ONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS? Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and Warner DEMAND DOJ-FBI Defy Trump Declassification

Can you believe the hubris of these kikes. The desperation is at a level we have yet to see.
Still waiting to see if Trump succeeds defeating the deep state and getting this shit revealed without redaction.


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Here is how you do it, since I know you Trumpists and infowhores are monitoring.

Trump goes on camera and presents everything with slides. Including pedo pics. Then you call for an executive action state of emergency. Enough of this "infowar". Drop some fucking bombs.

Always a kike lurking.
What are you doing moshe?

These jewish cunts are getting quite desperate, I see.

You seeing the scripts yet, user?

He's right though. Trump is just wasting everyone's time if he doesn't escalate. The only way they will win is if patriots and nationalists stay on their script. The script that forbids the right from actually doing anything.


Does trump even have access to the docs?

That fits the definition of Sedition:
Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward insurrection against the established order

You realize there is no goverment anymore right? It's all run on usury-media-cops bullets at this point

Pick one.

This is literally the type of shit that we've held onto our guns to protect us from suffering under. The last time I checked… the President is the head of the Executive branch and as such the boss of all law enforcement officers and agents.

Are they going to make the claim that "investigation" and "intelligence" agents are not law enforcers?

This is the laws making up new shit to justify themselves.

Too bad the populace gives no shit now, it's really the jungle world.

This. Fuck being polite. Fuck trying to work with people who are stabbing you in the back. Go live, on Trump TV instead of mass media if you have to … they'll pick it up eventually… use the internet, which they can't stop, for now… and give the real truth to the American people. No Q larp bullshit. Just the President, a mic, a camera, and a fucking set of balls the size of Texas. Point out the kikes, the pedos, the whole fucking thing and lay it all out on the table. Then let the American people do the work that the government can not.

Not ominous or suspicious at all

So it's basically Trump calling their bluff and they panicking?

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Dispatch the National Guard if they have to and tell all armed US Citizens to be at the ready.
I would so much prefer this to all this bullshit strategic manipulation. We have the numbers by a large margin, it's time we took it directly to the communist fucks and turn the US into one big fucking oven

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the entire point of oversight committees to make sure that there's a good reason that what's being kept secret is kept secret? If something is made public it then has absolutely no reason to be overseen anymore, right?

The president has the constitutional authority to declassify anything he wishes. Once something is declassified, there is no reason for congressional oversight.
A congress that is acting as it should, should be actively seeking documents and pushing those documents to the public minus anything that could have a negative impact on personnel or national security.

yeah it would be really bad if cia nigs spying in some shit hole country were identified and the flaming faggots of subterfuge were forced to get along instead of kiking everyone for zog

This. If he doesn't those docs will either never see the light of day, or they will release fakes instead. He is basically telling the CIA and FBIniggers "release a whole bunch of shit that will send you to jail forever."

Why didn't OP spell 'Constitutional' correctly? Is this a thing now?


I took a poll and it's because you touch yourself at night

You better believe that's a paddlin'.

I thought I was being discrete.

Whether you are a kike or not, I agree with this methodology.
Crushing truths via fucking powerpoint presentation and a god damn pointer. Tell the deep state, the communists, and Mossad to go fuck themselves via 200 hundred pages of cited sources and a freely distributed report. The country is in a state of decay, if we go full civil war because of it, fuck it, it will alleviate the mire of courts.
If I ever ran a presidential campaign and my points were questioned, this is literally what I would do, over and over again, until the truth becomes so freely available and visible it no longer matters what the fuck is said about me. I don't know why this doesn't occur.
Granted, not all problems can be solved with a sledgehammer, but I think we've passed the point of the metaphorical scalpel.

Send in the Marines.
USMC already feared by the left, so role with it and have the USMC audit, "right size," and enforce the orders of the PotUS at these agencies.

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I wonder how many people realize the US has been under military control since 2016?

We can only hope it is USMC and Trump.
But they better step it the f#ck up.

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General Mark Inch - Director of prisons (I'll let you figure this one out)
General John Kelly - Chief of Staff (Responsible for ensuring policies and projects get carried out successfully)
General James Mattis - Secretary of Defense (Responsible for policy development, planning, resource management, fiscal, and program evaluation)
Lt Gen Michael Flynn - Brought on as National Security Advisor
Current National Security Advisor is Michael Bolton / former US Army Nat'l Guard
(Responsible for carrying out duties assigned by President in realtion to national security interest)

The 4 key staff responsible for every policy and proceedure of the US Government are all ex-military and were meant to all be ex Generals in the military.

Trump is a hood ornament. He will not be impeached and even if he was, they would just enact a full military hard coup. US Army, US Marines and US Navy all directly hold seats of control of our government right now.

