Has Russia Given Up On The West?

By the end of his second term, President Ronald Reagan, who had called the Soviet Union an “evil empire,” was strolling through Red Square with Russians slapping him on the back.

Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive.

And how have we husbanded the fruits of our Cold War triumph?

This month, China’s leader-for-life Xi Jinping stood beside Vladimir Putin as 3,000 Chinese troops maneuvered with 300,000 Russians, 1,000 planes and 900 tanks in Moscow’s largest military exercise in 40 years.

An uncoded message to the West from the East.

Richard Nixon’s great achievement in bringing Peking in from the cold, and Reagan’s great achievement of ending the Cold War, are history.

Bolshevism may be dead, but Russian nationalism, awakened by NATO’s quick march to Russia’s ancient frontiers, is alive and well.

Russia appears to have given up on the West and accepted that its hopes for better times with President Donald Trump are not to be.

U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is berating Russia for secretly trading with North Korea in violation of U.N. sanctions, saying, “Lying, cheating, and rogue behavior have become the new norm of the Russian culture.”

Cold wars don’t get much colder than defaming another country’s culture as morally debased.

The U.S. has also signaled that it may start supplying naval and anti-aircraft weaponry to Ukraine, as Russia is being warned to cease its inspections of ships passing from the Black Sea through the Kerch Strait into the Sea of Azov.

The three-mile-wide strait lies between Crimea and Kerch Peninsula. In Russia’s eyes, both banks of the strait are Russian national territory.

With U.S. backing, Ukraine has decided to build a naval base on the Sea of Azov to “create conditions for rebuffing the aggressive actions of the Russian Federation in this region.”

Kiev has several patrol boats in the Sea of Azov, with a few more to be transferred there in coming months. Russia’s navy could sink those boats and wipe out that base in minutes.

Are we going to send our Navy across the Black Sea to protect Ukraine’s naval rights inside a sea that has been as historically Russian as the Chesapeake Bay is historically American?

Poland this week invited the U.S. to establish a major base on its soil, for which Poland would pay two billion dollars, to be called “Fort Trump.”

Trump seemed to like the idea, and the name.

Yet, the Bush II decision to install a missile defense system in Poland brought a Kremlin counter-move: the installation of nuclear-capable Iskander cruise missiles in Kaliningrad, the former German territory on Poland’s northern border annexed by Stalin at the end of World War II.

In the Balkans, over Russian protests, the U.S. is moving to bring Macedonia into NATO. But before Macedonia can join, half its voters have to come out on Sept. 30 to approve a change in the nation’s name to North Macedonia. This is to mollify Greece, which claims the birthplace of Alexander the Great as it own.

Where are we going with all this?

With U.S. warships making regular visits into the Eastern Baltic and Black Sea, the possibility of a new base in Poland, and growing lethal aid to Ukraine to fight pro-Russian rebels in the Donbass and the Russian navy on the Sea of Azov, are we not crowding the Russians a bit?

Are we confident the Russians will always back down?

When Georgia, believing it could kick Russian peacekeepers out and re-annex its seceded province of South Ossetia, attacked in August 2008, the Russian Army came crashing in and ran the Georgians out in 48 hours.

George W. Bush wisely decided not to issue an ultimatum or send troops. He ignored the hawks in his own party who had helped goad him into the great debacle of his presidency: Iraq.

So, what exactly is the U.S. grand strategy with regard to Russia?

What might be called the McCain wing of the Republican Party has sought to bring Ukraine and Georgia into NATO, which would make the containment of Russia America’s policy in perpetuity.

Are the American people aware of the costs and risks inherent in such a policy? What are the prospects of Russia yielding always to U.S. demands? And are we not today stretched awfully thin?

Our share of the global economy is much shrunken from Reagan’s time.

Our deficit is approaching $1 trillion.

Our debt is surging toward 100 percent of GDP.

Entitlements are consuming our national wealth.

We are committed to containing the two other greatest powers, Russia and China.

We are tied down militarily in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Yemen, with the War Party beating the drums for another and larger war — with Iran.

And we are sanctioning adversaries and allies for not following our leadership of the West and the world.

