When are we finally going to accept the ultimate pill, the nord pill?

When are we finally going to accept the ultimate pill, the nord pill?

I'd like to finish this by saying that we are all white, and we fight on the same team, but that we, being Aryans, are the natural rulers of mankind and will do our best when the time comes to purify the world.

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Face the facts, Anything worth talking about has been made by Mediterraneans or south Balkans. Maybe some Alpinoids but that's it. Only thing Nords are good at is looking unique, stop larping as Italians and Africans because you're ruining the userbase of 8ch as a whole.

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Roachland is not only a mongrel nation memewise, but also historically kek.

Your low effort D/C post is what actually ruins shit.

sounds about right for nu-pol

t. Turk

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You have to make people aware that "Nord" isn't a culture or geography but an old word for RACE (sub-species).

That way some dumb motherfuck who thinks "Celt" means the British isles isn't triggered.

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See my post

Now see this dumb motherfucking cuckchan shill

They dont even know what they are!

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big if true

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No need to make the Italian feel bad about his mixed heritage. He's still Roman, but he needs some eugenics to return him to form.

When Europe is retaken we can reimplement lebensborn with Nord fathers and general white mothers.

how the fuck do we do that without sparking ww3? all the armies of ZOG will be against us. we will be outnumbered 100 to 1. how do we train the neetsocs of the various Zig Forumss about guns and proper diet?

Please point to the millions who volunteer to fight for jews.

There are none.

yes but they have slaves. our only hope is to get people in the major armies of the world and get a coup going when the time comes

Slaves can't fight worth shit lol

Italians (natives) are decent enough people.

They fight for money not for ideals which is why they are weak.

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varg is a kike

Jew faggot right there.

Sorry but yeah, Nordicism is shit. Nords are like white niggers compared to southern europeans. Get over yourselves already.

Celts > Nords


Oh I'm sorry. Tell me of all the ancient and grand civilizations and cities built by nords. Oh right they were barbarian scum LOL I forgot.


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Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now source your claim that "Nord" is an old word for race

Building a city in scandinavia 2000 years ago was like building a city in antarctica today. It doesn't look very impressive, but they would survive where niggers won't.

stay mad snowniggers

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The shill had to draw the Italian flag on that North African looking fellow, otherwise no one in his right mind would think to an Italian man when looking at the picture.
Really make you think.

Reported for d&c shilling and misinformation.

ENF introduced agriculture 10-6kya

PIE established modern settlements (and language religion technologies etc) 4-3kya

All modern Europeans are a mix of ENF and PIE (except some saridnians who are ENF only). We also have some WHG DNA tracing to tbe last ice age but it's less than 5%.

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bunker down people, the truth is starting to be revealed
remember that art is the reflection of the soul and nord art was aboriginal tier
i don't want to alarm anyone but you're looking at the apex AI NPCs from the north
no souls, cold, offspring of the fallen angels, unable to create any culture, only unsurp from celts and latins, then imitate and replicate…
and they're about to enact their usual destruction program
it's been nice knowing most of you, but it's time to lay low, and hopefully we'll rebuild civilization again once the npcs are gone

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The moment you make the slightest micro movement that Mediterraneans should not be allowed to mix with blonde women, you see their true nigger nature as they side with the shitskins.

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Why do the nords have light eyes? It can't be due to location. Asians in cold climates don't have light eyes.. so?

You're never going to divide the white race. You know that, right?

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No, a decent amount of Sicilians and south Italians look like that.
TLDR- Southern Iberia, Southern Italy, parts of Greece, and some pockets in the Slavic states need eugenics due to noneuro admixture.
Sage for D&C/ unproductive shitstirring thread.

Northern Euros aren't called snow niggers for no reason. Their countries basically amounted to a few fishing hamlets, up to the Reinassance. They never invented their civilization: all they had, they were given by southerners.

This is why they have no identity to protect, and feel like disappearing into a horde of shitskins. They are docile and orderly, like a bunch of down kids.

This is why threads like this are unproductive. The demographic threat is affecting us all, regardless of geography.

The years teach much that the days never know.

Oh wow, look, another divide and conquer thread. That's Ashkenazic genius for you.

