Macron Plots to FLOOD EUROPE WITH MIGRANTS, Proposes Hungary and Italy Enact Sharia Law!
Macron Plots to FLOOD EUROPE WITH MIGRANTS, Proposes Hungary and Italy Enact Sharia Law!
B-based Jupiter right?
Who the fuck were those few faggots that tried to portray a banker of Rothschild as some savior of white race?
fuck OP. post a pic so anons don't have to go to (((twitter))) and have cookies put on their system
Progressing what? It's just Orwellian new speak, I wonder what secret cult he's been indoctrinated in.
I wonder whether the plan is to destabilize Europe and have Russia and China come in and take over a mongrolised Europe. Or use the snackbars hatred of democracy to centralize power, end demography and create their EU superstate.
I'm so ashamed of being french because of this son of a bitch…
Ca ne durera pas.
He does realize under true sharia law, jews and jew banks will be gone, yes?
Thats the plan, but snavkbars dont want to work for jews so jews will end up pitting whites against snackbars.
That's probably the gayest shit i've seen in like 2-3 months in this clown world.
Fucking god ! I was not sure what shadia law was so I searched and look :
• Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.
• Criticizing Muhammad or denying that he is a prophet is punishable by death.
• Criticizing or denying Allah is punishable by death (see Allah moon god).
• A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death (See Compulsion).
• A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
• A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
• A woman or girl who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
In France people easily get jailed for "advocating terrorism" for way less than what this fucking bastard is suggesting.
Also this is just a french jew acting like a french jew forgetting that acting like a french jew is what got the world hitler.
is what got the world hitler.
I would so love Hitler to come out of his grave and take Macron (and those who pull his strings) to Hell. I'd do a giant bbq party to celebrate it, all Zig Forums invited. ;)
Ca ne durera pas.
A moins qu'un terroriste nous rende un grand service, j'ai bien peur que si, ça dure, et même pour un deuxième mandat…
"Your young tradition, Charlemagne?"
t. Widukind son of Theoderic, House of Odon
Sharia law wouldn't be so bad, after all a Rotchild kike like Macron would be beheaded in it for being an infidel of the highest order and women would finally get what they voted for. All they demand is we convert and we're 'saved'. Or kill them all. Either way, we win.
Le changement commence par nous, nous devons former des groupes avec des gens de confiance pour nous entraider sans avoir à faire au gouvernement.
islam is the sword of judaism, no kikes will be beheaded.
Rats like him will quickly grow a bear and convert to Islam to avoid this, he would even change his name to Emmauramed Ben Macron.
No way I stop eating bacon man, I'll chose option 2. ;)
Muslims are nigger tier where they think they're "playing whitey" or the jews and ultimately serve their interest until its too late to actually fight said people. It's the definition of low time preference. France elected this guy so fuck them you get what you deserve just like we did with Obama.
but how will that further their goal? After they fight eachother will they say that we need a new system of government to ensure this doesn't happen again?
I think it's more for destabilization. They deliberately build up the chinks, exported our industry, technology and plan on making China the new superpower.
Seeing as China and Russia are getting closer now I doubt they'll get Russia and the west to knock eachother out and then get China to come in with UN troops and create their one world government.
In any case the goal is a one world government, there's many way's to achieve it.
You have no idea what you're talking about torpedo kike. Go look up what the word "deceived" means.
Its only a sword when it fits their interests, it becomes a blade turned on the kikes when convinent as well, remember the tribes that sympathized and admired hitler.
Sharia law is better than liberal law
No we did not ! He is the most hated politic in here, by far. He actually was to be eliminated in the first round, but money buys people and they did ballot box stuffing. There were cities with 0 abstention, 0 blank vote, 0 ballots invalidated…. and Macron always big winner in these cities…
Isn't he a kike?
How about getting the chinks and muslims exterminate each other (and Jews while they are at it) so we can retake our countries?
That guy has done concise books studying islam (good stuff I think if his video's naive comments are ignored, he's jew-friendly and a christian type it seems)
< Sharia Law for Non-Muslims by Bill Warner