One worrying trend that's been bothering me lately is that kids are growing up in a very safe spacey world. I don't mean this in regards to anything socially related like all the gay shit that the kikes are pushing, but I mean in how that most shows, games, etc that kids consume is almost all pussified. They tried this same shit before by censoring violence and rating games, but this new trend seems different because its coming from top-down rather than angry moms.
Every show on cartoon network for example falls into three categories:
Even shows like Tom and Jerry would be extreme compared to what is aired.
That is only for the kids who watch TV, the apps like youtube kids people rely on now are even more walled in, as youtube and other websites don't wish to be held responsible for anything that isn't non-soy brainwashing.
Games have been sissified also, where as many people here grew up on halo, call of duty, battlefield, or violent games that came before those, kids of the upcoming generations were raised on minecraft and fortnite which also follow the same trends of non or filtered violence.
While we may keep our kids out of the zog-boxes most people don't and won't. There isn't much we can do about it because the jews and tumblr people took over everything, it is still a pretty relevant topic and I wonder if anyone else noticed this shit?
Pussification of Children's Media
What sort of faggoty shit are kids actually watching these days anyways? When I was a kid I watched thundercats reruns and laughed at the coyote smashing his head in trying to catch the roadrunner, get a little older and it's the fucking godfather, goodfellas, etc. flipping channels when the parents aren't looking trying to see tits. Killing demons in doom, burning people to a crisp in mortal kombat, mechs and hercs blowing eachother up, etc.
gravity falls, adventure time, and steven universe or whatever the fuck it's called
OMG what are you? a school shooter?
TVs arnt babysitters guys, 555-comeonnow
Don't worry, they still have thundercats.
that looks gay as shit
what the fuck
this today would be considered an alt-right show
Same for me, but I also watched some action animu here and there. As for the OP, this isn't anything new. Childrens TV is just a simple reflection of the culture of the times. The last 20 years have been an increasingly pozzed place so of course childrens TV will reflect that. We're at peak pozz levels now so we get shows like Steven Jewniverse and similar faggot trash.
Even if a kid only watches like an hour of TV a day they will still pick up things from it, especially any subliminal things thrown in there. Then their friends will talk about it at school, or online. There's really no avoiding its influence unless you cut them off from the outside world altogether which runs you the risk of turning them into an anti-social sperg.
I wonder what the boomer cuck would say about Satan being in this cartoon
The worst part about this is it isn't even boomer-christian majority morality stuff because they still push faggotry just no real violence or anything kids should have in their entertainment.
Was this covert white supremacy or jewish propaganda? Eerie Indiana?
Marshall and his family are welcomed to their new home town by Betty Wilson who encourages Marshall's mom to buy ForeverWare - a special type of plastic container guaranteed to keep anything fresh forever.
When Steve gets a new retainer it somehow allows him to hear the thoughts of dogs. But it turns out that man's best friend isn't so friendly after all.
Marshall's Dad invents Mr Wilson, a friendly ATM - so friendly that when Simon stops to chat, the machine starts giving him money (despite him not even having a bank account), which throws the whole of Eerie into bankruptcy.
When Marshall's dad loses his briefcase containing his latest invention, it could cost him more than just his job, since the briefcase was a gift from his wife.
It's Halloween and Marshall and Simon are stuck at home babysitting Simon's younger brother Harley. But the night isn't as boring as they expected, when Harley switches places with the mummy from the monster movie he's watching.
Marshall and Simon are surprised to find that instead of detention they get sent to have an eye test. But with his new glasses, Simon seems to have lost his sense of fun, and all he wants to do is study.
Melanie arrives in Eerie and both Marshall and his friend Devon fall for her. But when Devon is killed in an accident and his heart is transplanted into Melanie's body, she starts to act a lot like him.
Marshall discovers an old undelivered letter along with the ghost of its author, Tripp McConnell, who wants Marshall's help to finally deliver the letter to his childhood sweetheart.
When Marshall's stolen bicycle mysteriously reappears after Sara Bob signs her drawing of it, she realizes that she can change reality with her pictures, and sets about creating the perfect family.
Eerie doesn't have daylight savings time, but Marshall's determined not to miss out on the extra hour and sets his watch back anyway. Then everyone in Eerie disappears, except for some creepy garbage collectors and a strange milkman.
