Most of us probably have some German blood directly or indirectly, given that Germany is in the middle of western Europe and about half of all settlers in murica used ot be Germans.
Our kind will forever be exterminated and unfortunately I'm quite black pilled about it.
Jews forced Germany in the 60s to accept the first mudshit migration from the poorest backwaters of Turkroachistan as guest laborers which amounted to 750k in 1970, 1.5 million by 1980 and almost 2 million by 1990.
Everybody hated them but they stayed as they felt comfy in their roach ghettos collecting gibs or running shifty businesses from used car sales to jewelery (businesses that allow for high margins for the dishonest and cunning).
Jews forced the government to simply turn their temporary status to indefinite stay, with their children becoming citizens - the same plan that is currently enacted in the US with Mexicans, or in Germany with rapefugees.
Hard working German men are continuously demotivated with no outlet for their genius in an insanely bureaucratic high tax environment that stifle entrepreneurship and encourage gibs reliance, with most taxes being re-distributed to gibs receivers.
Women naturally gravitate towards dominant low IQ men in such environments as reserved high IQ men have nothing of value to offer when she can rely on the state or work some busy work job.
This means that even the Germans that reproduce aren't anything like those two generations ago.
Migrant births now make up 50% of births in cities and I predict a total breakdown of law and order in Germany within the next two decades.
What happens at that point is hard to say, as the gibs redistribution only works as long as there are enough high IQ people working.
Jews are probably banking on AI to take over at that point or they'll back genocidal migrant politicians like in South Apefrica.
Just telling you what has been going on in Germanistan friendo…
Most muricans and leafcucks aren't really aware when and how the turkroach invasion happened.
Leo Young
Also cities went from being affordable for renters with sufficient supply to people being priced out into homelessness much like in Commiefornia.
There was no new supply of cheap apartments as jews wanted to make bank and now studio apartments in Berlinistan that used to cost 50k now cost 200k.
Jason Barnes
Are you German?
Chase Torres
They are both ashkenazi jews on that pic. It is nice to see jews with a niglet child.
Dominic Morris
Yep. It is indeed genocide, but the kikes do it in such a way that it doesn't fall under an (((official UN definition))). Same thing in the US against white Americans. It's very fucked up.
Noah Garcia
You have a damn good eye if you can tell from OP's tiny low res picture. It's clear that both parents are ugly pieces of Euro-trash, the kind of scum who would have frozen to death in earlier years. But as for being jews, that seems like pure guesswork until we get a closer look at their facial features. What makes you certain that the three non-black ones are kikes?
They have tried to exterminate us many times, but we are still here. Prepare for the worst, and you might be one of the few to inheret the earth.
Daniel Allen
i need an eye that can spy kikes better than mine. i watch a youtube channel called OffTheRanch. has Matt the Chad fallen for a jewess or is she some sort of italian?
user i need your kike spotting skills. i watch a vlog channel called OffTheRanch. Matt here in this pic basically has the perfect family except his wife, she looks like a kike.
Ayden Evans
ah fuck my internet took the shit. sorry for doublepost
Nolan Sullivan
The problem is that germans are very productive that they barely notice that most of the wealth they create is siphoned off by the EU bureaucracy, bank bailouts, corporate & private welfare as well as the debasement of the EURO.
Brayden Smith
Straight nose, straight blonde hair. Looks german to me, but it's hard to tell from such a low-res picture.
Gavin Diaz
I can't conceive of a scenario where germans allow themselves to be replaced by niggers and mudskins. They are after all the descendants of men who stared down the roman empire and fought world wars against multiple empires. This wouldn't be the first time they crush an invasion. Remember, they defeated the huns and crushed the arab invasion of europe. If muds outnumbered germans 10 to 1, i'd still bet on germany.
Woman is weak, lets say, 30% ashkenazi. Guy is 10% nigger.
Joseph Sanders
What tells you that he is jewish?
Isaac Cox
i hope to god you're wrong. they have a beautiful family (2 girls 1 boy oldest age 7) who all look very white and european.