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I could go on… this misses the point by not pointing out the outstanding job done by our brothers in the Mediterranean and Balkans, this only serves to point out the power of the typical 'Germanics' people think about when we say 'Nordic'.
We aren't talking about what is commonly referred to as Nordic countries, rather the race of people that transcends modern borders and can be evidently found across all of Europe. This Nordic race has not so much to do with language or culture, but relates to the blood nation race. The modern extent of this Nordic race reaches to around the modern edges of Europe, gradually degrading in purity or in demographic domination, the further South and East you examine this race. It must be stressed that having a Nordic ideal phenotype does not necessitate your membership to the race, but rather acts as a great immediate visual indicator of belonging so. There are Nordics with black hair and brown eyes, most Nordics can tan very well unless they are ginger(modern diets prevent autophagy, thus the pale complexion of our men today).
Let us contrast the TYPICAL South or Sicilian man to his Northern Italian brothers, what we will readily observe with our eyes is that there are evidently at least two races in Italy. The ones who resemble the Roman busts of his historical forefathers, and the other who is clearly a darker race not of the true Roman stock. Madison Grant(racial anthropologist) describes the founding Roman 'Mediterranean' racial stock as being almost entirely Nordic in resemblance and feature. With the calculated predisposition infamous of their Legions who coldly and silently marched with shields interlocked and hewed many uncivilized peoples in all directions far and near, Celts, Brits, Gauls, Germans, Semites and Arabs alike. The degradation of that Roman stock is a greatest tragedy and must be restored to once again see the might of the Romans spirit again. Through the immigration caused by the Mongs East to West, and imports from MENA with their Christians and slaves the Roman stock became displaced year after year, the marked change was evidenced even as Tacitus remarked on changes and the degradation evidenced in Dialogus as the intellectual sphere in Rome shrank and degraded from the lofty position of their earlier Roman fathers, the 'Ancients'. Much the same can apply to Greece. More recently, in the last century, the Balkans have experienced a major shift in demographics as the Whites and Christians lost dominance to the browns and muslims.
Madison Grant - The Passing of the Great Race : "It should be remembered also that many of the dark-haired, dark-eyed youths of Plattsburg and other volunteer training camps are often three-fourths or seven-eighths Nordic, because it only requires a single dark-eyed ancestor to lend the dark hair and eye color to an otherwise pure Nordic strain."
An intelligent observer of European history will recognize the ability of demographics to shift through time and across borders while also seeing that contingents of the original race may remain in place to lesser degrees.
NB: not replying to user necessarily, but to those who read Anons anti-White comment and weren't sure if true.
Almost Saged for D&C, yet still much is to be gained even in arguing with detractors.
We must all act as Europeans, as White men, for the greater success of our heirs to be increasingly beautiful, healthy, strong, intelligent and creative.
See: Carlton Coon-The races of Europe, Madison Grant-The passing of the Great Race

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Dang. It's as if you have absolutely no ability to comprehend what is going on outside of your own head.
A niggerish trait.

This thread is cancer. Everyone arguing over which ethnic group is superior is either a kike shill or a mouth breathing retard.

Threads like that has been spammed constantly through the week followed by several robert sepehr copypastas like underground nazi bases, astronaut gods and others bullshits, like a syncronized shitposter that repeat these patterns every month.

yeah, no. how do you explain the fact that italy kept on giving even after rome.
how do you explain a brown eyed, brown haired galileo, or michelangelo? and we are talking about a good millennium after those roman-barbaric kingdoms you mentioned.
not to mention that it was the barbarian who were schooled by the romans the same way the romans were schooled by the greeks.
so nords teaching nords teaching nords teaching nords who did nor remember they were nords and therefore smart?
speaking of which, according to ancient storiographers spartans were actually nords and unlike the people of athenian stock who happened to be greek…er.
so…disciplined, badass, but dumber?

lel no wonder Scandinavian countries are in such shit

That's called a Unix timestamp, and if you weren't such a newfag you'd have discerned that one starting with 15 would almost certainly from cuckchan.

Scandinavian=/=Nordic, where the term Nordic is meant in racial terms and not in geographical terms. See my earlier post. There are Nords in Russia as there are in Serbia. I find it hard to imagine how this confusion arises and ignorantly persists in a feeble defense of ones idea of modern nationalism, where this nationalism is necessarily false since it flies in the face of the base meaning of 'nationalism', that is, the 'natal' in 'nation'.
The malicious contempt towards Whites here is unpalatable.

See my earlier post. Nordic is a racial term that's been around for quite a while now, especially as it was used by 20th Century racialists prior to WWII.

Galileo, judging by his different portraits, has been depicted with different facial structure looks, half of them show him as quite Nordic in feature. Galileo was from Pisa, in the Northern half of modern Italy. See my earlier post on how phenotype does not entirely dictate ones race. There is undue hostility generated by the term 'Nordic' in this thread, it's not meant to shit on people who are culturally Mediterranean, nor is it to bolster the moral of people historically from North Western Europe, since many in the Mediterranean today are a racial Nordic type and were so historically as evidenced by the documentation especially of the upper classes and the Emperor/Caesars. It's very nuanced but anthropologically speaking, a necessary chore in the lack of a better term to hold the Nordic race without connotations to geography, nor to the term 'Aryan' which may evoke visions of brown Indian and Iranian people in the misdirected (There was an Aryan invasion that pushed INTO their lands, not Vice Versa).