In looking at America’s global commitments, greatly expanded since our Cold War victory, one word come to mind: unsustainable.

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A Path To War? China Cancels US Trade Talks As 'Skirmish' Escalates

Following a surge in Chinese, European, and much of the US equity markets this week amid hopes that the so-called 'trade skirmish' was less 'war-like' than expected, China just dropped an early Saturday morning (local time) tape bomb that is sure to resurrect 'trade war' talk.

After President Trump slapped a fresh round of tariffs on Chinese goods, targeting 10 percent duties on $200 billion of goods; the two camps were scheduled to meet in order to dial back tensions. As we noted earlier in the week, China had 'downgraded' the team with a mid-level delegation from China due to travel to the U.S. capital to pave the way for Vice Premier Liu’s visit.

That was what sparked hope that this was just a trade skirmish (as Jamie Dimon attempted to play down), sending stocks soaring all week.

However, that is all over now.

The Journal just reported on Friday that, according to sources, China has rescinded the proposals to send two delegations to Washington.

Chinese officials have said such pressure tactics wouldn’t induce them to cooperate.

By declining to participate in the talks, the people said, Beijing is following up on its pledge to avoid negotiating under threat.

“Everything the U.S. does hasn’t given any impression of sincerity and goodwill,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said at a press briefing Friday.

“We hope that the U.S. side will take measures to correct its mistakes.”

* * *

The timing of this news, after the exuberant equity week, is also noteworthy as it follows Ray Dalio's, founder of Bridgewater, warnings that the current trade tensions mirror those of the 1930s:

"I think that the 1935-40 period is most analogous to the current period and that it is worth reflecting on what happened then when thinking about US-Chinese relations now.

To be clear, I’m not saying that we are on a path to a shooting war, but I am saying that we have to watch what path we are on, given these cause-effect relationships that history has taught us and that are described in the template. This excerpt describes how the economic and political conditions of the late 1930s evolved into the wars that followed. "

Neither of these were great achievements


hey OP, your fake media deception is not welcome here. funny hiw you didnt post the source huh?

leddit spacing


we are laughing at you. look how uoset you are for getting brfo on your own thread hahaha i called you out in your other one too dumb bitch hahaha

Can the mods ban this newfag that does not know who Patrick Buchanan is?

Well I personally had no interest in reading this gigantic wall of text until you yids came out with your vitriol.
When are you going to realize that white humans don't have hate in their heart? Oh right, you never will.

nah, im vip here. i dont get banned hahaha suck a dick copypasta posting cunt
hahahahaha fuck you pusssy


hahaha again! reeeeeeeeeeeee bwahaha


What exactly was Polands role in WWII? I know they were little bitches in the beginning, pushing the line on Germany's eastern front, but did they get slayed by the bolsheviks in the end or did they puss out and join them?

Pat Buchanan is a neocon faggot

hahaha how uoset were you when you were forced to use tor because nobody wants your google news? hahahaha




now you're just spamming


enjoy your ban

He was one of the few anti-war conservatives.

he couldn’t take it hahahahaha

you really dont follow politics do you?
The West is dead. over. Why? because the jews wanted it that way, that was a looooong time ago when they made that decision.
ok, whats the new world gonna be like? The dollar is gonna die (literally) the hype around the dollar dieng is gonna bring bullshit blockchains up. And we are gonna get the chinese "how good of a goy are you" point systems in our wallets. have fun being treated like a robot. have fun fighting eachother in the west. have fun with your war against muslims in the west, while the jews just move on and dont look back

Yet here he is praising the cold war and (((Reagan))). "Paleocons" are the real neocons.

Then who are the neocons?

Spotted the yid. Even actual newfags know Pat Buchanan's worth to the cause.

Their officer corps was massacred by Vasili Blokhin and the NKVD in the Katyn Forest, for which Germans were later hanged. Some overseas Poles and Poles who escaped German occupation ended up taking place in allied operations, like the 1st Independent Parachute Brigade and their drop at Driel during Operation Market Garden.

