How do we go about reaching and redpilling younger generations of whites?
Leave flash drives with redpills outside schools? Leave posters linking to Zig Forums or encyclopedia dramatica(I name ED because their humor would at the very least be a good way to bring about a new generation of shitposters)? Posters detailing nigger crime stats like pic related, etc? Spreading information through online gaming?
General idea thread for redpilling normies, and youths in particular.
Only on 4cucks or let them figure it out them selves I don't want these faggots coming here and shitting up the board.
Colton Nguyen
It seems blindingly obvious to me that we should be trying to reach out to our youth before they become too indoctrinated by the (((school))) system. After all, how will we ever succeed if all we do is grow old and stagnant?
Ya look how 4cucks Zig Forums invited pebbiters and thought they would assimilate, bad idea on many levels maybe accept a few people in, then tell them how hitler did nothing wrong and all that jazz they also need to be aware of the lies as well user, is not that I don't want them here I just don't want mass of influx of newfags making this board almost unrecognizable.
Dominic Russell
Okay, fine. What are some alternative ideas you've got?
Brayden Edwards
This is about total control from the likes of Google, Microsoft, Intel, and all the other technology companies with deep ties to the Government. With the Linux kernel under their control they tie up the last major loose end. It doesn't matter if it's GPL or not as long as they control the direction of its development and have the ability to insert backdoors into it as they please. It is the most used kernel in the world powering all sorts of OSs from phones to servers. They needed it under their direct control to make the next stage of the botnet possible.
The blackpillfag should kill himself but he was right about that one point. There isn't anywhere else to run. It doesn't matter if we all switch to BSD kernels and stop running Linux on our desktops. Everything in between them are going to be pozware. They got to Linus and told him to kiss the ring. He might have been smart enough to act like a good dog and get the fuck out while he still could or he might be going along with it. Time will tell, either way we lost a lot of ground this week and I'm not sure if we'll ever get it back.
Brody Allen
Let's be 100% honest. The cancer of 4/pol/ has already infected 8/pol/ and if you really want to teach zoomers all you have to do is be really fucking cool.
John James
13%, my ass. Adjust that for males only. Then, those aged between 15-35. Watch that 13% become 4-8% real fast.
Matthew Martin
13% committing 52% of crime. The other 87% committing 48% of crime (which includes even the spics!). Which group is worse? hint: it's the niggers
I'm a zoomer and ended up here after getting 4cuck'd by video game forums as a twelve year old
Zachary Lewis
You silly bastard. I'm saying black males, aged 15-35, commit the homicides. 13% is total of all blacks. 80 year old black women are not committing murder. Thus, it would probably read 4-8% of the population/52% of the homicides. Now, that sounds even worse, doesn't it?
Justin Moore
Eventually enough of the competent people working on the Linux kernel will say fuck it and decide to fork, thus maintaining an unpozzed upstream version separate from the main project, akin to Linux-libre.
Samuel Bell
We're talking about the nigger race as a whole, and the white race as a whole. Making it only about "black males aged 15-35" doesn't send the crucial message that ALL niggers are bad news for any country. If you make it 4-5% for niggers, you have to adjust the numbers for the white population as well, and then someone would come out of the woodwork and screech about how you've adjusted the numbers in your favour.
At this point Zig Forums is dead. (calm the fuck down Imkampfy
– let me finish). Zig Forums is dead because the audience that it can reach is now flooded much like youtube with filth and idiocy. Oldfags remember when youtube started there was real power in comments and the power of a documentary (even though they were mostly cucked retards like "the history of everything" copypasta that is up now…. aka (((Zietguised))) ). But there was real world power. It pushed us to the Ron Paul era. Ron Paul was the first internet candidate. Not Obama, not Trump.
At this point, trolling is getting old. It will last another 2yrs. Keep shitposting on the cuck sites like reddit/4chan/twitter/facekike, anything with a huge audience. But eventually we will reach maximum impact variable and people will get bored — stimulation gets boring (see sex pervs). There are only a few humans (whatever their race) that can handle hard redpills (we should target niggers more because they is loud!).
So here is my hydra evolutionary theory on future redpilling:
Because trolling (normie word but you know what I mean) is going to max out. We're going to have to start creating non-direct subjective content. Pewdie Pie does an excellent job of this. SIDE NOTE: Alex Jones has never been censored so ignore his bullshit. He's being promoted, it's 1990s Howard Stern strategy of promotions. He's all over twitter/youtube. Murdoch Murdoch is censored because they're too straight forward (South Park inspired for confrontational comedy).