OP is a faggot because OP doesn't understand that Blue eyes+Blonde hair is not the absolute state of real White people, though it is a good visual indicator and an Aryan aesthetic ideal. The hostility generated against Nords by half-truth threads like these is dangerous and will bring rise to hateful sentiments and division, the proliferation of racial ignorance on bothe ends of the discussion.

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Your previous post was a statement, not a source. If Nord has been used as you say, give some bloody sources. The potential for memeing some Nord identity is yuge if true, not so much if it only means "man from the north"

As if Mediterranean women did not possess the blonde strain already. I wonder how they got it. Even f*cking sand nigger women have it. Sure, males have darker hair and eyes on average but a 50-50 split among the population as far as light/dark features would be good enough for me.
Since your women are incapable of reproducing with you, at least Meds can salvage some of their heritage before they grow barren and lose it forever.

Are you sure about that?

It references works by 20th Century racialists Coon and Grant who apply the term 'Nordic'. The PDF I have won't post for some reason, try Archive or LibGen.

Obvious divide and conquer kike nonsense. Europeans need to be working together right now, not fighting over which country or area is the best.

Ah, so you don't have an authentic (ancient) source. Sad.

Nordic is a description, not a strong identity, just a description. "From the north", nothing more.

Britain is also a description, being the Phonecian word for tin that was given by them(phonecians) to the very tin-rich region they used to mine for tin. Very weak word identitywise, but developed into some sort of identity word over time as the original meaning was forgotten.

Similarily, Asia is just the name the Romans gave to Turkey, and Europe is just the name the greeks gave to the mainland north of their islands. Both weak identity words.

Spartan on the other hand is a word losely translating to "our race", strong identity comes naturally. So the point is that if there had been some authentic sourced claiming that Nord is an ancient word for "our race", creating an identity again would come much easier.

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'old' is subjective. I was trying, user.

I see Whites racial diversity somewhat useful since it prevents any one of our ethnic groups from becoming to full of themselves. That's probably how the White man lost India, China and North Africa in ancient times.

Its also possibly how Ætlantia fell apart.

I literally mentioned in the OP post that the bastions of Nordicism in Italy were around Venice and Florence, near the Ostrogothic capital of Ravenna.

Please read before you attempt to sound intelligent.

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When you hear things that are anti-white in anyway, remember we’re at war. Ask yourself does this anti-white statement help the Jewish Tribe, could it be propaganda?

Nordics, Alpines, and Mediterranean’s have all proven themselves greater than many a primate. But sadly due to mass migration, military occupation, and military invasion, the Mediterranean White has mostly melted into oblivion, according to “March of the Titans,” and simple observation.

A question for a more enlightened Polack: “Should Alpine Whites and Nordic whites make an effort to not blend with each other?” Is it desireable that we not lose the two forms of creatures, for the sake of “natural selection insurance policy?” Just a side question, and is unimportant in the face of the 14.

Side note: Mediterranean’s seemed to be half Alpine, half Nordic…

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Northern Italians who call the south "brothers" are race traitors. This whole post is pathetic pandering to Mediterraneans out of fear Aryans cant fight on their own anymore.

You need to take slav pill.

Slavs are asiatic mongrels and a stain on Europe

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That's not what I meant. I said they were two separate races, the Southern one being non-Roman, so the word 'brothers' is played to reveal the face of faux-nationalism, in this case Italian nationalism specifically.

Keep the faith! We will rise again from the ashes of this ((rotten society)).



The faith in one picture:


You are a soldier of our true god Odin/Jesus (The concept of Odin is repackaged and somewhat watered down in the figure of Jesus). Odin is also Quetzalcoatl the feathered serpent (the ruling class who built the megalithic sites in South America were whites - the god quetzalcoatl despised the cruel atztec rituals and only wanted flowers as sacrifice). And the feathered serpent has been depicted by the mount builders of north america (also whites) as a swastika, which is the symbol for eternity!



The swastika is also the symbol of odin! This means: our race must be eternal!

The feathered serpent is depicted as ningishzida in former mesopotamia, which clearly resembles the human DNA!


Also the god Fuxi in China resembles the human DNA.


It was probably brought there by the aryan Tocharians, who are probably also connected to building the chinese pyramids in Xia.


The god self icon all over the world -who was influenced by aryan explorers and conquerors- resembles always the aryan DNA:



God self icon from Peru:




White gods came once from the sky and created the white race like themself. This is also stated in the genesis of the bible, which is ripped of from older sources from babylon.

