Practical Redpilling in Daily Life

It seems to me that the power wielded over the European man is mostly psychological and ideological. We as a race of people are numerous and powerful still.

The problem is obvious to anyone here: whites are pathologically altruistic and self destructive. Many are convinced that our sidelining is a good thing. We should just give in to the pressures of (((globalism))) and relinquish our culture, our identity, our nations. This is not even getting into the profound cognitive dissonance common among many of the more indoctrinated members of our people.

So the most powerful weapon we here wield against those that are orchestrating and instituting our destruction is our ability to 'wake up' those caught in the miasma of inculcated madness. They cannot enact their plans without the cooperation of our people, which the majority foolishly go along with. Therefore we should analytically define the most effective strategies for this cause.

That is the objective I wish to work on with this thread. To start creating a clear, effective, salesmanlike, rhetorical and tactical strategy that works to convert others to our cause. Or at the very least, have them realize the dogmatic acceptance of foreign elements and degenerate social practices must be slowed.

To get this started, we could share how our own personal realization came about. Any success stories of breaking the NLP hold on others we meet. The characteristics and details of the event that may be reproducible.

Anyone that has experience in sales or politics or any related fields are greatly appreciated. We have these forces working against us, it is time to turn the tide.

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You seem like an inquisative but still green user.
The answer is right in front of you, if you know where to look.
Look up Bob Whitaker. He has articulated the problem and invented the solution long before we were even redpilled.
Learn the Mantra, user. At first you will think we're crazy and that it doesn't work. Then, upon pondering it for a while, you will come to the conclusion that we're right. But you will still have doubts.

Only after using it IRL and seeing the devestating results will you understand that Bob Whitaker was a genius.

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So what is NLP?

NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Neuro refers to your neurology; Linguistic refers to language; programming refers to how that neural language functions. In other words, learning NLP is like learning the language of your own mind!

Let’s make this simpler with an example.

Have you ever tried to communicate with someone who didn’t speak your language, and they couldn’t understand you? The classic example of this is when someone goes out to a restaurant in a Foreign country and they think they ordered steak, but when the food shows up, it turns out they actually asked for liver stew.

This is the kind of relationship that most of us have with our own unconscious mind. We might think we are “ordering up” more money, a happy, healthy relationship, peace with our family members, and being able to stick to a healthy diet…but unless that’s what showing up, then something is probably getting lost in translation.

In NLP, we have a saying: the conscious mind is the goal setter, and the unconscious mind is the goal getter. Your unconscious mind is not out to get you–rather, it’s out TO GET FOR YOU whatever you want in life. However, if you don’t know how to communicate what you want properly, it will keep bringing steaming bowls of liver stew out of the kitchen.

In fact, go ahead right now and think of, if there was one thing you could change, one habit you could break, what would it be?

Would you remain calm during work presentations?
Quit procrastinating and spending so much time on Zig Forums
Not devour a whole bag of potato chips or tub of ice cream in one sitting?

Whatever it is, realize that your unconscious mind only does that because it thinks that’s what you want. (“Sir, here is your procrastination along with a side of anxiety. I’ve also told the valet to bring up your emotional baggage as per your request. Will you be needing anything else?”)

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is like a user’s manual for the brain, and taking an NLP training is like learning how to become fluent in the language of your mind so that the ever-so-helpful “server” that is your unconscious will finally understand what you actually want out of life.

NLP is the study of excellent communication–both with yourself, and with others. It was developed by modeling excellent communicators and therapists who got results with their clients. NLP is a set of tools and techniques, but it is so much more than that. It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results.

Here at, presented by The Empowerment Partnership, our mission, put simply is to empower the planet. How does teaching NLP help us do that? Because after being in business for 30 years, we’ve have spent that time gathering all of the best concepts and techniques to help you get in control of your mind, your emotional state, and your life.

That is what NLP is.

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Those traits will develop depression.
And the current invasion is designed considering that evolutionary trait.