Professor Zirchon, renowned authority on the para-believable, announces that an extraterrestrial object he is tracking will land in Eerie. Marshall and Simon hope that they've finally found someone who might believe them.
Marshall decides to stay home while the rest of the town is out to celebrate the annual Tornado Day celebrations. But Old Bob is a tornado with a big ego and doesn't take kindly to Marshall's boycott.
When Marshall and Simon investigate an old haunted mill they discover that it's just a hoax, set up by a mysterious boy with gray hair. But then they uncover an old rusted gun and the ghost of Grungy Bill, Eerie's worst bank robber.
Marshall wins a lottery to select the next Harvest King, and must go into the woods to face the Eerie wolf. The only problem is that none of the previous 'winners' have ever returned.
Marshall and Simon witness a homeless man being attacked by a woman with a ray gun and decide to help him out. But things get really weird when they turn on the strange contraption the man was making.
Mr Teller joins the Loyal Order of Corn, and Marshall and Simon discover that the Order is building what appears to be a giant TV screen. But when Simon steps into the screen he gets transported to another planet.
As the World o' Stuff's new marketing campaign takes subliminal advertising to a new level, sleepwalking customers start buying everything in sight on credit. But they should have read the small print.
Marshall finds a script in his mailbox for a TV show called Eerie, Indiana (1991). As he starts reading, he suddenly finds himself on a TV set where his family are just actors and everyone calls him Omri.
When Marshall suggests some heavy metal to cheer up his friend, Tod finds that he can relate to the lyrics - perhaps a little too much, as he changes dramatically into a rebellious head-banger.
Checked, it would be.
That' was me favorite show growing up, now I feel old.
it was kind of like MDE in cartoon format
who cares what gen x parents are doing? their kids dont even know what gender they are. the millennial's kids are the last hope. the "confused" millennials dont have any kids, and the very conservative ones do… and those ones stopped watching professional sports, cut cable, and are intentionally having many kids because of 14 words. many of them aren't 88… but arent bothered by it
i would know… im one of them. other kids parents the same age as mine are either genx people way older than me, or very down to earth, normal similar aged parents. i was born in 1987… and yes, thats considered a millennial.
Yea kids are just online shit posting about jews from their homes. Back in my day you had to join the local skin head gang. Kids are pussies now.
Is Gumball considered pussified? I mean it had some quality of writing.
Is DBZ a Nip's ode to Aryan supremacy?
Really liked the programme, quite different than the other crap around, and well made.
Main character was played by a juden, who disappeared off to Israel and never acted again.
Similar to Tami Stronach, the juden who played the Child Empress in the never-ending story. She became a ballet instructor.
Maybe it wasn't propaganda, maybe it was just good to watch.
Before the 2000s, there were still programmes made which weren't focussed on propaganda.
Far fewer token characters or blatant politicism.
Tend to agree, the good millennials that aren’t messes up know, subconsciously or consciously.
I honestly have trouble believing that, i'm only 19 myself but like i said in the OP kids aren't growing up with call of duty, they just have soycore shit.
Loved that show, along with Pete and Pete.
When I have my kids thier media will be heavily regulated aka they can watch what I watched back in the day. I need to find all the old nigger free shows on dvd
Advance against the parents with the question "why is it okay for a small child to have a trillion dollar company on their friends list"? This should open them up for all kinds of inconvenient truths. Let them have it.
Best solution would be to program your own TV block for your kids to watch. Or at the very least, control the content.
The shit they're pushing now would be the parody PBS cartoons shown on actual cartoons. At the very least, you want children to understand the concepts that let you stand tall in this world.
Grew up watching retro-CN. So there's ultra-violent PPG, Dexter's Lab, Cow and Chicken, GI Joe as well as DBZ from other channels.
one children's show's main character is a white baby and the name is cocaine but named in a way that you would only know if the name was said.
He looked really white. WTF
I can't remember any sjw shit in 1994 cartoon spider man..
Back then, cartoons were made to sell toys. Thus they had to show off how cool the characters are by crafting a good story.
TMNT, Xmen, Transfomers and GI Joe were the trend-setters back in the 90s.
So, the only time you'd see sjw shit would be in a PBS show. But even then that would be rare as those shows were about teaching family, unity and basic math.
