(((Helen Rosen))) ghost wrote this story for her affirmative action husband. I'm posting it because it's pretty amazing to see a jew being ideologically consistent, or discussing anything other than self-preservation or attacking those who are an obstacle to their control.
Yes, this is satire. I think Kekwashing is a pretty lulzy word, though, and of practical value.
The depths of which the coincidences present themselves is evidently limitless. For those that can see, they can only blind themselves to it for so long. For those that cannot see for themselves it is up to those that know, of whom can present a cohesive case for it, must do so. It is a thin path and it will take a comprehensive and entertaining compilation to expose it.
faggot "true aryan" posting on 8ch. Oh so pure. Stfu those days are over fag, get a grip
Gabriel Martin
t. Kekwasher
Ethan Scott
remember I said
checked ur fag dubs, there is no kek
Alexander Mitchell
You and I are probably the only ones here who know about that submarine (not that it's even a secret)
Jacob Richardson
Care to share? I don't know anything about that one specifically but it looks like a Los Angeles class and the circled looks like its main prop
John Barnes
You disgusting Kekwasher.
Ayden Brooks
I found it rather hilarious that it was a boomer screw, perfect for the present invasion of boomers.
Carter Ortiz
I think someone will perfect this meme, but, given its nature, it's doubtful it will be permitted to spread.
Aaron Wright
More importantly, why haven't you replied with the satire version back to her yet? Or at the very least, provide us the sauce so one of us toss it all in for the glory. I'd love to see her reaction to it
Juan Myers
I agree. I hope someone does. I haven't bothered making spam accounts, but I guess it's getting about time to do it. My real account got the axe due to unspecified reasons. Which is to say some fag didn't like what I said.
Levi Hall
Why is the jew trying to normalize the swastika? Do not get me wrong the swastika is awesome, but something smells fishy here.
Aaron Cruz
I asked on QTDDTOT but no one answered. Have you guys ever wondered if the whole goal of Zig Forums, the growing Nationalist movement and Project Blue beam is to bring back a 'holographic Hitler' and NAZI's who are run by an AI who was programmed and controlled by the jews? Doesn't it ever make you wonder about these hints we are always seeing about how Hitler is going to return dropped on Zig Forums? Maybe Helen is just following the jewish plans.
Evan Mitchell
Please user call them natsoc, but it would surprise me if they do this so they can continue playing the victims and run every western country to the ground.
Xavier Morales
Well it would be a kinder gentler Hitler, you know…like a Hitler that loved jews and just wanted the whole world to get along and be peaceful. A Hitler that loved Muslims, Africans and Chinese, really all the races of the globe could just be their own nations and the jews and HH (Holographic Hitler) would rule from Jerusalem.
Jack Robinson
It's a joke. Um. Hopefully you read the image. And the spoiler.
Ryan Thomas
Wait, this is the agent:
Gavin Wood
I wonder if I'm the only person here capable of reading something a few pages long.
Josiah Rivera
Sounds like you know nothing about that person you're talking about. Half of the points you brought up were true.
Jeremiah Bennett
That's a routinely present weird shill, of unknown origin, but possibly under the direction of the mongrel monster Joan.
Tyler Edwards
This thread has been a successful experiment. It has shown that there is, at the highest level of Mossad, the possession of this site, and operation here.
This thread was only permitted due to an embed of anti-Trooooompism. Had it lacked this, it would have been deleted immediately.
Little Yuris are running this place, be assured of that. There is no freedom here.