One can also read Platos dialog on Atlantis:


There he tells us about the gods that came from the sky and gave us their DNA. A german researcher (Spanuth) located Atlantis in the north sea (Dogerland and Helgoland). Therefore germans and whites are the true chosen race. The descendants of the white gods.

Confirmed can this be by DNA evidence, which conducted Brian Foerster on the elongated skulls of South America:

"DNA testing of the baby Paracas was conducted in the Lakehead University lab in Canada, as well as two other labs in the United States. The results that came back showed only one discernible haplogroup present, that of U2e1. This haplogroup is not associated with Native Americans, but WITH proto-Germanic and proto-Balto-Slavic speakers! "

Further proof can be found here: "Ignatius Donnely - Atlantis the antedeluvian world"


This means, that we must protect our aryan blood and keep it pure, because it is the essence of our true eternal god (call him Odin, Jesus, Quetzalcoatl, Krishna, Buddha and so on).





Even the so called "star of david" is in reality an aryan symbol. It is the star of vishnu (called "shatkona":

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shatkona) who is an indian god who resembles odin in many aspects. It was stolen from aryans, because hebrews have no culture of their own. They are the principle of decay, death and evil. Aryans are the principle of life, beauty, discipline and creativity.

All the aryan people once worshipped the feathered serpent, because it is a symbol of our blood (DNA which can travel from eternity to eternity) and our true eternal god which lifes in us as life force. Also the iranian Farafahar depicts an aryan man in a circle with wings and the legs of the ring were depicted as snakes in the earliest depictions.



Because the human being emerges from the DNA (feathered serpent) that the white gods once engineered to create the aryan race:

See this old relief from Babylon (Deities working on the tree of life. The tree of life is the aryan DNA).


The snake is the symbol for wisdom and rebirth (shedding of the skin) aswell as for the earliest armor of the ancient aryans (looked like a snake to indigenous people - some of our ancestors even wore featherd heardresses like the indians of north america - see the feathered nuragic figurines from sardinia as comparison).

Even Odin is depicted with snakes:


The megalithic architecture in south america (sacsahuaman)



can be found aswell in italy (San Felice) aswell:


Only with the upcoming of the (heavily semitic) chritianity, our old symbols got perverted and destroyed. For example Santa Claus on christmas is in reality Odin - the godfather.

See: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Worship_of_the_Serpent


"A number of Gnostic texts, some only discovered recently such as those from the Nag Hammadi Library expound on an idea of knowledge and how the serpent gave knowledge to man. Deane draws a number of conclusions and makes certain guesses regarding snake worship, not just confined to Europe, but indeed all over the world. Deane goes on in his title to list a number of associations to the serpent such as the dragon and the leviathan. So thorough is his research, that he has "traced THE WORSHIP OF THE SERPENT from Babylonia, east and west, through Persia, Hindûstan, China, Mexico, Britain, Scandinavia, Italy, Illyricum, Thrace, Greece, Asia Minor, and Phœnicia."

Therefore: Everything that aides us (strength, discipline, power, wisdom, helping our whites brothers) is service for god. Everything that harms us (unhealthy food, porno, TV, lack of discipline, no children and so on) is blasphemic. Everything that is a threat to the existance of the aryan race must be annihilated or contained.

Even the Templar knights found the truth about our god. Their god was the god Abraxas which is depicted as a feathered serpent. See the templar secret seal:


We need this fighting spirit again, that our aryan ancestors had before us. We must be like samurai, templar knights, vikings or Waffen SS.

See the depiction of Odin on the sutton hoo helmet (horns/snake helmet) together with a swastika in the middle (sun wheel/eternity/DNA) here:


close up:


And on sardinia in the mysterious and megalithic nuragic civilication:


And compare this with the armor of the samurai:


It seems likely that the samurai were influenced by the aryan soldiers of Odin. The aryan Ainu settled on Japan before the asians. There is also alot of mysterious megalithic architecture on Japan that noone knows who built it. It resembles the megalithic walls on easter island aswell as the megalithic walls in south america. Also note that the megalithic Moai heads on the easter island cleary resemble aryan faces (with beards). All over the pacific there are legends about white gods that came (and died out, due to race mixing).

And even the symbol of the SS can be seen as two snakes who run parallel to each other (our DNA - our aryan blood).

Highest good - Aryan blood! This is our true religion! God is eternal. God is in our aryan DNA. So we must do everything to be eternal aswell. We must fight against the evil forces that want to destroy our blood and our heritage. This is our service and duty to god. This is gods chosen path for us! We are his warriors till eternity!

aryans are persians