This was plan-A but don't doubt for a second there is a Plan-B, C, D, E and F.

and who would enforce the penalty of committing sedition, user?

Excuse me?

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This. And GOOD!
Worse case; They have two years to get things done, need to hurry up.
Best Case; Four more years after Trump reelection of course.

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This will go directly to the Supremes, and they will find in favor of the President's Constitutional powers.
THEN, we'll see just how traitorous the DOJ and FBI have become.
The President may have to declare a national emergency, based on this as a constitutional crisis, and congressional power will be suspended.

What will be revealed? Will we see desperate burning of files and deletion of hard-drives throughout the DOJ, as they try to hide decades of treason before they are arrested by military police?
Who is involved in this treason? How far up does it go? What international billionaires (besides Soros) will be caught up in it?

Interesting times.
I support the President entirely, and this may be just what we need to clean out D.C.

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I can't fucking wait for Sandy Hook to be revealed to the world as yet another crafty merchant cash grab. That will be the day I can die peacefully.

millions have died since 911 and millions more since jfk. Sandy Hook is piddly by comparison to other crimes/lies perpetrated by the state against the public.

I have a personal axe to grind with the greasy kike, pozner. That kike gloated over how idiotic americans were and how he continues to line his pockets with their sympathy. I want to pull the level on that fat fuck.

Take this Q-LARP shit to your containment board.


cut the bullshit children or go the fuck back to cuckchan

Nobody gives a fuck about this endless buildup anymore. It's exhausting and stupid and never delivers, ever. Either release the goods or stfu. This is some kind of bizarre attempt at generating marketing buzz except in the context of extremely serious unconstitutional misconduct. Just release the fucking documents or stfu about it forever

You don't know how to sage, and OP has nothing to do with q.


Reminder that Sessions has said he won’t declassify anything.
Reminder that the FBI has said they won’t declassify anything.
Reminder that Trump won’t do anything about this.
Reminder that Q-LARP is a proven hoax.

In that order. Get the fuck out, you goddamn retard.


You're telling me - because we got some guy who has less of a filter than the monkey with a broomstick up his ass that ran the country into the ground over the last 8 years - that that doesn't mean we automatically are free of an international conspiracy almost a century in the making? Golly jee.

Reminder that we've been in a constitutional crisis since pre-election, and nobody gives a fuck anymore. The country is obviously about to collapse.

Gang of Eight? Is our government taking terminology straight from Ricky Oh?

Everything about that first image makes me angry.


I'm telling you that you're doing the standard administration shill thing, wherein someone says "Hey, Trump hasn't really done anything of value and he's done a lot of harm, leading me to believe there is little-to-no likelihood of him or his administration doing anything of value" and you reply "HURRRRRRR" while implying complaint about Trump being shit and not even keeping his campaign promises is equivalent to the expectation of him channeling Hitler and deporting all US Jews on day one… While in reality, Trump has been in office coming up on 2 years now and he hasn't done dick and you never have any response but to accuse others of being shills or reddit or whatever the fuck else.

Just because you wilfully ignore it doesn't mean it's not happening. Four more years, ShareBLue. Four more years.

POTUS has seen the unredacted versions. He knows exactly what will be revealed. Just like all the rest, it is not "sources and methods," but incriminating and embarrassing info and names which the kike cabal prefer nobody ever see.

Now is the time for POTUS to erect gallows on the White House lawn.

He's not going to release anything. He already backed off and said he'll let the swamp take the time it needs. Anybody who doesn't get that Trump is just a symbol/release valve for white fury is stupid or in on the Trump scam.

Trump already backed down. Any "release" that occurs will take forever OR it will end up being a worthless document. That is the modus operandi and what WILL happen. Trump is working for the swamp. He is helping them. He lied about cleaning up corruption and dogwhistled to whites to get elected. He did this because he is a scam artist. Either you are stupid, or you are in on the Trump scam because you work for Alamo or some other Trump online org. Nobody with a brain buys into the Trump bullshit anymore. He lost his base, the GOP will get crushed in November and deservedly so, and Trump will lose in 2020. America is not white anymore and the government is completely corrupt. It's better to accept reality now and work with it rather than keep up the Trump fantasy/scam. Even dumbass boomers don't believe it anymore.




heh, it worked. Trump caved


Reported for being from reddit. You were already proven wrong.

Reported for also being from reddit. Your strawman has no power here. Either reply to what was said or kill yourself.


this…. he should command every TV station to air him live presenting all the dirty docs on these (((deep state))) scum, then have delta hitters at the ready to clean up

Reminder that Trump is a paid jewish shill who doesn’t give a flying fuck about restoring the republic or exposing any of his fellow paid jewish shills.