Now what type of thinking is that user? Do you not believe in your fellow man?
Are your fellow man hopeless of salvation?
Me wonders tis thread be bait tbh.
uh, wrong
theyll grow up to treat women like objects as "revenge" for being held as slaves up until and sometimes through the age of college into their second decade of life
then women will all be miles of dick used up carousels before their baby clocks start ticking
I'm not baiting, i'm just saying theres not much we can do to change the incumbent jews in the short term, so the thread is a discussion on how to avoid these and to point out other examples.
First of all; you shouldn't try to avoid the "jew" kike, you should aim to identify. Avoidance is an option of weakness.
Knowledge of your enemy is a strength. Knowledge is power.
Knowledge of your opponent is only the half the battle though.
forgot my pic
Just trying to raise awareness, theres enough shit on siege as is (not saying it doesnt apply here).
are you saying that the pussification of the US male isn't from judeo-christianity and circumcision?
I'm saying this is a particular issue that should be highlighted as nowadays the only exposure kids get to anything is through their phones, which is a perfect means to brainwash them earlier than ever before.
God tier:
Dragon Ball Z
Samurai Jack
Awesome Tier:
Invader Zim
Looney Tunes
Tom and Jerry
Good Tier:
Scooby Doo
Autism Tier:
All of these are Virgin tier.
>no 1933-1945 Heinz Rühmann
I wouldn't be here if I hadn't witnessed spoiler related in its entirety as a wee lad, the movie's comfy germanic aesthetic retroactively redpilled me and made the bizarre propaganda in public school history classes seem all the more illogical years down the line.
ID: 529d0f
Anyway, I too have wondered about how cartoons are utilised in brainwashing. I've always believed it to be a big deal since children emulate what they see and almost every interaction I've had with a little kid nowadays has been them asking me about some popular character or quoting them or acting in a similar manner as them, i.e screaming and doing idiotic shit to look funny. It builds up for them subconsciously an unrealistic worldview of how social interaction works. In cartoons there are laugh tracks and punchline moments, but not in the real world. Ever wondered why exactly soyboys make """"funny"""" faces and crappy """"jokes"""" that end in an intonation as if expecting laughter or some sort of a reaction from you? Because that's how conversation works in cartoons. It's been ingrained into their minds through endless repetition. It's automatic, they think it's appropriate to act like that. They think they're in a cartoon.
And it's not just soyboys, though. Almost all kids/teenagers talk in certain… stereotypes, depending on the situtation. In certain patterns. They have a predictable reaction to everything. We're going past cartoons here. Next time you're around normies pay attention to how they speak and ask yourself "Does this remind me of any character trope? Have I seen this in a comedy before? In a sitcom? In a Marvel movie? An anime?"
NPCs are real.
Wasn't there a redpill about an insider talking about how people are programmed to react to certain stimuli a certain way and how the programming can't be broken with factual information?
Star Vs. is pretty much the best cartoon out right now, and it's on fucking Didney of all places.
Who are are you quoting?
Isn't it also the show that became controversial due to a gay-kissing scene?
That's how I checked it out and I can't listen to her stupid voice for two seconds, it's like she has ADHD.
Anyhow, why the fuck do you know so much about this show? Get the fuck out
Because I'm an internet addict who grew up watching cartoons back when IRC was still a thing. I know a lot of shit about a lot of shit.
Make me.
I'll bite.
It's not that old of a show, how did you grow up watching it?
Yes and she has a spic boy friend
I didn't say I grew up watching it. I said I grew up watching cartoons. I still watch cartoons, because they are one of my many interests. In an era where cartoonists have grown increasingly more PC, it was a breath of fresh air to hop on to Mad Nef's Wild Ride. Dies Irae.
Letting your children watch the electric jew…
I love EE&E memes
All I know is Trump needs to have calarts bombed like Clinton bombs accidentally bombs things.
Are there any straight couples anymore on CN they all seem to be lesbians exclusively for all the romance that takes place.
Yeah, that's how I picture nu-Zig Forums alright.
It's ALL media and it started a long fucking time ago.
Just compare the role models of old, eg. every character John Wayne ever played, to FagGuyver, the anti-gun cuckold.
