Sessions Resists Trump

Possible development. The day before Trump wants to send a text to everyone in the country, he asked Jeff Sessions to declassify documents exposing damning Deep State corruption in the Dept Of Justice.

Jeff Seditions says he will not provide the documents but can cook up some redacted versions next week. Earlier today Trump remarked that he "has no AG"

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Other urls found in this thread:

jesus christ the fucking nerve of this fucker. Sessions needs to fucking hang too.

he should have made krispy cream AG and jones press secretary

Thanks Jeff for sticking it to the orange blumpf cheetoh man.

Thr Qanon types are saying this is all for show and that all will be revealed. I think Keeblee Elf is trying to defend the Kikes and traitors in the DoJ

Sessions has been a solid Alabama Republican since forever, one of the only guys in the Senate before Rand Paul that was not a cuck.

I really don't see what they did to him, they must have some serious blackmail, or he was just the best sleeper agent ever.

Maybe Sessions is playing a triple cross game, IDK.

James O'Keefe released another Project Veritas video today exposing Antifa that work at Dept of Justice and use their systems to doxx

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Trump can stop being a pussy and just scan the documents and dump them in a torrent.

First, that emergency txt got postponed.
Second, Sara Carter, who Wired is quoting, never suggested anything like that.
Third, fake news. It's coming down the pipe and there is nothing Rod Rosenstein or Paul Ryan or anyone else can do about it.

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The digits demand it. I wonder if all of the administration is not cooperating with trump (or put simply doing their job) since he got into the house.

Two scenarios. One being to drum up more drama so everyone is paying attention. Two is that Sessions burns with the DoJ too, so he's trying to save his wrinkly old ass.

This is the problem. Republicans are trash and all of them deserve the wood chipper.

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Trips confirm.

At this point, Sessions needs to not only be fired, publicly, but Trump needs to move to have his disbarred. This is treason, and a deep state coup at the very minimum. I don't give a fuck how many "sealed indictments" the Q people thing he has, get a new AG and if they are "sensational" then have each one of those indictments unsealed, so we know who the fuck the government is suing. We need complete transparency in this shit, not "Stealth Jeff" or some other bullshit. Trump's presidency is being squandered by people working within the system, to stop him from carrying out the will of the American people who elected him.

I hope you're right user, but I've got a bad feeling about this.

I think it's time we got started goys!

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I would be ashamed to be from Alabama with this clown acting like he does.

Did anyone actually read the tweet? Basically, Sessions will give Trump documents that the DOJ recommended be redacted for (((reasons))), but Trump still has final say over to release the whole thing without redaction. I'm not saying believe in Qlarp, but this is pure kayfabe.

I'd like to see that AI system figure that shit out

yes, but then the normies would be less likely to believe them to be authentic

Wasn't Stephen Miller his assistant? Maybe Trump plays bad cop good cop with him.

Antifa is funded by DSA which is funded by Soros.

Sessions scared shitless.
Now is the time for the President to order a military raid on FBI offices (and CIA, for that matter), capture every file, and have his own people go through it all.

Can you imagine the flood of traitors that would be desperately trying to leave the country?

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UnAmerican globalist neocon trash, are the words you were actually looking for.


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I've lost all faith in the FBI and DOJ, as it's very clear they've been compromised.
They are outright ignoring the Constitution itself, in this act. And I do NOT want any federal employee, at ANY level, that will ignore the Constitution, the highest law of our land.

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this right here

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But they could argue that Trump is the traitor. Think about it, you have a group of 1million corrupt officials supported by 10 million violent leftists versus Trump and his, what.. 100.000 loyal supporters?


Yeah no shit hey

With figures like that you could get a job at pew research.

OK, this shilling is too blatant, at least put forth some effort

He's 70 user he probably doesn't know what a torrent is.

I'm sure Barron can explain or post it for him. He's a good kid who will always help his dad out.

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user, have you forgotten what war it is that is being fought? Winning one battle will not win this war.

