The human cattle lifestyle

The human cattle lifestyle

This seems to be spreading. The corporate cattle look, living in corporate cattle housing, spending all of their life energy on serving their (((corporate masters))).

Bleak, uninspiring, dehumanizing, yet some guys fight tooth and nail for this lifestyle.

The pictured studio apartment in the (((City of London))) costs half a million USD btw.

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This isn't a thread. It isn't even a post. You're not on reddit.

Care to elaborate OP? People have debated this since the dawn of the industrial age. So what is new about it?

What are the chances there is a thread making bot? Is that possible?

Welcome to your own prison goy that you'll spend 2k shekels a month on. Consider yourself privileged.

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100% possible. Over the summer we had a markov bot spamming threads with statements that looked extremely convincing. It exposed itself in a way I won't mention here (just in case they haven't fixed it).

Fucking right dude, everything should either be free or we should all live in freedom in mud huts we built ourselves.

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Maybe people not living in Europoor think this is a weird thread.

Ireland is full of multinationals as well that promote such ways of living.

Bleak corporate buildings, everybody dressing the same, binge watching Netflix on the weekend at best wishing they had something resembling a life and being all hail corporate while their money goes to the kikes one way or another (tax and ridiculously overpriced housing owned by kike funds).

Nobodies life seems to have any purpose or going anywhere.

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Vanity of vanities, all of this is vanity. Idiots chasing the wind and serving mammon instead of serving God.
God help those who are called to see the light. God help those who even of the called, are chosen.
Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

USA has the same problem with cheap spic built drywall garbage houses

Whites can build a bit more than that.

Spending 20-30 years of your life paying off shoebox apartments is ridiculous.

This guy from Ausfalia built his tiled roof hut in100 days and said it'd have taken him 2 months if it wasn't for unseasonable rain.

Ask your parents how long it took to pay off houses and apartments back in the days (5-10 years).

We're heading the way of Japan. All work no fun corporate drone that is dead inside and what little free time he has is spent on escapism.

Fuck off kike. The problem is the exact opposite of vanity.

WTF is wrong with you christcuck. Come into the light and praise Kek, hes done more for our people in the last couple years than yours has ever done.

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pic related is the jewish dream for all goyim. OP's pic is just the start

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You cannot seriously look at that and think it is fit for a human to live in. It's a stable, not a home.
There is not a single thing that'd lift the spirit. Only large dark surfaces, shining metal with no art, "paintings" on the wall are just color-strips stolen from the paints section of a DIY shop, a carpet that looks as if it's made of vomit, an angular, fully black couch, etc. etc.
Compare and contrast with pic related and tell me what's better the picture is a peasant's home, btw

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A thread died for this.

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Really, the problem boils down to women. Females love tacky gaudy garbage shit. Men attempt to acquire this tacky shit only because it will bring them females. Otherwise, 99% of men couldn't care less about that shit. That Australian is going to have a rough time securing a wife when he tries to take her out to his mud hut in the woods after the first date and fingerbang her on a pile of leaves (his bed).

After we perfect the artificial womb, men will finally be able to put their energies to good use, instead of towards collecting shiny trinkets for low IQ females.

This is what jews want you to live in to dehumanize you.

Living in a place like connects you to your white soul and make you realize that crunching numbers for your kike overlords so you can live in a shoebox in a (((diverse))) city isn't the end all be all or what your forefathers fought and died for.

Reported for jewish spam.

looks easy to clean. I'd ditch the rug and the partition, though.

That would imply that we'd have bosses that put in actual work themselves while not taking 95% of profits themselves and less middlemen reaping the benefits on both ends while being glorified idea idiots. No, ours will be worse than japn and probably closer to china.

It looks like the perfect echo chamber for bbbrrraaappps

Its not the artificial womb, its the artificial waifu that would do that. Guy's have kids because the female 'accidentally' forgot to take her birth control when shes ready to marry him. The guy just wanted to stick it in snug, wet and tight, not some plastic feeling spooge catcher. Artificial womb will have to be mandated to come with waifu out the factory or our species is dead. Or the womb just sits there waiting for washed up cat ladies to inseminate their crappy freeze dried eggs with nigger/yid donated sperms to have it carry the crotch fruit to term.