Adam Sanchez
Come on, you can't guess if a person is jew just by his look.. For example I have an uncle who kinda looks like a jew stereotype, and a late another uncle who looked like a fat arab. Nobody in the whole familly ever cared about any religion though, and aside from these two we all have the typical northern europe look, so you would be totally mistaken. Besides, someone can have jew ancestors while not being jew at all himself. And anyway most jews you would meet in real life are not part of any plot, only a little group of very very rich elite is.
Brody Gomez
What do you think the percentage of Germans living in Germany is? Also, are most of the foreigners concentrated in the cities?
Logan Myers
Actually what Jews are doing to European people world-wide does fall under UN defined Genocide.
Matthew Ward
and how do you know that? you literally cant trust any of them
Angel Collins
Vid very, very related.
Austin Peterson
She does not look jewish whatsoever. Refrain from posting about people's ethnicity as long as your jewdar is broken.
Some signs of the eternal jew: It is very obvious that both of them have british ancestry and that neither of them are suspect.
He doesn't look anything like that rat-faced oven-dodger. Your jewdar is broken.
Highly doubt Mer is a juden, based off her work ethic, athletic ability and maternal skill. And that's not even bringing up her physical features namely her baby blues. Also she made some cute h'white children but no way to know until they get older. My bet is on Euro mutt with some Italian in her. She is from Arkansas
Grayson Reyes
thanks for the whitepill user. i want Matt's family to be the framework for mine
Same thing happened in India and China. The only thing the Aryan priests were ever able to figure out to prevent racial mixing was to take as much folk as they could and migrate as far away from that place to another.
Oh how I wish I could find a time when the folk awoke but all I find again and again is White Flight.
Naive much? You sound like a Swede. Bet you think there are just 30 000 jews in your country and they are all ok, except for maybe Bonier family. Tell you what . There are at least 300 000 cryptos/sayanims in your country, who work 24/7 to genocide you and all other white people. Bet you dont know this cunt (your possible next PM) is crypto. Or you are just fucking JIDF Shlomo kikeing down there in fucking Tel Aviv.
Y'all are bitches. Look up Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld. The real reason for the Jews' hatred of Germans is because the Kaiser wanted to build a church in Ottoman era Palestine. Everyone on Zig Forums should know the the Jews believe they have a commandment to wipe out whoever they consider as "Amalek" this week.
I wouldn't be surprised if a good portion of Turks were Donmeh Jews.
Isn't it obvious? Shut off the welfare and let the shitskins starve to death after they've killed off the Whites, then they have an entire continent vacant and ready to be claimed.
They both looks like jews from Sarajevo, Bosnia. Guy is Norid, Armeno Orientalid influenced (ashkenazi). Woman is Carphatid + weak Bosnian Sephardi. You should know, Sarayevo was called "Balkan Jerusalem", after Isabela and Ferdinad expeled leaches from Spain. They went to Turkey, and Bosnia was unter Turkey. Tose two are not German family, but war refuges from Bosnia. Also, look at the child (real child, not monkey). His puffy almond shaped eyes, not in line. Low set ears. Inwerted W mouth area. Etcetra…
Maybe I'm crazy, but all of your first 3 women look like they're the same person. Not that I doubt she's a jew.
If they are jews, then it's doubly disgusting how they dress up as Germans while dressing up the monkey as a German. Absolutely sick.
Gabriel Watson
OP, you barely told half the story. German tax money is paying for Turkish pensions IN TURKEY. RIGHT NOW. And this has been going on for decades as well.
But, you're missing the bigger picture. None of this comes as a surprise or at random. The fundamental aim of the political system in Germany, WHICH WAS DESIGNED BY THE ALLIES, is to keep Germany down economically as well as politically on an international level. It didn't succeed for a while until "they" turned up the heat and injected even more subhumans into our society, while also placing agents in every major political party. We are being ruled by people whose honest goal is to funnel as much money as possible away from Germans so as to keep us poor and "contained".
