James Woods was censored from Twitter for posting this meme
And what do we care about this eceleb or social media? You realize no one is ever going to do anything to stop this, right? Ever.
What is also crucial here is Twitter using the excuse
This is how they're going to ban us and our memes.
My dog will sit with his mouth open like that.
He's a dumb dog
Not kike free I see. Calling the exterminator.
I will skull fuck your brainless cavity
WAAAAAAAH WAAAAAAAh opinion left is so much better than opinion right waaaaaaaaah i need to win this argument with that other brainwashed idiot waaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah the entire us power structure was built and is maintained by Republicans and Democrats because it's all a scam but despite the fact that i have this knowledge I don't want to face reality so I'm gonna take the easy way out and suck the government's cock waaaaaaah
Cringe every time I see some self proclaimed political expert believe that there are truly only two opinions. You look like fucking retards.
All these people meet on a fucking island and plan their next scam then pretend like they fight each other and you fall for it but you are "the master race" hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahabahahahahahah
Omg you don't spend all day gossipping about celebrities ! You want critical thought instead of obvious divide and conquer propaganda so jewpublicans and jewocrats can split the country 50-50 every four years, you must be a shill!!!!!!!!!
Kek. The only way the OP image is "misleading" is in its implication that lots of other soyim are participating in #noMenMidterm. The idea itself, of men staying home from the vote, is presented at face value. The only deception is the suggestion that by participating you'll have the social approval of a faceless mass of liberals, and of course denying a liberal its social approval is the most evil hatecrime possible today.
Not an argument.
Imkikey isn’t here anymore, moishe. You have no power.
You joke, but that’s how reddit (formerly known as Zig Forums) behaves now.
try Zig Forums or tumblr or facebook or something instead
Context. He stated it was fake. But liberals are so insane that there is a small chance of it being true.
James Wood user incoming
At this point im just hoping someone just shoots up the twitter HQ. It seems Animal Activists are still the only activists willing to shed blood still.
Seems like the time is right for a new kind of Twitter, and no, that is not gab.ai.
Came here to say this.
We are 0 for(insert whatever high number here, I stopped counting even before Alex Jewns) and not a single thing is being -actually- done about it.
They just changed to gab.com because enough of us knew about gabbai.
you heard it first here folks a J user
and they're ready to expose everything and fight the deep state… of muslims with boxcutters
Okay, why is gab.ai not an option?
The feels, too bad she didn't pick a better target, it was still a nice kick in the cunt to YT.
Torba's a total fucking retard, his #2 is a poo in loo that constantly shits on his user base, the site's full of boomercons and wignats
Gab is total shit, avoid at all costs
Daily reminder that James Woods is a Bohemian Grove attendee who starred in the movie "Indictment", a propaganda film to discredit the ritualistic (jewish) pedophilia at the McMartin preschool.
Kill yourself, Douglass.
Is he a spirit cooker?
checked masonigger
gab is what we've got for now. disregard black-pill jewanon.
use a vpn that allows you to pay with crypto and ccleaner to clear your java history. the site won't work without java which is basically letting us know it's kosher, but fuck it, it's what we've got and we've got numbers on our side
Can't wait for them to entirely lose grip with reality and ban Trump.
good no more soi bois voting
They can do that if he violates their ToS. Just because he's President doesn't mean he can't be kicked out of places.
OH MY GOD!! Locked out of Twitter!! Like the end of the fucking world!
This was already claimed by renegade user on 4/pol/ some time ago. Allegedly, James Woods has been an anonymous shitposter for years. We already saw him use one of our memes recently, not 4/pol/, but a meme from Zig Forums.
I think judging by the scared cuck face photo used one of ours made this.
They added that image to the AI scan which automates the ban.
Bump. U pinned a jew.
he seems more like one of those zionist turkies that would post on GLP than chans.
Like i'm not saying he's "Comedian" "Chip" or "Q33", because those are the schitzophrenic alters of the guy that owns the website, but he's probably exactly like those guys just with less post volume.
It's a pretty funny meme that could actually work. And when the dems lose, they would have an excuse for being mad at men all over again.
I honestly dont think this is about twitter itself but more like how a company that allows people to broadcast their opinions and thoughts actively shuts down all of one side but not another. This is pretty fucking biased and I think what some government officials want to do is basically put a check and balance on these social media sites that weild quite a bit of public influence to where one side cant be censored. Its one thing to have a user base to it, its completely different when the company itself does it. So this isnt about twitter itself but more like people with influence censoring an entire side of the coin.