We need is to stop creating an army of fucking retards that just react to shit and want to be trendy because they're here now. They think Elon and AI isn't bullshit because of recent events. We can't spend our lives educating the idiot kids or masses who are lazy and reactionary. The process is toooooooooooo SLOW!.
anons on here dont even read all the posts these days. They're too stupid. They look for (you).
did you look for it and ignore the rest? You're a fucking idiot. Learn to scan and read everything or GTFO!
We're working with strategies that are about 5yrs old at this point. That means a 13yr old can vote since we started. All those who understand the heavy shit should begin to turn to abstract entertainment. Like Norm McDonald. He drops holohoax shit and nobody notices. Why? Because they're stupid but also Jews know it's true. (((They))) think it's funny. So how does that help us redpill normies? Because we already set the standard for shitposting. So we need to start attacking by normalizing language, the way Trostky normalized "racism". We need to normalize words like holohoax on 'accident'.
WE NEED TO NORMALIZE REDPILLS — LIKE NORMALIZING "sexism" "race-ism" "homophobia".
We are moving faster than the past because of technology. At this point, we started in 2014 were the Left started in the late 1800s and are now in 2018 were are where the Left was in the 1960s. It's time to start making it pop culture.
I meant tech moves fast. 1890s Zionist-Left = 2014 Zig Forums 1960s Zio-Left = 2018 Zig Forums Meaning we're in the 1960s version of rightwing culture.
Time to start being rebel artists that dont push too far, but making pushig too far popular…
See "christian right (zionists christians) vs. Rock n Roll in the 60s/70s documentries. Boomers fully archived their (((struggle))) against faux-morality. We can invert this. We can Hegelian this through pure artistic alchemy (art meaning everything creative - anything everything anything!)
So basically we have state sanctioned white genocide.
Kayden Morgan
Oh wow, what a deep post. Catch up!
Nicholas Murphy
How to filter out Low IQ posts? Is there any script?
Joseph Lopez
I guess you could use a script to filter out alt-kike scripted responses like "moshie" and "we know you're not from here". After awhile you can see the copypasta responses.
Isaac Reyes
But how about filtering them out as a human would filter them out? Is it theoretically possible to make some neural-network that identifies them or some kind of neural net based on regular expressions? Imagine having internet with only high quality and useful content. Like an adblock but against useless garbage shitposting info.
Joshua Edwards
An adpative langauge model for creatives? Sounds wonderful. Maybe when I see you in the future VR, user. I'll be the old man pretending to be a young Tyler Durden. Oh wait, we'll all be dead by then because the fucking kikes will have built their red heffer temple and started WW3: EurAsia vs. the Atlantians (t. Dugin) kek.
Andrew Davis
Most of those homicides are committed by black males age 18-35. So we're really looking at over 50% is committed by about 5 percent of the population. Which should be considered an epidemic.
Angel Williams
It's actually 6% of the population, not 13. Black Males are 6% of the population and although sheboons are more murderous than whites, they're nowhere near as murderous as the Alpha Chimps. Once you account for the spics impostering as whites, the numbers really become scary with my best estimates coming near 85% of the murders in the US being committed by niggers and spics. I can't say it was solid math but I went through the arrest records for LA county and backed out the spic names to give me a better understanding of the real numbers.
David Cooper
We're talking about niggers, so you can't use the general adult figure of 18, got to take it back to 10 when they start to become murderous.
Adam Moore
How many young white kids are there? What do they do when they're not at school? Most probably play video games like Fortnite. List the top ~200 Fortnite streamers/pros. Redpill those streamers. Radicalize those streamers Throw bait at the kid's websites. Redpill them. Radicalize them. They're kids.
Girls and anime girls. NPC's are too stupid for facts and reasoning, but they're just stupid enough to convert to national socialism to satiate their libido. I've done it before, they always react positively to nazi imagery if it's a hot girl or a cute anime girl.
No, it was normal people vs evil faggots and fuckhead lolbergs shit all over everything and fucked us.
Jaxson Evans
You're already doing it.
Generation Zyklon will pick up the torch that you left behind and we will set the boomers and their kike overlords to the flame.