Sebastian Sullivan
Yes, they are. Thats why I intervened here. That kind of blackpills make me sick. Germans are fucked by invasion and it is not their fault. Portrait them as racemixers in this misery is double sick.
James Perry
We will not lose this fight because this is our home.
We are already dead though. The majority of children under 6 in cities are of non-German descent. And that's a conservative estimate meaning that one of their parents doesn't have German citicenship which means nothing. In reality it's more like 3/4. The aging population that's still of Middle European descent is shrinking rapidly by about 1% per year, even official newspapers say. We're the last generation that's a white majority in Europe. If you look at grade schoolers on a field trip, most of them are some sort of sandniggers.
And it hasn't even started. Most of the millions of invaders we have actively imported in the last years are young men that will start having childern soon to get even more gibs. Assuming that a migrant has about 3 children on average and a true Middle European little more that 1 the future indeed looks beautiful. What a time to be alive.
Jose Ortiz
Julian Cook
All capitalist countries are following Afrimerica to extinction.
Thomas Rivera
stop watching this consumerist faggot and get vargpilled
Phenotipicaly he is in semite spectrum. I am not talking about his statesmanship, nor ethnicity or religion. I am talking about his phenotype. That is a big difference. Phenotype is all about your skull, different traits, it is about your biological species, race/breed.
A Venezuelan family I've met in Ecuador was mostly direct descendants of WW2 Germans that came to south America in search for a better life. A couple of their sons are now on DACA.
Aiden Price
yes, I'm German
It's hard to say, I'd guesstimate 70% ethnic Germans are left and when the boomers die off this will be a lot less.
Rapefugees get shipped where ever the genocidal government wants to eradicate Germans.
Can be a village of a thousand people that suddenly gets 500 to 1000 rapefugees in a camp next to it.
Germany is quite densely populated so you can't just wander off into the rural countryside like in the US.
Some states have a very high concentration like NRW where there used to be a strong industrial sector from mining to production.
Cities there look straight up Afghanistan these days with even Germans starting to show "muh dick" behavior to fit in with the much more violent and savage invaders, so they don't get singled out as muh ebil nazis.
Other places like eastern German cities have less and they're more concentrated into specific areas (usually near train stations where they can sell drugs or pimp out women) but that's quickly changing.
Anthony Powell
There will be white flight from west to the east in near future. West will see brasilification, you cant do anything for now. You cant win trough the ballot. In future, there will be Reconquista. But for now, consolidation in the East is needed. Purification. Weak will stay in the West and die out. Question. How many Germans know, it is all about Hooton plan? How many Germans knows, jews are implementing genocidal plan? Also. How many jews do you have in Germany? And more important. How many crypto jews (sayanims) do you think reside in Germany? Can you recognise crypto? How many people are aware, cryptos fulfill all leading positions in society? I am honestly dissapointed, how blind are Germans, even here on Zig Forums. Obvious jew and Kraut Anons react - he is German.
fellow leaf here. i was born in Nova Scotia. mom says she has some french in her and dad is from Scotland. i have brown hair and green eyes. is there hope for us?
Jonathan Lewis
I'm of strong German descent. Our people are gonners and have been for as long as we've been too ashamed to fly the flag.
Ayden Lewis
In France they are shipping niggers in every small village and rural areas. Most cities are already majority african, so the last step of the genocide has started.
Joseph Gray
how many years in prison would a swastika get you in germanistan?
Jose Hernandez
the problem with the east is: there are no jobs, salaries are low, most locals living there are low IQ welfare receivers or doing low level labor. I briefly lived there but as a western German I never felt comfy there.
The reason why they show the most resistance is that many grew up in commie times and always distrusted and disliked the west.
As in George Orwell's 1984: Only the proles can save us…
Matthew Reyes
Germany fields the most resistance to punishment ratio of any nation under attack in the world. It has survived far worse things that, sadly, eradicated entire lesser nations.
