MI6 Niggers Murdered Rudolf Hess in Prison to stop him from Revealing War Secrets

Claims that Rudolf Hess was murdered under orders from the British to stop him revealing wartime secrets have been revealed in a police report which has only just seen the light of day after 25 years.

Honor the fallen. No more brother wars. White Pride.

SOURCE: dailyarchives.org/index.php/archives/64-rudolf-hess-was-murdered-by-british-agents-in-prison-to-stop-him-revealing-war-secrets
ARCHIVE: archive.is/rcNDS

Attached: hessmurdered.jpg (800x421, 104.43K)

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They likely killed him because it wasn't the real Hess and was a body double instead. Even without the Serrano esoteric body double stuff the evidence was pretty much alluding to the fact it wasn't really him. At the very least he was just a look alike. They killed him because they likely thought he would die naturally in prison and when he didn't they didn't want the secret to get out.

nice try kike, next youll talk about how hitlers dick was the cause for WW2. btw, its obvious when you use siri’s dictation when you don’t delete the dbl spaces before each sentence

Idiotic speculation when its clear what happened and that it was Hess.

He was killed by kikes because he was a threat to the kikes

So I guess it was pride that he refused to be seen by any family members for 20 years, which is more than enough time to make it difficult to recognize someone even if they're close to you. Didn't have a scar on his lungs from WW1 which never heal. Vegetarian who ate meat. There's as much evidence it wasn't him as there is that it was him. Rosenberg and Goering didn't recognize him from all their time with him and he at one point didn't recognize them.

It's not a speculation. They hid him for a reason it's just nobody knows exactly why and never will. His records are still sealed for decades to come. Whoever it was real or not was murdered and that's all you really know.

you've never been locked up, I have. guards dictate what you do and what you don't do. being a member of the NSDAP post WW2 in allied hands, I highly doubt that they would allow you to exercise your rights. Plus, if I was locked up for that long, I would not want my family to waste their time visiting me either because I would be a dead man at that point anyway and I wouldn't want them to remember me that way, so yeah pride is a factor.
you have posted all speculation so far, therefor I find no credibility in what you have to say.
again, you have never been locked up. you don't get a choice especially when you are a former member of the NSDAP in an allied prison post WW2.
lets see it.
all I see from you is speculation


lemme get this straight.

Reinhard Gehlen, a former Chief of Military Intelligence under Hitler, who narrowly escaped Nuremberg by trading to the CIA his 50 barrels of microfilm containing his full archives of espionage buried in the Alps. Gehlen went on to become Director
of the BND for over 20 years until 1963, during which time he employed thousands of former SS officers, and interviewed every single Reich prisoner of war who returned from the USSR.

if there was one guy plugged into knowing who, when and where the former officers of the Reich dispersed to, it was Gehlen.
why would Gehlen permit the Brits to assassinate Hess and replace him with a body double? presumably Gehlen would have
know about it, and then so would have Kim Philby and the other dozens of moles penetrating the Geheln Organization and the BND. the news would have inevitably been gossiped around until it reached Jack Anderson, who would have written a gripping weekly column about his latest espionage scoop.

but none of that happened.

i'm not saying you're wrong, but i am saying you need more evidence. any time the old "assassinated body double" trope comes into play, it's like introducing time travel into your narrative–your whole story goes to shit, and nothing matters because anything that happens can be retroactively reversed or altered.

Attached: gehlen_memoirs.jpg (900x798 28.7 KB, 538.91K)

I'd throw to a pyre practically all of these, usually American or English, post-war money-grabbing sensationalist "revelation" "conspiracy" books. They just can't be trusted in my view.
The reader goes to some obscure theories and little stories, of course demonizing the Germans whether subtly or explicitly, while not focusing on the essence of the Reich and its story.
Not to comment on this book as I don't know its contents but I'm not especially interested

No need to re tell it user we all know the reich and hitler did nothing wrong.

Invading Russia in the winter?


Is there a section on the poor timing of Operation Barbarossa?

We are not talking about war mistakes user…..
When we say hitler did nothing wrong we meant morally.

How ever you can retell the story in /nsg/ for newfags and the new knowledge gained from crimes against the german people we've yet to utilize in other conversations.

I hope your asshole gets invaded by niggers this winter, leftypol.

Good that some hard data comes out on it finally, even though that is not really news for anyone who has looked into the case even superficially.

He didn't hang himself, the marks from the cable around his neck went horizontal, while they should curve upwards on one side of the neck had he hung himself. He couldn't have strangulated himself by his own hands either, because for one, he was 93 years old and pretty frail already, and secondly, when you try to strangulate yourself with a cable by pulling it tight around the neck, it will losen up again once you become unconscious (unlike, say, some sorts of cloth).