The jew is a parasite that must convey it´s usefulness to be swallowed and allowed control: the jew "controls" the flow of cash. By greed, and debt slavery, the host swallows the parasite. How does the parasite frame the first step? Applies victimhood. "Jews are fragile and they are only defending themselves". Because the pathological altruism is a default response they must take care of the puppy parasite which then adds more parasites like sandniggers, niggers and more jews.

Best counter to an altruistic deed behavior is to show being taken advantage of, so depression kicks in as an psychological anchor.
Then, next time the northener euro gets naturally depressed, his memory will trail recent anchors and will feel "treason builud" just because the brain greets like that.

So… practical redpilling.
Dosage and method depends on the receiving subject.

a) Is the subject altruist because it is traditional for him?
A: Apply pressure on clear evidence that their altruistic efforts are granting invaders a better life eating the gifters life.

b) Is the subject altruist because it shows him as "beter than you" and gets applause?
A: Apply pressure on external horror of being removed from the altruistic entourage and applause. Will cause amygdala overcharge.

"Apply pressure" means the redpilling must be a reinforced message, constant in time, but within a dose. Never more.

1. Lay an observation about an event. Just a drop. The comment must be succinct.
2. The brain will take note. Logical shield will underwrite it anyway, even if the subject verbally dismisses it.
3. Then name the evidence, and how it becomes evidence. The cortex is always in the lookup for pattern recognition, which sometimes gets in conflict with ´approved´memories. You will want to entice that conflict.
4. Read the subject expression towering into discomfort
5. Stop the drop. Get a pause, move on. You will be in wait for any memory register for the same type of event

Mainly it is this.
Fun thing, though, is that jews can´t apply this method because it needs you to operate in the open (while jews need to worm inside under layers of defense).
Altruists tend to operate in a similar way as jews, so their fear to be exposed can be shifted into physical pain caused by their own traits. So, they will try to avoid that pain by forcing themselves to face the conflict between the approved memory and the real event memory.

You can´t convert the altruistic stooge. But you can convert the audience.

Whites care about contracts, oaths, language, promises, law, constants, etc.

jews do not, that's why jews were able to game the entire white race.
you should know better, especially since it was just yom kippur, which includes kol nidre, the thing that absolves jews from their vows even to their own false god.

nodding your head when the kike says "these refugees are poor teenagers" is because they believe those words, because if nobody believes in anything then our greatest strength (and our greatest actual weakness) would dissolve.

Nobody is giving it up, because it is the true source of our power.
The fact that you can make a contract with me and me not breaking it enables cooperation on a scale so grand that the immediate gratification, no future thinking niggers will never even come close.

pathological altruism is a symptom, not a cause.

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this includes christianity, by the way.
the only people who take the "true word of god" thing at face value are whites, that's why you get the stratified regions of different denominations and the countless brother wars stemming from it.

the jews that peddled the good word, the missionaries, they didn't care about the integrity of that, they just wanted converts, so they allowed all sorts of amendments in it.

yet, once the people converted by buying into those lies, they took it seriously, and were then instrumentalized to wage war on the other guys, who also took their version seriously.

but alas.
what can you do?

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and, of course, one of the most devastating ones.
((( currency )))
The fact that fractional reserve banking works is because we all are dumb enough to keep believing in it instead of abolishing it.

this is not altruism, this is being bound to "perceived truths" and trying to work with them from their standpoint.

the solution is, of course, to remove all jews from the globe and then, slowly but surely, rectify things.
which will happen.

whites will clutch to the current thing, but they don't innately generate these things.

you could isolate a jew (which is a genetic species) from the world and it would still find a way to be a jew.
thousands of years of parasitism shaped their organism.

Christianity is crumbling in Europe thanks to there being less jews now (and that's why places like Poland are still very christian, they have a lot of jews) and in America it's flourishing.

Remove the jew and the people slowly heal themselves.

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Don't talk about NLP too publicly.