Q predicted this

He "should" do a lot of things, except his entire job is to provide a post-Obama white placating frustration release device.

It just so happens that America is slipping under 50% white, so it's a good time for whites to fantasize that somebody is doing something about it. That is the only purpose of Donald Trump.

There will be no wall, there will be no clean-up of gov't corruption, and America will look like Brazil in 10 years with total corruption and a brown population. This is inevitable at this point



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Unless you are insufferably stupid, you are part of the Trump scam.




Trump backed off the FISA declassification. This is what Trump does every single time. Say something that sounds good, and then completely back off, and nothing ever happens.. That is because Trump is helping protect zog and the destruction of whites and rule of law. There is no point in humoring dumb fantasies anymore about the republic being restored, any justice being done, let alone anybody standing up for whites except whites themselves. Trump is a complete fraud.

Are you trying to convince yourself or us? Because I sense a little desperation in your tone.

Trump wont do it, he would have done it day one. My guess is he was either lying the whole campaign, or he chickened out when he realized exactly what a mass civil unrest would actually look like. Im sure day one all of his (((advisors))) sat him down in a chair and spelled it out for him. Probably they also guaranteed that he gets assassinated by his own staff if he does go off reservation.

lol. ok dude

It's time to move on DC. My militia of approximately 3k statewide members is beginning mobilization as we speak. Within 72 hours we will be in place within 2 miles of DC.

The deep state will end before October.

You aren’t us, redditor. Q-LARP is a hoax. Trump is a zionist neoconservative civic nationalist. HE NEVER SUPPORTED WHITES. HE NEVER SUPPORTED US LAW.

I just realized that this is going to be the next form of Q-LARP
People have begun falling away from the Q hoax since Sessions is the exact opposite of what it says, and Trump refuses to actually do a goddamn thing. SO THEY’RE GOING TO TAKE THE NEXT STEP.

They’re going to start LARPing as “local militias” who are “going to move” on local governments, state capitols, and even WDC. They’re going to pretend this is all happening, and then when NOTHING happens on the dates they say, everyone will be even more demoralized and afraid of ever fighting back for real.


are you that fucking uninformed? try since 1934

LARPfags need to go and stay go

kek, the absolute state of the crypto jew. Look at him kvetch violently as the noose tightens!
I really haven't had this much fun in a long time. You jews are entertaining!


yeah even know this idea that nothing can be done because we all have to wait until it's offficial at a "supreme court" is just part of the stall/never do anything plan

The (((bad guys))) have never cared about the laws, or the laws have only ever been there for US, not THEM. The *SECRET* FISA court only exists because of the fraud perpetrated on 911. So now apparently Trump's legacy is all about getting /aRepublicanGuy onto a Supreme Court in a land where fake news and fake court cases are leading to more oppressive and secrecy enabling laws. Yeah, way to go Donald.

Well, Sessions has nothing to say about declassification, that's all in the President's hands, and the files…unredacted…have already been delivered. All Session can do is ADVISE redactions, which the President will ignore.
The files are probably already in the hands of the congressional committee.

If you were legit and serious about that you wouldn't be posting about it on an image board that's monitored by the enemy 24/7.

Owned and operated. Interesting that certain opinions were broadcast and enforced by staff during the most recent [REDACTED] to such an extent that any lurker knows 8ch is the literally mass media equivalent of CNN only influencing the contrary demographic.

ban test tbh

Is nobody going to call this treason? Because this is fucking treason.

We've always called obvious kikes by typical kike names. Lurk more.

small. fucking. hands.

You would be far more believable not really if you didn't IP hop like a fucking retard. You must be new here nigger, let me welcome you.

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Only a completely useless document will be released, or nothing will be released at all. The reason is UK and Australia are part of the Five Eyes global surveillance network, and the US isn't going to embarrass them.

Oh it's you, how ya been? Still Jewish?

Everything is Q. That is the lesson people should learn. We live with a hostile government and all of their resources and intelligence agencies are aimed at keeping us trapped.

So now what? breitbart.com/big-government/2018/09/21/rod-rosenstein-25th-amendment-secret-oval-office-recordings/
Rosenstein has been caught red handed plotting to oust Trump, it’s all over Conservative MSM and (((social media))). Even normies I know are calling for Trump to fire the Jew. Is it happening?

They want Trump to fire Rosenstein.

Even my normie boomer dad says he should go. Fucking Jews. Every. Time.

Qcumbers need to get the fuck out. Reported for mass spam.

If you don't feel desperate you haven't been paying attention.

I would say so