Like the other user said, they will most likely experience it to some extent through their freinds unless you keep them isolated. Its also is involved with video games and apps, which 95% of parents rely on now. Point isn't to say this isn't preventable but it could have a huge impact in future with making the current generation of kids tumblrites.
user, having cable in your house with kids is child abuse. Same with unsupervised internet.
Doesn't matter if its supervised if the only content providers dont have an alternative. This isn't about fag shit its about the lack of violence and charismatic characters and other stuff that kids should be exposed to.
My kids aren't allowed to have kike friends. Also, in the era of lawsuits, many parents won't let their kids' friends come over.
Japan to rescue!
Even a faggot jerk like Steve Jobs was smart enough to not let his kids play with tablets and he wouldn't let his own ever. Yet these lazy millennial parents, that's all they do. They have adopted the lazy shit absent parenting of their boomer parents.
Kill yourself.
By that logic 90% of people are kikes, i'm not defending it im just saying thats the way it is.
I worked in retail a few years ago and witnessed a little girl wanting to get frozen stuff. The mom said she hadn't even seen the movie but all the kids at school loved it so…
Kids watch tv? This is news to me.
Every kid I know under 12 is 90% on the internet. They don't watch cable television. Mommy gives them the ipad so she can have "me time" Meanwhile the kid is playing addictive mobile games (loaded with ads) or browsing Youtube unsupervised.
Did you faggots forget about that Youtube controversy that happened to long ago with those weird Finger Family videos? The internet is filled with landmines and kids are exposed to degenerate ideas and pornography at a younger age than ever before thanks to shitty parenting and smart phones.
I showed my wife elsagate videos.
None of our kids was watching YT since then anymore…
we have even one party addressing this in the curent bavarian elections, a fringe party calles ÖDP (ecologial democratic party). 600.000 kids in Germany are smart phone addicts
(((media))) should be illegal for kids under 12 IMHO
these are grooming vidyas. i've seen one where elsa puts a 5 years old girl in a trunk, tied with tape. they close the trunk and when they open it the girl magically became a princess
They shouldn't be online at all if they are young enough to be interested in watching Disney themed videos (which 90% of Elsagate was).
Youtube is designed to keep you watching with the recommended videos. It's entire layout is designed to keep you sucked in so you never leave the website/app. Children simply don't have the mental capacity to fight this kind of jewry.
The same for social media and mobile gaming. Mobile gaming is programmed to be incredibly addictive. They are designed to fuck with people's dopamine levels.
The mom. There's your problem. Women always go with the "if everyone is doing it" mentality.
Only after season 3. Before that, you could at least watch it as a kid and come back to it as an adult and it'd still be enjoyable, since it covers both perspectives. The spongebob/squidward dynamic was the best aspect of it all, since they're just two coworkers in a shitty job with two different outlooks.
Pic related.
I don't have to worry about madness nor many other newgrounds classics being subverted - soys generally don't give a shit about flash and look down upon it for being "crass, crude and backwards". Don't know how that trades off for some of the better classics becoming irrelevant and forgotten.
True. That's why I beat my son regularly. If he doesn't clean his room, he gets smacked. If he leaves the lights on when he's not in a room. Smacked. It teaches discipline and hierarchy. When he's older (7 now) I'll stop smacking and start punching him. I'm not daddy, I'm god, I'm the fucking law, and I rule his life until he's 18, and he'll learn respect and how to act proper or he'll leave the house with a black eye every day until he's 18 and I kick him out.
Onion reddit kike
I suppose Cesar, as a child, was allowed to sit in his room jerking off, leaving trash everywhere, only showering once a week, and never putting his clothes away.
my son will only watch cel shaded anime and grow into an upstanding individual
Sounds like a great way to embed in him a lust and love for a foreign culture over his own. You know, like all the Nintendo worshiping soy-faced pussies roaming around these days. Or all the pillow humping 30 year old virgins jerking off to hentai every night, talking about waifus and shit on the internet.
U hwat m8?
you should be more worried about the lack of reading than some dumb fucking TV show or nu-vidya, even the average literate adult rarely reads more than 1 book a year if they even read books
What is this cancer? Why do they all look like this?
Pretty simple.