Adam Reed
Dont worry. In 10 years you will not be concerned with jobs and salaries in the East. It will be fight or flight. Like South Africa today. We all know SA is doomed, niggers will just kill them all who stays, it is just natural law. Yes, I would like revolutions, big eights, race wars. But thing is, mases dont do revolutions. Upper 5% does. And for the upper 5% live is just too comfy for now. Like you said, they are concerned with jobs and salaries. This is why there is no revolution in SA, Brasil, France, England… It is still a good living for those who only can lead the fight. You didnt answe to my question about jews. So, my next question is, is this because fear or automatic autocensoring because of braiwashing?
I've come to the conclusion that no, there isn't. Our country has always been far more jewed, and some places in Ontario have more Jews than Israel. I'm surviving out here in Vancouver, and honestly there's nothing worth saving. The few whites I ever do see are either white trash or soycucks. The only two white people at my workplace are insufferable leftists (both men). I'd say to go find yourself a rural area, but the government is now taking the flood of poos and assorted shitskins and dumping them in every rural community they can. My plan is to go to the most likely area for a last stand will be: The Pacific Northwest in America. It has a great deal of resources required for a self sustaining country, one of the best watersheds for crop growing without need for heavy irrigation, and outside shitholes like Seattle and Portland it has the last remnants of pure white small town america. My heart will ache for the misty forested mountains of BC, but unless I want to become a bush bunny shacked up in the boonies this place is going to be overrun. Before I moved to Vancouver I grew up in a small all white town for "the newly wed and nearly dead." Even there everybody in high school was an insufferable libshit. But now, that beautiful white community is gone. It's been colonised by the Chinese, and the silent woods are now filled with trash and the squawking of Mandarin and Punjabi at all hours of the day.
There is no hope for Leafs my friend. But there is hope for our people. Godspeed.
I'm not a normal German guy, so take my opinion on this with a grain of salt, but I presume a lot of higher IQ university grad Germans will actually move to Poland when things get too bad, which is the nearest place with a somewhat compatible culture.
Those on welfare and those with low end jobs will be forced to stay though as usual.
A tiny tiny minority. Germans see muh ebil Hitler documentaries 24/7 on TV from early childhood and get indoctrinated about muh ebil nazis in school. Any right wing thought is wrongthink.
No idea, as most aren't open about it. You can only guess by names and appearance. With increasing degeneracy and jewed up property prices the number of visible jews seem to increase in Berlinistan.
Again, absolutely no idea. I have met rich guys owning whole apartment buildings that I presumed to be jews and I have worked with a not so jew that was slyly subverting a small company, sucking up his way into a management position. None of them ever revealed themselves as one though.
Pretty much none I presume.
Logan Kelly
Yes, it will be also Poland. But I still have great hope in East Germany. On Saxons, they are somehow different. What about Austria? On one thing I am sure. Austrians will survive this.
How many people are aware, cryptos fulfill all leading positions in society? See, that is your biggest problem. You are occupied within. In just few seconds I can spot your politicians who are cryptos. Out of 10, I found 5 ashkenazis, and that is 50%, pic related. Your society is deeply infiltrated. So, if I understood correctly, jewish problem is nonexistant in German psyche? Ok, I understand that with brainwashed low level people. But upper 5%? I am talking about intelegencia, not wealth.
such things aren't talked about in polite company anywhere in Europe, so I wouldn't know
there is no such thing as intelegencia in Germany
it's either people with fancy last names tracing themselves back to the feudal system of yesteryear trying to preserve whatever little money is left (inheritance laws essentially disown anyone who isn't using super smart about their shekels) or people from middle class or lower families grinding through the educational system until their late 20s that is strictly focused on turning out leftist good goys
anyone not sucking up to largely female teachers gets nowhere in education and subsequently in life in Germany unless he's lucky
the upper working class is thus made up entirely of bootlicking good goys looking to preserve their status and grow it in a country that is essentially a house on fire
anyone hinting right wing thoughts will be ostracized and will probably lose his job sooner or later and find it hard to secure new employment
the european blue blooded elite used to be right wing facist in the 80s but for reasons unknown to me they turned to self preservation and are now largely irrelevant or bankrupt
Carter Foster
Jason Jenkins
Yes. Here lays the problem. I dont belive all Germans suddenly become cucks. But it is existencial problem. Cryptos sayanims in every high position in society decide about jobs and other aspects of living. They highjacked society norms and rules. There is no way out from this unless people became aware they are being surounded and encircled by jews. But that is long process, task impossible in current political climate. There is a hope as long as Germanic gene poll exist. Tell me user, my last question. How many of pic related purebreed Germanic gonome still exist in Germany? Or everything like were killed in Eisenhover's dead camps and Stalin's gulags after WW2? That las pic, the girl. Is it possible to find that kind of girl in Germany novadays? It not, there is no future, to be honest with you.