Asher Young
Younger generations are busy slamming this site with fake extremism to benefit their own side, using their superior plasticity to learn and adapt to what works best.
I bet OP is a teenager running a cunning subversion by reminding all of you that you're alone and your ideas suck too much to persuade people whose brains haven't already locked up from prior mistreatment. Get thee some fish pills, Zig Forums.
Austin Cook
It's actually less than 13% because male niggers commit most of the crimes. I'd guess about 6.5-7% of the population commits most of the violent crimes.
Nathan Smith
Anyone who picks up a random flash drive and puts it in their computer is already an idiot. Besides, I'm sure all the kids these days use phones and have never heard of a USB port. Is there a flash drive equivalent for phones?
Levi Brown
So what are you proposing? That we all become content creators and entertainers who focus on some other interest that leaves an opening to redpill them here and there?
Easton Howard
Has redstick even remotely redpilled at least one person? Actually talking to them is going to be much more effective because you can address questions they have or refute the jew propaganda they have been brainwashed with.
Christopher Roberts
stop fucking whores and dont have kids out of wedlock.
You think that stat is bad … look at the difference between divorced families and non divorced families or bastard children.
Basically kids born in those environments are not white. Seems correct since their parents (usually whore mother) wanted to act like traditional niggers.
A black kid from an intact house is literally more white than a white kid from a single mom. These people are disgusting.
If you cant stop that your red pilling doesnt even matter. Its too late. Just take them out back and shoot them.
Anthony Cox
Today my 17 year old coworker revealed his powerlevel to me. It was over 6 million.
Brayden Anderson
microSD cards and hidden servers+wifi AP to serve materials (think small like raspberry pi and such.)
Redpill them slowly and then much much later you can show them documentaries like the greatest stories never told and probably make a new site or board about fascism (or not) for them to come in, or just tell a few people about Zig Forums to come in, but to be secret about it since we can easily redpill a few others that come on this site. How ever we still need to find new ways to reach out to the youth, generation z is promising, how ever we need new ideas to reach them.
Oliver Morris
Only 4cucks Zig Forums dead the reason that fell apart was because of their own popularity, cut one head and a few others grow out of it.
Zachary Foster
This thing is pointless, how ever we should be reaching for the independent thinkers, not the lemmings, even after the facts you tell the other day they will come out as nothing happened, how ever once were in power they have no choice, but to convert.
Jaxson Wood
We could always migrate to one of the sites gen zers are on these days, like instagram or snapchat, set up an "edgy" meme page, and have a few people drop redpills in the comments.
I think it would look like this:
Sebastian Gonzalez
It's owned by (((them))) it will eventually get shut down, but I am not saying we shouldn't try, we definitely should, but we need to be prepared with a plan and counter the whole (((OY VEY THE GOYIM KNOW SHUT IT DOWN)))
Matthew Cooper
(checked) We make our own internet, as an exclusive group that only allows for new nodes to be added via offline vetting. Eventually the userbase will grow organically with quality users and be a based limited hangout that will far surpass the internet filled with non-white trash
Jackson Brooks
Also wouldn't mind having a fascistchan as base of operations and having a mod made by your average user and to ban intruders would work.
Doesn't that already technically exist? Freenet? It has 3 chans I know of probably one of them has Zig Forums the other 2 probably do to, but haven't looked them up. Could be wrong though since I haven't dive into the whole zeronet and freenet thing as of right now it isn't necessary till the kikes get so paranoid they shut down every chan here.
Charles Campbell
(heil'd) I'm sure it exists in some variations already. I'll check out the Freenet and zeronet you mentioned, to learn more about them. How much time do you think there is user? They have shoa'd much of the clear web and are concentrating their efforts on the half and full chan now
Carson Wood
Don't know how much we have, that really depends of how far (((their))) breaking point is, they already banned memes in the eu, then try to to claim hitler is apart of rothchild and re using the script they've used back then and are desperately trying to get to turn our backs on, hitler, which is failing miserably like the other couple of times they tried to attempt this, but the anti hitler tactics stopped now, but it has shown they are incredibly desperate, since no one is buying their lie, eventually they will have to shut us down.