If i was to put it bluntly, imagine that there are a few main places in the city that you can hold a rally at which will give you the best chances of being heard, yet each place's owner shuts you out because you arent saying what THEY like. Sure you can take your rally to any little place you want but no one is going to really hear you on a neighborhood sidewalk. Its all about the prime real estate and sadly twitter, youtube/google and facebook have the social media locked down. You can try other places but you wont be heard. You only true option is those sites and they suck shit if you dont group think.
That girl…
I don't think this girl actually existed. Remember that movie Simone?
Don't worry, I'm sure Trump will complain about social media banning conservatives on twitter and there will be another congressional hearing leading nowhere.
there's probably a not-famous Amy Schumer that spent a lot of time and effort designing Nazim
and isn't that's what's important ? I think we should appreciate the social artistry that rich people provide for us, we all have our roles in life after all
top cringe
those fucking digits tho
Sort of like Zig Forums? If you don't follow the manufactured multicultural narrative here as well, you are banned.
I am trying to be impressed with nu/pol/ but it is harder than I thought it would be.
The only form of censorship that should be available to anyone is self censorship. The idea that someone else needs to monitor your speech or thoughts is fucking ridiculous. You are adults. The only purpose that anyone could have for censorship of any sort is D&C.
Thats actually a fucking good thing. Platforms that allow speech to occur due to the nature of how the internet works (think everything is a building and there are no side walks to do so freely) need to be regulated. If something is a social networking site they need to not be allowed to fully censor what they consider is wrongthink. I can understand getting banned from a video game forum or something completely unrelated for screaming about niggers but in a place where there really is no topic yet all topics occur naturally in open discussion there should not be much in the way of regulating speech. I consider social media a sort of outside area while if you were to go to a forum about pizza and start talking about how the jews are reason why toppings are expensive i can understand a ban.
. Thank you for that.
based and redpilled, here's a free pic of the hero we never deserved
this post is pure crystalline autism
Well we arent living in a perfect world here. In a perfect world everyone could understand that having an opinion is ok, though when discussing said opinion does not give cause to violence or censorship. People will not react like adults because we as a society have neutered all forums of processing things rationally. We are being taught to live on a more emotional roller coaster instead of a logical train of thought. If everyone used more logic than emotion we wouldnt have to censor the word fuck or asshole on the radio or tv. We wouldnt have to worry about what our children are watching because we would be monitoring our children's activities. But we dont live in any semblance of a perfect world. We live in a dysfunction that still manages to run. Even though we have multiple religions that practically say that they are right and everyone else is wrong , we have feminists saying they want equality yet they need more perks, we have races getting more benifits yet still saying the people giving them free shit are racist AND on top of all this we have people in politics getting away with the most outlandish things, stripping freedoms from citizens and no one revolts.
At this point I can ask for compromising in getting something we want that would improve our overall ability to communicate throughout the internet without getting shut down by the people who run it. Then you get into the entire debate of Private and Public property and how it translates to the internet which is full of grey.
Though to be realistic, regardless of what we say on here, this wont be solved in a single thread or better yet a single post. The best thing we can do is talk about this and see what we can do to improve what is currently going on with this.
This is the most retarded thing I've ever seen someone type out.
kys lolberg
I swear to god that looks just like a tranny to me.
Not an argument.
They are going to get stuck with the facebook ultimatum.
so if twitter tries to control content, then they are responsible for all illegal content that gets left up there…
There is never going to be a perfect world (well I can think of one way, but I would just get banned again). We need to fashion appropriate systems to get around this limitation of the 'perfect world' ideology. Online environments do not become 'perfect worlds' when they start censoring people, as a matter of fact they die out and become irrelevant.
It was only a matter of time. Eventually every civnat gets the same treatment we do.
Checked for no shit nigger, it was an insult.
You need an argument to get hard? Fine.
No, not at all like Zig Forums. On Zig Forums the argument is oft made by scum like you in tge vein of, say, lolberg shit, or commie pinko shit. Thing is, they make an argument, they get BTFO, and then they resort to niggerdick spam or whatever. This isn't transpiring in a vaccuum.
On, say, twitter, you get banned for making an argument that is good, novel and/or which threatens the status quo; while on Zig Forums you get banned for making an argument that is old, has been deconstructed 1000 times before and represents defense or promotion on behalf of that same status quo.
Explain yourself.