I don't see this at all. Sure, there are interracial couples, but it's a tiny minority, a couple of percents of the whole population maybe, definitely lower than in the US, and even the US statistics show that Whites prefer their own race. Why do you think those savages need to rape? They don't get it otherwise. Stop blackpilling, faggot. Only a minority of them is dominant, most move in packs wearing skinny jeans. Yes, if you mean White Europeans and those millions of ethic Germans who moved back from Soviet Russia. It's also not cities in general, it's the "big" cities, like everywhere else in Europe and in the US. They'll leave (like now in Denmark) and if they don't leave, then the coming Civil War will wipe them out because nationalists from all over Europe will flood in, even some burgers.
Colton Sullivan
No German here. We could stand to remove the saxons though and restore Britain to Briton rule.
She would probably have upper middle class or above parents in Germany. Average Germans, especially in eastern Germany look very peasant like these days. Not many people where I'd say they look like noble Aryans.
Go to places like Berlinistan and you see degenerate lookin welfare receivers that should have been aborted having kids.
I look like a guy from pic 1 and 3 and I'd say guys like me are rare these days.
In my school times guys with good genes were maybe 30%. Women maybe 10%.
Girls started to lose their virginity in the late 90s by age 14 or so if they had good genes and having a string of boyfriends just means a woman will never reproduce or become a single mother who don't need no man.
Grayson Adams
Who do you think you're fooling you sheep shagging welsh slag?
Alexander Torres
I'm not talking about race mixing, I'm talking about women desiring violent conquerors, which is about the opposite of what it takes for economic success in Germany.
If you aren't highly agreeable there are no jobs for you.
German women race mix but rarely with turkroaches and rapefugees unless they're white trash. They love spaniards and south americans but when they see that these guys got no shekels and only charms they go from one German beta guy grinding some good goy job to the next with some German playboys mixed in for good measure (these guys are quite rare in Germany) until they become man hating feminists that can't bond with any guy anymore.
That happens within their 20s.
Carter Phillips
I see them everywhere, even in the multikulti leftwing cities, but there they are mostly brainwashed. On the other hand, they still call niggers niggers and jews jews in more rural areas, even in West Germany. Blonde and blue eyed people are everywhere, don't worry, Germany is still 82% German after all. They are also big guys. The problem now is when the boomers die off and we will see the real actual ethnic composition of the now new borns.
Michael Carter
100% native ruminant. No German. You're just a jelly mongrel
Ok, this sounds good. Remember. It is not such a problem beeing flodded with shitskins and niggers. How they came, the same way they will go back. Or, in Germany case, they will go to France (there is no hope for France, sadly). What is important is Germanic gene pool. Roman empire existed until patrician gene pool dried out. Brainwashing is not such a problem niether. This was prooven after Weimar era. Fuhrer needed one single year to clean the house.
Btw. I think the average millennial intellectual in Germany gives zero fucks about politics as it's considered boomer grandpa and reactionary left / right territory.
What they would care about however is showing them that virtually everybody doing well in music and arts is either fully or partially jewish or at least looks the part.
If you make people wonder why people like Peggy Gould (who goes by Peggy Gou to hide her jewish hapa background) embedded themselves into the Berlin electronic music scene within a year and quickly rose to stardom thereafter while doing nothing special will make people think.
Hitler was a disgruntled artist after all who realized that the arts had become an exclusively degenerate jewish club.