Yeah, because reading is very time consuming. Most people also only read for entertainment, because most people aren't in a position to make use of the knowledge in a book regarding history, or philosophy, or anything more "intellectual." A word I hate, to be honest, since it's been hijacked by leftist rats and jews, to mean only a select few no-skill bums who spend their entire lives in a closed circle of regurgitated ideals, passed down from generation to generation. Like Marx, the grand social critic who had absolutely no firsthand experience in anything he ever spoke about. What a fucking intellectual! Anyway, that aside, reading is mostly irrelevant for the common person. It doesn't benefit them much, and their daily lives are too busy to fit in reading while finding some semblance of enjoyment in their lives. Most people sleep and work for 2/3 of their life, and spend another hour or two eating, shitting, showering, dressing etc. Do you really expect these people to spend their remaining 6, or less, hours a day reading books? Why?
faguyver is probably the reason mult-tools are a thing, the most old swiss army knives could accomplish is cut thin string, open cans, sharpen a pencil, a (((leatherman))) MUTT can actually do somewhat useful things almost as good as a dedicated tool
If you can't dedicate enough time during a week to get a 300 page book read, you're either overexerting yourself at work or spending far too much time on jewish degeneracy.
So you're basically admitting you have no actual hobbies and no true enjoyment in life, so you bury your face in a book. Maybe someone likes working on their car. Maybe someone likes carving wood. Maybe someone likes hanging out with friends, or going fishing, or hunting, or to a shooting range, or going for hikes etc. The only two options are not watching porn/television/etc. or reading a book. Also you seem to forget that if you don't read often, reading 300 pages takes a long time. A person that likes to spend their free time bringing some enjoyment to their boring life isn't going to want to sit down for hours reading a book. Not happening, and any reasonable person should understand why. You can whine about it, but people are not suddenly going to start finding enjoyment in a tedious task like reading. And it is a task. It's by no means comparable to performing an action. It's sitting still staring at a page for extended periods of time.
you're right, the vast majority of proles like you have no capacity or inclination for intellectual pursuit
>in a world full of brainwashed peons who praise politicians who have done nothing in their entire time in office because of (((rhetoric))), (((college humanities professors))), bullshit artists, "self-help" (((gurus))), and other assorted jews for lack of a better term
Here we have the bastardized concept of what it an intellectual is. Are you astray from Zig Forums? I almost hear a Comrade coming.
How is this relevant for a person flipping burgers at McDonald's, managing a Dollar General, working residential or commercial construction etc.? What the fuck are they going to do with this knowledge?
Cartoons are still made to sell toys.
Except now the toys are sissified children.
I'm young but growing up I was much more exposed to reality. Went to a Steiner school where we had rock wars (think tactical snowball fights but with rocks). We would divide into groups and build complete bases along with proper buildings then wage war against each other. The teachers were happy as long as no one was getting seriously hurt. My favourite games were GTA and MoH. Children were rewarded for being tough but academic performance definitely mattered. We days children are produced in soy factories and the average white guy is a borderline androgynous chump with a flimsy backbone. We live in a world that now celebrates weakness and femininity and punishes masculinity. The most masculine thing you could do today is defend your nation from the invaders that pour in nonstop. But you virtually can't because the model for acceptable white males is a low testosterone coward with a nonwhite girlfriend.
I've noticed this too with young relatives. When I was a kid I logged in to play HLDM or CS. Headshot someone in CS and they'd call you a stupid nigger faggot then put down some edgy spray. I tried playing fortnite with a 14 year old cousin, no voice chat. You can't talk shit to other players, no blood, nothing. It's a game for babies and the attitude it fosters in kids is an autistic obsession with micro-transaction shit.
since when did commies openly insult proles you sperg
Since day one. They've always been the in-the-know "intellectuals" leading the dumb people around, and telling them how they need to live.
the working class tends to hate commie faggots
There's a difference between disciplining a child and being an insecure kike about it. All you're doing is setting up your children to hate everything about you and your values and abandoning your family as soon as they are capable of doing so.
100% chance your kid is going to become a fag or a junkie.
Oh hey Ghost, don't you have some cans to wav over "Phil McCracken" tier crank calls, or do you get more TRIGGERED about losing 15 1/2" of your 1/2" weewee in a rice paddy in Viet-FUCKING-nam?