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The current trend we're going on is going to end up with automated production and UBI, this is going to be a consumer hell where the only purpose in life is to buy trinkets and gadgets so companies make money so you can get your credits repeat. Ted Kaczynski was right about almost everything. The corporate-bureaucratic system is permanently expanding for no real reason and its going to turn every human on this planet into another cog in the machine.

Hey, wanna see something absolutely disgusting?
Look at worst Korea, hell, even honorary white japan - mainly Tokyo, Kyoto,fuck any of their megalopolis cities.
Its the same wherever you look…

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test and bumping a shitty thread haha

I'd seriously live in something that size with similar surfaces just not in a city. Give me something I can clean in 20min with a swiffer and a stainless prison-style bathroom I can spray down with a built in high pressure water line…done. I've got better shit to do than polish a bunch of ornate wood.

Something like this on a rural patch of land would be functional. It solves what I hated about apartment living, while keeping what I liked (low maintenance living quarters).

…on top of a garage.

Stop bumping.

2,000? is that it for an apartment in (((City of London)))…that is fucking CHEAP compared to a major US city.

Reported for being a kike faggot, for advocating the genocide of 50% of the population of Europe (mother's, sister, daughters and wives).

Changing IP's to agree with yourself because no one else will agree with you about genociding 50% of Europe's populace? Reported as well.

> (((cities)))
Literally asking to be cattle.

When I finish creating my nation, 1 billion strong, I will treat the urban cattle like the cattle they are (increasing their taxes, etc) and lessen the burden on rural areas (wifi, etc).

BTW, if I fail, the future will be based on SUPER (((cities)))… imagine the amount of degeneracy that those SUPER (((cities))) will corrupt the rest of the world with. I have nothing against people that chose to become cattle, but I have no care for them for choosing to throw away their humanity.

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come to nz or canada greenfren

Checked, confirmed, saged, and reported. This is absolutely possible. Do your part.

Yes goyim, there can be no individualism amongst a homogenous race. It can only happen when (((diversity))) is introduced.

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vid related apartment is perfect if you're a fucking manlet. I'm not going to voluntarily live somewhere that i have to walk around with my neck bent constantly

Maybe people not living in Europoor think this is a weird thread.

Ireland is full of multinationals as well that promote such ways of living.

Bleak corporate buildings, everybody dressing the same, binge watching Netflix on the weekend at best wishing they had something resembling a life and being all hail corporate while their money goes to the kikes one way or another (tax and ridiculously overpriced housing owned by kike funds).

Nobodies life seems to have any purpose or going anywhere.

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nothing wrong with living in bleak commie blocks goy while wearing clothing that makes you look the same as everybody else goy

this is communism light my friend

wrong copypasta…

Yeah, manlet mecca.

Defending chattel goy slavery

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Throw in a decent sized pole barn about 100 yards away to store equipment and water storage and you're set.
Might want a generator hut with a rainroof to keep it dry between the house and the pole barn, too.
Fence it off with some hardwood fencing made in the pole barn from the trees you cut down to rip lumber.
Ideally you'd want to clear cut a solid 200 yards around your living space then fence 100 yards around your living space then plant manageable bushes and fruit trees between the fenced portion and your living space.
Also place chicken coop and vegetable garden in a separate fenced in area inside the fenced portion but away from fruit trees.
Sheep you can let roam but don't let them get close to the woods (fencing is important otherwise they'll get stuck in growth). Goats too.
Coexistence with animals is necessary for the survival of anyone living on large tracts of land. Can't spend 10 hours a week cutting grass let the goats do it.

You offended lazy freeloader kikes glow in the dark and spoiled offspring of King Reality TV

Corprate people are cattle? No, people at (((wal-mart))) are the cattle, cuckchanner