Did you meant this one? Interesting. This is also my phenotype. Dalofaelid or Falisch tipe of Cro-magnon, Upper Paleolitic surviver. Indigenious inhabitant of Europe before Aryan invasion from the East. Ok, this pic related guy has also some Borreby admix. Borrebys are reduced, somehow alpinised brand of Cro-magnon. They are inteligent, home and family oriented big guys. While Dalofaelid, well, that is warriour caste. But not canon fooder, they are born leaders. Patton or Rommel type leaders. I hope, there are many Dalofaelids left in Germany. Their main habitat was Northwestern Germany, Dennmark and Norway.
This is without question THE beautiest girl I ever saw. This is dream. Hope, such genetic quality still exist in Germany.
You're right, I misread what you wrote. There was this huge post about how betas are very good in creating civilizations, hence marriage as tool to provide most of them with a family and thus motivation. Women obviously profit too because they can live in peace and won't expire when they hit the wall. But my points about the other two topics still stand.
The photographer is Calvin Dondo. Born in Harare, Calvin studied photography at the Harare Polytechnic and he is a freelance photographer who works and lives in Zimbabwe. Calvin is the founder and curator of Gwanza: A month of Photography in Zimbabwe, which is in its 11th year currently. archivecaslytosk.onion/GjGSe Yes he is a nigger. archivecaslytosk.onion/IYHze
Calvin Dondo spent time living with families in Germany who had adopted African children. He photographed them when they were young and new to the family and then over the past few years has returned to the families to re-photograph them. In this image he has captured two children who are dressed in traditional German clothing, in lederhosen. This is an inversion of the expected image of an African person dressed in traditional wear.
The photography seems to me, like this thread, a concern trolling and (literally) black pilling attempt. Muh Cucks.
Sure they will, but first remove the 1 million Polaks from Germany and the 1500 homeless Pole bums in Berlin, won’t you Jaroslav?
Dominic Murphy
it's literally one of the first pics that showed up when I googled for German family
I thought it was funny despite this being a rather serious topic
Alexander Barnes
You paint a grim picture, user. But surely there is a silver lining to this tragedy. AfD is growing in popularity and power. So surely Germans as a whole are getting fed up with having their rights and heritage trampled upon. Is this so or are these events deceptive?
You say that millenial Germans have become apathetic about politics. But that actually seems like a good thing to me. This means that Boomers are the last thing holding this decrepid system up. When they die, no one will care about preserving the status quo. Then the canvas will be cleared for a new ideology centered around love for one's people, not the worship of the state.
Eli Watson
Yes. Deep down there, it is all about women behaviour. Family, caste, state, race, species, all that depends on fathers education and husband control. Women are natural civilisation destroyers, if they are allowed. But, women are also like Well behaved German shepperd, when properly educated.
You fucking pussy. Guess you should have picked the "immigrant mother from west germany" during character creation. Then you could be leaf, 1st generation kid, and have german ancestry.
Dylan Cox
Can we get the names of the race traitors in the picture?
Justin Barnes
I think guys with legal backgrounds will perpetuate the prevailing parties and women will continue to vote left
guys on the other hand are largely apathetic
if there'll ever be a pro shariah muslim party they'll get plenty of votes though
when I was a kid I always went to church and the pastor was kvetsching about giving gibs to apefrica
I grew up in a 99% German town and had no idea that they'd be best left starving.
Carter Cook
I agree. Ok, in this case, those are jews, but people usually dont recognise that. I am interested for other families with adopted niglets. True Germans or not. I somehow just cant believe, fully blood Germans would adpt monkey and dress it in German national clothes.
William Mitchell
Put another way, all these apathetic young men are like a political vacuum. nature hates vacuums and something will fill it. If we act intelligently, a true German political party can fill that vacuum. Do you see any hope for this? Historically Germans have been very romantic people. When they get an idea in their heads, they'll die for it.
Jayden Miller
I hate to blackpill you on this but I think you underestimate how quickly these parties will be subverted by full time good goys on the secret service / state protection payroll
William Parker
Well, that solves it. Seems i was right Thanks user.