This keeps getting deleted on 4chan so we'll try it here

This keeps getting deleted on 4chan so we'll try it here.

An zoophilia / bestiality ring known as 'the forest' exposes 8 people as being into dog fucking, the worst of which are literally torturing live animals and mutilating their genitals. At least two are involved in necrophilia, one into roadkill and the other into making their own dead animals, literally fucking the heads of decapitated putties.

Full archive: (Open messages.html for overview)
Backup Archive:!uegiiKjA!uAXKhF_b0xYjKoFESK2HMTbCa3z6p1dWDgD_d0hYNJ8

Individuals: (kf still organizing info) (each directory is a username and has its own messages.html)

Attached: mutila.png (1132x1014 71.79 KB, 71.1K)

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-22 TRIGGER WARNING THREAD on Twitter.png (720x584 82.09 KB, 563.91K)

Why don't you post that on /zoo/ ?

Because they'd masturbate to it and not actually do anything useful.

Just saw the Metokur video on this. I'll never look at furries the same way ever again.

Jim didn't even touch on the full depth of this archive. It's bad. Everything about it is bad.

Not when it comes to rape they don't.

I'm guessing he didn't because he wants to keep his channel.

All homos deserve to be shot

non-whites are animals

no one cares

muh pets

there is no difference between a dog or a bug that you killed million times, fuck off.

a tor poster completely missing the point and being a huge faggot?
not a shocker.

I wouldn't even kill a cockroach like these people are treating their dogs.


this has nothing to do with pol

good bye

Furries aren't people, user

So there's no difference at all between raping animals bto death for pleasure and stepping on ants? Thanks for the education, Dr Shekelosaurus.

There is no difference.

In HS there was a kid talking about torturing a cat like the gay in that last .png is talking about. Right in front of me.
I knocked his teeth out all over the place. His parents had to come from the hospital to look for them. I got pulled out of class the next day, went to the police dept and was told "we'll get back to you. Thanks for coming in."
Couple weeks went by, we never heard anything. I then heard from some mates at school that the police, "lost the report." Lol

Police are good every once in a while.

and that kid's name.. albert einsten

I swear I'm really going to shoot up (((pride))) this year

Except in one case the intent is a desire to cause harm for sexual pleasure and the other is an unconscious act. No difference between rape and a handshake either. Reported for severe mental retardation.

if you care so much why don't you adopt pets?

all torpedos get the rope

same for this moralfag

OK OK KILLING DOGS BAD. What are you going to do about it other than complain on a hawaiian banana crafting board?

You really aren't trying are you. I've got a regular ID, moron.

Where did I specifically claim it was bad, Levi?

Muslim, nigger, chink or kike?
Who knows but you sure aren't white.

I don't care about animals, this is another excuse to strip the humanity away from the (((LMAPDOFSNBNFDGQTZ))) in the eyes of the public. We will force them back into the closet or they can swallow bullets

sounds good then

t. roadkill fucker

Attached: damn_the_torpedoes_farragut_relief.png (617x420, 294.33K)

what would you guys do if you somehow knew a neighbor was raping his dog

Jews will literally be fucking oysters next, in an attempt to get the price of pearls to plummet.

See my post here

Film it and use it to blackmail him into giving me bitcoins that I'd transfer into dollars.

Thread sliding niggers

Attached: oh-shit-nigger-what-are-you-doing.jpg (366x380, 75.61K)

These aren't furries. These are sick fucks. Furries are a bunch of tumblr faggots playing dress up and quite a few Zig Forumsac/k/s who like cuddly animals just as much as guns and lampposts, except they're hiding from the faggots AND poltards. Pic related.

Nice. I'm not going to call you a LARPer
because there's too much despair and evil in the world right now. Good whitepill user, keep it up.

Attached: 1a7b06b0ffe64fffebc5100671b18e6a472dc8fed400c558e0b3b30539354568.png (1024x768, 684.99K)

except ones like pic related

Attached: 3245.jpg (401x600, 217.47K)

Welcome to 15 years ago, newfag. Furries have always been degenerate shits who ruin everything they associate with.

Eat shit and die faggot. Your kind belong in tbis world.

All furries get the rope, all of tumblr gets the rope, anything remotely jewish gets the rope, israel gets the rope too.

Furfaggotry started as new age special snowflake otherkin shit, and then was easily and horrifically catalyzed by the organizers of the first furry convention (which were jews) when they advertised it in homo mags. It was cancerous from the start either way and was too inherently susceptible to the worst elements of jewish propaganda. Additionally, a lack of a human facial structure in art tends to seduce people over to the worst autisms imaginable, with anime only managing to be an exception because the facial features consist of an exaggeration of what we as humans already naturally find attractive (small noses/lips outright becoming no noses/lips at times, big expressive eyes becoming bigger even more expressive eyes, etc.).

checkin em
I hesitated to even write it here because anyone that knows me from HS knows the story fully well. I even met a girl from another school in college and the first thing she asked me when I told her my name was "are you the guy that killed that cat torturer?" I had to set her right and ensure he I didn't kill him. kek
I guess that's how stories travel, though. They get bigger the further from the source.


In the end furfaggotry is nothing more than xenophile fetish, it also attracts fags with fantasy race, alien and robot fetishes. Which is why the absence of the aforementioned fetishes and fixation on animals exclusively is very suspicious.

That depressed looking dog just staring at all the dildos and thinking "not this shit again"

Absolutely unheard of!

Remember, this sick mentality is genetic probably jewish and their kids will carry their sick genes to any offspring as well.

And we care why? Jews are torturing live humans and mutilating their genitals. That matters far more, and no one will ever do anything to stop this.


Kill yourself.


Kill yourself and keep that degeneracy where it belongs.

So you'll understand why we will slay your kind with not even a hint of empathy and why your cries will fall upon deaf ears.


If this is illegal, send it to the authorities. It is not a matter for Zig Forums. This is one of the reasons that I don't approve of parasitic slavery of any sort. If all animals were wild these people would have a lot harder time capturing them to perform these types of acts.