I found it odd that when I made a twitter account a long time ago to shitpost, I was never made aware that they allowed pornography to be posted. There was no "Oh btw, you need to be X years old to do THIS". As far as I could tell there is just an option stating that it hides certain things but never specifies and anyone could just turn that off. So imagine my surprise to find out that Twitter doesnt regulate shit unless it wants to and the only things it regulates is wrongthink. THEN I get to find out that arabs and other dirty fucks post all sorts of debauchery. There are gay men out there posting pictures of them "POZZING" others with AIDS, Arabs openly talking about and sharing child pornography, porn stars practically escorting out in the open. Its like what criminals wanted in craigslist but could never get around the whole "getting caught" aspect. Twitter ALLOWS this shit to go on, CONSTANTLY. So it sounds like they arent trying to do either of the options you listed.
just end it man
Don't be hostile user. Zig Forums is a board of peace and it is ethnically as diverse as any modern website representing many cultures and peoples. Due to the format of anonymity and lack of standards or criteria for posters, it is true modern multiculturalism in a web format, not the board of Europeans only. Not only that but it is totally organic in nature and doesn't have anyone directing the narrative or influencing thought via censorship, banning or deletions due to wrong think.
i can only dream of a day that the truth about whatever the fuck this is gets out and it's all exposed. Someone going down for this stunt might be even better than it becoming officially known that Michelle is really Micheal.
No one is talking about that AnCap other than you. Stop being obsessed with people that outed you and use a shotgun on yourself to get them out of your mind
Nonsense and a non-argument.
And. Is your narrative actually going to be one trying to shill the complete permission of 'speech' as a factor of maturity? Most subversive Jews are adults and most childlike bugmen/catladies are as well. Being an adult has absolutely nothing to say as regards the hazards of expression when performed subversively/disingenuously/in bad faith.
Are you fighting diversity if you are participating in a system of diversity, user? Do you normal fight things by participating in them. For example, if you were fighting a porn addiction, would you immerse yourself in porn to fight your addiction? Same thing is happening on Zig Forums an exchange of cultural ideas in a user format that allows for multicultural influence. Now you can downplay that effect if you want, but it has an influence on the way you think. Especially since European culture is already swamped with semitic ideology.
Jews did 911
I am going to suggest that you take the high road and use the filter feature. You don't seem to be able to respond in a fashion that is not hostile to the diversity of my thoughts. Remember user, the cream rises to the top on Zig Forums because it is a free and fair exchange of ideas/memes where the best ones win out over the poorly crafted ones.
11 polvols already agree that Zig Forums is a board of diversity and inclusion.
Only one jew, technically (it is an angry jew as well, yikes!) speaking. I can't be jewish, because I am not jewish (that puts a damper on being jewish).
this is direct social manipulation at it's darkest they hate you they hate your voice and your words
I built a bunker the size of a garage out of concrete rebar and cinder block. Spent a couple grand over a couple years. Didn't cost shit when you break it down by the day. Now I can shoot a .50cal off in my backyard and nobody knows a damn thing. I have a foundry in there as well. I melt down steel when I find it and make AR lowers in a bucket of sand.
I'd say I'm rich by way of resources. I find myself wondering why the jew is always discontent when they "have so much more than me?"
Don't forget GPR (ground penetrating radar) and the fact that you need to be approximately one mile underground during a bombing raid to every have a hope of being anything more than a human stew contained inside your bunker. Really, user, caves are where it is at.
Fuck James Woods. The cunt isn't that intelligent or is a kike himself if he invests this much time into a kike puppet show.
Get fucked, Shariahblue. James woods is most certainly /ourguy/
Well I think he is alright but I do know that he is playing the same political game that the left does, just on the opposite side.
Fuck off, moishe. Take your magapede kikery to reddit.
He's a sheep herder.
Hey I am on pic related.
Except I am not the anti hitler shill.
Careful what you say, you'll summon the "every woman is secretly a transsexual" shill.
Cool then you already know the truth about Zig Forums. One down…
lel that fag makes me laugh though…he is a riot.
If you haven't been permabanned from twitter since 2014, then you're useless
(((Torba))) bans people arbitrarily all the time. Usually when they point out that he's a kike.
James woods could mine the salt. I thought he was done when he he twitted this (but unedited photo) and every news org reported on it more then the actual batclan shooting.
& trumpy gonna fire some treasonous mass-murdering fellow tribesman any year now!
W/ full bennies of course .
They suffered enuff.
Just make sure y'all get out there & vote in November, or you have no right to complain!
Tha troops died for your freedom to vote for the kike of your choice!
That it is a natsoc board against the lies of the jew?
That is ,unironically,unsarcasticly,the hardest hitting chunk-o-concrete truth I've read in a while.
But user, a cult is a "strange, small" religion. For example, the Cult of Hathor was sort of a cult, but it was beneficial for its populace in that it motivated women to strive to be better wives.