If anyone else denied the requests of their boss like this fucking manlet, they'd be fired on the spot.

I hope so user. Maybe we should tweet him?

Must be wanting the McCain treatment when he kicks it "Act least I was respectable!".

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he pissed off the Kratom people, he's killing Americans with his refusal to act on the opiate epidemic

Does he really still have his own twatter account? I can't even begin to imagine the amount of spam he must be getting from bots and faggots.

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Reminder that Trump doesn’t give a flying fuck about the law, the truth, or doing anything other than what jews say. Q-LARP is a proven hoax.

Shouldn't you be using TOR?

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There was a particularly delusional Qcumber on here a few months back threatening to post SAT images of anons' homes if they didn't stop badgering his precious Q. Every time I read about the dysfunction in Trump's DoJ, I laugh at you Qcumber. I hope you read this.

Sessions is a boy scout. He's not going to do anything even close to what he believes might be illegal or improper. Trump can always unredact them himself, or its possible the redactions will be meaningless anyway

What the fuck is that on her back ? Looks like that mutant from Fallout

Auspicious digits demand MIL get involved and black bags every fucking seditious faggot in the federal government.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions told a Chicago audience that groups like Black Lives Matter, Antifa and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) are responsible for increased violence in Chicago.

Speaking at a conference in North Chicago, Sessions said "There's a clear lesson here: if you want more shootings, more death, listen to the ACLU, Antifa, Black Lives Matter and groups who do not know the reality of policing… If you want public safety, then listen to the police professionals who have been studying this for 35 years."

Citing a March study from the University of Utah which showed a correlation between Chicago's murder rate and a dip in stop-and-frisk police methods, Sessions said "The professors found that the increased crime cost a staggering $1.5 billion and noted that 78 percent of its victims were African-American and 16 percent were Latino," adding "Ninety-four percent of the victims were minorities.

Last year the DOJ found that Chicago's increase in violent crimes were "broadly debated and inarguably complex," and that the Chicago Police Department did a poor job of policing itself because of "systems that have allowed CPD officers who violate the law to escape accountability."

Sessions is the piece of shit cop who doesn't commit the abuses but won't report it because the good ol' boys don't turn their own in.

Reported with the greatest of prejudice. May you choke on your own entrails.

So is Trump, they're all pieces of shit. And shut the fuck up about "the good ol' boys", neocon scumbag.

This is all a show for Sessions to gain legitimacy in the eyes of the left. They are being misled into believing he is anti-trump; and, subsequently are lauding him for his "resistance".

When he finally does start to prosecute the DS the left wont be able to say he is doing Trumps bidding because he was so anti-trump for so long.

Politics is easy.

Wew lads

What do you mean? He IS acting not only improperly, but ILLEGALLY. The president can declassify anything he wants, at his own discretion.


Isn't that fact a bit of a clue as to the nature of this entire thing? Trump could easily have declassified every single relevant document from the getgo, but he chose not to.

What does that tell you

Sessions has Jewish money up his ass crack if he won’t unredact the statements

Well he's refusing to do his job and isn't so much against it because he's telling Trump to do it himself. That's a firing for cause.

Sessions is smart enough to know it's a lose-lose situation for him regardless. When Trump has finally moved on he is utterly fucked by whoever comes on board. In his mind he's better to be damned for doing nothing than to be damned completely for taking an action.

It tells me he wanted the fishhook set before reeling them in.

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I've done exactly what Sessions is doing 100 times in business. When the client is doing something stupid I present them with the correct way, then only do it their way if they demand it. Then when the project fails it's on them. If they do it my way then any problems are on me.

It's not something that you get fired over even though it's technically a reason. It's something that you do if you're good at your job and looking out for your client.

Thats because you let your emotions rule you, like a woman.

He was actually better than the Republicans, because he went against the party line specifically on the immigration issue, where he was the best Republican in the senate. Surprise surprise, turns out he was controlled opposition who took that "brave stand" only to rally the American people behind him before he sold them out and threw the country off a cliff.