The Red Army inspired the Warsaw Uprising by sending a message that if the Poles rose up in the German rear, the Soviets would then roll in from the front and catch the Germans in a pincer. What happened instead is that the Red Army just parked itself outside of Warsaw and twiddled its fingers while the Polish resistance was massacred. Stalin apparently reasoned that the same Poles who would rise up against the Germans might rise up against the Soviets once they took the country over, and thus the Soviets would be better off without such people.

After the war, the Soviet occupation government invited the Polish government-in-exile back to Poland, only to arrest them, send them to Lubyanka prison, convict them in NKVD show trials, and send them to gulags to die. This "saving Poland," you might remember, is why World War II was fought, nominally. In reality, of course, it was simply a consolidation of Jewish international power and destruction of the one nation trying to resist that.

Neocons are the real communists

Dems are the real racists
Republicans are the real Democrats
Paleocons are the real neocons
Neocons are the real communists

Video: I really can't imagine anything more boring than state functions. No wonder Junker attends them piss-drunk out of his mind. Once you have seen 30 seconds of the video you have been more bored than you will be all week.

There isn't a politician on the planet that has value or is worth anything.

To more directly answer your question, the "Polish People's Republic" was established as the war was ending, since FDR had ceded eastern Europe to the Soviets at Yalta. Jews like Roman Zambrowski took over, though the 1968 "political crisis" in Poland removed a good deal of Jewish power, because the Poles were simply awaking to the peril of Jewish power, which the Six Days' War had a considerable effect upon (just as it also essentially launched Holocaust mythos, inspired Edward Said's "orientalism" to deflect attention from the Israel lobby, etc.).

The West should not let them go this time. If West is going down, they are going down inside it's wreck.

Here is a little redpill on Putin and Russia

Antony C Sutton: Wall Street and the rise of Hitler & communism


Putin is a Chabad Lubavitch puppet


Speech from the 1960s. Major George Racey Jordan was responsible for facilitating the transfer of American Arms and Technology to the USSR during WWII under the Lend Lease Program. He kept a detailed diary including Primary Source documentation.


Why are there so many reddit faggots starting threads, as far as I can tell, only to demoralize us. Why don't you go back to reddit? Anyone who is serious here doesn't want you here, and thinks you are absolute faggots.

Sutton is a retard and his entire book was debunked by Kerry Bolton here: inconvenienthistory.com/7/3/3434

Sutton basically used fake news headlines from the 1930s to source his Hitler book, and didn't actually do any digging into primary sources at all (because, again, he's retarded).

I hate searching commercially available books/sources for answers when I know they're pozzed by jews or jewish influence, so I've held off on looking too far into it. I did find out that of the original 750 POWs sent to Auschwitz, all were Polish and nearly 250 of them survived the war.
Some death camp that was.

oh well, it was a good run



the west is not one country…. west europe has rising nationalist parties everywhere and they all are pro russia
in germany under the merkel regime we are very nice with putin and doing the nordstream 2 stuff while everyone else is crying about this so it is mostly butthurt east europe , uk and the usa who are warmongering against them all the time but because we are part of nato too they cannot trust us 100%.
Trade with them is just fine and china is becoming stronger and stronger so of course they want to be friends with them when russia is sorrounded with nato members or other pro US countries

>Sutton is a retard and his entire book was debunked by Kerry Bolton here: inconvenienthistory.com/7/3/3434

He didn't and he is not retarded, his conclusions fit very well with what we see happening today with the terrorists, Russia and China on supranational level -these are all boogie men that have been built up by the elite for their agenda- and on a national level with the False left–right paradigm.

All russia or china has to do is use the Wests own bad goy lists and supply anti tank and anti air man portable weapons to said goys. The rest would take care of itself. Especially when the bad goy is told that the reason they are getting such is because they are on their own governments 'cull' list in the event of anything big happening.

shit thread

And, Wordsworth, it paled in comparison to 1933.

Aside from the desire to keep the faggotry contained, what desire on the west could Russia possibly have? they have more than enough resources and land for the number of people and if jews would stay the fuck out of their business it would be tusovka.
The west isn't their problem, it's the ME(jews/stinkies/etc.) and the bugs.