Once you know about it, you notice it, everywhere.

Once you know about it, you start to use it almost subconciously when dealing with normies and opponents. You find yourself having to conciously try to avoid using it when dealing with anyone whom'st'd you know already knows about it.

Once you know about it, you become VERY resistant to it.

Somply put; it turns you into a memetic weapon.

Find individuals who have demonstrated that they are politically aligned with us, and share it with those individuals on a case by case basis.

The goal is for as many of OURGUYS to know about it as possible, while as few normies and OPFOR know about it as possible.

Great job completely missing the point of the thread in order to wax on about your opinions.

We all know how they operate. We all know that the Jew must go. The point is how do we show others without triggering a psychological brick wall. Just ranting about Jews is a good way to be outright dismissed by the crowd.

cucking never works.
nor does lying.

I am not a liar, that is why I don't cite altruism as the root cause.

Thanks to the actions of Israel, more and more people are open to the truth about the jew.

The problem is that Athiestic Christianity has empowered jews by shedding any serious theological immune system. Without a theological immune system Jews are able to entirely integrate via the fraternity memes and control via the "equaitable distribution" meme because they are willing to lie. Without theological immunity, Athiestic Christianity has to basis to deny jews trust and forgiveness offered other humans. This makes the take-over complete. Jews by themselves may periodically worm their way into the elite, only to be purged just as regularly. But with the Athiestic Christianity meme, their control is universal and enduring.

This meme is an offshoot of puritan Protestantism. The Christianity meme shed God in order to gain advantage of state institutions and education system to spread itself. It retained the other core themes of Christianity devoid of the diety. Namely "fair distribution of goods, the futility of violence, the universal brotherhood of man, and the reification of community." With theological safeguards: the "fair distribution of goods, the futility of violence, the universal brotherhood of man, and the reification of community" memes are utterly self destructive.

Read this for more:

Your schools are full of jews who told you that you evolved from apes and niggers, because creation is silly superstition and you believe it because you have the IQ of a nigger
I can't wait for the muslims to wipe you filthy race traitors out so real whites can come back later a reclaim our homelands.

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This thread AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN forever? OP has bad communication skills.

imkikey bans so many anons and threads that we're getting nothing but repeats at this point.

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The best way to avoid the Athiestic Christian memetic defenses is to either (1) use terminology so alien to them that it doesn't trigger a pavlovian response (2) agree with them such that the memes self annihilate eachother

If we encountered aliens (blacks) we'd have to be careful because they could be dangerous to humans (universal brotherhood). But we wouldn't want to fight them if we could avoid it ( futility of violence) so we'd have to learn to tell them apart (genetic determinism). We'd have to have an easy way to categorize them (pragmatism of racism).

See how this works? You use their owns memes to inject your memes into their mind under cover of disguised terminology. Because of how the mind works at subconcious layer these memes will be ingested and stored as non verbal relationships (E.G they retain their full potency.) Do this enough and it weakens their entire worldview.

War Hammer 40K is exactly this memetic payload (probably unintentionally).

they do care about contracts, believe it or not, they did not force anybody to watch rick and morty, use drugs, obey shitty doctors instead of choosing another or to watch porn, the wicked bought it willingly, they abandoned the principals of Christianity, so they cannot understand the impact of the negative, nihilistic and self-destructive things that they do and consume.
jews play to the world system, they do not take what is not given, they obey the law of the land, and if there is no such law that says they must disclose the terms of the sale, contract or agreement, they still must still disclose their identity and their terms to the other party in their native tongue, that's why google states plainly that they collect your information, and why all applications on android phones ask permission to access your gps, camera, mic, and data. they have had to simplify the terms into an elementry reading level to keep match our new native tongue. they play by the world system, only allowed to tempt gentiles, because their father is of the devil, who cannot take what is not given. so it is up to us to adhere to our religion like they do, because it is one and the same, they just still believe. wouldn't the users here embrace Christianity as their tradition for it's anti-sematism alone? no, because they are vengeful, not righteous, they do not know that atheism is what is destroying them.

