives and keep plowing fresh fields for the greater cause.

literally nothing wrong with wanting to breed with a developed 12-18 year old girl. 16 was considered "old" back in those days. an attractive 18 year old girl without a family or any suitors was rare, except in higher society where more emphasis was put on education and grooming, so she was sophisticated enough for an older man of means.

wanting to fuck actual children ~10 and under is a sickness and something else entirely.

I think you mean its Jewish.

I've been wondering how long until they did this to him. Don't like that he's legally making guns? Take away his gun rights.

The kikes in LA did this to me years ago. Literally hired an actress from Law and Order to claim she lived with me and I beat her daily.

He has 0 chance of a fair trial.

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Proof needed.

But yes, cops generally run the prostitution rings, or at least have their hands in it, and then they use them to keep tabs and blackmail on local people and upper society.

What do you expect me to prove? I cant prove that they paid her or that I had no idea who my accuser was until discovery.

Her acting resume was hilarious, but apparently inadmissible:
- rape victim
- distraught woman
- battered wife
- victim
- survivor
- crying child

might as well….


3d printing is still kind of a meme but it can be viable and it is the future, so everyone should have this.

dumb kike pervert

So exactly what do they not understand that would prevent them from giving consent?

If they can give consent they can give it to anyone. The idea that it matters at all whether the boys were her age or not makes no goddamn sense because it's the same fucking thing in both cases.

That said, all the files that Cody Wilson produced are already out there, so even if they take him down it's not going to stop 3D printed guns.

I hope he did assault her. Females deserve to be raped.

"Consent" is a Jewish term, Shlomo. It has no precedent in white man's law.

Aw shit nigga, he is going full Julian Assange or Edward Snowden …

Shoshana is that you? How's NYC today?

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FBIniggers starting them young

Age of consent is 16 is many states. To reach maturity, one merely has to travel to the correct location. Judges are also able to accelerate maturity, making it possible to marry a 14 year old.

looks like he took weev's advice
no reason to be in the country if you are wanted

100% chance of fake, planted evidence.

Also to anons requesting proof: doubtful as the then requires identification.


They've been busy over the past few years.

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fucking dropped

Glowers use this same old tactic over and over because it works. Cody should have been smarter then this. He will get a felony and then DD is all done. Convicted felons can't own guns. They can't even own a single round of ammo.

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Sons of Guns;
Will Hayden;
On August 11, 2014, Hayden was arrested and charged with molestation of a juvenile and aggravated crimes against nature.

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I don't think the public is going to buy this one, every major Gun person online and on TV has gone down for something. Its all too (((coincidental))).

wow i bet this is legit

what a cohencidence!

wow thats not very unusual

Some more TV goys got arrestted too!

American Guns;
On March 10th, 2017 a federal jury convicted Rich Wyatt on ten felony counts related to conspiracy, fraud and tax evasion.
Furthermore it was revealed Wyatt had negotiated a deal with Discovery Channel when in fact he never did have federal firearms license, though instead used a straw license through Triggers a gun store in Castle Rock. Wyatt was sentenced to 78 months (6.5 years) in prison.

Get the fuck out, Reddit faggot.

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obvious narrative manipulation.

But muh based fednigger jim amirite?

Wow, I never saw this coming.

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This, another user posted multiple. It reeks of kikery, and frankly I'm goddamn sickened by it far more than I was expecting going into this thread. Oh, you deserved the quads for this post, all of this including the guy in OP is too (((cohen-idental)))

I'm sad to see one of our best get set up like this but we should not at all be surprised. This guy fought the law and almost won.

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sounds much more like a sting operation actually

they changed victim to girl.. because the optics of a "victim" creating a profile on sugardaddymeet then collecting $500 to fuck is ridiculous