Read the link I posted, dummy. It destroys Sutton's entire thesis in the Hitler book.
Yes he is

Fuck off shill. It didn't work on that webm thread, didn't work on that other thread, is not going to fly here.

Lurk another 2 more years.

Attached: b642324f1c8f0b76c3fc09d1bb18466c5e5e498743b27d4e6c811202232a2d51.png (1680x2006 302.37 KB, 174.82K)

HE doesn't know how to embbed vids user, probably a new fag or a shill.

Is There A Reason The West Should Care?

Europe and America are better off with their economies crashing and then becoming nationalistic. Our identities don't hinge on Russia. Russia isn't our ally either, it's just a slightly more conservative ZOG that's more interested in civic nationalism than child tranny parades. Putin doesn't care if sandniggers or chinks move into his country by the millions, as long as they behave themselves and pay taxes. Russia openly persecutes actual National Socialists, NS Russians are hunted and thrown in jail.

Why the fuck should we, or anyone, care what Russia does or does not give up on? Russia's put a lot of effort into distancing themselves from the West, and don't even consider themselves a part of Europe. But that's a two-way street. If Russia doesn't care about us, why should we care about them?

Sutton's sources for his Hitler book are newspaper clippings from the Jew York Times. Bolton digs through real primary sources, letters, diaries, etc., while Sutton cites Jewish fake news propaganda. He's a clown.

Thanks for the info user
especially for the link.

He is either a trsodomite or a legit kike re reading his script.

Buchanan not a Neocon. Jeez. He is a Paleocon.

you guys are alright. dont go to america tomorrow

I hope they invade the US.
Half the country would support it.

Hey user…I saw someone float the idea on Zig Forums that Hitler was financed by the Rothschilds because they didn't think he would lose against Stalin (never heard anything like that before and I forgot to question them when I had the chance). Have you ever heard of a theory like that?

See here:
Paleocons are neocons. There is no difference

I dont like red vatniks but they only need to be repel physically.
amimutts can't be.
So go ahead jewtin, kill mutts and yourselves please.

Stupid subhumans trusting the anglo kikes. What a hilarious karma that was.

Litteraly a superficial piece of junk written by a pseudo historian trying to mislead people.
Doesn't even discuss or mention one of the most important proofs and sources that sutton uses, that prove that indeed wall street has funded hitler, which are the hearings before the committee on military affairs.


And you have the audacity to say that sutton didn't use primary sources, pathetic.



Pat Buchanan is anti imperialism. Neocons are the polar opposite. He's like ron paul in a way: better than vast majority of GOP but won't name the Jew.

How much do they pay you faggots to come here and post this shit? You are an amateur.

Attached: shlomonose hang.png (600x555, 281.44K)

You forgot "China are da bads, goy" and they are coming from CIAniggers, so they have a steady salary.

A grain of sense in this thread.

Yup it was another one of Kissinger's lunatic jew fuckups for sure, the beginning of sending all America's vital industrial output to its mortal enemy, the murderous Maoist regime.

Look at the expression on Mao's face; it's like "I can't believe I'm fucking this stupid American Quaker up his faggot ass and he's liking it"

Attached: 615319972-1024x1024.jpg (1024x822, 362.28K)

I read almost all Pat's books back in the 90's. Not only does he not name the jew but he never comes close to leveling his aim at the viper's nest of the conspiracy, The Federal Reserve. I can see not naming the jew for fear of awakening the hue and cry of racism, but the bank must die.

Attached: president-andrew-jackson.jpg (826x357, 147.15K)

Then why is he praising Nixon for his globalism and Reagan for making America the world hegemon? Because Buchanan is pro-imperialism and pro-globalism. Paleocons are the real neocons.

So, fake news. Are you retarded?

To clarify, the committee used the same fake news sources as Sutton.

Oh, and of course the committee was headed by (((Bernard Baruch))). Sutton is a clown

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No one needs to do anything to win. Not that that even matters anyway because the only real nation that is left is Macedonia. Winning is in fact impossible.

cut your own throat, kike.


Has Russia Given Up On The West?
