I ask for asylum!
Im a MGTOW, sexbot/artificial wombs refugee from cuckchan
Other urls found in this thread:
Get the fuck out of here.
Look at this graph!
OK granted
Ignore the truth while Tyrone and Mohamed take your daughters virginity!
I know how cucked you are IRL!
It will help you on the battlefield.
This is yet one more reason I don't like MGTOWs
I cant do cuckChan anymore.
Did I say we should stop criticizing women? No, but this has already been discussed to death and it has been proven it is not in fact beneficial for either genders.
You gotta go back
No where did I defend women's rights.
I lurked for 1+ year!
You basically ban anyone who posts anyting politically incorrect!
Which is funny as fuck, since the board is called POL.
Low energy post, should've been at questions that don't deserve their own thread, also again Zig Forums is for white nationalism and for the preservation of culture that has national socialistic views.
stfu! Whenever I post a woman MGTOW thread an army of whores and cucks show up to defend MUHHH lady!
If you lurked, why did you post this pointless thread here and not on QTDDTOT?
And no, we don't ban anyone with an opinion. We ban people who post anti-White shit or can't figure out how Zig Forums culture works.
Oh so you are an advocate of taking womens rights away?
Replacing women with sexbots and artificial wombs IS PRO WHITE!!!!!!!!
If you stopped banning genius tier Anons and listened to them you would realise it!
PROTIP: worshipping women does not get their pussies wet for you!
Come on female Anons! Confirm this! You are anonymous!
Confirm this now! (I dont expect the vaginal jew to reveal its secrets, pic related)
Jewish psych op
A fantasy for rebuilding society except that by enlarging men won’t want to be single fathers.
Your either a kike trying to d/c or research or a fag who still hasn’t been truly red pilled. Lurk more and stop posting low effort OPs. Zig Forums isn’t for blog posts or stupid one dimensional questions. Nobody cares about you are your half chan ideas of lack of thought.
Yes, sister, I will lurk more.
May the sisterhood be with you.
When Islam takes over your vagina will be a CRATER!
No it's not. Replacing White people with anything is the definition of anti-White
I thought that you wanted to murder White women, not have sex with them.
You can't even stay consistent in one post. This is ANOTHER reason why I hate MGTOWs.
Like the jew, MGTOWs want to replace White people with something non-White. That's White genocide.
And this is the reason why MGTOWs should be banned. I didn't report you faggots before but now I will. Anti-Whites should NOT be allowed on this board. In any form.
this is what i listen to in the background!
GAs the jews and replace women who are the vaginal jew!
Report, sage and ignore this bread there is simply no reason to debate these cuckchanners.
>We have mastered (((modern genetic science))) goyim, it is time we take control of our own reproduction away from these fucking disgusting shi- these disgusting thots, my MGTOW brudders
Wtf are you even on about? Nobody here cares about how edgy you think you are. This will not be a thread that gets 100+ replies, it will be deleted because your Jewish ideas are not acceptable here mordecai.
deported for low energy
How does it feel that whoever wins, in the future women will simply not exist!
If jews win: sexrobots!
If jews lose: sexrobots!
Enjoy your sexual power over men, who just want to love and take care of you. In the history books it will say that MANkind once used a parasitic species to reproduce and that species almost killed MANkind but MGTOW movement rose up and liberated MANkind!
Space exploration and colonization with 10/10 LOYAL roboWives made ALL men happy and peacefull!
You must lurk 7 years or more before posting cuckchanee.
Actually, if the jews lose, White people survive.
Unlike you, I'm not a sexually frustrated boy who can't get a date. I've always been comfortable around women because unlike you, I act like a man.
Frankly, you sound like a leftist parody of "right wing basement dwellers."
If I hadn't interacted with plenty of faggoty MGTOWs who all posted the same anti-White jewish drivel, I'd assume that you were trying to make fun of us.
Here is another sample of White women that you'll never get to sleep with until you man up.
Im not as BASED and REDPILLED as you are huh?
Its retards like you that make me want to unholster autism!
Stop bumping the threads… Including that plebbit tier thread ama.
Seriously dude, artificial wombs are not going to be the savior of the white race. This idea that men will chuck women away because there’s a way they can have kids without them will only sway like 5% of men tops. It’s a fucking kike inception fantasy for losers who are not attractive or confident enough to talk to women irl. Seriously, how many single guys are there right now trying to adopt kids to avoid having a woman in their life? Next to zero. You’re clearly a yid. Your strong adversion to denying it and not bringing up the JQ is ousting you like a flame that will be lit in the oven you enter.
My IQ is 157. I cannot describe how illogical you are.
I would tell you to KYS but I know you wont.
BTW If you have a white wife/husband WTF are you doing on Zig Forums!!!!!!!!!!!
But I know you are basement tier 300 pound fatass.
Speaking as someone who has been banned multiple times for having an opinion, you're full of shit.
this, posting honest facts, not even opinions will get you banned (lol VPN/onion doesnt exist)
anti-White crap thread.
You sure are insecure for someone so intelligent.
You have a very childish view of marriage. In fact, I'd almost say it was a romantic view.
Actually being married doesn't take away all your time and I enjoy Zig Forums
It's the one of the only social media platforms where anti-Whites are the ones who get banned.
I'm not married btw. I don't need to marry my woman. I agree with MGTOWs on that. Marriage is harmful for men at the moment.
I just oppose White genocide.
Dude, I sage every time.
Anti-White opinions are not tolerated. If you are a marxist, your faggoty opinions don't deserve to be here. You have twitter for that.
White women will somehow make 5 babies each, due to magic?
Literally if artificial wombs are not perfected in the next 20 years the white race is OVER!
You haven’t posted any “facts” yid. You’ve only posted known Jewish ideas and are not denying your a fucking kike.
never without a (((friend))).
These both.
You are replying to this anti-White thread while pretending that it isn't anti-White?
Literally nobody is going to opt in to being a single parent….only fucking retard feminist do this after they can’t get a man before their skin turns to an old lettermans jacket. You’re a Jew. Admit it. It’s why your own women won’t even have you and you turn to your scriptures for guidance in subverting as many whites as you can cause you can’t have children yourself being such a kike.
This is disgustingly delusional and pathetic.
Did you report it?
You are rubbing your vagina right now.
The ama plebbit thread got shut down thankfully, this one is next to be anchored or deleted.
By all means keep promoting White genocide. We know the polvols don't care.
Have a white baby with your woman out of wedlock and let us know how that works out for you.
OP is a kike. He refuses to admit it or talk about anything that isn't women.
Do any of you whores have husbands or children, or can I assume your hair colour is purple?
What is being slid?
kike, anti-White.
OP bumping his own thread. The state of nu/pol/
Asking the real questions.
The leftist women ITT who cant help themselves but shlick to strong white right MEN!
Shlick to this: my dick is 7.5 inches. It is wide and firm.
I dont put it in hard. I rub your pussy first because licking it is effeminate.
Then I put my tip in. Slowly I put all of it in.
then I proceed to bunny fuck the pussy until she loses conscience (if she bites me i fucking punch you!!!! HARD NO! I dont tolerate biting! I dont care if you dont remember, remember the black eye)
Post a cartoon of fat,saggy micropenised trump & see howfast they ban you.
Pics related, kvetch hard Yid.