The reason why they murdered him was probably that they didn't want him to appear on various TV shows post-release telling the world first hand and live about the 40 or so peace offers Germany made towards England before and during the early war, which included things like the withdrawal of all German troops from France and Poland, offers that England however had no interest in since they (the warmongers around Churchill) were seeking the total destruction of Germany (the English idiots participating in that line of thought were simply retarded chauvinists, while the kikes involved in it were already planning their (((capitalist))) vs (((communist))) game in which National Socialist Germany was a showstopper).

Sure, there were books out on that point since around the 70s, but they were mostly shut down in most European countries and Americans didn't give a fuck. But now imagine that, suddenly, one of the highest members of the actual former government would give public appearances detailing their efforts to prevent further killings on at least the Western Front after your own propaganda machine has conditioned the public over 50 years and through all avenues to believe in retarded notions such as Hitler having tried to "conquer the world" and "We'd be all speaking German nao!"
Can't have that. Hess was supposed to die in prison, so the MI6 niggers showed up to make it happen when it didn't.

Imagine winning ww 2 and not even having to worry about lies, besides making the future better for the next generation, but a lot of us would be npc's image board might or might not exist.

thats how people talk that have nothing to say. its a sad ad hominem attempt

Attached: Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess 02.jpg (426x542 88.46 KB, 48.02K)

Attached: Adolf Hitler with Rudolf Hess, 1932.jpg (982x1399 77.47 KB, 577.32K)

Don’t worry brother (or sister), soon you will stop hating your race because you simply won’t have a choice… unless of course your not White. If thats the case, how will you survive without White work ethic?

he was set up for release ?

Who had the nicer boots? Führer's looks more comfy because they don't have such a severe arch in the sole.

Hitler wore a size 13.5 shoe

Letting 29.5 million Russians invade you opposed to stopping them from deploying as long as possible and invading them?

Rudolf Hess is proof that Hitler literally did nothing wrong. Of course they were scared of the truth.

after all of this time, the jew narrative has failed in its' quest to convince the planet, that the jews rendition of history, is the correct version. Every day that passes only proves that the jew lies, manipulates and changes his story.

Adolf knew his spirit would rise from the grave and that the world would know he was right. It was simply a matter of time looking at history, the jews hubris is at levels Satan would be disgusted at.

How ever we just need to spread it to public knowledge that hitler was right, they are a lot of normalfags that are still asleep user.

Satan trips confirm. Except he did lose the war, though. That's why we're all here.


I know morally he was right, but morals do not mean dick ass shit to our enemies. They're glad he lost and rub it in our faces at every opportunity. If there's ever another Hitler-esque uprising, this must be remembered. We must fight to win, not care for things like morals and principles, because certainly our opponents don't. You must be more savage and brutal than they are to win.

Were pretty aware of it user, most of us will not repeat the same mistakes that hitler did, the kikes are certainly very evil what they've done to germany aka weimar proved it.

On Operation Barbarossa

Attached: Hitler Strikes First With Operation Barbarossa (Chapter 5, The Artist Within The Warlord)_005.jpg (1125x1779, 452.06K)

Largely because if he'd got out and talked about wanting peace with Britain, it would have undermined any reason for going to war against Germany at that point in time - redpill material really.

Most Briton's think they had to fight Hitler "or else they'd all be talking German" and that he was intent on world conquest and was a "madman". Telling them he was trying to save his people by re-drawing the ridiculous demands of Versailles imposed on Germany at the behest of France would surprise many. Telling them he wanted Britain as an ally would surprise them even further. Telling them Britain could have kept its empire even today and could have defeated Bolsehvism and the Soviet Union in 1943/44 with British help would infuriate many I suspect.

That is something the White man has to learn anew.

Complete annihilation down to the last man, complete destruction of all infrastructure, water, food, electricity, transportation.

Put them so far back they will never return and Dresden you again.

They have less than no mercy. They revel in sadism and torture.

Regrettably, the only thing they understand is hell.

We would look to space, user and we would have conquered it.


Attached: lawsofpower.jpg (850x400 695.77 KB, 76.08K)

Checking those Hess dubs. RIP.

Attached: Rudolf_Hess_-_Last_Words.mp4 (640x360, 3.9M)

jewbris: hubris at levels that would disgust the devil himself

That 2nd pic where it says Germany explained in connection with the idea of completely annihilating your enemies has another connection.
Robert Greene the author of the book that clip is from is a jew.
How unsurprising that a member of the tribe that is attempting the genocide of our race would espouse such a view.
What a shame Adolf took pity on the jews and thought to deport them, he (we all) would have been better off having them all shot on sight.