Nicholas Hill
I believe it is pertinent to begin constructing the framework of the world to come after the jew. I also believe the top priority right now is to unite people with similar views, spirit, intellect and capability. When have you ever been in a room filled with actual peers? It's time for the progenic among God's people to congregate and work together towards detaching themselves from the jew ridden society we live in one step at a time
Joshua Brown
I've only managed to redpill a few of my friends with my over the top jokes, they have no problems with hitler or the swastika or even flinch when I say nigger, how ever everyone else I try, are already far gone.
Jayden Harris
I have had limited success at using Kik's public groups as a platform for propaganda. I have been making attempts at it for about 6 months. Its a fairly dead app, but there are some niche communities that keep it alive (its mostly degenerated into a anonymous sexting app).
The ability to share images is of paramount importance, and efforts will often be in vain if you cant. I always stuck to breaking system narrative with stats out of preference. IQ often got poor results, crime stats were better and white population decline was the best (especially if you could get some non-whites to start praising white genocide).
I have browsed around for similar public chat platforms to Kik, but all seem to come up short. Any platform suggestions would be much appreciated.
Robert Rodriguez
Then you are farther ahead then I am user. I am working on a few family members but none of my friends are receptive. The only person I have redpilled is myself, but that's at least someone. If you're not already into /sig/ I would recommend it, not just for you but anybody with open ears. We must become the champions of the new day. I work hard to be a standard bearer for what a White man should be every day
Austin Fisher
What is it with you niggers and god damn flash drives? Just host your shit online and leave posters with a URL on it.
Hunter Thompson
I dunno, what is it with you (((1))) and done posters and trying to convince us not to use them?
I sleep with 17 flash drives tucked under me hoping I will store my conscience on them through a form of soul mitosis. You wouldn't toss my soul away, would you user?
Ryder Turner
checked be more efficient you asshole preparing a flash drive with a sufficient quantity of information requires decent amount of time and effort, 1 flashdrive can redpill on average one person, buying up multiple flash drives costs a lot of money, distributing multiple flash drives also costs a lot of time. putting up a poster with a link to a web hosted source + archive link that contains masses of infographics and studies on various subjects is comparatively far more efficient
Asher Green
Build your audience. Then when the UN tries to drop the 300 million Africans into Europe, you can go full on as the war hits. Yeah, they'll block you but by doing so they've blocked millions of people from seeing all these content creators all at once.
Remember that Joe Rogan is even being targeted by Soros now to be deleted from jewtube. That's going to redpill people on censorship.
Build the narrative of being just a creative type. Then as soon as shit starts to pop off you have already set up people to understand that it's full on war because you've set up the narrative not (((them))) and their youtube open mouth creepy soys who will do or say anything for attention. Alex's mistake wasn't that he didn't sell out enough, it's that he challenged them with a larger audience. It's the same thing that happened to Howard Stern. The difference is you wont be lying about 10th dimensional demon aliens jumping through the sun as a stargate. Alex is a comedian, a jester. He doesn't give a fuck about the politics. Just dont get so big you challenge the power of other companies like Howard or Alex did. You dont have to do news or things that piss people off. You just drop subtle narratives.
Otherwise we can just watch as the Alt-Kike gets promoted and smaller real channels aren't even known. Look at what happen to Adam Greene vs. Infowars interview. The kikes here wouldn't even let the thread stay up because he dropped too many redpills.
There was a study where a professor left a bunch of USB's around a University. He had files on them that would ping a server to let him know if people read it. they were image queries and wouldn't trigger an anti-virus
Basically if you have a solitary USB key with no key ring or writing, 45-98% WILL take and READ whats on the USB
Isaiah Torres
I have seen this posted multiple times now, I checked his twitter couldnt find shit also no archive so stop posting fake cancer thx
Carson Lopez
Just take white kids on a tour of "diverse" neighborhood and let them see some crackheads.
Joshua Diaz
This isn't such a bad idea but for babby's first redpill only. The weebs are our potential allies, chan culture has been built on anime and Zig Forums. There has been a thread recently about how anime was the counterpropaganda to the jews' hedonism. And we are looking at many milions of people across the western world. Just don't turn it into furfag-like degeneracy, there is unfortunately only a thin line between weebs and being a pedo/pervert. But it's also one of the only ways to use porn propaganda that benefits right-wing thought. And the jews think they have that covered, we could suprise them by making "consensual sex for the sole purpose of procreation" type hentai.