That unless he had physical posession of the documents they'd simply refuse to declassify them and he'd look stupid?

He may not even have them now, but his back is against the wall.

So how exactly is Trump being stupid by declassifying these?

Or I've seen what's been going on for the past few decades.

He's pointing out the obvious, but we have hard proof. They can no longer call it a conspiracy theory anymore since it came out of their own mouth.

reminder that the trump vs. sessions row is one of the most elaborate and well played elements in this dynamic duo's grand strategy; Sessions will bring MAJOR charges against deep state actors if Trump gets a 2nd term ,and they need to build a bipartisan basis of credibility so that those trials don't trigger a civil war.
fuck Q bullshit, but also fuck you for not being able to read the tea leaves better.
look at his voting record, numbskulls; Rosenstein is the obvious real enemy and Sessions was brought in wrest DOJ away from that serpentine merchant.

Hey Barron, just release it by (((accident))) like the others do.

Ok so he has a couple options, object but do it because Trump ordered it. Refuse and get fired because what fucking use are you if you can't follow the boss's directions and he has to do it himself?
Either way the project is "on Trump" because he ordered the declassification. The situation you describe has a slightly different dynamic. He can make a suggestion, but an actual refusal changes things.
There is no legal ground that I'm aware of that Sleepy can refuse the order. Or is it "not in his job description" so he expects a secretary to handle it?

>(((proven hoax)))


Every time I see "qcumber" I sharpen my knife for you, goon. Take that shit back to weird Twitter.

Trump himself can do it so if the president uses this as an excuse not to do it, hes full of shit.


Its grounds for dismissal for anyone refusing it. Trump can remove the redactions himself and fire all of them after the midterms (which hes doing anyways).
He can then back fill all firings with temps which don't need approval.

more likely they have something on him (probably jaywalking level) and will destroy his entire life just to prove a point.

I'd re-enlist if he did this.

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Imagine if Trump just texts out the documents to everyone in the US

That would be a long alert.

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Reported for paid jewish shilling and spamming Q-LARP support.

What are you trying to say?

Nothing will come of this.

This isn't reddit, user.

People are clueless. As soon as that stuff is leaked RR need to resign, be fired, or get arrested.

If that happens Kavanaugh doesn't get his senate vote cuz senate will start debating firing of RR.

It's math. Kavanaugh confirmed them RR fired cuz documents released.

lol "if Trump gets a 2nd term"

just give me power again, goys! I promise this time I'll clean up the corruption!

you fucking nigger. fuck you

Yeah, muh 2nd term is pure kikery. James K. Polk was able to accomplish more or less everything he wanted in a single-term (as he swore he would) and succeeded in greatly expanding the United States. Meanwhile, Trump approaches all domestic policy issues as though he doesn't have a mandate for anything he ran on. He let shitty district courts usurp the power of judicial review over the chief executive of the country without a fight, he made concessions right out of the gate to Paul Ryan by doing all his wishlist shit (and got literally nothing for it because Ryan is hitting the road), and he made foreign policy decisions multiple times contrary to what he ran on. If Trump wants a second term he has to get serious and fast.

If thats true why would sessions literally shit on himself and then say oh I was only pretending to be retarded.
Not everything is fucking chess

Good thing the kikery in and surrounding US goverment is so much lesser than it was back in the day. I mean, all our problems are basically solved already and ZOG is toothless.
This means that Trump can simply do whatever he wants to fix america with barely any opposition.
Too bad he will never do it, huh? Nevermind then, I'm sure bernie can win next time instead.

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then fucking do it already

Whats toothless is your fucking argument.

Yeah, and imagine if Trump nuked Israel.
It sure is fun to dream.

The only thing Trump has done is put together a non-stop marketing campaign, essentially. He is the same Trump he's always been. All show, no substance. He brilliantly appealed to disaffected whites to get elected, but he simply doesn't give a fuck about whites or about massive government corruption.

The AI will probably work on guilt by association. "Positive" words + trigger words or environment = bad.

Commit suicide.