I assure you, if Jesus was the judge of the jew's trail, when accused of selling subversive and evil imagery, of bartering with our leaders for influence, he will ask us if we bought their filth and elected those leaders. the majority of the gentiles would have to say yes.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

this eternal life is through our children, and you could very well be guaranteeing the enslavement of your nieces and nephews without repenting and giving life of your own.

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Careful with that edge, bro, you might lose your foreskin because of it.

stop believing in hebrew lies.

By the way, no one here is attacking "paganism", whatever that means, so I will just assume you are a Jewish shill carrying out a Psy-Op.

And almost all of the nations that let the jews in were also Christian.
The reason Christians get attacked on this board is because Christians come here to openly flaunt that they want to murder White people that don't believe in the Torah.
I used to defend you people. But after repeatedly being told that if you ever get into a position of power, you will burn me and millions of other White people at the stake because I don't believe in talking snakes and noah's arc, I decided, you know what? Fuck Christians.
I will never again defend Christians. There is something wrong with the souls of anyone more loyal to a jewish book than their own flesh and blood.

Fun fact, moishe: Where do you think the brahmin caste system came from?

NLP is magic for idiots that think magic is real


That doesn't even make sense.


sales isnt magic
be courteous to people and sell them what they want, instead of pushing whatever bullshit your business thinks they want
they walk away happy that you didnt push in their face the NEW 4D ULTRA-HD TV and instead gave them a fucking large monitor NOT a "smart" monitor, something they want instead of something you are selling

My favorite redpills:
White privilege is white solidarity
Immigrants can love America just as much as whites - but do they love whites as much, or do they prefer their own?
If minorities are treated badly, should whites worry about becoming a minority not just globally, but in their own countries as well?
Always point out whites are only a majority in their own countries, but an ever smaller minority globally. You have an excuse to interject with this fact any time 'minorities' are mentioned. Present it with the excuse of avoiding Eurocentrism or whatever - makes you look worldly and (((internationalist))), but is excellent at waking up normalfags to the threat immigration presents. Some jew did a study on how to sell immigration to whites, and avoiding demographic statistics was the #1 advice.

more than likely if you were addicted to heroine, you would attempt to kill your drug dealer instead of seeking help

OP, you giant, cum guzzling faggot… Your shit is entirely based on bullshit from JEW media. So I won't be giving you a clue on nlp.

This is false. They openly disavow their word through religious ceremony.

they dont give a fuck ceremony
most of the jews that exist and fuck everything are just parasites
the religious jews are just as suck but their neuroticism keeps them in their internal communities
the atheist jews are the ones that try to integrate and hide among us

Magick exists only in the MagickMile(tm), the zone between the senses and the conscious mind. MemeMagick(tm) and NLP only have power in that zone and nowhere else.

how do you expel something without letting it live there first?

I was a dirty commie for the longest time, but I wasn't really.
I was a staunch opponent of money, I always saw money as the root of capitalism and the new uncritiziseble god for the masses.
When I finally realized that modern money wasn't capitalism AT ALL but more a modern tool of control, much utilized by communism, see bakunin's quote, all the pieces fell into place and I realized how it all fitted togeather, I understood wars, the collapsing of the nation of Sweden I still held dear and I finally understood the real enemy of mankind, a tiny clique of people controlling mankind through interest and wages.

This was the moment my NLP dropped and I instantly began searching for my own view of reality, my "truth" so to speak.
I started by going down the list of the "worst" conspiracy theories, starting with holocaust denial and you can obviously understand how that went.
I really feel a certain pride in how fearlessly I took on the subject of red pilling myself, my only issue was how naive I was thinking people would be as willing as me to accept that we were living under the boot of a psychopathic elite using us as livestock.

I'm still horribly naive in thinking people are as brave as me and you guys.
Fuck them, I will red pill them, no matter how much they kvetch and choke!

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