If you want to reach younger generations, while steering them away from degeneracy, you are going to shoot yourself in the foot by using anime. Unless you would rather keep 'action' to a Vietnamese glass noodle lantern crafting bulletin board and revel in pseudo right wing, anime fueled debauchery.
Andrew Collins
I do not think were don discussing about it.
Brody Ross
apparently the first step is desensitizing youths to trannies and cocks
Too complicated, stuff can go wrong, and it has a very high cost to payoff. Not to mention you will never know if it even had any impact at all. It is too easy for them to get distracted. This is the best one of the ideas you posted. The best way is to just be a guide to them. Whether you meet up with them in the real life or online it doesn't really matter as long as you are able to regularly talk to them. Peer pressure is a very effective tactic, and it doesn't even need to be done obviously.
Jaxon Nelson
Proof Zig Forums is a bunch of niggers.
Jaxon Lee
I see this bullshit posted over and over again and I hope it's just one of you faggots. Women rarely have the balls to commit crimes on the scale of men, and even if they're caught, even less of them end up getting convicted. Of course men are heavily reported.
Dividing a population in half doesn't make the crime statistic more shocking, it only implicates black men and leaves black women off the hook. These fucking sheboons foster shit households that make these crime-addled niggers in the first place, they're equally culpable.
You don't single out the men, it dilutes the entire message. This is about race, not sex.
Asher Reed
Here's a radical idea that's so crazy it much just work. How about actually talking to them in real life? Like having a conversation and encourage them to ask you questions about things in life that the MSM and their schools are blue-pilling them about.
Jonathan Collins
John Roberts
Ooh, and where does the QR code lead too?
Tyler Sullivan
This. Start with your friends and your family, ya gotta bring it about as a community
Oliver Moore
Hand out DVDs outside schools. Not right outside, down the road a bit to make it less obvious.
Leo Johnson
I have not seen a computer with any sort of disc drive in years, in fact it'd be best to not even use flash drives since a lot of young people will suspect them of having viruses. Just put QR codes on right-wing memes that lead to websites with redpills.
Ryan Williams
DVDs are cheap, there are plenty of PCs and laptops around that have drives plus pretty much everyone has either a DVD player, Blu-Ray player or console that can play DVDs. The information on the DVD just has to be in DVD video format to ensure maximum compatibility.
Thomas Carter
Where do you live and how old are you? I live on a uni campus in the US and I see none. People make jokes about not even knowing what DVDs are. Think about millennials and gen-Z here (the target audiences), what use would they have for a DVD player? Noone buys/rents movies because of digital distribution, most laptops don't have them built in anymore (and certainly not the kind that millennial buy). If they want to get a gayming rig they don't need a drive either since people either use Steam or piracy.
Get with the times, gramps.
Dominic Morgan
There are around 85 million PS4s and 40 million Xbox Ones out there. Both of those play Blu-Rays and DVDs. Everyone I know has a Blu-Ray player or DVD player.
Christopher White
In fact you could probably give out a DVD player and DVD for the same price as a USB stick.
Asher Hughes
And there's a fuckload more DVD-less laptops and phone cameras, so why not use a medium that young people actually use? Convenience is important too, who would actually bother to put a random disc some autistic dude gave them into their PS4? But a poster with an anti immigration meme and a QR code will actually get people to scan it.
Dominic Kelly
I was just saying DVD were better than USB sticks. Especially since most people aren't going to go out of their way to buy hundreds of USB sticks to give out for free, whereas you can get a pack of 100 DVD-Rs for around £10 if you search around. £20 if you don't. But yeah, you can give out QR codes instead. But you have to make sure what they're linking to won't be shutdown anytime soon.
Christian Gomez
Stay active on Voat and the like, spreading truths and tidbits on middle ground websites.
Joshua Torres
then you have to filter out all the negroes who will never be caught comitting murder which leaves like 1-2%
Samuel Kelly
I love shitposting voat, especially aftyer all the stupid fuck Q boomers invaded us following their leader.
Reach out to your children who will reach out to their friends, give a slow broiling redpill and give proper education of how they were brainwashed by jews. Don't spoonfeed too much information, let their interests guide them to reading more.
Xavier Brown
Does anybody have the learn the difference diversity picture with nigger Mrs. Helsinki and the hot finland girl? Trying to redpill my gf on a certain topic. With the eye colors and then the all dark eyes/dark hair? thanks in advance for advancing the cause